Sovereign (Acquisition #3)

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Sovereign (Acquisition #3) Page 11

by Celia Aaron

  Just hearing his name set off a reaction inside me—longing and something akin to being stung. But then my thoughts turned to Sophia. He was with her, maybe fucking her right this moment. I took another pull on the mint julep, the taste less bitter this time than the first.

  Lucius got up and went to the fireplace. The muscles in his back pressed against the soft material of his shirt as he leaned over and reached for some wood. Before long he had a fire going and had finished his drink.

  He claimed my glass and fixed two more mint juleps. After killing the lights, he sat even closer to me as the fire blazed orange, keeping the clammy air at bay. My head swam, but I enjoyed the lessening ache in my heart. Dulling my senses seemed to be the only way to look at Sin’s conquest of Sophia objectively. It was a ruse. It had to be. He loved me. I’d seen it in his eyes, felt it in his touch.

  Before long, Lucius made me another drink and put his arm around me. We didn’t speak, just watched the fire and listened to another storm roll past with a rock tune thumping in the background. I was as content as I could be under the circumstances.

  Uncertainty still ruled my future, but I had a trump card—Cal’s proposal.

  “You know.” I snuggled into his side, enjoying his familiar sandalwood scent. “Cal made me an offer.”

  He tensed. “What sort of offer?”

  I giggled, the sound foreign to my ears, especially because what I was about to say didn’t strike me as humorous in the least. I blinked my eyes to clear my swimming head, but it didn’t work, only made it worse.

  “Stella.” He gripped my injured upper arm and I yelped.

  He eased up. “Fuck, sorry. I forgot. What did Cal say?”

  “He said all I have to do is give myself to him for the rest of the contract year and Sin will win.”

  He finished his drink and slammed the glass onto the side table. “Drink up.”

  My glass was half full, and my eyelids were heavy. “I don’t think I should.”

  “Drink it, Stella.” His voice was an insistent whir when I wanted silence.

  “Fine.” I drained my glass, the taste barely registering. He took it, set it next to his, and turned to face me.

  “Tell me exactly what Cal said. Don’t leave anything out.” His light eyes were close, his brow wrinkled as he focused on me.

  “I did. He said he wanted complete obedience. Said Sin would have to agree to give me to him and then Sin would win.” I tried to make my mouth stop moving, to stop giving away my secrets, but the gates were open and I was gone. Why did telling someone make it easier?

  “Complete obedience?”

  “He wants to hurt me.” I shuddered, my body quaking as if another peal of thunder had sounded overhead. “And it’ll save Teddy.”

  His jaw tightened, and he put his hand to my cheek. “It won’t come to that.”

  I leaned into it, suddenly desperate for a touch that was gentle instead of cruel. “I was going to tell Sin, but he ran away from me. Went to her.” I loathed the sorrow in my heart that leeched into my voice.

  He put his palm on my other cheek and kissed me. I tried to lean away. He held me steady. His lips were soft, his kiss gentle. It felt like a caress, not him trying to take something from me. He licked my lips, asking instead of forcing. I opened my mouth as he deepened the kiss, his tongue sinking into my mouth as he wrapped one arm around me and pressed me close.

  I ran my hands along his shoulders and then trailed my fingers through his hair. He groaned into my mouth when I tugged lightly. His tongue flicked against mine as he lifted me so that I straddled him. Emotions flashed through me—desire, guilt, and anger chief among them. I didn’t love Lucius. My heart belonged to his brother, and there was nothing either of us could do to change it.

  I pulled back, breaking the kiss and breathing deeply as he moved to my neck. “I can’t.”

  He gripped my ass and ground me against his cock, the movement sending tingles and heat through me. “You can.” He ran his teeth along my throat. Gripping the hem of my shirt, he tugged it until I lifted my arms. He pulled it over my head and tossed it to the floor.

  “No.” I protested as he wrapped his arms around me and turned, laying me on my back.

