Holding On To Love

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Holding On To Love Page 13

by A. E. Neal

  "Sure," I said and rose from the uncomfortable plastic chair.

  We waited outside Bruce's office and I fumbled through by bag to find my phone. I hit the tiny button on the bottom and the screen lit up. I had two missed calls and five new texts and it was already 6:30. Ugh.

  I listened to the voicemails first. They were both from Jeanette wondering how the interview went.

  Shit! The interview. I missed the damn interview. She was gonna have my ass for missing this one. Double shit!

  The texts were from Jeanette and Kennedy.

  Kennedy 5:02pm:

  Hey hooker, you done drooling over those hot hockey players yet?

  Jeanette 5:25pm:

  Where are you? I've left you 2 messages, call me!!

  Kennedy 5:28pm:

  Heeeeeelllllooooooooo. Why are you ignoring me? Hot sex in the locker room?

  Jeanette 5:29pm:

  Is your phone broken? Went straight to voicemail. Call me

  Jeanette 5:38pm:

  Had to pee. Thought you may have tried to call. CALL ME!!!!!

  I quickly hit reply to Jeanette;

  Sorry, some crazy stuff happened. I'll call you after the police get here.

  I tapped 'send' without thinking. Crap!

  A second later my phone rang. It was Jeanette.

  "Hello?" I asked.

  "Cops?! What happened?" She shouted.

  "Calm down, Jeanette. Everything is fine. There was an incident with another reporter and the police are handling it. I'll call you later," I said and hung up.

  "Everything okay, Allyson?" Brody asked.

  "Uh...Yeah, just my boss is freaking out and Kennedy thinks I'm sleeping with the entire team in the locker room. So I'd say I'm good."

  "I meant — How are you doing? Are you okay?"

  "Oh," I said, taken off-guard a bit by his questions. "Yeah. I'm good. You really don't need to stay here with me, you know."

  "Yes, I do. I'm not leaving you alone, Ally," he said and the butterflies in my stomach grew restless.

  "Oh..." I said.

  Bruce opened the door and I stepped back. He lead Dustin, who's hands were cuffed in front of him down the hallway to a service elevator. I stood behind Brody, not wanting to fuel Dustin's fire, since I was sure he had some choice words for me.

  "Stay beside me, I don't want that prick anywhere near you," Brody said and put his arm around me. I felt the warmth from his body against mine and I stopped shivering instantly.

  "I'm sorry, I didn't know you were cold. I have a jacket in my bag if you want it," he said rubbing my arm slowly.

  "It's okay. I'm warm now. Thank you," I said smiling up at him as the warmth from his touch caused my entire body to tingle.

  The elevator dinged and the heavy metal doors slid open.

  Bruce led Dustin inside and motioned for us to join him, but Brody shook his head. "We'll wait for the next one."

  "Okay, suit yourselves," Bruce said and the doors closed.

  Brody pushed the button on the elevator, it lit up and we waited. The hallway was deserted now and I could only hear the faint sound of the air conditioner humming through the corridor.

  I turned to face him and although I was wearing ridiculously tall heels, he still had a good three or four inches on me. His green eyes were darker than I'd seen before and I wasn't sure if it was the absence of light or his mood.

  "Thank you," I whispered, "for everything."

  "Don't thank me, you kicked the shit out that fucking pervert all by yourself. If I had been there, he'd probably be in an ambulance right now."

  His gaze fell and he ran a hand through his damp hair. He looked as if he was waging a war with himself.

  Before I knew what was happening, he wrapped his arms around me, bent down and pressed his lips against mine. I swear time stopped and everything around us fell silent. I could only hear my heart beating frantically in my chest and feel the warmth of Brody's lips on mine as I inhaled his clean scent.

  His lips moved slowly against mine and I felt the heat inside me ignite. The sudden connection between us sent shockwaves down my spine. Tiny hairs pricked on the back of my neck and my legs quivered beneath me. It was if we'd spent so much time avoiding our attraction to one another, that this moment was like a door being opened to something new and fresh, yet terrifying. And I loved the way he made my entire body aware of his every move.

