The Prince of Manhattan

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The Prince of Manhattan Page 5

by Alexei Iskander

  Leofric coughed again and he felt his head throb with pain. Travelling through an otherworldly realm really does misery to the head. He stood up and took a few moments to get his balance. Well I came out in piece so I can be thankful for that at least, it’s just the real question is where am I? And is there anyway I can get back? Judging from the might of the buildings around me I could be in Rome or Constantinople, everyone knows that they’re the mightiest cities in the world. If so then I can hitch a ride on a ship back to Northumbria. Leofric’s heart ached when he thought about his deceased father. The greatest man I ever knew cut down by the most treacherous, I must return to take vengeance on that slimy rat if nothing else. And not to forget his pet witch, I’ll make sure to introduce her to the business end of a sword. Right now my uncle is probably squeezing the common folk for all they’re worth and coming up with new ways to torture his subjects. Just the thought of that snake sitting in the same throne my father sat in… I will return I swear it. First things first, let’s see if we can find someone who speaks my tongue.

  Leofric walked towards where the alleyway intersected with the road. As he did peculiar noises that he had never heard before became apparent. It sounds like there’s a war going on out there, I’ve never heard such a racket. Even the Yule festival never gets this rambunctious, this place must be a palace compared to the anthills we call ‘cities’ back home. Leofric exited the road and beheld a sight that took his breath away and left him in awe. The street extended hundreds of paces in either direction, there were towering buildings made of hard materials lining the sides of the road. The road was made of a hard, grey substance and all along the road were massive steel beasts running along it. Leofric saw a yellow coloured behemoth race past on wheels, letting off a ferocious noise as it did so, he barely managed to suppress his panic. What is this? The steel beasts came in different shapes and sizes and Leofric was transfixed by them, his shock was expanded when he noticed that they were transparent in certain areas and even more mind blowing was there were people inside of them. The beasts have swallowed men whole! This is a city of monsters! An old man walked past Leofric muttering, breaking his concentration. Why does this man not know that the beasts are only a few sword lengths away from him? Is he one of their slaves? By the fates where has my uncle sent me?

  “Picture” Leofric heard to his left. He turned and gazed upon two young women dressed in bright, stretchy, revealing clothing. Oh no… witches. Both of the women had light brown skin, straight black hair and narrowed, slanted eyes. Leofric had never seen anything like it although he did know from traveller’s stories that men across the world came in different shapes, sizes and even colours. The sight was still deeply confronting to Leofric who worried that the two smiling vixens were planning to cast a spell on him or enslave him. “Picture?” one of them asked again. What could they possibly mean? Picture? He decided to go along with their demands and simply nodded grimly in response. The two girls smiled harder and then one of them got next to Leofric and put on a strange pose while the other held up a small handheld device. Leofric felt a bead of sweat down his forehead. I shouldn’t have agreed to this, they’re casting a spell on me, if I don’t scramble now then they could curse me or gain control of my essence. He was extremely tense and he felt his hand moving towards his sword under his robes. Then the woman left his side and went over to the other girl’s side and they spoke in an unfamiliar tongue while looking at the device together. They’ve got me now, I should make a break for it, oh come on Leofric just do it. “Thank you” one of the women said and the two waved at him and then left, walking past him. Leofric unleashed his tension and let in a huge breath of relief. Whatever they were doing they’re gone now, this city is madness made manifest. There was a loud blaring noise on the road as one of the steel monsters rolled past. Leofric jumped in fear and watched as the beast rolled past. They stick to the centre of the road at least, maybe they have an accord with the men who live here.

  The side of the road was littered with sleeping behemoths, their frames empty and still. Leofric walked up to one, a medium sized beast with purple paint and a number of strange symbols plastered to its rear. Why do the sleeping ones not have occupants with them? Perhaps they were slain by men and now serve as a reminder to the remaining beasts to keep the peace. Leofric looked at the symbols plastered on the rear of the monster and saw that many of them were in the Latin alphabet which he recognised. He didn’t understand the language very well but the intent seemed clear to him. The men have adorned these beasts with their symbols as a mark of their victory over them. He heard a beeping noise behind him and he spun around to see a man walk towards one of the sleeping behemoths. The man was covered in black and white clothing that clung to his frame tightly and looked very impractical and simplistic to Leofric. The man then did something that made Leofric’s jaw drop, he tore off a piece of the sleeping monster and got inside of it. Is that man insane? The man then sealed the monster back up and then the behemoth rumbled to life. Leofric watched as the monster manoeuvred out into the main road and joined the active beasts in rolling down it. These beasts aren’t devouring men, the men are the ones enslaving them. The men of this city have managed to tame these horrific beasts and make them obey them on command. But how?

