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Brilliant: Book One of the StarCruiser Brilliant Series

Page 29

by Rick Lakin

  “Sure, Old Friend, you can drive. Try not to hit any potholes.”

  “Sensor alert. The Mendex is ahead,” Ani said.

  “Ani, what's the status of their weapons?”

  “Long-range and medium-range weapons are disabled. They have close-in plasma beams. Her shields are down.”

  “Very well, continue the intercept.”

  “Sir, I have the Mendex on visual.”

  The Mendex showed the scars of the previous battle. The propulsion pod on the port side showed severe structural damage. “You did a number on him, Jennifer,” Navvy said.

  Jennifer tried to hide the pride she was feeling.

  “The Mendex is requesting comms,” Tayla reported.

  “Let’s chat. Open it.”

  Predex Kalim Kone of the Mendex appeared. “Are you here to finish us off, StarCruiser?”

  “We are here to rescue a member of our crew, Kalim.”

  “We have no one on board our ship that requires rescue, StarCruiser.”

  Navvy stepped up next to Jack and looked at Kalim. “We are here to take you home, Son.”

  Kalim’s eyes showed that there was momentary recognition, and then he looked away for a second and then looked back, “I don’t know you, Old Man….” At that moment his shoulders fell. He looked defeated. “My father, Predex Kalea Komdor of the Battle Cruiser Camdex, has disowned me because of my defeat in battle. I have been ordered to Hoclarth to face trial. Therefore, I ask asylum in exchange for the lives of my crew.”

  “Granted. we'll send a shuttle to bring you back.”

  “Very well, StarCruiser.”

  The captain turned to Tayla. “Close comms.”

  “You called it, Navvy. Apparently, this will be a milk run, after all,” Jack said.

  Jennifer didn't subscribe to Lady Luck, but on the other hand, she certainly didn't believe in slapping her in the face like the Captain just did.

  “Riley, take the pilot’s seat. Jennifer, you have the deck while we're gone.”

  “Aye, aye, Captain.” Jack, Navvy, and David slid down the pole to the hangar deck, and Jennifer moved to the center seat. On their way to the Challenger, Jack and David stopped at the armory and withdrew blasters.

  “I guess we can take it easy now,” Riley said as he sat in the pilot’s position.

  “On your toes, Pilot. We are at our most vulnerable right now,” Jennifer responded.

  Tayla looked at her best friend and saw in Jennifer’s eyes that she was on the alert as if she was a cat on the prowl.

  Tayla tried to relax her friend, “Like the Captain said, Easy-Peasy Lemon….”

  “Sensor Alert. An unidentified vessel is decelerating from light speed from the direction of Hoclarth space,” Ani said.


  “Classification Hoclarth Battle Cruiser Camday Class. It's the Camdex.”

  “Very well, Ani.” She depressed a button on the right arm of the captain’s chair, “Challenger, we have company. The Camdex is approaching.”

  “Very well, we'll make it quick,” Jack responded.

  “Pilot, position us between the Mendex and the Hoclarth cruiser.”

  “Pilot, aye.” Suddenly Riley was very serious.

  “Ani, configure this chair for Artificial Weapons Intelligence….”

  Tayla interrupted, “Wait, Sis. I got this.”


  “It took me a whole day to learn comms. I spent the rest of the time on ops and weapons.” She moved to the ops console. “Configure, Owwie. Authorization: Ayiiia.”

  “Presumptuous much?” Jennifer said.

  “A girl’s gotta dream,” Tayla responded. “Weapons ready.”

  “Prepare to launch a STALT from the starboard tube in Standoff Mode. Cloak the missile just outside the tube and approach the Camdex outside of detection range.”

  “Starboard STALT Standoff cloaked, Weapons, aye,” Tayla repeated back.

  Jennifer used her hands to manipulate the tactical display. Camdex was making a circular approach. “The Camdex is approaching Mendex to their port.”

  “Pilot, position us on the Mendex’ bow. When we are there, I'll give the order to release the STALT. Ops, place the STALT in the middle of the triangle.”

  “Brilliant is in position,” Riley said.

  “Release the STALT.”

  “Oops,” Tayla said.