  “Yes. Stop fighting it.” Settling between my thighs, he shoved my bra over my breasts and sucked a nipple into his mouth. I moaned and arched off the couch, clawing at his scalp as he bit and licked.

  He worked his way back to my mouth, his kiss no longer gentle as he ground his hips into me. My skin crackled like the heat from the fire, and I gave in, letting his hands rove me as his mouth slanted over mine.

  As if he sensed my defeat, he gripped my wrists and pinned them over my head. His kiss intoxicated me more than the mint juleps, and I craved the contact, the closeness, the heat he offered. But I didn’t crave it from him. Could I take it anyway? The same way Sin was taking it from Sophia?

  His tongue swirled in my mouth as he kissed me with more passion than I’d ever seen from him. His movements became rougher, rawer. I knew he could give me pleasure, make me forget, if only for a few fleeting moments. It was right in front of me, mine if I would have it. But even as he set me alight, my mind whispered another name and my heart spoke of someone else.

  “I don’t love you.” The words flew out as he kissed to my ear.

  “You don’t have to.” He nipped at my earlobe and palmed my breast. I made an mmm sound as he ghosted over the healed bite on my neck. Reaching between me and the couch, he crushed me to him, as if he wanted every bit of closeness he could get. Even as Lucius promised me a respite from reality, Sin was there in my memory, his eyes open, and his soul bare. I had to stop.

  I embraced Lucius and buried my face in the crook of his neck. “Please don’t. I can’t say no. I need you, but please don’t make me do this.”

  He stilled and nuzzled into my hair. My chest constricted, because I needed him more than I desired him. More than that, I was asking for something he’d never offered. Comfort.

  He thrust his hips against me, and I bit my lip to stifle my moan at the naked want the friction created.

  “You don’t want this?” He nipped at my throat. “You sure? I can feel how hot you are.”

  “I want…” I swallowed hard. “I want you, but not like this.”

  He stilled. “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me. Again, Stella?” He groaned. “You’re going to cock block me again?”

  I nodded and clung to him even harder. “I’m sorry. I just can’t.”

  “Fucking hell.” He pried my arms off him and sat back, eyeing me with open irritation.

  I yanked my shirt down as he let out a large exhale. I expected him to storm out or start destroying things. Instead, he stared, his face unreadable in the flickering firelight.

  After several uncomfortable seconds, he shook his head. “Goddammit.” He pressed the heels of his palms to his temples. “I can’t believe I’m doing this. Go upstairs. Get in bed. I’ll be there in a little while. I have some fucking blue ball business to take care of first. I’ll be there when I’m done.”

  He stood, his erection noticeable in his pants, before helping me to my feet. I walked past, relieved that my freedom was so easily won.

  “Wait.” His strained voice stopped me. “One more kiss. That’s the price.”

  I could say no and sleep alone like I’d done so many times already. The nightmares were always there, as if they fed on my loneliness. Paying for a night of solace with a single kiss wasn’t too much to ask, especially not after what almost happened on the sofa. Mind made up, I turned and walked back to him.

  He put his palms on my cheeks and stroked my hair behind my ears. “Why do I feel like this is the last time? The last chance I’ll get to keep you for myself?”

  I gazed up at his thoughtful expression, but I had no answer. He brought his lips to mine and kissed me with a surprising reverence. His touch stayed gentle, and his eyes remained closed. It lasted only a moment. When he pulled away
, I could sense he wanted so much more. I couldn’t give it to him. My heart was long since gone, grudgingly given to another. I wanted to take it back. Especially when the thought of him with Sophia hurt like someone was searing my insides over a spit. Still, it was too late.

  “Go.” He dropped his hands and kicked his chin up.

  I turned, and he smacked my ass. I yelped at the sting.

  He held his hands up, his signature smirk back in place. “Sorry. I deserved at least a little something for my troubles.”

  I made my way up the stairs, though they seemed far more uneven than usual. Once in my room, I stripped off everything but my panties and donned a tank top and shorts. I crawled into bed and waited.