  “Cool costume man” came a voice to Leofric’s right. He turned to face the individual who had spoken and saw that it was a youth barely into his manhood. The youth was wearing loose fitting, baggy clothing that was almost entirely white and grey. Is this some kind of priest’s acolyte? “What level are you in World of Warcraft?” the youth asked with a mocking smile. Is this some kind of religious esoteric question? “I don’t speak of the craft of war with men I have not been acquainted with” Leofric answered, trying to assert himself while not coming off as conceited.

  “Oh my god he does the voice and everything” the youth replied gigging. “The comic con really does bring out the freaks”.

  Leofric found himself become clouded with rage at the youth’s insolence. What kind of boy speaks to an elder in this way? Especially towards royalty? I may be deposed royalty but I still deserve the customary submissiveness and devotion. “Be careful with your tongue boy or I will be forced to cuff you” Leofric boldly declared.

  “Whatever” the youth remarked, “later nerd. Tell me when you’ve finally managed to talk to a girl”. The youth laughed and walked off pulling out one of the handheld devices as he did so. Leofric watched him go, resentment bubbling within him. I’ve been in this city for nary a moment and already I’ve had open challenges directed at me, if this was Northumbria there would be blood in the streets if men were this rude.

  Leofric felt his stomach grumble from hunger, he didn’t know how long his time in the other world had lasted but it seemed to be enough to work up an appetite. I should still have a pouch of gold around my waist, that’s one good thing, I’ve never heard of a place in the world that doesn’t value gold. I’ll buy myself a meal and then explore this city until I can find someone who can help me with my plight. Leofric set off down the street, passing by many towering buildings, sleeping steel beasts and strangely dressed people of all ages. His eyes were like whirlpools, ravenously taking in everything in front of him. He knew he was gawking but he couldn’t help it, his curiosity was overwhelming him. The steel beasts he checked on occasionally and he was fascinated by the variety of shapes, sizes, and colours they came in. He almost felt the budding desire to get inside of one of them and let it take him somewhere, though the rational part of his mind told him that it was foolish. If he were to do that then he would need an experienced local to keep the beast in control for him lest it rebelled against him. The people he passed on the side of the street fascinated him as well, they dressed in so many different ways and had so many different appearances.

  There was hardly any conformity in their dress which was unusual to Leofric who was used to the plain tunics and trousers of Northumbria. The complexions of the passerby's also intrigued
him to a great degree. There were all kinds of complexions on display, from pale skin similar to his, to skin the colour of bronze and even as dark as charcoal. To think that men can vary in appearance so greatly, I never would have believed it if I didn’t see it with my own two eyes. Is everyone in this city ruled by the same king or do they have kings for every people? The heavens only know what they worship in this land, I wouldn’t be surprised if they had more Gods than they could remember. Leofric came across a large metallic box with lumps of foods scattered across it. A man with a black beard and chestnut coloured skin stood behind the set up, an apron tied onto his lanky frame. “You want to order?” the man asked Leofric. I should, this food doesn’t look bad. “I will” Leofric said looking at the ingredients on offer, many of which he didn’t recognise. “I’ll have the carrots and the beef on a slice of hard bread” he said.

  “You want kebab?” the man questioned.

  “If it comes with a side of mead” Leofric replied.

  “You want Coke?” the man queried. That’s probably what they call mead here. “I’ll take it” Leofric responded.

  The skinny vendor set to work in creating a meal for Leofric, a process which fascinated the deposed royal. By the time the food was done he took it and marvelled at the sheer smorgasbord of ingredients that were inside of it. They sure do know how to eat here. The vendor handed Leofric a cold metallic can which he looked at in puzzlement. The can was bright red with white stripes and he gazed on it with a dumbfounded expression. This must be how they prepare mead here. “You pay?” the man semi asked semi demanded. Leofric felt in his robes and pulled out small purse and then selected a gold coin. It was totally pure and worth a great deal, it would be enough on its own to purchase a plough or something else significant but Leofric was in desperate straits and for him at that moment it was worth a meal. He handed the coin over to the vendor who looked at it with puzzlement. Does he not recognise gold? “This isn’t American cash” the man declared and tried to hand it back over to Leofric. You’ve got to be kidding me, they don’t acknowledge gold here? Leofric felt uneasy, he didn’t have any other way of paying for his meal and he didn’t want to be seen as a thief. What am I going to do? Then the vendor stopped extending the coin in his hand and instead inspected it closely. “I change this at the currency converter” the man said. “But next time you pay with cash”.

