Avoiding Amy Jackson

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Avoiding Amy Jackson Page 1

by N. A. Alcorn

  Avoiding Amy Jackson

  By N.A. Alcorn


  Copyright 2014 N.A. Alcorn

  Amazon Edition

  First Edition

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  Editor: Mickey Reed www.mickeyreedediting.com

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  This is a work of adult fiction. The author does not endorse or condone any of the behavior enclosed within. The subject matter is not appropriate for minors. Please note this novel contains profanity and explicit sexual situations.

  Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  This book is also available in print at most online retailers.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page




  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  Chapter Thirty-Six


  Coming Soon

  Reader Information

  About the Author



  For The Neighbourhood

  Your lyrical genius and undeniably melancholic, beautiful, heart-wrenching, soul-shattering music have left me awe-struck and inspired.

  P.S. You’re all really wonderful guys, but I’m married, so I think we should just be friends.


  “Every man loves to hear he has a huge cock.” James

  “You ready to head out of here?” I discreetly whisper into Amy’s ear.

  She looks up at me with a seductive smile and nods her head.

  We currently reside at a table full of physicians and hospital administrators, having just finished dinner after Regency Memorial’s annual golf charity event. I had the pleasure of golfing with a fellow surgeon who has become an extremely close friend of mine since I moved to Charlotte. Trent Hamilton is a trauma surgeon who has temporarily taken over Dr. Grey’s practice. Dr. Grey was injured severely in a car accident several months ago and won’t be able to come back from his medical leave of absence until sometime in October. It’s crazy to say, since I’ve only known Trent for a short time, but he’s good people. I respect him highly as a fellow surgeon.

  I really hope Trent chooses to stay in Charlotte permanently, and my gut instincts tell me that his girlfriend Ellen will be a huge factor in this decision. I’d bet a lot of money on the fact that it won’t be too hard to persuade him. Trent and Ellen are kind of perfect together. Their sexual tension is practically palpable. Those two were having an extremely difficult time keeping their hands off of each other at the golf event, and they managed to slip out before dinner even started, visibly ready to head back to his place to get their hands on each other. Assholes.

  Today was my first opportunity to hang out with Ellen’s best friend. Amy Jackson. A beautiful, sexy, downright hilarious ER nurse at Regency. I’ve met her a few times over the past few months, but today I actually got to spend some time with her. I laid the flirtation and charming banter on heavily. Real thick. This woman has more than intrigued my interest and this is not just from a purely gentlemanly perspective.

  She’s indulged in copious amounts of alcohol since about noon today, and now, well… the time is past seven. So you can only imagine the kind of state she’s in. Yeah, she’s shitfaced, and I know it’s about time I get her little ass home. Amy is the type of girl who says what she thinks and doesn’t give a fuck about the consequences. This is exactly why I need to get her out of here before she opens her mouth and lets her opinions about Regency’s policies be known to the hospital administrators near our table. There is no doubt that this girl has spunk and sass and enough confidence to bring any man to his knees. I really like that about her. I really like a lot of things about her, especially her tenacity and fiery personality.

  Amy enjoys a good time—sometimes too much—as evidenced by her current state. I’ve found that when you work in an area of the medical field like the emergency room, you tend to play harder than most. The stress of adrenaline-rushing situations can wear on you, and sometimes—or in Amy’s case, a lot of times—you might indulge. I can relate to this. I’m a former Marine who has completed several tours in Iraq. And believe me, I’ve had my share of indulgent nights—far too many to count.

  I’ve found that the drunker Amy gets, the louder Amy gets…and apparently the hornier she gets, too. She’s brushed her fingers along my crotch underneath the white linen table cloth more times than I can count. She’s now gazing at me with pure sexual wantonness written all over face.


  Don’t get me wrong, I want Amy. I mean, I really want Amy, but I just can’t get past the fact that she’s far too intoxicated. I don’t want our first time together to be something she doesn’t remember—or in the worst-case scenario, regret. I don’t want Amy to have any regrets once I get her naked and in my bed. I only want one reaction after that momentous occasion—her on her knees, desperate for more. When I get Amy naked for the first time, which will happen, I will make it a night that she will never forget. But unfortunately for me, tonight is not that night. I prefer my sexual partners to be sober participants. Shitfaced and slurred speech are not qualities my cock enjoys. And Amy, well… She’s actually a little of both of those right now.

