Alien Indiscretions

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Alien Indiscretions Page 33

by Tracy St. John

  “Pleasure for him, pain for her,” Diltan said.

  Rolat fetched them each a reed. They approached the lounger.

  Cissy’s hair covered the top half of her back. Diltan moved it so it lay over one shoulder. She didn’t seem to notice as she slid up and down Wal’s cocks. She would notice soon enough, Diltan knew.

  He nodded to Rolat.

  * * * *

  Cissy enjoyed the slow build of returning arousal. Wal sucked her breast deep into his mouth, and his teeth gently bit into the soft flesh. Meanwhile, she bobbed up and down on him, enjoying the friction of his twin girths inside her and the heady jolt of her clit against his groin. She controlled the pace, the depth, and the motions. Being in command of the big man beneath her was heady stuff, particularly since she knew Diltan actually called the shots. Plus Wal could decide to overcome her at any moment. With the tiny ache coming from his teeth and that thought, her excitement flared bright for an instant.

  Even when I’m in charge, I like the thought that I’m not. Who would have thunk?

  Cissy paused to grind her clit against Wal’s hard body in slow circles. Nice. So incredibly nice, especially with Wal groaning around his mouthful of her—

  Two stinging stripes splashed across her back. Cissy gasped and shot up straight, yanking her boob out of the Imdiko’s mouth. She stared at Diltan and Rolat standing on either side of the lounger. They each held switches.

  No, not switches. They held those decorative reeds from the basket on the table, the ones with the feathery soft plumes.

  Diltan, who stood behind the lounger on her left, frowned at her. “Did I tell you to quit fucking my Imdiko?”

  Cissy looked at those reeds, feeling the sting they had left. She swallowed, excitement building. “No, Master. I’m sorry.”

  She raised herself over Wal once more, feeling more acutely than before how he slid through her channels. Diltan waved his reed before her, letting the soft part circle one of Wal’s nipples. The Imdiko’s breath caught.

  Another streak of biting pain erupted across Cissy’s back. She arched with a little cry. The movement made her breasts thrust forward. Diltan tapped the reed stem across the top of them, sending sparks through the mounds. The warm tendrils of pain communicated directly to her clit.

  All at once, Cissy was not climbing to arousal. She was there.

  Between switching her, Diltan and Rolat traced Wal’s straining body with the velvety fronds. They used the blue plumes to caress his breathtaking face, his throat where the pulse beat quickly, his dark and pointed nipples, and his trembling abdomen. Cissy occasionally felt a feather-like touch at the crevice of her ass. She knew they teased his rear cock when she rose over him, partially exposing it. Wal’s pleasure was Cissy’s too. She experienced every sigh that escaped his lips, every breathless moan that his clanmates’ play elicited.

  For her, they served up delightful bites of pain. They painted thin pink stripes on her upper chest with the reeds, and she felt every one they laid upon her back and buttocks. That was her pleasure as well. The heat of the switching filled her body. The stings were an exquisite counterpoint to the growing spasms that made her pussy and ass clutch Wal’s cocks.

  Cissy rose and fell on the man beneath her faster. Her hands planted on his chest, giving her better leverage to slam her sex down on his. She took him hard, riding the building excitement to its crescendo.

  Wal howled. His hands gripped Cissy’s hips in a punishing grasp as he strained up. She felt his cocks jerk within her, jetting hot seed deep inside. Then her own orgasm swept in, carrying her up to the blinding heavens.

  It seemed they would come together forever, the pair of them grinding hard into each other, extending the heady release for as long as possible. They clung to every ebbing surge, unwilling for it to end.

  At last it did, and Cissy leaned sideways against the back of the lounger. She sat that way so she could watch Wal’s still-gorgeous face, relaxing with the afterglow of completion. She basked in the knowledge that she had help transform that worried visage into this beautiful angel’s serenity, if only for a little while.

  Rolat’s strained voice cut into her contemplation. “Damn, I almost wish I wasn’t so aroused. I could look at the two of them that way forever.”

  Diltan chuckled softly. “It is a sweet vision, isn’t it? Have you ever seen a lovelier pair? However, if they have the strength to move, you have waited long enough, my Nobek. Wal, can you get up?”

