Toxic (Venom Series) Book Three

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Toxic (Venom Series) Book Three Page 1

by Kristen Middleton

  Copyright ©2015 by Kristen Middleton

  Cover by Mae I Design

  Book design by Inkstain Interior Book Designing

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  To my family and my readers.

  Your support means everything…


  I looked up. “Sorry, Aiden. Could you repeat that?”

  It was early, around eight a.m. Liam and I were sitting in the Conference Hall in the castle, waiting for Lucian and Dr. Shephard. Talia, who’d gone to the airport to pick the two men up, had called a few minutes ago to inform us that they’d be arriving shortly.

  Aiden, who was wearing casual business attire - a black sweater and gray dress pants - stared at me for a few seconds. “Are you okay? You’ve been unusually quiet this morning.”

  I hadn’t told anyone of what I’d learned of Talia, that she was really Vanessa. I was still trying to come to grips with it myself. Although, I’d wanted to confront her last night, I’d forced myself to walk away, especially after hearing her confess her love to Lucian Tepes.

  “I just want to make sure that neither of you reveal what we’ve found out about Lucian and his true intent,” he answered.

  “You mean how he’s trying to get you to fund an operation that could eventually be the end of all Lycan?” I said, disgusted. “Don’t worry. I’m on your side. I’ll do whatever it is that you want me to do.”

  “All I want is for the both of you to just keep it cool. You do that and everything will be fine,” he answered.

  “Do you think it’s a good idea that I be present at this meeting?” I asked, surprised that he’d requested me to be there.

  “Of course. I need a vampire in the room. One that’s formidable and trustworthy. I also would like to hear your opinion on everything, afterward. Both of yours,” he replied, looking at Liam.

  “So, we’re just going to play the game?” said Liam, yawning. “Pretend we’re interested and be all chummy with Lucian Tepes or Frazier or whoever the hell he’s claiming to be?”

  “Most definitely,” he replied with a smirk. “I want to see what kind of a mad scientist Lucian has dug up and find out if it’s really possible to create a hybrid.”

  “To be honest, I think the last thing that the world needs is another immortal, one that’s half-vampire and half-Lycan,” said Liam, crossing his arms over his chest. “There’s too many of us as it is.”

  “I agree,” I said. “And what a wrecking ball on humanity this could turn out to be.”

  I imagined a hunter with a Lycan’s outrageous appetite and wondered if the hybrid would also need blood to sustain life. If that was the case, then the future would be very bleak for humans.

  “It can’t happen, obviously,” said Aiden, pulling out his phone, which was vibrating. His eyes widened when he noticed the caller.

  “Who is it?” asked Liam.

  “Someone we don’t hear from every day,” replied Aiden, answering it. “Torin? How’s it going?”

  Liam and I glanced at each other. Torin was the middle brother, one who I’d only met a handful of times. From what I remembered, he was the most serious one in the family. He also had the worst temper.

  “How long has it been?” I asked.

  “Months,” replied Liam, his stomach growling.

  “You should really eat something,” I said.

  “Yeah, I know,” he replied, looking owly. “Nice of Aiden to forget the donuts. I thought most morning meetings included Long Johns, bagels, or some kind of damn coffee cake?”

  “I usually don’t attend these things,” I said. “So, I wouldn’t know.”

  “Liam, quit your whining and keep it down; I can barely hear Torin,” said Aiden, holding his mouth over the phone.

  “Give me food, my brother, and I’ll be happy to shut up,” muttered Liam.

  “Don’t worry, it’s coming.” Aiden removed his hand. “Sorry, go on, Torin.”

  We listened to the conversation and it was obvious that Torin needed help. From what I remembered, he currently lived in the United States and was some kind of a bounty hunter.

  “What’s going on?” asked Liam, after Aiden hung up with him.

  “He’s having issues with one of his clients,” said Aiden. “Serious ones. He needs to get out of town.”

  “Sounds like a lady is involved, too?” asked Liam.

  “Isn’t there always, when it comes to you two?” replied Aiden.

  Liam chuckled. “Animal magnetism. Anyway, you should talk. You’ve got an entire harem of women waiting by the phone for your calls.”

  “I don’t know about that,” he replied, holding back a smile.

  “Oh, yeah you do. Even Melody was drooling over you last night.”

  “The American girl that arrived with you, yesterday?” asked Aiden, looking surprised. “The blonde?”

  “Yes, but then she realized who the real stud of the family is,” he said, puffing out his chest. “And almost attacked me last night.”

  “What do you mean?” he asked, scrolling through his phone. “She made a move on you?”

  “You could say that.”

  He grunted. “You actually stopped a female from throwing herself at you. You?”

  “Hey, I do have morals, Aiden,” he said, frowning. “Sure, she’s a pretty face, but even I know that it wouldn’t be right to jump into the sack with her. Not after what those two girls have been through. She’s extremely vulnerable right now and if we had sex, she might develop feelings for me and I don’t want to hurt her.”

