Alien Indiscretions

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Alien Indiscretions Page 23

by Tracy St. John

  ‘Comfort’ wasn’t exactly a word she would have used, not with her pussy pounding its need like a second heartbeat. But Cissy knew what the Imdiko asked.

  “I’m fine in this position if it is what you wish, Master. Thank you.”

  His soft lips brushed her tear-streaked cheek. “Good girl. I’m going to reward you for your obedience.”

  She heard the sound of resealable seams parting behind her. A pair of heavy, slick lengths of heat thudded against her spanked rear. Cissy moaned and wiggled against Wal’s livid groin. “Please,” she whimpered again.

  “Yes, sweet girl. Yes, good girl,” he murmured into her hair.

  Wal lifted a little of his weight, allowing him to hold the back of her neck with one hand. She felt his other fist close on the ends of his sexes, placing them so that they readied to enter her. Cissy tried to spread her legs even wider, begging him to enter and relieve the awful emptiness.

  The Imdiko pressed in careful increments, his larger cock spearing into her ass. Cissy was still tight, but the plug, spanking, and vibrator had made her eager. She strained to capture more of him, willing him to fill her.

  His smaller back cock nudged into her soaked folds. She made a glad cry to feel him pushing into her, filling her as only a Kalquorian man could. Even better was the pressure of the twin girths pressing against the magic spot in her pussy.

  As close as Cissy was to climax, Wal’s careful movements kept her from coming. Some small part of her appreciated his caution, but impatience was more demanding. She tried to shove backwards onto the Imdiko. The grip on the back of her neck held her pinned to the cushion, however. She couldn’t claim her prize.

  She wailed a protest. “Please, faster! I need you, Master, please!”

  Wal huffed a breathless laugh. “Your ass is tight, my girl. As much as I’d love to fuck you without care, I am not interested in hurting you. You will have to take what I give you at the pace I feel is best.”

  Cissy wailed again. She kicked the padding on the floor and strained to meet his groin. No good. She couldn’t move. She needed to be fucked hard, but she couldn’t make that happen.

  Being overpowered by the man skewering her made arousal even worse. Knowing that she had no ability to take what her body demanded, that she was helpless to enact her will, brought excitement spiking in Cissy’s gut. Her climax was dependent on the Imdiko, and he could grant or withhold it from her on a whim.

  Not caring that she’d lost all pride, Cissy sobbed the one word that thus far failed her in a long string of begging. “Pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease...”

  And still Wal kept his methodical pace, ensuring her safety even as he drove her insane. She screamed in frustration.

  His hand released her neck, wrapping around her hair to pull her head back. His breath warmed her cheek as he said, “What’s the matter, naughty Cissy? Is Master making you wait? Is it making you crazy that you can’t have what you want until I decide you can have it? If I decide you can have it?”

  Cissy rolled her eyes to the side to look into the alien purple of Wal’s. The hard light in them showed none of the Imdiko’s usual gentleness. He looked as dangerous as Rolat.

  Shaken by the realization that making demands on Wal could be every bit as perilous as doing so with his Nobek clanmate, Cissy whimpered, “I’ll do anything you want, Master. Anything.”

  His grip in her hair tightened. “Yes, you will. Right now, you will hold still and take this nice, slow fuck I’ve decided to grant you.”

  Tears filled her eyes at his words. Nice, slow fuck. What he wanted. What she had to want because she had given herself to him. Cissy had no choice but to acquiesce.

  A knowing smile quirked the corners of Wal’s mouth. “That’s it. You are here for my pleasure, beautiful slave. I can tell you like that. I feel your pussy trembling. I feel the wetness pouring from you over me. I feel how your body clutches at my cocks. You want to serve my desires.”

  A tiny sob drifted from her lips. Yes, she wanted him happy. But it was so hard to remember that when her body clamored for him.

  Those soft lips found hers, as if Wal would sip the torment from her mouth. His kiss was every bit as languorous and careful as the way he melded his body to hers. Cissy concentrated on losing herself in that embrace, filled with a heartbreaking sweetness.

