Portrait of Love

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Portrait of Love Page 16

by Debby Mayne

  “That’s Edward Rossi, his wife, and Tony’s mom,” Mandy whispered.

  “Oh,” Christina said, nodding her head. “No wonder your face is bright red.”

  Mandy groaned. She couldn’t play it cool if she tried. She took a couple of deep breaths, trying to relax before Mr. Rossi opened the door for the others.

  The first woman in the door zeroed in on Mandy. “Oh, you must be the girl I’ve heard so much about.”

  Mandy heard her sister snickering behind her. She cleared her throat.

  “I’m Maria, Tony’s mother,” the woman said as she approached Mandy with open arms.

  “I’m Mandy.”

  Mr. Rossi and his wife, Cissy, introduced themselves to Christina, who was the epitome of professionalism. She shook their hands and offered them a tour of the studio. As soon as Maria let go of Mandy, the sisters followed the others to the back. Tony joined them.

  “You’ve got good reports, Tony,” Mr. Rossi said. “I’m sure it must have something to do with these lovely ladies.”

  Christina spoke up. “It’s probably because of my sister’s hard work. She really knows her stuff.”

  Mandy appreciated Christina’s efforts, but she was embarrassed. “It’s all of us.”

  “Where are the part-timers?” Mr. Rossi asked.

  “They’re not able to work the hours we need, and the last one I hired didn’t show up,” Tony replied. “That’s why I’ve been looking for more people.”

  Mr. Rossi nodded. “It’s tough to keep a solid staff of part-time help.”

  Christina cleared her throat, and all heads turned to face her. “I’ve contacted one of the local senior citizen groups to see if anyone wants to supplement their social security income. Of course I asked my sister first, and she said I could give it a try.”

  Mr. Rossi rubbed his chin. “What a great idea. They’re more likely to stick around than a student, and if they need the money, they’ll work the hours you ask them to.”

  “Plus they don’t need to worry about child care, and they won’t expect too many hours,” Christina added.

  Tony tilted his head. “I had no idea you did that, Christina. I agree with Uncle Ed—it’s a great idea. Why didn’t you say something to me about it?”

  “I just called them late yesterday. I was gonna talk to you sometime today, and. . .well, the opportunity just presented itself.” She cast a sheepish glance Mandy’s way then turned back to Tony. “I hope you’re not too upset.”

  “Oh, I’m not upset in the least,” Tony said. “I’m just glad you took the initiative.”

  “Which brings me to a very important announcement,” Mr. Rossi said. “We’ve decided it’s time to bring you back to Atlanta, now that you have capable people to run this place.”

  Mandy felt like her heart had dropped to the floor, and someone had stomped on it. She pulled her cheeks between her teeth to keep from showing a reaction.

  “That is, if my son wants to come back to Atlanta,” Maria said softly.

  Christina looked at Mandy with concern, but she didn’t say a word. Everyone grew quiet, until Mr. Rossi spoke up again.

  “Mandy, do you have some time to discuss your new position?”

  She nodded. “Yes.”

  Mr. Rossi asked Maria and Cissy to go shopping for a little while and come back for him later. “Or you can go to the hotel,” he added.

  “Shopping sounds great to me,” Maria said. “Too bad these girls have to work, or they could go with us.”

  “My sister isn’t much of a shopper,” Christina blurted. “But I love it.”

  Maria winked at Mandy. “To be honest, I’m not all that much of a shopper, either. I’d much rather be in the kitchen cooking for my family.”

  Mr. Rossi patted his belly that hung over his belt. “Cissy doesn’t mind cooking, either, but she used to be quite a shopper before we had kids.” He quickly resumed his professional stance and gestured toward the office area. “After you, Mandy.”

  Mandy was about to sit closer to the door, but Mr. Rossi encouraged her to go behind the desk. “I don’t want you to be uncomfortable,” he said. “Now that you’re on the management team, you’re like family.”

  Her lips twitched into a smile. “Thanks.”

  “So have you thought about some of the things you’d like to do in your trainer position?”

