Wild Horses

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Wild Horses Page 5

by Ardent Rose

  Georgia nodded at Olivia, it was her turn. “We decided perhaps you should accompany me to Carlton next week and help me finish a job and meet your design advisor.”

  To her surprise, Sarah dropped her cup. “What did you say?”

  Olivia went to Sarah and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “Pack your bags sweetness, you’re going to the city with me.”

  Georgia cried new tears, tears of joy this time. “Yes, Sarah. It’s time for you to make your own way. Your father and I see how talented you are. We give you our blessing.”

  Sarah leapt into her mother’s arms. The two cried and laughed and rejoiced for her new beginning.

  “I hate to break this up, but I have arrangements to make. Plan on about ten days. Garrett is picking us up at the end of the week, but we are flying out on Monday morning. Sarah get your things ready for our trip. We are staying at my friend Valerie Buchanan’s estate. I’ll fill you in on details later. Spend the next couple of days with your parents.”

  Sarah turned toward Olivia. “How can I ever thank you. My life has been flipped upside down and… I have no words.”

  She hugged her close. Olivia departed the store and went in search of her cowboy.

  Chapter Ten

  On the flight, Olivia extolled the virtues of being a designer when the client hasn’t a tasteful bone in her body. She told her about the gaud-awful furniture and rugs Mrs. Johnson insisted on purchasing against her designer’s wishes. She explained. “The mark of a good designer is making gaudy look good. It’s a challenge but it can be done.”

  Sarah laughed as Olivia portrayed the uber-wealthy Mrs. Johnson and how she wanted an international flair to her design.

  Valerie met them at the airport and instantly fell in love with Sarah. “You are the daughter I never had.”

  Things progressed smoothly for them until shopping day. Sarah had bought her first pair of heels and a gorgeous party dress. Valerie insisted on having a dinner party over the weekend to introduce Sarah to some young people and welcome Garrett. The ladies had just settled into a sidewalk café for lunch, when a limo pulled up and a tall lanky blonde man crawled out.

  Olivia quickly covered her face with the menu. Valerie noticed something was wrong. Instantly, chill bumps covered their arms when he spoke.

  “Hello ladies, fancy meeting you here. Valerie,” He nodded and reached for Olivia’s hand. “and Olivia so glad you decided to come home. I have missed you terribly.” He tried to kiss her on the cheek, she retreated away from him. He tilted his head and shrugged his shoulders.

  Valerie grunted. “Look what crawled out from under his rock. What no bimbo on your arm today?” She turned her back on him and glared at Olivia. “I need a drink. Shall I make it two?”

  Sarah piped up. “I’d love a glass of wine.”

  Valerie waved over the waiter and ordered a round of drinks.

  Phillip didn’t miss a beat. “Who is your friend Olivia? Some hillbilly from redneck woods?”

  Olivia’s face fumed. “Shut up Phillip. She’s my friend and you need not concern yourself with her, or me for that matter. I am not back, I am finishing a job and returning to my new home.”

  Phillip stood to his full height. “Really? We will see about that. I let you have your break or space or whatever. But it’s time for you to be a good pet and return to your duties. Don’t fuck with me, you will regret it.”

  Olivia stood this time and asserted herself in his face. “Don’t threaten me, Phillip. I was too busy working and it took me too long to see all the bullshit going on under my own nose. Now if you don’t mind Fuck the hell off or I will call the manager and have you removed.”

  She descended gracefully into her chair and dismissed him summarily. The ladies ignored him.

  Phillip gritted his teeth. “Fine have it your way, for now. But don’t push me.”

  Olivia flagged the waiter. “Yes ma’am.”

  Phillip retreated like a whipped pup. “I’m going.”

  “Thank you, I believe we are ready to order.”

  The confrontation with Phillip shook Olivia more than she cared to admit. She wasn’t sure what his game was, but it frightened her.

  Valerie stroked her hand. “Hey, he can’t get to you anymore. He was bluffing to get a reaction out of you. Considering the circumstances, you held it together extremely well.”

  Sarah sipped her wine and watched. “Apparently, he is your ex-fiancé?”