  The Imdiko judge blinked, as if reluctant to wake from a wonderful dream. “I suppose so.”

  “I’ll help get the nicest obstacle out of your way.”

  Strong arms lifted Cissy. It made her sad to feel Wal slip out of her. He rolled off the lounger and onto the floor, in no hurry to gain his feet. That made the other two men laugh.

  Diltan set her back onto the lounger. “Lie facedown in his place, little girl. Ass up in the air.”

  Since he’d put her on her hands and knees, it was a simple matter for Cissy to get in the position he ordered. She knew what the pose invited and smiled. This was going to be good.

  Diltan continued to play the role of absolute leader. “Use your hands to spread your cheeks wide. Beautiful, just beautiful. I’m going to enjoy watching this. My Nobek, that sweet ass is yours.”

  Rolat’s gruff voice shook Cissy’s bones as he took his place behind her. “Thank you, my Dramok.”

  The side of Cissy’s face was mashed into the cushions. She felt rather than saw Rolat’s anticipation of what was about to happen. Rough fingertips skated over her spine. Thick muscled legs pressed the insides of her thighs further apart. Hard, wet heat poked with brazen insistence at her ass and pussy.

  As eager as the Nobek was for her, he didn’t rush to claim pleasure. Instead, he rubbed up and down her back. The strong hands would have been relaxing except Cissy was slack from the last orgasm. Rolat’s touch felt good nonetheless, making her feel almost sleepy with contentment.

  Rolat sighed, a happy sound. “She’s pretty with those stripes that haven’t faded yet. That round ass open from you two, waiting for me to fill it. Nice, wet pussy that smells like woman and my clanmates all combined in one amazing scent. This is paradise.”

  His hands left off stroking Cissy’s back. A moment later, a row of hard knuckles stroked up and down over her pussy and clit. All at once, Cissy was no longer loose-limbed with relaxation. Her breath caught, and a jolt of pleasure rocketed through her core.

  “That’s it, pretty girl. I hoped you had something left for me.”

  Rolat ran his knuckles up and down her slit. Cissy moaned and her fingers, holding her ass cheeks wide as Diltan hand commanded, bit deep into the soft flesh. It was all she could do to not pump her hips up and down in time with his caresses.

  He swapped knuckles for fingertips, scooping some of the wetness coming from her. He rubbed it against her asshole, lubing her with her own juices.

  “She’s still pretty wet back here from you two, but it’s always good to make sure she’s ready.”

  “Especially with you,” Wal said, his voice sleepy. “Your primary cock would make a kestarsh proud.”

  Cissy thought of how large and thick Rolat’s main cock was, the one he was about to put in her bottom. She shivered.

  She felt the tapered tip of him settle there. Feverish, she fancied it was burning the smaller of her openings, branding her as his. She shivered again and made herself relax.

  Rolat sank his prick into her ass. Having taken Diltan and Wal’s secondary penises, Cissy experienced only a slight ache as the Nobek’s girth widened. She sighed to feel how her body accommodated the big man.

  His smaller cock parted the folds of her pussy. Rolat gripped it to angle it precisely, sliding into her with ease. Then he reached to pet her clit.

  Delight washed through her, a physical rush that made Cissy feel the most alive she ever had. Her senses sparkled with acute awareness, every mote of sensation a glittering gem. She no long
er wanted to move against Rolat, to claim anything from this third of her lovers. She froze in place, wanting this sweetness to last for as long as possible, to be able to experience it in its entirety.

  Wal spoke, telling her he had risen from the floor to stand close and watch his clanmate take her. “Look at you disappearing into her. If I hadn’t come so damned hard a few minutes ago, I’d be coming right now just watching this.”

  “I bet it feels as good as it looks,” Diltan chimed in. He sounded awed.

  “Better,” Rolat murmured. “Fucking exquisite.”

  Being watched with Rolat enhanced the passion for Cissy. Inside, she felt liquid, as if she melted over high heat, set to boil. The twin thicknesses filling her massaged her interior, as Rolat had rubbed her back ... except the effect this time invigorated rather than relaxed. His fingers still played over her clit, rubbing and stroking and tugging her to greater diamond-bright rapture.