  “Just kidding. STALT away and moving to position.”

  The Challenger docked with the Mendex. Jack opened the hatch. “Interesting, no greeting party. Navvy, stay with the shuttle,” Jack said. “David, go to the bridge and fetch Anthen. I’m right behind you.”

  On the Mendex’ bridge, Kalim Kone sat alone.

  “Predex,” Jack said.

  “Captain,” Kalim said.

  “Your crew?” Jack asked.

  “My two crew members are temporarily incarcerated. They will be released automatically when I am off the ship.”

  “Your father's nearby on the Camdex. We need to get back to the Brilliant.”

  “Kalea Komdor is not my father.”

  “I know. Navvy Kelrithian is waiting in the shuttle.”

  “No, Kalea Komdor is my father-in-law.”

  “You are married? Where's your wife?”

  “She is dead.”

  “Then we need to hurry.”

  “I'm not leaving without my daughter.”

  “Where is she?”

  “Down a deck in our quarters.”

  David spoke up, “I'll go down and get her.”

  “Son, be careful,” Jack said as his son ran away.

  Jack led the way to the shuttle.

  “Officer of the Deck, the Camdex has released a shuttle and is requesting comms,” Ani said.

  “On screen.”

  An older, bearded Hoclarth appeared on the screen. His face showed several battle scars.

  “Welcome to the party, Camdex.”

  “I am Predex Kalea Komdor of the Hoclarth Battle Cruiser Camdex. What is your purpose here?”

  “We are on a rescue mission.”

  “Coincidence. We, too, are on a rescue mission and we relieve you of your mission,” Kalea said. “You are just a girl. A very familiar-looking girl. Where is your Captain?”

  “He's aboard our shuttle which is engaged with the Mendex right now.”

  “Withdraw your shuttle and leave the area. I'll permit you to do so with your ship and your lives. I won't ask again.” The screen went blank.

  “Officer of the Deck, the Hoclarth shuttle has entered the hangar bay on the Mendex.”

  “Very well, Ani,” She depressed the communicator. “Challenger, a Hoclarth shuttle just entered your hangar bay.”

  “Understand, Brilliant,” Jack answered.

  If the Captain was already aboard the shuttle, there must be a problem. “Ani, how close must we be to cover the shuttle with our shields when they separate?”

  “The length of a football field.”

  “Can you get us that close, Riley?”

  “American football or soccer?” Riley replied - a soccer field is 10 meters longer.

  “Just get us as close as possible.”

  Jack brought Anthen/Kalim to the shuttle port, entered, and communicated with Jennifer on the Brilliant.

  The Hoclarth refugee followed. Navvy saw him, “Son?”

  “Sir, I don't recognize you, but I'll take your word for it,” Anthen said.

  “Anthen, you have an implant from the Hoclarth. We have a doctor aboard the Brilliant,” Navvy said.

  “Captain, where is my daughter?”

  “My son needs to hurry,” Jack said.

  Kalim’s daughter was behind the third stateroom door he opened. The ten-year-old looked at him, and he said, “Are you Kalim’s Daughter?”

  “I am Kalinda. And you are?”

  “I'm David. We need to hurry.”

  “Let me guess, you are from Earth, and you are here to
save us,” she said sarcastically

  “You knew we were coming?”

  “I know that my dad is a bit confused right now. I know that he isn't Hoclarth and I know that he recognized the old man on your ship.”

  “That's your grandfather. How did you guess?”

  “I can see things happening in the future,” Kalinda said. She was gathering objects and stuffing them in a bag. “These are the last things I have that my mother gave me.”

  “Your sister calls it the vision thing, seeing things in the future,” David said. “How can I help?

  “Grab that photo board over there and put it in the bag,” Kalinda said. She looked at David. “I have a sister?” She paused and looked into his eyes. “And you are in love with her.”

  “You’re good,” David looked surprised. “We need to go NOW.”

  “Ready. Take me to your leader.”


  “We spend a lot of time near Earth. I watch the movies.”

  David grabbed her bag, and they began running. They went down a deck and saw the open hatch. Kalinda dove through the opening to the Challenger and David passed Kalinda's belongings to his father’s waiting hands.