  I opened my mouth slightly and he dipped his tongue inside. He moved against my mouth, hungry for whatever I'd been keeping from him for these last few days. He weaved his fingers in my hair and pulled gently. My head fell back and I let out a sigh.

  He planted gentle kisses along my jaw and in the crook of my neck, before returning to my lips. He devoured me in an instant with a deep, warm kiss that left me barely able to stand on my own.

  The elevator returned and the doors opened. Thankfully, it was empty. Without breaking our kiss, he led me into the elevator and pushed me back against the wall. The doors closed, but the elevator hadn't begun moving yet. I closed my eyes and pulled him closer to me. The heavy ache between my thighs grew as he gripped my hips and inched my skirt up, my legs wrapped around his waist with ease and he nestled between them. I felt his hardness thicken against me as I kissed him more deeply. I reached down and stroked his ridged length softly through the strained material of his jeans. He growled, slid his hand under my silk blouse and cupped my breast. He worked the thin lace material of my bra between his fingers, rolling my aching nipple gently. I gasped as he pinched one and repeated the same torture on the other. He explored and caressed every inch of bare skin on my thighs before he slipped his fingers behind my panties. He slid them against my slick, throbbing flesh and I sighed.

  "Please," I begged and gripped the railing for support.

  "Fuck," he growled. "You're so fucking wet." He slipped two fingers and gently massaged my nub with the pad of his thumb.

  "Ahhh," I breathed.

  His other hand gripped my ass as his tormenting fingers found my sweet spot. My eyes rolled back and I buried my face in his neck and moaned.

  "Ahhh, yes. Don't stop," I begged and I bucked my hips against him as the pressure rose.

  My eyelids fluttered, my breath became ragged and I felt my muscles clench tightly around his fingers.

  "That's it, come for me, Ally."

  My body convulsed as I climaxed. "Oh. My. God!" I moaned and threw my head back.

  It had been three years since I'd been touched by a man and if this is what I'd been missing out on all along, I needed to give myself a swift kick in the ass later because that was one of the most amazing orgasms I'd ever had.

  A moment later, I opened my eyes and he withdrew his fingers, causing my body to shiver with pleasure. He set me back down on the floor and my legs wobbled. I pulled my skirt down and tucked in my blouse.

  He turned around and punched at button and the elevator began moving. He faced me and the next thing I knew, his lips were on mine again. I moaned in his mouth as he wove his fingers in my long hair and pulled me closer to him.

  The elevator chimed as we reached our floor and our brief euphoric high was cut short. We pushed away from each other just as the doors began to open.

  Chapter 12


  What the fuck am I doing? God, she's so fucking irresistible. Why can't I keep my hands off her? I have to stop this. Now!

  The elevator doors opened. I took her hand and led her out into the main foyer. Her legs wobbled a bit as she walked. She pulled her hand back and shook her head. I saw panic in her beautiful blue eyes and I smiled just to reassure her that her secret was safe with me.

  Don't worry my little fox, I won't tell.

  I spotted Bruce and that fucking shit bag he had in custody near the main gate. Bruce held his arm as an officer tapped on the glass door. Another guard, unlocked it and let him and his partner in.

  Allyson walked behind me as we approached the group. Bruce handed Parker over to the fema
le officer, she handcuffed him and led him to a bench on the far side of the foyer near a food cart.

  "Miss Monroe, this is officer Martin Clancy. He will need you to answer a few questions before he can take Mr. Parker into custody," Bruce said.

  "Of course," she said and reached out to shake the officer's hand.

  I stood back with Bruce as Clancy led her out of ear shot from the rest of us.

  "You sticking 'round here McCabe or you gonna head out? I can have Harold meet you up front," Bruce asked.

  I shook my head as I kept a watchful eye on Allyson. "No thanks, man. I'm gonna see that she gets to her car safely."

  "Alright. You change your mind, you let me know. I've gotta go sign off on the pervert," he said and walked over to the female officer.