  Olivia brushed Sarah’s arm. “Yes, I am sorry you had to witness his arrogance. Forgive me for my outburst. He brings out the worst in me.”

  Sarah grinned. “No need to apologize, my daddy taught me how to shoot a pistol to handle arrogant sonsabitches like him.”

  Valerie and Olivia burst into laughter. “Oh, Sarah you surprise me at every turn.”


  The last day at the Johnson remodel, Sarah put the finishing touches on a wall arrangement. She stood on a ladder and leaned to far over, when she felt strong hands holding it still for her. At a glance, she saw her helper was a young man, about her age. He was tall and lanky with messy dark hair and a scruffy chin. His eyes smiled at her and she watched him speak with perfect lips and white teeth. She swallowed hard and tried to locate her voice.

  “Hi, I am Erik. Thought you might need someone to steady the ladder the way you were leaning across.”

  Erik noticed the beautiful blonde woman in a short skirt as he walked by going out. Her curves led him to a closer inspection of the angel in his living room. The braided silken gold hair hung down her back and he prayed her face matched the rest. He was not disappointed when eyes the color of the ocean looked down at him. Her precious pink lips formed words but he couldn’t hear them.

  “Hello, uh Erik. I am Sarah. I work with Ms. Hughes. Thanks for holding the ladder. I am finished now.”

  “Huh, oh… yeah.” He stepped to the side and allowed her descent. The closer she came the more her purity resonated with him. She was not like the girls he knew. Sarah was special.

  She started to lift the ladder. Erik quickly placed his hands over hers. He felt a tingle run up his arm. Sarah retreated, she had felt it too. “I’ll get that. You shouldn’t be lifting heavy things.”

  Sarah laughed. “I am sorry, it’s just my parents own a trading post. I lift heavy bags and boxes daily. But it is nice to know that gentlemen with manners still exist.” She bowed slightly. “Thank you, Erik.”

  “Lead the way, Sarah.” He watched the sway of her hips in every step she took. When she moved to hold the door for him, he noticed the “V” in her t-shirt. A small medallion laid between her cleavage and the cleft of her collarbone.

  Erik stored the ladder and escorted Sarah back to the main part of the house. “Have you worked for Ms. Hughes long?”

  “Not long, a few months. I will be starting the design center in the fall.” They walked slowly. “Do you attend a university?”

  “Yes, I will finish my degree next year.”

  “What do you study?”

  “Believe it or not, animal husbandry. I have always wanted to farm and ranch.”

  Sarah laughed again. “That is a lovely sound. I hope to hear it some more, but not at my expense.”

  Sarah stopped and touched his arm. That charge coursed up her arm and goosebumps appeared. “I’m sorry Erik. It struck me funny because for years I have wanted to get away from Tomitown and the old ways. Yet you want what I have had for my entire life.”

  Erik laughed this time. “I see what you mean. I was in Tomitown but only for a few hours.”

  “Really? Why?”

  “I was helping a friend out. He wanted me to take a car to Ms. Hughes for him. It didn’t work out, some old dude sent me away. He was nice and all but my friend was pissed off major. Oh, sorry about that.” Erik looked away, he had used an expletive in front of a lady. He knew that was wrong.

  “You are that Erik?” Sarah stopped walking.

  “Yes, I regret it but I needed the

  “I’m sorry Erik but if you are friends with Phillip Powers, we cannot be friends. It’s a shame too, because I was beginning to take a liking to you.”

  Erik tipped her chin up to watch her eyes. “Powers is not my friend. As a matter of fact, he reneged on the deal. I learned my lesson.”

  “I believe you.” She wanted to kiss him. They had only just met, but the current ran deep.

  A voice called in the background. “Here you are. I see you’ve met Erik.” Olivia smirked. She could see the spark between them.

  Sarah blinked and cleared her throat. “Yes, Erik was kind enough to return the ladder to the shed for me.”

  “Uh-huh. I bet he was. Well, now that is done we can spend the rest of the weekend having fun.”

  Erik looked at Olivia. “What do you have plans to do?”

  “I’m not sure. Garrett, Mr. Thomas will be in this evening and tomorrow, we are attending a dinner party in Sarah’s honor. Erik, we would love for you to attend.”