  She nodded. “I’ve made some notes.”

  “Okay, let’s discuss them.” He gestured for her to go ahead of him. “By the way, I’d like you to call me Edward or just Ed. This Mr. Rossi thing makes me feel old.”

  Mandy grinned. “Okay. . .Edward.”

  Two hours later, they’d finished talking about how she’d do her job. He’d asked if she preferred traveling or having new photographers come to her. She said it didn’t matter—that she’d do whatever was needed in each specific case.

  “That’s good,” he said. “It’s hard for some people to leave their families. How about you come to Atlanta again? Is your mother healthy enough for you to leave?”

  “She’s doing great,” Mandy said. “I’m proud of how she’s changed her lifestyle, so it won’t happen again.”

  “Yeah, Tony told me she’s a great cook.”

  Mandy was dying to hear what else Tony had said, but she didn’t want to come right out and ask. Instead, she just smiled.

  “Okay,” Edward said as he stood. “That about does it. I’ll come in tomorrow and on Monday to handle some issues with Tony and get to know Christina a little better, since we’re turning this place over to her. The two of you need to start interviewing some more photographers.”

  “When will we need to do this?”

  “Right away. I want to bring Tony back to Atlanta in a month to six weeks.”

  Mandy looked down to keep him from seeing her expression. When she felt like she could look at him without showing how she felt, she saw the tenderness in his expression.

  “We also need to discuss where we place your office, too, Mandy. Since this is such a new thing for us, we’re not sure if we want you to remain in a studio or if you should be in the home office. Of course, we wouldn’t want you to leave your mother if she needs you.”

  Mandy licked her lips. “Thank you.”

  After he left the office, she remained sitting there staring at the blotter on the desk. Before her mother’s heart attack, she wouldn’t have minded moving for her job, but after the scare with her mother, she felt the tug to stay in West Virginia. Besides, she and Christina had just begun to forge a new, more adult sisterly relationship, and the experience was amazing. After the great news of her promotion, she should have been in a much better mood.

  Tony appeared at the door. “Uncle Ed wants to meet with me. He said it won’t take long, so you and Christina can go to lunch as soon as we’re done.”

  Mandy took a few minutes to gather her thoughts before she got up and joined her sister at the front. Christina looked up with a broad smile.

  “Isn’t this the best company ever?” Christina said. “I’ll never be able to thank you enough for finding this place.”

  Mandy forced herself to smile back. “Yes, it’s a very good company.”

  Christina leaned toward her with a look of concern. “What’s wrong, Mandy? Did I do something?”

  “No, you didn’t do a thing.”

  With a tight jaw, Christina looked around the corner then whispered, “Did Tony say something to upset you?”


  “Okay, I give up. Tell me what’s got you all upset.”

  Mandy was tempted to tell her nothing and pretend everything was fine. But she couldn’t. She needed to vent.

  “Just when I fell in love with someone who loves the Lord, loves me, and is everything I want in a guy, things go haywire.”

  “You mean like Tony going back to Atlanta?” Christina asked.

  Mandy nodded. “He’s never made it a secret about his plan. In fact, when he first got here, he openly resented be
ing made to work at the studio level. He wanted to work at the home office as soon as possible, and now he has his chance.”

  “Yeah, that makes things tough for you,” Christina agreed. “But there’s nothing you can do. We need to pray about it.”

  Christina had just placed her hand on Mandy’s shoulder when they heard the sound of Tony’s office door opening. Both of them glanced up.

  “Thanks, Uncle Ed,” Tony said. “I’ll think about everything and get back with you soon.”

  “Don’t wait too long, Tony. In fact, I need an answer by the end of the month.”

  “That gives me two weeks.”

  Edward grinned at Mandy and Christina. “I’m happy to see that Small World is able to attract such good people. You made it easy for us to do what we need to do for company growth.”

  Tony spoke up. “Why don’t you ladies go grab some lunch?” He pulled out his wallet, opened it, and handed Mandy some money. “If you don’t mind, I’d like for you to bring me something back.”