  She’s still hot as fuck and I’m hard with every seductive glance she slides my way. Actually, I should clarify that I’m turned on every time she attempts at being seductive. She’s drunk and a little sloppy, so her seduction techniques aren’t exactly up to par at the moment, but her brazen motives, fantastic tits, and curvy ass are really helping to offset this. And her legs—oh my, the long, perfect legs on this girl… they drive me wild. If there is one quality that I can appreciate the most, it’s a nice set of legs, and Amy has these in spades. Despite the fact that I’m still undeniably attracted to Amy and practically drooling at the mere idea of sliding inside of her, I re
fuse to be that guy. The guy who gets his date drunk so he can ensure that his cock gets action at the end of the night. That kind of guy is a fucking asshole. I hate guys like that. And I am most definitely not that guy.

  I have morals and consider myself a gentleman for the most part, but I’ve also had my fair share of one-night stands that were purely motivated by the attractiveness of the opposite sex…or fantastic legs. Yeah, those will definitely get me every time. It’s a sad, sad day when a man has to pass up an opportunity to get his hands on a pair of amazing legs or perfect tits, and I’m well aware that tonight may be one of those unfortunate days.

  I wouldn’t say I’m not a relationship kind of guy. I’ve just been a guy who hasn’t really had time for a relationship. I’m a former Marine and currently an orthopedic surgeon. My life has been in warp speed since I graduated high school. Boot camp, several tours in Iraq, college, medical school, and then my surgical residency. And now, here I am, at the ripe old age of thirty-five, finally able to settle down in one place. I feel like I can actually breathe, actually appreciate this much slower pace. To say my life is in slow motion would be a lie. I’m busy nearly sixteen hours a day at least five days a week. I run my own practice just outside of Charlotte, North Carolina, and find myself in the OR at Regency Medical Center nearly every day during the week. I’m busy, but just busy enough. I still have time for myself, time to enjoy my life.

  Amy’s speech is visibly slurred as she engages in a conversation with one of Regency’s board of directors. I really need to get her out of here, like two hours ago. I pull the wine glass from her hand and give her my most convincing smile. “I’m ready to get you home, doll.” I wink at her and set her wine glass on the other side of me, far out of her reach.

  “I’m ready for you to take me…home.”

  Her mind is on a one-way track, straight into my pants. I like this train of thought, but it’s just ill-fated that it will be wasted tonight. I’m more than hard at the thought of Amy naked, but the only thing that stands in the way of this glorious occasion is the copious amounts of alcohol she managed to consume tonight…today…all god damn day. I want to have sex with Amy tonight, but I know this would be an extremely terrible idea.

  Or awesome…

  No. Terrible. Idea.

  This cannot happen. No matter how much she begs. I don’t consider myself a religious man, but please, God, let her pass out on the drive home. I will just tuck her into bed, let her sleep off the booze, and hopefully she’ll wake up with the same train of thought…to get into my pants.

  I wrap my arm around her shoulder and lead her out into the parking lot. The last drop of alcohol I had was over four hours ago so I’m more than okay to get us home safely. I open the passenger door of my SUV and start to help her inside, but she attacks my face like a mad woman. She sucks and bites and slips her tongue past my lips. I immediately taste the combination of red wine and strawberry gloss on her lips; it’s undeniably delicious and has me relinquishing into the kiss. I kiss her back, despite the warning bells that ring loudly in my head.


  Her tongue licks inside my mouth, tasting every inch of me.


  Amy’s breath hitches and her hand slides down my chest, past my stomach, and her fingers are dancing along the waistband of my pants.


  I grip her shoulders tightly and lean away from her mouth. She looks up at me underneath her thick lashes with unadulterated desire present in her eyes.

  “Let’s get you home, sweetheart.” I gently peck her lips and slide the seatbelt over her lap, clicking it in place.

  “Hell yeah! Let’s get me home so you can slide that big cock inside of me!” She yells out into the parking lot before I shut the passenger door.

  Dear God, this will be harder than I thought.

  I shake my head and chuckle a little at her drunken outburst as I walk around the back of my SUV. I hop in the driver’s seat, start the engine, and head out onto the main road. We’ve got about an hour drive until we reach her apartment. I’m more than thankful that Ellen was kind enough to text me the address before she and Trent bailed for the night. At this point in the game, Amy would either not remember her own address or refuse to tell me so that I would end up taking her back to my place. Not happening. No way, no how. I can’t resist the temptation of a drunken Amy, naked and seductively strutting around my apartment. I’m a gentleman, but not a fucking saint.

  We’re about twenty minutes into our drive and Amy has the window rolled down. Her shoes are off and her feet rest comfortably on the edge of the door. She continues to hog my music selections as she loudly sings along to some chick song. I glance over at her with silent hope that her eyes look tired or her lips release an occasional yawn, but no. Amy continues to get more energy.

  Did Regency have crack inside of the free booze tonight?

  “Do you have a big dick, James?” Her inside voice is more like an outside voice. Or a voice you would use to speak in the middle of a rock concert.