  She was so taken by the thorough gentle kiss that she didn’t realize Wal had at last joined with her until his mouth drifted away from hers. His groin snugged up tight to Cissy’s ass and pussy, buried to the hilt in her warmth. He smiled.

  “You see? Now we are one, my lovely little servant. Now I have you, and you have me in the most delicious way possible.”

  For some reason Cissy wasn’t entirely sure of, she said, “Thank you.”

  “You are welcome. Now give me another of those kisses.”

  As his mouth closed over hers once again, Wal’s hips pumped, emptying and refilling her in smooth, easy strokes. His tongue slid over hers, lending greater pleasure to the fire blazing hot in her belly. Cissy moaned into Wal’s mouth as sumptuous friction brought all her senses to life. She felt every stripe Rolat and Diltan had placed on her flesh, every rasp of Wal’s rough tongue, every glorious inch of the cocks plumbing her depths.

  Orgasm laid hold of Cissy, starting at the point where the Imdiko’s cock rubbed wondrously against the hottest cluster of passion at the front of her pussy. From there it billowed out, suffusing her entire body. Wal held her head in place, swallowing her cries with his kiss as she combusted.

  Even when the first massive surge of pleasure ended, endless ripples continued to make her moan steadily as Wal loved her. The Imdiko’s pace quickened, maintaining Cissy’s long, delightful orgasm as he sought his end. At last Wal groaned, his body straining as it draped over hers and he spent his passion.

  Snuggled under the big alien’s warmth, Cissy sighed. With Diltan’s clan, she had become ruined for the younger, less experienced Kalquorians she’d been playing with. She could not imagine having sex again with those eager but naive men.

  “I suppose I have to get up now,” Wal mumbled after a few moments of recovery.

  “I could always pick you up and throw you across the room to get you out of my way,” Rolat said in a cheerful tone.

  “I’ll manage,” the Imdiko said.

  He rose, taking his weight off Cissy. “Thanks for laying on me in such a way as to not keep me from breathing,” she smarted off.

  Wal tweaked her nose. “Smothering my lovers is not one of my games, pretty girl,” he laughed.

  Cissy managed to get to her knees, but her legs felt wobbly. “I’m not sure I can stand,” she giggled to the men.

  “Then you may crawl,” Rolat told her with the same grin he’d given Wal when he’d threatened to toss him. “This way.”

  Cissy blinked at the Nobek as he started to walk to the next play area, where a swing with straps depended from the ceiling.

  Chapter 14

  Crawl? He couldn’t be serious.

  Noticing she didn’t follow, Rolat stopped after two steps and turned to her. “I believe your master gave you an order, girl.”

  Cissy looked from the Nobek to his clanmates. Diltan and Wal both looked at her, their expressions alike in smiling confusion. The Dramok lifted a brow as she stared at them.

  “Was his command not clear enough? What has you looking so stunned, Cecilia?”

  “He told me to crawl.”

  “Yes, I did.” Rolat looked at his clanmates. A slight shrug of his shoulders told them he was as lost as they.

  From her kneeling position, Cissy crossed her arms over her chest. “You don’t think that’s demeaning? Disrespectful?”

  Rolat cocked his head. “In a scenario during which I have assumed power over you, no. I am the master, and you are the servant. Having you crawl is a display of the control you have granted to me.”

  He came back over and knelt on the floor before her. “Have I done anything to make you f
eel I do not regard you as a beautiful and intelligent woman that excites me in body and mind?”

  Cissy thought about it. “Up until now, no.”

  “Why is telling you to crawl different then? How is that so much worse than telling you to take a spanking, which causes actual pain?”

  Cissy scowled. “I’m not a dog. I don’t like being treated like one.”

  “What is a dog?”

  The question gave her pause. Kalquorians didn’t have dogs. “It’s an animal we kept as pets on Earth.”

  “Like a wild animal in a zoo? Or more an animal put into service like kestarsh on farms and ranches?” Rolat’s brow was drawn in the effort to figure the matter out.

  It was Diltan who answered. “No, dogs are more like companions for Earthers, often treated like children. There have been petitions put forth in the effort to allow these animals onto Kalquor because they are held in such high regard by the Mataras. Our laws regarding alien species prohibit them because of the impact they might have on the natural order of our planet.”