  I heaved my heavy gym bag off my shoulder and dropped it on the floor. I pulled my cell out of my back pocket.

  One new text from Sera. I really didn't need to deal with her shit today, so I hit delete and shoved it back into my pocket.

  My head buzzed when I thought about my little fox, this was not something I was accustomed to. Fuck! I needed to figure out a way to tell Ally, that what we just did in the elevator was a mistake, even though deep down in my gut, I knew it wasn't. She'd probably hate me afterwards, but I couldn't help the fact that we had something pretty fucking awesome together. Something about her made me want to tear those clothes off and bury myself deep in that tight fucking pussy of hers, but I knew she would want more from me. They always want more.

  Shit! Down boy. My fucking dick had a mind of its own, I swear.

  I adjusted myself and figured if I kept thinking of her, this hard-on would be a permanent fixture in my pants.

  Think about old hags naked or something, for Christ sake.

  I still needed to tell her about the accident, which also weighed heavily on my shoulders.

  Fuck, this is killing me. Hurry the fuck up, Clancy.

  I paced back and forth. My nerves were shot to hell and I desperately needed a drink, even though I swore I'd never touch the shit again after what happened with Sera last night.

  A few minutes later, Ally and Clancy made their way back to where we stood.

  "We're free to go. Come on," she said.

  I picked up my bag and followed her to the main entrance door. The guard unlocked them and held the door open for us.

  The smell of wet asphalt and fresh rain filled the air. The clouds were still dark, but the rain had subsided for the time being. Pools of water filled the potholes along the street adjacent to the arena.

  I stopped once we reached my truck. "This is me," I said.

  "Oh, I thought you had a motorcycle," she said.

  "I do. But all this equipment—" I said, pulling the strap on my duffle bag, "doesn't really fit on the back."

  "Of course it doesn't."

  Ask her for her number or something, you jackass.

  "Uh...I was just wondering—" I began before she held her hand up.

  "Wait. Before you say anything— So...the elevator...um...well, I think I made a huge mistake," she stammered and began chewing on her fingernail.

  God, she was fucking adorable.

  "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have kissed you," I apologized.

  But I wasn't sorry for kissing her, not in the least. Her lips were soft, supple and sweet. And I craved them and her more than ever.

  She held her hand up again. "Don't apologize, Brody. We're both adults. It takes two to tango, right?"

  "True," I said and nodded.

  "It won't happen again, I promise you that. Not that it wasn't amazing—" she said as her ice blue eyes glazed over and I knew she was replaying the whole scene in her head, "But I just can't do the relationship thing right now..."

  I cut in, "Whoa. No one said anything about a relationship, Allyson. We kissed and I made you come in an elevator— which by the way, was the hottest fucking thing ever—" I said as a wicked smile crept across my face.

  So fucking hot, my little fox. You have no idea.

  Her cheeks flared and her eyes sparkled as soon as I said it.

  "But we'll just go on and keep playing this nothing-fucking-happened-between-us game. Would you like that, Allyson?" I asked.

  "Yes. It has to be this way. And I'm sorry if you got the wrong idea— So this," she said waving her hand back and forth between us, "was just two people making out in an elevator and nothing else. Nothing. Can we drop it now?"

  "Fine," I agreed. "But tell me one thing. Are you going to just pretend that you didn't fucking feel a damn thing back there? You're just gonna brush it off like a bad dream or what?"

  "What do you want me to say?" She looked hurt and confused.

  "Forget it. I got the message. Loud and fucking clear, Sweetheart." I retorted.

  "Brody, don't," she said softly and I could see tears form in her eyes. "I tried to tell you last night— I'm a fucking mess— I've got shit going on in my head, that I don't even think Dr. Phil could figure out."

  "I doubt that," I scoffed.

  "I'm serious, Brody. You're better off if you just stay the hell away from me," she snapped.

  Not gonna happen, my little fox.

  I shook my head and took a deep breath.

  "Ally," I said cautiously, "I need to talk to you about what happened last night."

  She wiped her eyes, turned to face me and jabbed a finger to my chest. "You know what? There's no need to explain, Brody. I understand. You're not the kinda guy who handles emotional baggage well, so I get it," she spat.