  Aiden gave his brother an appraising look. “I’m glad you’re thinking with the head above your shoulders this time, Liam. I have to agree, those girls have lost so much that becoming intimate with either one of them would be very irresponsible. They need friends that they can trust. Not a lover who’ll move on to a new conquest in a few hours.”

  “I’d wait a week,” said Liam, smirking. “But even that would be hard.”

  “Exactly. That’s why you need to keep your distance, at least in that respect. If you find yourself slipping, which I can see that happening, just remind yourself that it would do more harm than good, to sleep with either of them.”

  I suddenly felt guilty for my actions with Chelsey. Not only had I made love to her, but I’d taken her virginity, which was still pretty sacred, even in this day and age. Then there was the thing with Vanessa; if I were to be honest with myself, everything that I thought or felt, the night before, was now clouded with doubt.

  Liam, as if sensing my debauchery, stared at me for a few seconds, an inquisitive look o
n his face.

  “What?” I asked, waiting for the grilling.

  “Where did you sleep last night, my friend?” he asked, delivering it.

  “Sleep? I didn’t sleep. I don’t really need to.”

  “Okay, let me rephrase that – where were you all night?”

  I snorted. “You sound like a nagging wife. Why do you care where I was?”

  “You didn’t happen to end up in bed with your betrothed, did you?” he teased.

  “Just because you’re a sex fiend doesn’t mean that everyone else around here is,” I said, not answering the question. “Anyway, you already know of my views on sleeping with mortals.”

  “From the way you were eyeballing Chelsey, last night, I’d say those views are wearing thin.”

  “She’s a beautiful girl,” said Aiden. “And I have to say, I may have noticed something between the both of you myself.”

  “What you noticed was my hunger for blood and nothing more,” I said, wishing they’d just let it rest.

  “Bullshit,” said Liam, smirking at me. “You might be a vampire but you’re still a man, and you can’t tell me that you haven’t thought about slipping it to her.”

  I grunted at his choice of words. “Maybe I have. Maybe I haven’t. It doesn’t matter as long as I don’t, right?”

  “Just admit it,” he prodded. “There’s no shame in wanting to have sex with a beautiful mortal girl like her.”

  “Leave him be,” said Aiden, noticing the way my jaw was clenched. “The important thing to remember is that neither of you give in to temptation,” he said, as he texted someone a message. “Just pretend that they’re both my daughters and that I’d beat the hell out of you if you were to touch either of them.”

  “If I was afraid of you, it might work. I’ll just pretend Melody is my sister from now on,” said Liam.

  “You must have it bad for the girl,” replied Aiden.

  “They have it bad for each other,” I said.

  “I’m a horny bastard. What can I say?” said Liam, smirking.

  “A shameless, horny bastard,” I added.

  There was a sudden knock at the door.

  “Come in,” said Aiden, setting his phone down.

  The door opened and Talia stuck her head in. “We’re back from the airport. Are you ready for them?”

  “I think the real question is – are they ready for us?” said Liam grunting.

  Talia smiled. “I guess we’ll find out.”

  I stared silently as she led them into the room and made the introductions. Lucian was tall and thin, with whitish blonde hair, blue eyes, and a sharp nose. When our eyes met, a flash of coldness flickered in his but faded quickly. Dr. Shephard was a short, heavy-set man with glasses and a beard. He looked to be in his fifties and smelled like sweat and Vicks.

  “Please sit down,” said Aiden, motioning toward the empty, brown leather seats across the table from me and Liam.

  “Would anyone like anything to drink?” asked Talia, smiling warmly. Her hair was pulled back into a bun and she wore a black skirt with a cream-colored silk blouse. Yesterday, I wouldn’t have glanced twice at her or her clothing, but today, everything about her seemed electrified.

  Dr. Shephard cleared his throat as he set his briefcase on the conference table. “If I could trouble you for some tea? I’m feeling a little under the weather and I think it would do me good.”

  “Of course. We have black or green-tea. I’ve heard that they are both good for colds,” she replied.

  He nodded. “Yes. Either would be great. Thank you.”

  “Of course. Anyone else? Coffee? Soda?” she asked. “Iced tea?”

  “I’ll take something,” said Liam. “Some bottled water?” He looked at Aiden. “You also mentioned there would be food?”

  “I did. Could you also check on that, Talia?” replied Aiden.

  “Of course. The deli just delivered the food to the kitchen, I believe. I’ll have the sandwiches and cookies brought into the conference room,” she answered and then looked at me. “What about you, Slade? Did you want anything?”

  What I wanted was to talk to her alone. To explain myself and find out why she was portraying her sister. To find out why she’d lied and hadn’t just confronted me in the first place, about sleeping with Talia. Had she done that, all those years ago, things might have been different. Hell, they would have been different.

  “Slade?” she asked again, her smile faltering as I stared at her with all of these questions whirling around in my head.

  Liam kicked the side of my foot.

  “No. I’m good,” I said, looking away. “Thank you.”