  Cissy’s eyes widened. “You don’t have pets like that?”

  Wal shook his head. “Here, it’s considered unnatural to take an animal out of the wild to keep like a possession. We do need some work animals such as the kestarsh, and their captivity and breeding is heavily regulated. We know some aliens enjoy keeping animals as companions, but it is not something we Kalquorians do.”

  “We’re getting distracted here,” Rolat pointed out. “Cissy, when I tell you to crawl, it is not because I see you as a lower life form. I think I understand now where you might get that idea from, since many animals do crawl. In this instance, however, I am only maintaining our roles as master and servant. I am dominant to you, and you crawling where I tell you to is an expression of the play.” His eyes twinkled. “Besides, you said you couldn’t stand yet. I thought I was doing you a favor.”

  Cissy felt a sense of relief at his words. Rolat had meant no insult. It was just part of the game. “I guess I took offense where there was none intended.”

  He shrugged. “A misunderstanding. If it bothers you, I will not insist on you crawling for me.”

  She felt foolish. “I’ve made a big deal out of nothing, apparently.”

  Rolat reached to brush a tendril of hair from where it had fallen over her face. For a man with such big, blocky hands, his touch was tender. Cissy found herself leaning her cheek into his warm palm.

  He smiled at her gesture. “If it makes you the least bit uncomfortable, it is a big deal to me. Never feel you cannot tell me what bothers you. I will stop in my tracks any time you need reassurance.”

  Diltan added, “That goes for all of this clan. If one of us is not enjoying what’s happening, then none of us will. Speak up any time you need to.” He threw his head back to laugh. “As if I have to tell you to let me know what I’m doing wrong!”

  They all chuckled at that.

  Rolat gave Cissy a searching look. “Never doubt I have the utmost respect for you, Matara. Any female who threatens to make me a woman is one I’ll watch out for.”

  Cissy snickered. “I need to stop being so obnoxious. But if you could have seen your faces when I told you that – it was worth it.”

  “Shall we continue then? And how shall we continue?”

  She considered. She believed Rolat was not trying to make her feel bad about herself by commanding her to crawl. It was part and parcel of the scenario they had agreed to. She could live with that. And if it turned out she couldn’t, she could always say sholt. More than ever, Cissy trusted the three men to respect her limits. Besides, seeing Rolat with that crop and feeling his strength was a huge turn on. She liked being his to control

  She smiled at the Nobek. “I will crawl for my master.”

  He nodded and rose to his full height, towering over Cissy, making her feel small, making her feel vulnerable ... but somehow making her feel safe as well. “Then follow me on your hands and knees. Be quick about it.”

  He moved over to the swing, Cissy crawling in his wake. She moved quickly to keep pace with his long strides. She waited for the sense of degradation to overwhelm her.

  For a moment it sat on her heart, a tendril of hurt winding within. Then Rolat looked over his shoulder at her. The approval in his gaze warmed her, shriveling that mote of discomfort. She saw something else in his expression as well – gratitude.

  It really wasn’t about him lording power over her. It wasn’t about him degrading her. It was about him earning her trust enough for her to hand him control. The knowledge rocked Cissy, slowing her pace for a bare instant before she pushed herself to follow him even faster.

  There was a lot of stuff going on behind their so-called play, she realized. They were building the foundations for something much bigger than mere sex games. Something for the future, perhaps.

  They arrived at the swing. Rolat bent and lifted her in his arms. Cissy reveled in his strength, strength he would apply to her security should they stay together. Yes, there was plenty going on here beyond kinky play.

  With that caring smile that made all concern melt away, Rolat placed her in the straps that served for a seat. She was surprised to find it was comfortable and supported her weight without a single creak.

  It hung from two thick straps, which were hooked into the ceiling. There were soft fabric cuffs attached to those straps, which Rolat cinched around Cissy’s wrists. The bonds stretched her arms all the way over her head, pulling her upright in such a way that her breasts were lifted high. The Nobek growled at the sight and lightly slapped the mounds. Cissy squirmed at the tiny stings that roused her libido from its sated state.