  Leofric let out a sigh of relief, his gamble had paid off. He thanked the vendor and walked off to find a place to sit down and enjoy his meal. There was a bench nearby and he sat down on it and then set about gorging on his meal. The ‘kebab’ was delicious and he finished it in no time at all. The can of mead he took a while to figure out, at first he thought he would need to use a knife to prize it open but eventually figured out that he could pull the top of the can off. Once it was open he sniffed it and then took a sip. His reaction was intense, his taste buds were immediately overwhelmed and he spat the concoction out. Good Gods that was sweet! I’ve never tasted anything like that before, it gives even honey a run for its worth. He looked at the can for a bit before deciding to take another sip. This time he was ready for it and he managed to down some of the stuff, it tickled his throat on the way down. It really is quite tasty when you get used to it. He swallowed the rest of the stuff and then got up and continued walking down the street. Eventually he came to an intersection and he decided to go down the road branching off to the left. The street was similar to the one he had already been done, except for the fact that the buildings were even more towering and imposing. If only my people had the know how to create such mammoth structures, our homes look pitiful in comparison to these giants. Even the royal palace barely even measures up to just one of these structures. If in some twist of fate I actually manage to take power back in Northumbria, then I’ll be sure to send men here to learn this cities secrets.

  The road eventually terminated in front of a space filled with greenery. That looks like an ideal place to find someone to talk to and help me out. They wouldn’t put down an area like that if it wasn’t going to be used for recreation and conversation. To get there though Leofric would have to cross the street. It was an intimidating proposition, he was still wary of the steel beasts and he was afraid that they would attack if he exposed himself to them. He saw that there was a series of white stripes painted on part of the road and several people on either side of the road waited, as though preparing for something. Then there was a series of beeps and the people crossed the road casually, the beasts halting in front of the white lines. Ah hah! So the beasts and the denizens of this city have designated areas to facilitate crossing. Leofric hurried over to where the people were crossing and then prepared himself to sprint across the road. Just before he was set to do it though, the last of the people finished crossing and then the beasts resumed rolling over the white stripes. Leofric’s hopes were dashed and he cursed under his breath. Is there some kind of command I must give for the beasts to stop? He languished for a bit, contemplating whether he should ask a local on how to placate the monsters. Then there was a beeping noise and several people on the other side of the road started crossing. Leofric checked and saw that the beasts had fallen still again, this was his chance. He jogged across the road, fear pulsing through him as he passed by the front of the monsters. When he reached the other side he let out a sigh of relief that he had made it safely. He then continued on to the open green space.

  He followed a path through to the centre of the green area where there was a fountain and a pool. There were benches scattered around it and people were either sitting on the benches and scrolling through their handheld devices or clustered in groups on the grass, discussing and laughing amongst each other. I’ll have to find out where I am and then where the local docks are so I can charter a boat. He walked around the fountain looking at the people around him and trying to make a decision on which one to approach. By the heavens that man is talking into a small piece of metal that he’s holding in his hand. He looks like he’s gone mad and yet nobody seems to notice. I guess in a big city like this the occasional madman is nothing remarkable. Leofric saw an old man smoking a pipe while reading from some manuscripts on a bench. He looks like the scholarly type, he’s the man I should ask. Now I just need to think carefully of my approach, I do seem to stick out here even amongst all of the chaos and I don’t won’t to give a bad impression. Leofric cleared his throat and walked in front of the old man, the man responded by lowering his manuscripts. “Hello” Leofric started, “I am Leofric son of Cedric and the rightful heir to the throne of Northumbria. I have been exiled to this land but circumstances decree that I do not know where I am nor how to get back to my homeland. If it wouldn’t be an imposition I humbly request to know the answers to these questions”.

  Leofric finished speaking and looked at the old man hopefully. The aged man simply stared back at him before speaking. “Are you okay son?” the man asked. Leofric was befuddled, he had no idea how to answer. “Do you need any help?” the man asked again. Leofric’s brain ran through responses but he didn’t know which one to choose, he had no idea how to respond. “I only ask to know in which city I am in and if there is a port nearby” Leofric added.

  “You’re in New York” the old man said. “The port is near New Jersey, it’s not far from here”.

  “New York” Leofric repeated.

  “Yeah, the big apple” the man stated. “Are you sure you don’t need help son?”.

  “I do need help and I would be grateful if you were to offer it” Leofric replied.

  “I know that there’s a comic con in town right now” the man said. “My grandson is going to it, is this all something to do with that?”.

  “Comic con” Leofric drawled the words out, unsure of what they meant.

  “That’s why you’re wearing the costume isn’t it?” the man questioned.

  Leofric looked down at his clothes before looking back at the man. “I bid you farewell, I thank you for your information”. With
that Leofric turned and walked around to the other side of the fountain. Well that didn’t go well, I don’t think he understood a word of what I said and I didn’t understand anything he said. Except ‘New York’, what a funny name for a city, there’s a York back home but it’s a dump. And I learned that there’s a port in a place called New Jersey. I should venture there post haste, all I need are some directions.

  “Excuse me” Leofric called out to a man looking into a handheld device. “Yeah” the man replied in an irritated voice.

  “Where can I find New Jersey?” Leofric asked, keeping his verbosity to a minimum to avoid miscommunication.

  “New Jersey?” the man laughed.

  Leofric was left unsure yet again of what was going on. “Are you a New Yorker?” the man queried.

  “No I’m not which is why I’m asking” Leofric continued.


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