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To the Edge and Back [The Royal Wolves] (Siren Publishing Allure)

Page 25

by Honor James

  Mina took the shirt and stuck her tongue out at him. “If I stand, I fall, so here I sit until I have teeth brushed. And then I will hopefully make the bed.” She reached for, and thankfully grabbed, her toothbrush and the toothpaste.

  Shaking his head, he left her to do her business, his lips curled up in a grin. Moving to the closet, he stepped in out of Katherine’s view and changed into a pair of shorts and a ratty shirt. Padding back out, he moved around the room adjusting the heavy curtains and checking the windows as he waited on his mate.

  Not even bothering with water, she stuck the brush in her mouth and began to scrub her teeth clean. She had to stand to spit and did so, using the vanity to keep herself upright while she rinsed her mouth and toothbrush.

  Finally she began to tug at her clothes, and got stuck. “Janos.” She couldn’t do this. She couldn’t do this alone. She needed him, damn it all.

  Looking up at her call, Janos went back to the bathroom and burst out laughing. Her one arm was stuck half out of the armhole, and the way it was twisted, he knew her goose was cooked.

  Moving closer, he got her realigned and her arm through even with the dirty looks she shot him. Pulling the shirt down to cover her, he held onto her as she pushed at her slacks and kept her from plummeting headfirst to the floor. “All right, love,” he said once she’d kicked the last leg free, much frustration included. “Time for you to go to bed.” He’d have to remember to keep her off any type of painkillers. She was downright cranky on the blasted things.

  Mina nodded, and when he picked her up, simply lay her head on his shoulder and was sound asleep before they even made it out of the bathroom. Katherine looked up from where she was sitting waiting on the bed and grinned. “Mommy Mina doesn’t do the druggies weelie well do she?” Which made her little heart very happy. Because if she didn’t do drugs very well that a doctor gave her, she likely wouldn’t like street drugs, so she wouldn’t turn into a crack whore like so many people she had seen. “Come on, Daddy ’Anos, put mommy Mina down aso we cen get sweep.”

  “No she doesn’t,” he murmured, hearing more in that little girl voice than should have been there. Easing to a knee, he laid Mina down on the bed next to Katherine. “Why don’t you cuddle up with her and I’ll be back once I tidy up, honey,” he suggested, stroking a hand down her hair.

  He went to the kitchen and cleaned up within moments before moving through the house to lock it down, his eyes sweeping out over his land briefly but with intent. His steps silent, he walked back toward the bedroom and slid through the door. Smiling when Katherine lifted her head, he went to the bathroom to brush his teeth and then, shutting the door partially with the light still on, he slid into the bed behind Mina. Turning off the light on the side table, he lay down with sudden exhaustion hitting him.

  Chapter 49

  She was on fire. There was no other explanation for how hot she was as she lay there in bed. Then she heard it, the whisper-light sounds coming from the little child that had wrapped herself tightly around Mina. Her hands moved over Katherine’s back and she smiled. This was worth being a little warm over.

  Shifting slightly, Janos ran his lips over Mina’s shoulder as he pushed the covers down slightly. “Warm, love?” he asked with a grin. He could feel the heat radiating from Katherine and then from Mina. Because of it he’d shifted the heavy blankets all toward the foot of the bed, leaving one partially covering Katherine while he kept the sheet over him and his mate.

  She pushed his hand lower on her belly. “Yes, hot.” She was suddenly very, very hot. “I need you, Janos,” she whispered and wiggled against the evident need he had of her. “I bet we can do this, if we are quiet.” God, she needed him, badly.

  “Mina. What kind of example are you planning on setting for her?” Janos asked even as he nipped at her throat. Nibbling over her flesh, he breathed her in, pressing his hard cock against her thigh as he did so.

  God help her, she hated it when he was right, but he was right. “I’m sorry.” Her hands moved to his thighs, squeezing tightly as she bit her lip while he nibbled her neck. “I just, I ache.” She was in need, needed him. “Bathroom?” she asked suddenly. “Or should we not at all?”

  “Honey, I ache, too,” he murmured against her skin. “We could grab a quick shower, help cool you off,” he added with a slow smile before he licked at the slightly salty flesh. “We’ll turn on a light in here so she won’t be afraid if she wakes, and we will bathe.” That was said with a wicked look on his face as he looked down into hers.