  Mandy pushed the money back at him. “I’ll treat.”

  Edward laughed as he whipped out some money. “No, I’ll treat. Everyone, put your money back. This is on me.”

  “You don’t need to buy our lunch,” Mandy said.

  “No, but I want to,” Edward said as he took Mandy’s hand and folded it around the money. “In fact, I’d like to join you ladies, if you don’t mind. Cissy and Maria called a few minutes ago and said someone told them about a charming restaurant called Stratford Springs.”

  Mandy nodded. “They’ll enjoy it.”

  Edward tilted his head. “Would you ladies like for me to take you there now? Cissy said they were heading there now, so we can join them.”

  “Um. . .” Mandy had some work to do, and it might take a while, but she didn’t want to turn Edward down. She turned a pleading look toward Tony.

  “I need her back here in less than an hour, and it might take a while to get there,” Tony said.

  Edward folded his arms as he made a contemplative face. “I understand. Maybe some other time.”

  “Sounds good,” Mandy said.

  “Why don’t you join Mom and Cissy?” Tony asked. “I’m sure they’d like that.”

  With a nod, Edward walked toward the door. “Since you three have so much to do around here, I think I will.”

  After he left, Mandy let out a sigh. “Christina, let’s go get some food.” Then she turned to Tony. “What would you like us to bring you?”

  He shrugged. “I’ll eat anything you get.”


  Tony couldn’t help but notice the change in Mandy’s attitude. She’d been so happy about the promotion, but now she was more subdued. He had a pretty good idea of what was bothering her. He’d have to talk to her after she and Christina finished with their afternoon appointments.

  He was surprised when they walked in the door twenty minutes later. Mandy handed him one of the two bags she was holding. “We decided to eat here, since there’s so much to do.”

  “All the more reason to get more people in here. That was a brilliant idea Christina had to hire seniors to make calls and staff the desk.”

  Mandy agreed. “My sister is very smart.”

  “It obviously runs in the family.”

  “Thank you.” Mandy avoided his gaze as she backed out of his office.

  After lunch, the photo sessions went smoothly. Tony took calls from people interested in working, and he booked some interviews. At the end of the day, he asked Mandy to stick around for a few minutes.


  “Come on in,” Tony said.

  Mandy hesitated at the door before going into his office. “You needed to see me?”

  “I noticed how you changed after Uncle Ed mentioned bringing me back to Atlanta.”

  Bull’s-eye. “Sorry.” She swallowed hard. “So when are you leaving?”

  “I’m not sure I am,” he replied. “It all depends.”

  After waiting a couple of seconds, and he didn’t answer, she decided to probe. “What does it depend on?”

  He stood up, came around from behind his desk, and took her hand. “On us.”

  Mandy’s heart thudded so hard, she was sure he could hear it. “What about us?” Her voice came out low and airy.

  Tony let go of her hand. “This isn’t the time or place to do this.”

  “Do what?” Mandy asked.

  He narrowed his eyes and grinned. “You’re good.”

  “Whatever. When do you plan to open up and tell me?”

  He lifted her hand to his lips and kissed the back of her knuckle. “How about tonight?”

  “What if I have plans?” She shot him a playful grin. “After all, it is rather short notice.”

  “If you have plans?” He gave her a mischievous look right back then set his jaw and narrowed his gaze. “Break ’em.”

  “Oh.” Mandy couldn’t think of a witty retort, so she dropped the act. “I don’t have plans. Would you like to come over?”

  “I have a better idea. I’ll pick you up at seven. Wear some-thing nice.”

  “Where are we going?”

  Tony winked. “You’ll find out soon enough.”

  Mandy realized she wasn’t going to get anything out of him then, so she nodded. “So I’d better get moving, since I have to change into something nice.”

  Tony glanced at his watch. “Yeah, you’d better hurry up. I’ll be at your door in forty-five minutes.”