  “Let me know if you change your mind,” she said, turning toward the doorway.

  “Don’t forget the food,” called Liam. “I’m about ready to pass out, I’m so damn hungry.”

  “Hungry like the wolf, aye?” asked Lucian.

  “Good one,” said Liam, dryly.

  “Try not to pass out or bite someone’s head off before I get back,” she answered, leaving the room.

  “So, you are obviously living the dream,” said Lucian, smiling across the table at me. “Everywhere I turn, the teenagers in England are raving about your newest hits, especially the girls. What’s it like being idolized by hundreds of thousands of panting, hot-blooded females?”

  “It’s challenging at times, but we somehow manage,” said Liam, smiling arrogantly.

  Lucian chuckled “From what I’ve heard about the Lycan sex-drive, I’m sure you manage very well.”

  “I can hold my own,” said Liam. “Don’t be jealous.”

  “Why would I be jealous?” asked Lucian.

  “Vampires have always been jealous of Lycans.”

  Lucian and I both rolled our eyes.

  “Don’t listen to Liam, he’s ornery. He likes to pick on people when he hasn’t eaten,” said Aiden.

  “No worries,” said Lucian.

  “Lucian, have we met before?” I asked, wondering how he’d managed to snake his way into Vanessa’s life in the first place.

  “No,” he replied. “I don’t think so.”

  “Lucian is from America,” said Aiden. “Maybe you two have crossed paths when you were touring?”

  “No, I don’t think that’s it,” I said. “You do look familiar though. Have you ever met a woman by the name of Faye Dunbar?”

  “I met her a couple of times. She’s a shape-shifter?”

  “Yes,” I replied.

  “Remarkable,” said Dr. Shephard, unwrapping a throat lozenge. “I’d love to meet a shape-shifter. Can you set up a meeting, Lucian?”

  “Probably, although I wouldn’t recommend it,” he said. “She’s a volatile woman. Don’t you agree, Slade?”

  “So you’ve already heard about the encounter we had with her?” I asked, amused. “It’s just amazing how word travels so quickly.”

  Lucian smirked. “Talia mentioned it.”

  “You two must talk quite a bit,” I said.

  He shrugged. “Just lately. Anyway, the only reason that this came up in conversation was because Talia wanted to warn me about the woman. If she were to learn about Dr. Shephard and his research, Faye might get involved. From what I hear she’s a power-hungry bitch and never accepts the word ‘no’ for an answer.”

  “You’ve heard correctly,” said Aiden. “You don’t want to work with her. Which brings us to why we’re gathered here, today. Why don’t you tell us about your research, Dr. Shephard?”

  He opened up his briefcase and took out two folders, sliding one of them over to Aiden. “Inside you’ll find all of the research and lab results regarding my studies on a possible cellular mutation of Lycan and Vampire DNA.”

  “Mutation, huh? How does that come about?” asked Liam, smirking. “Rent a hotel room, lock them in a room together and tell them to get busy?”

  “Even if they did ‘get busy’, it wouldn’t work,” said Aiden.

  “Correct,” he replied. “Fe
male vampires are barren. They can’t even produce an offspring with their own kind. Their eggs are dead. However…”

  “However, what?” asked Aiden, staring at him curiously.

  “It’s my belief that a newly turned female can still produce a child within a specific time frame,” said Dr. Shephard.

  “What kind of a specific time frame?” I asked.

  “During her ovulation period,” he replied. “In other words, if she becomes a vampire during that time, her recently released egg can still be fertilized.”

  “But, this is just speculation?” I asked, although it did sound like an interesting theory.

  “On the contrary, my tests show that a female’s still healthy enough to conceive during that time,” he replied. “It’s pinpointing the exact ovulation period and fertilizing the egg that is the tricky part.”

  “What about her uterus? Would she be able to carry a baby to term?” asked Aiden. “Or would it die, along with her remaining eggs?”

  “The lining of the uterus has prepared itself to protect that last egg. Should it become fertilized, the egg will travel and imbed itself inside of the mother’s womb. It is my theory that once it’s attached, her vampire DNA will help protect the fetus from dying, almost in the same way it heals itself after a serious injury.”

  “But this is just a theory?” I asked. “You haven’t achieved a pregnancy yet?”

  “No we haven’t. But, you have to admit, it’s a good theory,” said the Doctor, his eyes twinkling.

  I didn’t say anything, although I had to agree with him. It sounded very plausible.

  “Have you done any testing, yet?” asked Liam.

  He nodded. “Yes. Of course.”

  “From what I’m seeing, he’s tested on humans already,” said Aiden, frowning down at the paperwork.

  “They have been willing research participants,” said the scientist. “And no harm has come to them.”

  “Let me get this straight,” I said. “You’ve been turning women into vampires just to try and get them pregnant?”

  He nodded. “Yes, as I’ve said, they’re willing.”

  “They receive a substantial payment for their participation, along with new vampire DNA,” added Lucian. “Which is another reason he needs more funding.”


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