  “Have I told you just how lucky I am to have you?” she asked as the excitement leapt into her eyes. “We need to slide out of bed. Are you ready?” Because she was. Her body was aching and just the touch of his hands on her skin was nearly enough to make her come there and then.

  Kissing her cheek lightly, he eased from the bed and held the blankets up for her to follow. As she slid out, he tucked Katherine back in and turned on a side lamp to the lowest setting before taking her hand. Tugging her along behind him, he shut the bathroom door and moved to the center of the room before he tugged at the shirt covering her from his gaze and touch.

  She wrapped her arms around him and began to kiss him once he had her free of the shirt and panties. She was desperate for him, for her love. “We are never going to make the shower.” She honestly didn’t care. “Vanity. I want to watch you take me from behind, please?”

  Growling softly at her, he pulled his own clothing off with more need than finesse and nipped at her mark. “Whatever you want,” he told her in a needy tone as he turned her to face the mirror. Sliding his hands over her belly, he moved them up to cup her breasts, kneading them slowly, his fingers shifting to flick at her nipples as he stared at her in the reflective surface.

  “God, that feels good,” she whispered huskily. “Bite the mating mark again, please?” It sent a shaft of pleasure through her body that she couldn’t explain. Just the simple touch of his mouth to the mark that he gave her caused her body to tremble at the precipice of orgasm.

  Shifting slightly, Janos moved his head to the other side and did as she asked, keeping his eyes on her as he licked at the mark. Smiling at her shiver, he nibbled gently on the mark as he teased her nipples.

  “Stop teasing.” She gasped with breathy sounds as she fought off her orgasm. “Please, Janos, I need you inside of me.” It seemed as if their teasing went on and on, his hands on her breasts tweaking and tugging her nipples to make her eyes cross in sheer pleasure.

  “I love it when you get all bossy,” he whispered before shifting their stance and spreading her legs. Sliding one hand between her legs, he gently stroked her pussy before, with one swift movement, he drove himself deep as he bit her mating mark.

  She had to bite her tongue to stop from screaming out in pleasure when he bit into her mating mark. “Janos,” she cried out softly as her hands curled into fists on the marble vanity. Her eyes locked onto his in the mirror, watching him as he drove into her.

  Growling in a soft tone, he speared his one hand through her soft curls and found her swollen nub of flesh. Pinching it gently, he pulled on it lightly as he flicked it with a nail, his other hand plumping and massaging her breast as he took her in a variation of their first time.

  Her legs began to shake and head fell slightly as she felt the stirrings of her orgasm. “Now,” she begged and pushed back hard on him, demanding with the movement that he come with her, needing their bodies to be in unison, or damn close.

  Lifting his head slightly, he smiled. “No screaming,” he reminded her before he nipped and bit at her mating mark, his hips moving in a hard rhythm. His cock was swelling, his balls tightening, and then, in a flash, he laid his teeth to her mark and applied pressure as he drove into her pussy and came.

  She bit into her lip so hard she drew blood but didn’t scream. It was only the barest of sounds of her shattering orgasm that slipped through the tight confines of her lips. Eyes closed, she let her head fall to the counter
and simply half lay there and half limp in Janos’s arms. “God, that was…” Words couldn’t describe how amazing that had felt.

  “Earth shattering,” he breathed in her ear as he closed his eyes and, leaning his chin to her shoulder, held her close. “I love you, Mina, today, tomorrow, and for the rest of our lives,” he whispered as he gave her a light squeeze. “Mine.”

  Mina nodded and smiled. “I love you, too.” She dropped her head to the vanity and let the cool marble calm her flaming face as they both recovered from their mind-blowing, wrap-around-your-soul sex.


  Six months later…

  “Congratulations, you two, it’s a girl,” the older African woman said with a grin on her face as she passed a file folder to Janos and Mina, with Katherine sitting between them. “It has finally been approved. It took some doing to stop them from announcing just who you were, Janos.” She looked at him pointedly. “But I believe that we have it capped and now, now you three are a family.”

  “Thank you.” Mina was in tears when she felt Katherine tugging on her arm. She wrapped her up close, hugging her tightly while they both tried to imprint themselves on the other.

  “Thanks, Charlotte, really, thank you,” Janos said to the woman that had given them everything. Laying a hand to his mate’s hair, he smiled at her tear-streaked face. “What are you going to do when we give Katherine brothers or sisters?” he asked with an impish grin.

  Mina laughed and grinned. “I will cry just like I am now, sob, and hug them and you and Katherine and then”—she had a mischievous glint in her eye—“then demand that you take us to Disney, Janos.”