  “That sounds great. What do I need to bring? Or wear? Where is it?”

  “Give me your number and I will text all the details… or… “She pulled a box from a bag she was carried. “Maybe Sarah would like to use her new phone to do that.”

  Sarah squealed with delight. “You are too good to me Olivia. It is wonderful.”

  “It is from Valerie she has a business plan. It is all taken care of. You enjoy it. I will leave you to share with Erik. Meet me in fifteen minutes by the car. I just have a couple things to pick up and we are out of here.”

  “Sounds perfect, I’ll be there.”

  Olivia left Erik teaching Sarah about her new phone, and thought they made an adorable couple.

  Chapter Eleven

  Olivia paced impatiently waiting for Garrett. The meager texts and phone calls were no consolation for his strong arms or the taste of his lips. Valerie chided her. “He won’t get here any faster if you wear a path in my travertine tile. Come sit with me and have a glass of wine before dinner. I am sure he will arrive any minute.”

  Olivia reluctantly joined her friend. “You are right. It’s just, after running into Phillip, I need some comfort from my cowboy.”

  Valerie wrapped her arm around her shoulders and pulled her along. “I can relate to that. I don’t think there is enough soap in the house to get that scum off me. But a glass of wine will calm the nerves. Here sit, I’ll pour.”

  The first sip went down smooth. The wine was familiar with a fruity sweet taste. “MaMa Druzy’s… where did you get this?”

  “I brought it as a gift from my parents.” Sarah chimed in from the hallway. “Your wait is over.”

  Olivia sprang from her seat and raced out the door. Garrett caught her when she jumped from the steps into his waiting arms. She kissed his face and nose. “I am so glad you are here. I have missed you.” Their lips embraced in a passionate greeting.

  “Really? I couldn’t tell.” He chuckled and lowered her to the ground.

  “Hey there Garrett, I am also glad to see you. How is home?” Sarah sidled up to the opposite side and he drew her in.

  “Home is just like you left it. Your mom and dad send their love. They also sent you some more of your belongings. I understand you are staying on her for a bit longer.”

  “Olivia Hughes, have you lost all your manners?” Valerie scolded her and offered her hand to Garrett. “I am Valerie Buchanan. I must say you are more handsome than I was given to believe. Welcome to the Buchanan Estate.”

  He took her hand, grudgingly left Olivia for a moment. “My pleasure to finally meet you Mrs. Buchanan. Thank you for the invitation, as well. I have heard so much about you.”

  “Oh, now please call me Valerie, Mrs. Buchanan has been gone for years. Do come inside, we were having wine before dinner. I believe it’s your family vintage.” Valerie led everyone inside and poured Garrett a drink.

  Garrett grinned. “What do you think of my wine, Valerie?”

  She refilled her glass and Olivia’s. “I love it. But it appears to be all gone.”

  “Glad you said that I brought you a couple cases. Thought you might want it for the party tomorrow evening.” He winked at her and she smirked.

  “How awfully gracious of you Garrett. It is alright for me to call you Garrett, isn’t it?”

  He nodded with a smile, but his full attention focused on Olivia. He leaned over and nuzzled her hair. “Watching horses stud, gives a man an appetite.”

  Olivia hid her smile behind her wine glass. His words palpitated down her body. “You might say I am hungry too.”

  Valerie cleared her throat. “I’ll go check on dinner. Excuse me, please.”

  They barely noticed she left, so enthralled in each other. “I made reservations for us at The Tower for this weekend. I want you in my bed tonight.” He cupped her face and brushed his lips across hers. She caught his bottom lip with her teeth. He groaned into her mouth and tasted the sweet wine on her tongue.

  “I can’t wait to be in your arms beside you in bed tonight.” She fingered his beard and resumed their kiss.

  Sarah appeared in the doorway, quite used to their canoodling. “Excuse me, I hate to go out on your first night here Garrett. But I have a date, if that is alright?”

  Garrett looked at Olivia. “A date in such a brief time? Sarah, you’re an adult, don’t let us old folks slow you down.”

  Olivia popped him on the arm. “Old folks, speak for yourself mister. By the way, bet I can guess who it is?”