  All the way to her apartment, Mandy thought about the possibilities. If she had her way, Tony would tell her he’d never be able to leave her, and he’d remain in Wheeling to be near her. Then her thoughts drifted back to when she first met him. He’d made it very clear that Wheeling, West Virginia, was a temporary stop for him on his way up the career ladder of his family’s business. His very words: “If I hadn’t taken time out to join the army, I’d be where I want to be right now.”

  As the memory sank in, Mandy’s hope diminished. She’d known Tony long enough to fall in love with him. And long enough to know that when he wanted something, he’d do whatever it took to get it, as long as it didn’t go against his faith. He most likely wanted to celebrate his dream job with Small World.

  After Mandy got home, she forced herself to pull on her favorite dress and refresh her makeup. He’d said to wear something nice, and this was the nicest thing she owned. Too bad, after this, she’d be sad every time she wore it.

  Tony arrived five minutes early. Mandy thought about how he was probably eager to talk about his promotion and ultimate move. She wanted to be happy for him, so she put on her best smile and opened the door.

  He reached for her hand and slipped a corsage on her wrist. She tilted her head. “What’s this all about? Are we going to a prom?”

  With a chuckle, he shrugged. “Maybe.” With a sweeping gesture, he said, “Ready to go?”

  “Let me grab my purse.”

  As soon as they got in the car, he put a CD into the car stereo. As strains of instrumental Christian music played, Mandy studied Tony’s profile in the dim light of dusk. Was it her imagination, or was he nervous?

  “Where are we going?”

  “You’ll see.” He made a couple of turns then headed straight for Oglebay Park.

  “Why are we going to a park?” she asked. “You told me to dress up.”

  He lifted a finger to her lips. “Just relax, okay?”

  She clamped her mouth shut and nodded. After all, she didn’t see that she had any choice.

  He found a parking spot and helped her out of the car. “Let’s go over there,” he said. “I’d like a nice view.”

  Mandy did as she was asked, being very careful with each step, since she’d worn her heels. “I just wish you’d warned me that I’d have to walk in the grass. I would have worn sneakers.”

  Tony smiled as he bent over and scooped her into his arms. He didn’t say anything until they’d reached a place with a garden view, and he gent
ly set her down. “I thought this would be perfect since you’re prettier than any flower that has ever grown here.”

  Mandy playfully swatted at his shoulder. “Stop that. You’re being silly.”

  Without another word, Tony turned her to face him, a serious look on his face. “Mandy, I’ve already told you I love you.”

  Her mind went blank. She wanted to say something, but nothing would come out.

  “As you know, this opportunity with Small World is something I’ve wanted since I came back. Seven months ago, before I met you, I wouldn’t have hesitated. But now, I can’t imagine life without you.”

  Mandy swallowed hard as her thoughts swirled. “What are you going to do?”

  He hesitated then reached into his pocket and pulled out a small black box. As he got down on one knee, Mandy’s knees started to wobble, and she swayed.

  Tony reached out to steady her and smiled. “I don’t care where I live or what I do as long as I have you by my side. Mandy”—he opened the box, and a flash of brilliance defied the darkening sky—“will you be my wife?”

  Mandy reached out and touched the ring then quickly drew back. “I—I don’t know what to say.”

  He frowned and started to stand. “Um, I thought you might—”

  Mandy gently pushed him back down. “Yes, I’ll marry you, but what about the promotion? Both of our promotions?”

  Tony remained on one knee as he placed the ring on her finger then stood to face her. “Ricco, Uncle Ed, and I discussed it. He said I can remain in Wheeling as a studio manager, and you’ll work out of the office in this area.”

  “But I thought you had to go back to Atlanta. Your mom—”

  He laughed. “I called her. When I told her what I planned to do, she said that was even better than having me back in Atlanta.”

  “Oh.” Mandy couldn’t help but smile, then she remembered something. “What about my sister? Wasn’t she supposed to manage the studio?”

  “That’s the best part. I talked Uncle Ed into keeping the Wheeling studio open—at least for the time being. Christina has agreed to be the first manager in the new studio in the Ohio Valley Mall.”


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