  Katherine turned to her new father and with wide eyes, the eyes of a child who knew too much pain and no happiness until meeting Janos and Mina, and said, “Daddy, pweese?”

  “Daddy, pweese what?” he asked Katherine as he looked to her, not really having paid much attention. “What are you asking for, little one?” Not that anyone could blame him for not paying much attention. When Mina laughed, smiled, hell, looked at him, he got very distracted very fast.

  “Will you take us to see Mikie Mouse?” She said his name wrong, because she truthfully didn’t really know better. “I welly wanna see fem, and sweep in the princess castle a cause that’s what I am now, pweeeeeezzzzeeee,” she said as only a child could.

  “You want to sleep in the princess castle, huh?” he asked, looking to her with a smile. At her exuberant nod, he nodded slowly. “I’ll see what I can do, sweet pea,” he promised softly.

  Leaning in, he kissed her cheek. “But, how about we get out of here so that Charlotte can finish her day as she’s likely dying to do. We’ll go for an early dinner and figure out more of this, all right?” he asked them both.

  “Okay.” She laughed and hugged him again, pulling Mina with her. “Come on, Mommy,” She had dropped the Janos and Mina from their names with the pronouncement from Charlotte that they had officially become her parents.

  Mina rose. “Thank you, Charlotte, so much, thank you.”

  “Anytime, Mina. Now take that girl to see the Mouse.” The child had ensured that it had been well known that as soon as she was the child of Janos and Mina, they were all going to go for a trip to see Mickey Mouse at Disneyland.

  “We’ll see you there.” Janos grinned at the woman with a wink, having an idea of where her thoughts were going. Following after his women, he shook his head. “Dad makes sure she’s ours and then gets ditched?” he asked in a pitiful tone. “Is this how it’s to be for the rest of my life?” He pouted when Mina shot him a suspicious look.

  “Oh, poor Daddy.” Mina stopped and turned to face Janos. “Come on, Daddy, give us a big hug.” She loved saying that, “daddy,” and it seemed Katherine did as well.

  Rushing her, he scooped her up and swung her about, careful of Katherine, who let out a delighted squeal. Spinning her a couple of times, he set her on her feet before giving her a bunch of smacking kisses all up and down her face and neck.

  Mina’s hands cupped Janos’s face, happiness bright in her eyes. “I love you, Janos Farkas. Thank you for getting me fired from a job that I hated and giving me everything I ever could have wanted. Family and home.” She felt Katherine wiggling between them and caressed her soft hair. “We are a family, the three of us.” And maybe one day more, but for now Mina was more than content with what she had.

  “You are more than welcome, my sweet and wonderful mate.” He smiled at her. Kissing her again, he had to wonder just what the future would bring and if it really could be any better than what he had in that moment.




  Born in the mid-seventies, this thirty-something woman has only been writing for the last six years of her life, faithfully that is. Honor has always been scribbling a phrase, a curious word, or the oddest of thoughts down on anything she could find lying about. Now she piles them up before her, and if one catches her fancy, she further explores it to whatever its end might be.

  A lover of books, her reading material spans from Shakespeare to mysteries and all the way to the erotic. Anything and everything she can lay her hands on she’ll read. Though, these days, she leans more toward the paranormal than anything else.

  Poetry was her first love, lasting about three solid years. Don’t ask, she won’t show many of them to anyone. Then short stories became the focus, and finally she began to write for more than just writing what came to mind, she started to write for pleasure and to tell the story that begged to be told.

  Life and family came next. Working full-time as a customer service representative and raising two children got in the way, and the writing that she so loved as a teenager seemed to be pushed off to the back burner of everything.

  So several years passed, and her children turned into more than the babies that demanded her attention and into young children and then teenagers with different demands, ones that allowed her to once more spread her imagination to the wind and ask for more, want more.

  As with all great things, the door to her notebook-written world might have been closed and placed on hold, but where a door closes another one opens, and in this case it was with the advent of buying a computer.

  Honor spends many a sleepless night pounding at the keyboard. She is a consummate professional in her daytime career, however, at night her visions swing to the fantastical, and in those long hours after the children and husband are in bed, she weaves together words and blends up stories that not only bring a whole new meaning to romance, but sizzle the pages with a heat that will have the readers begging for more.

  For all titles by Honor James, please visit

  Siren Publishing, Inc.




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