  Other hands joined in the pleasuring, cupping Cissy’s breasts, combing through her hair, smoothing over her belly. As the three men concentrated on her, she felt something beyond mere sexual pleasuring. She felt like the center of the universe, as if she had been made the most important thing in creation. She was the focus of the clan.

  This – this is what the Kalquorians have been talking about. All those times they assured us Earthers that we would be the heart of their clans – this is what they meant. They weren’t just pretty words. This is real.

  Cissy would have liked to wallow in that singular sensation, but Rolat was ready to fuck. The hand not engaged in teasing her clit closed around the back of her neck. She was almost disappointed when he started to thrust steadily.

  Yet the feeling of being the most important thing to the men surrounding her didn’t leave. As Rolat’s pace grew faster, as their bodies met with louder and louder reports, as pleasure crystallized into the most exquisite points of bliss that tried to take Cissy’s consciousness away, she never lost that feeling that she was all that mattered to Clan Diltan.

  She wept as she climaxed hard, feeling a sense of belonging that had only ever been approached by ties to her family. She wanted to be a part of this forever. She wanted to grasp this nirvana tight in her fists and never let it go.

  Pleasure ebbed. The wonderful soul-enhancing sensation did not. Diltan, Rolat, and Wal gathered around her afterwards. They fetched her water and food to rebuild her strength. They cuddled with her, keeping her warm and safe. When she was capable of standing again, they somehow squeezed their hulking bodies in her tiny shower to bathe her.

  Wal used sheets, pillows, and cushions to make up a bed on the greeting room floor that could accommodate all four of them. She snuggled between him and Diltan, with Rolat spooning against the Imdiko.

  This is where I need to be, Cissy thought for what must have been the hundredth time. This is what I was meant for, even if my Dramok is an ambitious jerk sometimes.

  Unaware of her great revelation, Diltan smiled his nice smile, the one he didn’t use when he felt pompous. “My day ended a lot better than it started.”

  “So happy to have been of service, sir.” Cissy winked at him, though teasing was the last thing on her mind. Still, she didn’t want to scare the men off by moving too quickly. She knew she had her clan, the one that was perfect for headstrong, uncivilized Cecilia Salter. She just had to be patient and wait for them to realize it too.

  Chapter 21

  Two days later, Maf summoned the Ethics Committee to the conference room. Within minutes, Diltan’s temper reached a full boil.

  Maf, the object of his ire, spouted the vitriol that had the population of Kalquor screaming for indictments. The council balked at blanket indictments as so many of its members had been the first to clan Earther Mataras. They were open to charging Yuder and Ospar, less so for Tidro and Rajhir. Tidro was too old for most to want to drag him through a trial, and he had been out of the public eye for the last few years as he tended to the ill Zarl. As for Rajhir, he was one of them, a Royal Councilman. To charge him would open the rest of them to indictment. The conflict in yesterday’s open chamber had gotten ugly.

  Leading those shouting for legal proceedings was Maf, along with his ally in the council and on the committee, Terbal. Maf was determined to accuse as many men as possible and drag them into the courts. He seemed to care not at all for the tension in the streets as he pursued his idea of ‘justice’.

  Right now, the man’s attention focused on one of the easiest targets, trying to get the committee to come to a consensus. Diltan watched him with growing dislike as he spoke and gestured to the documents hanging over the table on the floating vid.

  “...further investigation has revealed that three days after arriving at Plasius and allegedly testing Amelia Ryan for breeding compatibility, Dramok Rajhir’s clan sent a message to then-Ambassador Ospar at the Galactic Council. That message read, ‘Your old friend Councilman Rajhir sends his greetings. Unfortunately, we cannot attend your party because we are viewing the rare flower that blooms bright on Plasius.’”

  Diltan scowled and debated him as he had almost every point. “So what? The man likes flowers. I see no conspiracy there.”