  Then I realized I’d invited a viper into my bed during a haze of drunken lust and sorrow. I rolled over and sank to the floor. Pulling out the bottom drawer, I felt around for my knife, wanting the cold comfort it provided by just being there. Sin had returned it to me after the Christmas trial, his blood dried on the blade.

  It was tucked against the bottom of the drawer. Next to the familiar metal, I felt something else. A piece of paper. I gripped it between my thumb and forefinger and pulled it loose. Clicking on the lamp, I winced away from the glare and stared at the paper until Sin’s dark, slanting handwriting materialized.

  Trust me. Everything I do is for you and Teddy.

  I stared at the letters, trying to ascribe every meaning possible to them in the hopes I’d land on the right one. Was this about Sophia? About how he was with her to solidify his future as Sovereign? I shook my head. If he’d only spoken to me instead of running off with her, I could have told him about Cal’s proposition, about how I already had the key to winning.

  The words blurred again as my eyes began to close of their own accord. Alcohol and fatigue warred inside me, but I would sleep no matter which was victorious. I stuffed the piece of paper into my nightstand and crawled back into bed, the knife forgotten. Trusting Sin was all I could do. I had no choice. I’d already decided to trust him the moment I left my father’s house. This was just more of the same self-inflicted torment.

  The minutes ticked by, and I dozed off. I woke as the bed shifted. Cool air wafted over me as Lucius climbed into beside me. He pulled the blanket back up and ran his forearm under my neck, pulling me to him.

  “You’re not wearing a shirt.” I rested my head on his shoulder and threw my arm across his stomach anyway. I was too tired to care about what he’d done to alleviate his blue balls, or worry about the fact he was shirtless. Maybe just having a warm body next to me could keep the nightmares at bay.

  “You are an astute observer. I sleep naked.”

  I tried to pull back.

  “Calm down. I kept my boxers on for you.”

  “Oh.” I settled against him again and inched my fingers down to check. They met fabric at his waist.

  He ran his hand through my hair. “I think you were hoping I was lying.”

  I snorted. “No. I just assumed the worst.”

  “Maybe you shouldn’t do that about me anymore. I’m in your bed after all. Dick dry as a bone. All because you asked and looked up at me with those goddamn green eyes. I feel like I’m pussy whipped, but I don’t even get the pussy.”

  I was already drifting back to sleep as he complained. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be. I’m betting you’ll let me fuck you in the morning.”

  I passed out mid-laugh.



  I SPED DOWN THE narrow lane, pleased to have control once again. The time spent with Sophia had been full of appointments, duties, and requirements that chafed even the deep-seated decorum I’d been taught.

  More than the freedom, I wanted Stella. Not on the phone. Not across a table from me. Not in a fucking first class seat next to me. I wanted her beneath me, crying my name in pleasure and pain. My moods grew darker each day I was away until Sophia declared me “insufferable” and demanded I return home and wait for her arrival.

  I was more than happy to oblige, leaving for the airport that night and returning even earlier than expected. My tires hummed on the pavement as a warm summer sun began to heat the muggy air. Impatience stalked back and forth through my mind, and I sped even faster, desperate to hold what was mine.

  The gate swung open too slowly for my tastes, but before long I was cruising under the familiar Vinemont oaks. I parked in front and took the steps at a run. The house was quiet, everyone just waking up for the day. I couldn’t stop the smile that quirked my lips as I approached Stella’s door. I slowed my steps, creeping along the runner, not making a sound.

  Turning her door handle, I pushed the door open and peered through.

  My stomach sank, and every bit of anticipation running through my blood turned to ice. She lay on her side, face angelic in sleep, as Lucius slept beside her, his arm slung across her waist, his face buried in her hair.

  They were beautiful together in the morning light. A stunning pair who encompassed so much—pure and corrupt, light and dark. My hand tightened on the doorknob until my bones pressed into the glass. Something this lovely needed to be destroyed. I followed the line of Stella’s body, the curve of her breast through her top, the blanket pulled just to her hip. Lucius’s tan arm stood in contrast her fair skin. My fingertips remembered her smoothness. I’d traced her face every night in my dreams.