  The wide strap that supported the back of her head had smaller straps that ended in adjustable loops. Rolat unfastened a loop and bent one of her legs up. Cissy gasped when he wrapped fabric around her thigh just above the knee and reconnected it to make it a loop once more. He tightened it around her leg, imprisoning the limb so that it was held high and wide.

  “Any pain in the hip? How is your circulation?” the Nobek asked, running a finger between the loop and her leg.

  “I’m okay,” she said, sounding anything but. Her voice was higher than usual in a blend of nervousness and excitement. Rolat trussed her like a sexual sacrifice, making her helpless to anything he might decide to do to her.

  He must have heard the emotion, because he chuckled deep in his throat. It was an evil sound that gave Cissy chills.

  Rolat bound her other leg the same as the first. She was wide open to him now and unable to move.

  Still grinning, he wandered away, going to some shelves where small items were scattered. Cissy couldn’t see much beyond jars and bottles there. Rolat picked up a jar of golden liquid and something that resembled an artist’s paintbrush. She doubted he was going to paint her portrait.

  The Nobek’s smile was just as evil as before as he approached her with the jar and brush. Cissy was dying to ask what he was up to, but didn’t dare. She was afraid of the consequences of questioning her ‘master’. Plus she wasn’t sure she would like the answer even if he chose to give it.

  Rolat opened the flip-top jar and stuck the bristles of the brush in, swirling it around to saturate them. Then he painted the golden-hued fluid all over her pussy. Cissy noted he caught any drips before they could reach her vulnerable asshole. She shivered to feel the soft bristles playing about her softest bits, especially her sensitive clit.

  Rolat capped the jar and handed it and the brush to the nearby Wal. Cissy noted how the Imdiko, along with the watching Diltan, grinned from ear to ear. Fuck. Whatever Rolat was up to, it was something they looked forward to seeing her reaction over.

  Rolat rubbed her breasts with the expectant air of a man waiting for something. As long seconds spun out, she thought whatever the stuff he’d used on her was supposed to do, it had failed. Not that she cared. She liked having her breasts played with. The big, rough hands massaging them were getting her juices bubbling all ove
r again, sending warm tendrils of pleasure down to her sex...

  Her pussy flared bright with heat. Cissy sucked a startled breath in as excitement suffused her sex.

  Rolat grinned. “Ah, I see you are ready. We are going to play a little game now. I am going to try to make you come, and you are going to try not to.”

  Cissy stared at him as her parts below spasmed with desire. The warmth had a little tingle to it now, making the very air currents feel good. Had the Nobek lost his mind? With this kind of enticement, why on Kalquor would she deny herself orgasm?

  Her disbelief must have shown, because Rolat gave her that stern look he did so well. “Every climax you have means a swat from Diltan’s paddle when he takes his turn with you.”

  He nodded toward the Dramok, standing a little off to one side. Diltan stood there with a huge smile and an even bigger wooden plank. Cissy’s eyes widened to see the paddle. He’d break her ass with that thing.

  Rolat tried to remain firm, but Cissy detected the way the corners of his mouth trembled, as if restraining laughter. “You understand the rules then. Let’s begin.”

  He held out his hand. Grinning, Wal brought him what appeared to be a thick wand with a fat, round cushioned tip. Rolat thumbed a switch and it hummed loudly.

  Shit. Cissy knew the trouble she was in right away. Before she could brace herself, Rolat pressed the vibrating tip to her clit.

  The soft surface of the thing thrummed hard and fast against her avid flesh. The heat and tingling exploded in her clit. Her whole body galvanized, every mote of her consciousness coalescing on that bright exaltation that erupted within seconds.

  Cissy strained and screamed in the swing as climax stampeded through her. She’d barely finished tumbling from the first swell of rapture when Rolat stepped away.

  As she sobbed in violent gasps, Rolat turned to the chuckling Diltan. “That’s one. You’d better warm up your arm, my Dramok. From how fast she gave in, I think you’re going to have quite the workout.”

  “Fine by me. This little lovely has been a thorn in my side since she got to Kalquor.”


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