  Maf gave him a withering look. “There are no records of Ospar throwing a party within weeks of that communication. No indication that a gathering of any kind was planned. I believe this message was a code. Rajhir was telling the ambassador that Amelia Ryan was viable for bearing hybrid Kalquorian-Earther children.”

  Efo rolled his eyes. “That’s reaching. You see conspiracies everywhere.”

  “Do I? The very next day after Rajhir sent Ospar this communiqué, Kalquorian ships in the vicinity of planets and stations where Earther women were employed sent emissaries to meet with them. Many of those emissaries were our fellow councilmen like you and Gamas here. Which begs the question, did Ospar speak to you directly about the matter?”

  Gamas snarled, “As I’ve testified in earlier proceedings, the orders from Ambassador Ospar’s office bore the official seal of the Kalquorian Empire. I spoke to no one personally on the matter.”

  Efo nodded with emphasis. “The same for me. For all I knew, it was decreed by the rest of the Royal Council while I was away at the time.”

  Maf slapped his palm on the conference table. “We were in recess! Even if the council had been gathered for such a vote, a matter of such magnitude would not have been decided without the Imperial Clan’s unanimous decree! This smacks of impropriety.”

  Diltan pointed out, “Impropriety is not grounds for indictment. There is no real case against Rajhir.”

  Maf’s face creased in a snarl. “Imperial Father Yuder has already implicated himself and Zarl. That indictment is a done deal. Ospar and Rajhir were at the very least in collusion with them, and most certainly without the Royal Council’s sanction! They must be held responsible as well!”

  Diltan couldn’t help but take pleasure in reporting, “Imperial Father Yuder retracted his confession yesterday under the advice of his attorney.”

  Maf blinked and Terbal muttered under his breath as he tapped urgently on his handheld. The papers withdrawing Yuder’s confession had been filed late the night before. Only a handful of people, Diltan included, were aware of it.

  Maf sputtered, “He can’t do that. He spoke before a full council and the live feed that went out to all of the Empire.”

  Diltan shrugged and settled back in his chair. “He can deny his confession if he has a valid claim of undue emotional duress.”

  “Being accused of a crime cannot be cited as mental distress.”

  “But his Dramok’s death can be. Yuder is grieving his clan leader of nearly 200 years. That is no small matter in the eyes of psychology. It is a defense as far as making a false confession.”

  Maf stared at Diltan for a long beat, his eyes narrow. When he spoke again, it was in a low, insinuating tone. “I see.”

  Diltan was sure Maf didn’t refer to Yuder’s legal strategy. “What do yo
u see?”

  “That we have the Imperial Clan’s mouthpiece in our chambers.”

  Diltan had known that sooner or later he would be accused of this very matter. However, that didn’t keep his temper from sparking heat in his voice. “I am no such thing.”

  Maf snorted in disbelief. “You have been seen slipping into Emperor Clajak’s chambers for private consultations since all this came to light. You are also trying to woo a member of Empress Jessica’s family into becoming your Matara. You have an agenda, Councilman Diltan, one that puts you in danger of not doing your job as a member of this committee and council.”

  Diltan sneered, “I have no more of an agenda than you, Councilman Maf. You’ve played your hand close to your chest for some time. Yet your dislike of the Kalquorian and Earther races mixing in order to continue the Empire is clear now. With this scandal, you believe you have the chance to pursue nothing short of madness. You hope that others might entertain the ludicrous idea that Kalquorians should die out ‘pure’ rather than look forward to a grand future with the Earthers. You more than welcome the opportunity to cause dissension; you’re jumping on it. Now we see the true fanatic in you. We see the man who would fight for destroying what our society has built ... and all because you don’t like Earthers.”

  Disgust pulled at Maf’s face. “They are inferior to us. They were monsters who didn’t appreciate their lifebringers, who starved the poor in their lust for power. Pathetic weaklings who would not rise up against their oppressors though they outnumbered them. Superstitious witch doctors who cried out to a god to save them rather than taking control of their own destinies. This is Kalquor’s grand future?”

  Diltan’s gut tightened. “You have met our empress and think such about them? She is as fierce as any Nobek, as caring as any Imdiko, and as dedicated to honor as any Dramok. She is equal to any Matara born of Kalquor.”


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