  “Stop, Earthman.” David froze when he felt the muzzle of a blaster planted firmly above his ear as he planted his hands on the rim of the hatch.

  The Hoclarth officer said, “We'll trade your crewman for the granddaughter of Predex Kalea Komdor. You may keep the traitor.”

  Out of the left corner of his eye, David saw a T-shaped lever. Its function was obvious. He gave one last look at his father. “Sorry, Dad,” David said and pulled the actuator and the hatch closed.

  Ani reported, “Challenger is away. They ejected with explosives.”

  “Very well. Ops when they are inside the umbrella, raise shields,” Jennifer said.

  “Shields are up. Challenger is inside the umbrella,” Tayla reported.

  “First Lieutenant, Challenger is returning. Notify me when she's secure,” Jennifer said.

  “Hangar Bay, Aye,” Maiara responded.

  The hatch closed in front of Jack, and he felt an explosive jerk on the Challenger. “Navvy?”

  “They separated us, Jack.”

  “Get us back to the Brilliant, quickly.”

  “Range 98 yards. We are under the shield umbrella.”

  “Way to go, Jennifer,” Jack said.

  “Captain, may I present my daughter, Kalinda,” Anthen said.

  “Who's Jennifer and who's that man? He resembles my father?” Kalinda said.

  “Lined up with the hangar bay,” Navvy said. “We are inside.”

  “Kalinda, meet your grandfather, Navvy,” Jack said.

  Navvy turned to look at the young girl. “You are very beautiful, Kalinda.”

  “My mother told me that beauty among women is a weakness exploited by men of power,” Kalinda said. “A warrior requires intelligence and strength of character. I'm quite intelligent, but my mother wasn't able to teach me about character. She died a hero in battle.”

  “Kalinda, I believe that your mother did just fine,” Navvy said.

  “Navvy, when we get on Brilliant, take Anthen to Sick Bay and turn him over to Dr. Goldstein. We may need his knowledge sooner than we thought,” Jack said. He turned to the young girl. “Young lady, your father has a device in his head, and we have an excellent doctor who is ready to remove it.”

  “I know about the memory suppressor,” she said.

  “You appear to be as smart as your father and your grandfather.”

  “David says I'm as smart as my sister,” Kalinda said. “May I meet her?”

  “Yes, let’s go meet Jennifer, your half-sister,” Jack said as he led her to the bridge.


  Proxima Centauri

  Jennifer was in the command chair as Officer of the Deck on the Brilliant, awaiting the return of the Challenger on its away mission.

  “Pilot, when the Challenger is secure, set course to Proxima Centauri at point-eight light-speed. We need to get in their gravity well soon,” Jennifer said

  “Challenger is aboard,” Maiara reported.


  As ordered, Riley engaged the gravity drive and proceeded to Proxima Centauri.

  “Officer of the Deck, the Camdex is turning to pursue and leaving the shuttle behind.”

  “Very well. Ops, uncloak that STALT and activate in standoff mode. Make the Camdex fight her way toward us.”

  “Camdex is firing on the STALT and it is returning fire. Dazzler is jamming sensors. Their StarDrive pod is damaged.”

  The Captain came on the bridge and motioned Kalinda to wait behind his chair. “Ani, plot a StarDrive jump to the Proxima Centauri gravity well and engage.”

  In response to the order from the Captain, Jennifer said, “The Captain has the deck.” Tayla and Jennifer immediately returned to their positions.

  Riley engaged the StarDrive after his panel indicated that Ani had laid in the course. He then looked around for his relief and said, “Where is David?”

  The starfield blurred for just a moment as the Brilliant accelerated through light speed. Jennifer turned back to the Captain and saw a young girl with black hair and the same high cheekbones and blue-green eyes that she saw in the mirror each morning. “Captain?” she asked.

  “The Hoclarth have David. It looks like you were right, Jennifer. We are going to have to use your maneuvers around Proxima Centauri. Kalea Komdor is sure to chase us. He wants to trade David for his granddaughter.” Jack turned to Jennifer, “Jen, meet your half-sister, Kalinda.”