  So, we're back to me being a fucking asshole again. Damn it, I don't get this girl. One minute, she's running into my arms and the next she's treating me like day-old dog shit. Which, in all honesty, I guess I deserve. So, here goes nothing.

  "I'm not gonna stand here and fucking argue with you— You're right, I don't do the emotional bullshit— But I need you to listen to me right now...if you don't like what I have to say, that's fine, you'll never have to see me or speak to me again. Okay?"

  She crossed her arms over her chest. "Fine. Talk."

  I ran my hand through my hair and took in another deep breath. "I took off, not because I didn't want to be there with you, I did. I left because I realized something when you told me about your car accident. We were in Colorado that week for a series of games. We finished our game around ten thirty and the guys wanted to stop for drinks, but I insisted we get back to the hotel," I said, not sure why I was delaying the inevitable, "'cause we were caught in a huge snow storm, it was a bitch to drive in and the other guys were being pussies about it, so I drove. We were a block from the hotel when we saw this truck just slide through a red light and t-bone another car right in front of us. We called 911 right away, but the car that got hit was mangled beyond recognition and— Allyson, believe me when I tell you— I never wanted anything more in my life than to get you out of that car. You were covered in blood and I knew I should've waited for the paramedics, but I couldn't."

  She looked shell-shocked and her eyes filled with tears.

  "I-I don't understand...but, how? Why?" She muttered, shaking her head.

  I knew this would tear her apart, but I couldn't keep it stowed away inside of me any longer or it would've fucking killed me.

  "Allyson..." I said as I reached out to hold her hand.

  She pulled it back and clutched her bag tighter. "Don't. Don't touch me."

  "There wasn't anything I could do for him, Ally. You have to understand that. Everything in my heart told me I needed to get you out of that car, there was gas everywhere and it was only a matter of time before..." I paused, unsure of the words I was attempting to say. "When I saw him, he wasn't breathing, but you were. You have every right to hate me and for that, I'm truly sorry," I said as I moved closer to her. She stood silent as fresh tears streaked her cheeks, but she didn't move nor say anything, her entire body just shook.

  "Please, Ally. Say something. Anything," I pleaded.

  She wiped her c
heeks and looked me in the eye. "Leave. Just leave."

  I stood staring back at her and I could see the hurt behind her eyes. I knew this may be the last time I'd ever see her again. I stepped forward, slid my hand around the back of her neck and pulled her towards me. She closed her eyes as I leaned down to kiss her one last time. I could taste the mixture of her fruity lip gloss and salt from her tears. Her lips drew a hard line, she stepped back, turned and stalked through the parking lot without looking back.

  And just like that, my little fox was gone.

  I knew in the back of my head, it wouldn't be the last I saw of Ally, but I knew I needed to let her go in order to maintain my sanity. I tossed the heavy bag of equipment into the back of my Ford F150 and opened the door. I hopped in and rested my head against the steering wheel.

  Why the fuck was I letting this girl fucking get to me?

  During the drive back to my apartment, I devised a plan to help me forget the girl who just left her permanent imprint on my heart. My crazy, fucked up world. It wasn't much of a plan, but I knew it would pull me out of whatever parallel universe I was currently stuck in. I parked in the alley behind the pub and trotted up the stairs to my apartment. I reached out to turn the handle and noticed an envelope at my feet.

  Clearly the envelope was addressed to me, but it had been hand delivered as it was void of any address.

  I scooped it up and swung the door open. I dropped my keys onto the counter and slid my finger under the flap of the envelope. I pulled out the silver, heavily glittered, invitation and shook my head.


  Miss Seraphine Fern requests the honor of your presence at her twenty-second birthday masquerade gala this Friday at eight o'clock in the evening at the Grand Fern Ballroom. Kindly RVSP by Wednesday.

  I crammed the invite back into the envelope, tossed it onto the counter and pulled out my phone. I scrolled through my contacts until I found Sera's number, took a deep breath and tapped the call button.


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