  Sarah just smiled when a horn honked outside. “Yep, I bet you can at that. See you all later, I won’t be late. Bye.”

  Valerie snuck back into the room. “What was that all about?”

  “Sarah has a date with Erik Johnson. She met him yesterday afternoon and he was smitten from the first moment he laid eyes on her.” Olivia recounted the story from the day before.

  Garrett’s mood sobered. He kicked off from the sofa. “Isn’t that the kid Powers sent to trade cars with you?”

  She quickly patted his arm. “Stop, yes, but she asked him about his affiliation with Phillip. He assured her he had no use for a liar and a cheat. Seems he wouldn’t pay Erik because he didn’t do his job. She refused to go out with him otherwise. She’s a smart girl.”

  Garrett pushed back pensively. “Kid’s got integrity I’ll give him that and the interaction I had with him was all positive.”

  Valerie added. “I think he just needed the money and that scumbag refused to pay him. He’s a college student you know.”

  She busied herself by picking up glasses and empty bottles. “Dinner is ready whenever you are.”

  Garrett and Olivia followed Valerie into dinner.


  After a sumptuous dinner, Olivia gathered a few things, then she and Garrett excused themselves and traveled to The Tower.

  The couple glowed on the ride up in the elevator. Garrett stood behind her and wrapped his hands around her waist. He swiveled his hips against her cheeks. She knew the steely length as wanting of her as she him. He kissed up and down her neck and bit love bites on her shoulder. She closed her eyes and melted into the hardness of his body.

  A moan echoed in the steel walls of the elevator. He rucked her dress up and stroked her soaked panties.

  Her arm snaked its way up around his neck. He kissed the soft flesh and goosebumps scattered over her flesh. He surged his hardness against her. He shoved her panties to the side and impaled two fingers inside her sticky warmth.

  Her breath caught in her throat and he probed deeper and deeper. With those two fingers, he ripped the lace from her body. The sound of a zipper crackled the air. In one swift movement, he pushed his hard cock deep inside of her.

  She hissed when his fingers found her clit and rubbed it quick and hard. He breathed into her ear. “This will be a fast fuck but I want you too much to wait. The essence of your arousal intoxicates me.”

  His confession caused her body to ionize. Suddenly, he
pummeled her with his hips furiously.

  Her body swallowed him up and contorted around him. Together in a frenzied fuck the two came hard and sweet before the door pinged on the top floor.

  Sweaty and breathless, she leaned back against him to steady herself. “Oh, my that was good, Bear. What is it about elevators?”

  Garrett zipped his jeans and picked Olivia up in his arms. “I had to have you. And now my beauty, we will make love until the sun comes up.”

  Chapter Twelve

  The Buchanan Estate was decorated in a western them in honor of Sarah. Hay bales decorated the front steps and inside, the living area had been transformed into a western bar and the dining area a huge buffet. The double doors had been opened and the furniture removed to add a dance floor.

  Country music blared from hidden speakers to welcome the guests. And assortment of cowboy hats and bandanas were located near a pair of saddles for photo opportunities throughout the evening.

  The dress code was boots and jeans to make not only Sarah, but Garrett, feel comfortable. Valerie looked stunning in her denim skirt and red cowboy boots. She had tied her hair up with a bandana and wore a sexy peasant top.

  Sarah wore an eyelet brushed denim dress with her boots and Olivia had on her boots with a suede skirt and blue button down shirt.

  Everyone looked festive and the fun only increased when Erik arrived. Sarah’s face bloomed when he walked up behind her and gave her a leather bracelet in honor of her party.

  Garrett not being much of a social person, stayed close to Olivia. He managed to find conversation with some men about hunting.

  Mid evening, Garrett motioned to Olivia. “How about a quiet walk with your cowboy. I need a break from the noise.” He raised his eyebrows and smiled.

  Olivia couldn’t help but laugh. “Are you growling Bear?”

  He leaned down and rubbed his beard on her cheek. “You might say that.”

  She took his hand and opened a side door that would lead out into the garden. “Trying to escape, are you? You will never get away from me my darling Livie.” Olivia froze unable to move. She realized it was Phillip.


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