  Jennifer hesitated and then rose from her seat and took Kalinda’s right hand, “Hello, Kalinda.”

  “David says that you can see things in the future like me,” Kalinda said.

  “Yeah, I call it the vision thing,” Jennifer said. “Is David okay?”

  “He was captured by my grandfather’s guards. You know that David is in love with you?”

  “Yes, I know.”

  “Why do they have gravity set so low?” Kalinda asked.

  “It's normal for our moon.”

  Tayla looked at the two girls who just went through a life-changing moment with perfectly straight faces and said, “Definitely sisters.” Kayla looked to her right, and Tayla said, “I'm Tayla, Jennifer’s best friend.” Tayla stepped up and wrapped a hug around a very surprised and uncomfortable ten-year-old.

  “I hate to interrupt, but we have work to do. Navvy's with Anthen in sickbay. Jennifer, report?” Jack said.

  “Captain, the STALT was able to disable the StarDrive on the Camdex before it began pursuing. We are three minutes to the gravity well of Proxima Centauri and then five hours to the position for optimum use of the Finsler maneuver. I estimate that the Camdex will intercept us at that time.”

  “Good shooting, Jennifer,” the Captain said.

  “Not me, Sir. Tayla was sitting at Ops, and Riley was piloting. I was just directing traffic.”

  “Really?” the Captain looked at Tayla.

  “I was bored, and I like shoot-‘em-up video games,” Tayla said.

  “Well done, crew. Let’s go get David back.”

  Navvy came on the bridge, “They have gone to work in Sick Bay. Dr. Goldstein says it will be about two hours.”

  The Hoclarth pirate walked into Sick Bay. He looked around at the equipment and was impressed that it was much more advanced than that on his ship. He looked at the two doctors awaiting him. He focused on the yellow eyes of Dr. Ami. “Your eyes? Are you human?”

  “I'm Dr. Ami, the Artificial Medical Intelligence aboard the Brilliant. I'm a Holographic Tactile Virtual Reality entity.”

  “And an outstanding physician, at that,” Dr. Goldstein said. “Anthen, there's a device wrapped around your brain stem at the transition from the spinal cord to the medulla oblongata. It was implanted on Hoclarth when they kidnapped you. It suppressed your knowledge and memories of all the time before you were
captured and replaced them with a Hoclarth childhood and education. We are going to remove it. After that, I expect your previous memories and knowledge will return over a matter of days and weeks.”

  “Will I forget?” Anthen asked. “I don’t want to lose the memories of my wife and my daughter.”

  “This surgery was performed previously in another time and place,” Dr. Ami explained. “You will retain your current knowledge and memories of your family and your experience. Please lay face down on the table, and we'll take some pictures.”

  “Captain, StarDrive is disengaged. We have entered the gravity well at point-eight light-speed en route to Proxima Centauri,” Riley said.

  “Very well, Pilot,” Jack said. “Ops, where do we need to be for you to pull this rabbit out of a hat?”

  “We need to be just past the closest point of approach to Proxima Centauri at about eight million kilometers outbound with the Camdex one million kilometers behind us when we turn back,” Jennifer said.

  “Ani, what's our best speed to the CPA?” Jack said.

  “Point-five-five light-speed. At that speed, the transit will take six-point-five hours. Course laid in,” Ani said.

  “Very well. Pilot, engage,” Jack said. “Now, we wait.”

  Dr. Ami operated the imaging equipment, and the two doctors studied the holographic view of the device wrapped around Anthen’s brain stem. Using their hands, they rotated the image to see the implanted intruder completely. “Those sneaky bastards,” Dr. Goldstein said. “It looks like they poured a liquid metal around the implant. I see that it has involved three spinal nerves. He will suffer paralysis if we cut them.”

  “Sir, I studied all of your procedures. You reconnected and regenerated these nerves many times,” Dr. Ami said.

  “I have. But not this many. Not without an extra set of hands. And not four light years from home,” Dr. Goldstein said. “You told me that you aren't able to perform intricate surgery.”

  “Sir, I haven't been certified to perform at this level. I studied all of your operations from both your view and the view of your colleagues at the table. I believe that I can act as a competent assistant even though it's my first time.”


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