  My palm grew warm, blood coating the door handle as I took in every breath, every curve, and every hair on her head.

  I had two options. I could kill them both as they slept and bring the entire Vinemont line to ruin. Or I could walk away. I stood for long minutes, just listening to them breathing deep and even, no doubt exhausted from a long night of fucking.

  Lucius had finally won out, taking her from me while I was busy solidifying our family’s safety. She’d chosen him over me yet again, and I was the fool who hadn’t seen it coming. I studied the back of my hand, the scars there visible, but not as deep as the ones that remained hidden inside me.

  Of course she’d turned her back on me. I was a demon. She’d said it in her sleep on dark nights when she would cry out and awake in tears. I’d cradled her in my arms, fighting off the nightmare version of myself. But as I watched her and Lucius, I realized there was only one me. I was the nightmare version, the one who terrified her, haunted her—who took everything from her and left her broken.

  My head pounded, and each beat of my heart was an individual torment. A maelstrom of dark thoughts rained down and swirled in my mind, each one worse than the last. Pity was that I couldn’t make good on any of them. Even as she lay in another man’s arms, I still wanted her.

  Long minutes slipped by as I weighed my need for retribution against the lives of my two brothers and Stella. Could I destroy it all, killing what little was left of me in the process?

  Murder whispered to me. After a few more moments, I shoved the dark thoughts down. Molten lead poured over my heart, charring it and sealing it in an impenetrable tomb. When it cooled, I would finally be the man I needed to be to win the Acquisition.

  I closed the door.



  “SO, ABOUT THAT MORNING fuck we discussed.” Lucius ran his fingers down to the small of my back and tucked them into the waistband of my shorts.

  I groaned and rolled away from him. It was too early, though bright rays of sun streamed through the window. My head pounded along with my pulse, a hangover already setting in.

  “Nuh uh.” I buried my face in my pillow and stretched my legs all the way down to my toes before relaxing again.

  “Come on.” He propped on his elbow next to me and squeezed my ass. “It’ll be fun. I don’t even care if you just lay there. Go back to sleep. I’ll handle the rest.”

  I snorted and reached back to slap his hand away. “Asshole.”

  “I’ve never met a girl who jumps right to anal, but sure.” He smoothed his hand down farther.
  “That’s my cue.” I slid out of bed and stretched, my arm aching where the break had been. My stomach churned—the bourbon had transformed to acid. He lay back in a huff, his erection noticeably tenting the sheet. Climbing back into bed and sleeping in was preferable, but there was no way I was going anywhere near him.

  He sat and pulled his knees up. “How did you sleep?”

  “Good, actually. Better than when I’m alone.”

  “You cried a little.” He glanced away. “I woke up and you were talking about leaves and then rope. I said something to you, and you quieted down.”

  I should have been embarrassed about it, but I wasn’t. He knew what I’d gone through at the last two trials. Besides, there was no way I could control what I did in my sleep.

  “What did you say to me that helped?” I asked and walked to the bathroom.

  “I don’t know. I was half asleep. I guess my voice or something made you feel better.”

  “Maybe. Hey, I’m going to shower.” I turned and pinned him with a glare as he smirked. “Without you. Your sleeping buddy services, while very much appreciated, are no longer needed.”

  “Don’t get used to it. The next time I’m in this bed, I’ll be between those legs.” He licked his lips. “Also, I’m about to be out the country for a week or two.”

  I peered at myself in the mirror, the circles under my eyes still apparent though not as dark. “You’ll miss Sin coming home.”

  “Yeah, I’m real bummed about that. I’ll cry into my mojitos over it.” His voice receded, and I heard my door click shut.

  “Thank you.”

  He didn’t hear me, but I meant it all the same. Somehow, I’d spent the night with Lucius Vinemont and made it through unscathed.

  I laughed at the thought as I stripped and stepped into the shower. Halfway through soaping up I heard a knock at the bathroom door.


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