  The shock and audacity of her question takes me off guard and I sputter a little.

  “Uh…what?” I look in my rearview mirror as I switch lanes on the highway.

  “Do. You. Have. A. Big. Dick?” She somehow manages to leave the drunken slur out when she slowly and precisely pronounces each and every syllable of her question.

  I’m not sure how to answer this. She’s wasted and horny, and if I even mention the far-above-average length and girth of my cock, I highly doubt that it will aid me in strategically getting Amy to bed without having to pry her off of my dick. And to answer your question, yes, I’ve been known to please many women with the equipment God gave me. I’m not egotistical, I’m fucking honest. They called me Seabiscuit in high school for a reason and it had nothing to do with my interest in equestrian sports.

  “We need more music, sweetheart.” I glance at her out of my periphery and grin. I’m desperate to get her mind off of anything remotely sexual.

  “Ohhhhhhh I bet your dick is huge. I could tell when I was running my hand up and down your pants at dinner. Let me touch.” She starts to take off her seatbelt and lean over towards me. “Get your dick out, James. Get that big dick out.” Her hands start to grab for my zipper and my eyes go wide in shock. “What, are you hiding an eggplant in here?”

  I deftly try to maneuver away from her grabby little hands. For a drunk woman, she’s ridiculously quick. “Let’s save the fun for later.” Jesus, that’s not going to help me. It might tide her over for twenty more minutes, but when I get her back to her apartment, she will be even more ready. My gaze meets hers and I swear she looks like a prizefighter ready to get into the ring and hump her opponent to death. Her lustful eyes are starting to scare me a little. They’re intense, and I’m pretty sure this look right here is Amy’s game face. Her I’m going to ride his cock until he’s screaming my name game face.

  I’m so screwed.

  “I’ve got an idea!” She bounces excitedly and claps her hands together.

  “What’s your idea?” Please say Taco Bell or go to bed or pass out in the car… Even vomit would work. Her vomiting would definitely get me off the hook.

  “I’m going to give you road head! Momma’s planning a party and she needs some salami to go with her cream cheese!” she squeals in excitement and dives head first into my lap.

  Cream cheese?

  Is she talking about salami roll-ups right now while her face is in my crotch?

  Her teeth skillfully move my zipper down and then proceed to unbutton my pants. The feel of her mouth so close to my cock pull my thoughts back to the problem at hand. How in the hell can a drunk girl pull off a move like that? I’m impressed and turned on. Shit, I’m not supposed to be hard right now. Stop being hard! Get un-hard!

  Think about your grandma, baseball, fractured bones, torn ACLs…

  “Mmmm I can’t wait to taste you, James,” she purrs into my boxer briefs. Oh thank god, my briefs are st
ill covering me. Wait…now she’s starting to pull those down with her teeth! I feel her lips lightly brush the tip of my shaft and I jerk back in response, my mind and cock at war to stop this.

  Hell yeah a blow job!

  Stop her!

  Road head!

  Don’t let this happen!


  My mind wins the battle as I place my hand down just in time before she starts to take me into her mouth. “Hey! Don’t be a cockblocker! Give me that big cock! God that thing is huuuuuuge!”

  Okay, I’m not going to lie; I did smile at the last comment, but seriously, who wouldn’t? Every guy wants to hear that he’s got a big dick.

  “Amy, I can’t concentrate on driving with your face near my cock. Please, sit up, put your seatbelt back on, and let me get us home safely.”

  She sits back in her seat, clicking her seatbelt into place, crossing her arms across her chest in frustration.

  I attempt to brighten her mood. “Don’t be mad. Believe me, I thought that idea was fan-fucking-tastic, but I just didn’t want to risk your safety so I could get my dick sucked.”

  I can’t lie, I really like where her head is at right now, and I pray to everything holy that Amy’s mind tends to wander this route when she’s not over-the-top intoxicated. She’s at a crucial point where she is between completely shit-canned and headed straight towards bum-fucking drunk. Yes, bum-fucking drunk. The kind of drunk that puts you at risk for having absolutely no inhibitions. The kind of drunk where you would quite possibly fuck a hobo off of the street. Basically, bum-fucking drunk is the worst kind of drunk. This is the type of shitfaced where you wake up the next day in the parking lot next to Walmart with nothing but a woman’s thong on and King Hobo written across your chest in black sharpie. The moral of this story is never let yourself get bum-fucking drunk. There is one thing I’m convinced of though. If Amy is like this sober, she might be the woman of my god damn dreams…

  “Get your big dick sucked. Don’t forget the big.” She flashes me an adorable smile. Her face is slightly flushed. I’m not sure if it’s from embarrassment or just from all of the alcohol she’s consumed.


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