Alien Indiscretions

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Alien Indiscretions Page 37

by Tracy St. John

  The sting and heat built until the intensity of feeling had her reeling. Cissy gave herself to it, letting the growing and exciting hurt steal her from the far more painful emotional storms. She lay beneath Rolat’s punishment, thrilling to his power over her.

  Even as her smarting flesh moved towards real torment, Cissy exulted in it. When Rolat stopped, she cried out in disappointment.

  She didn’t get to wallow in regret for long. Wal and Diltan stepped forward, one on either side of her. Hands and mouths descended on her body, bringing renewed sensation to where it throbbed the best. Diltan’s fingers and teeth plucked at her nipples. Wal wet his fingers in her font as he sucked hard on her clit. Then the Imdiko plunged those fingers into her pussy and ass, working in and out of her softness.

  It was even harder now to stay in position as she’d been told. Cissy’s head tossed from side to side as they dealt pleasure as unmercifully as Rolat had applied punishment. Her cries filled the room. Her sex pumped juices over Wal’s hand as he fucked her hard with talented fingers.

  Diltan rose to slap first one breast, then the other. Cissy gasped as the heat from Rolat’s switching burst into a conflagration. Then she shouted when Diltan bent and drew a tit deep into his hungry maw.

  Her clit engorged, ready to explode as Wal sucked hard. His tongue rubbed over the electrified nubbin, making Cissy feel as if her mind would burst right out of its skull in elation. It wasn’t just her pussy and breasts reacting to their attentions. Her entire body turned into one pulsing mote of arousal. It felt as if even her hands and feet could climax.

  The first warning jab of oncoming orgasm prodded her pussy. It was that moment that Diltan and Wal released her and stepped back. Rolat came forward once more and his arm moved in a blur.

  Cissy screamed and arched against the table, offering herself to the dysf. It nipped her as before, but this time it felt more like delight than pain. Her body begged for climax, and it tried to make the dysf deliver by inviting it to strike the softest bits. Need only roiled higher with every tiny blow. Cissy burned with tension, but release came no closer than to watch with a teasing smile.

  It was a relief when Rolat stopped again and the other two men stepped in once more. Handling her as they had before, Cissy would achieve completion in no time. She panted, thrusting her breasts up and spreading her legs wider, ready for the end.

  Diltan and Wal had other ideas, however. They had traded spots this time, with Wal lapping at her nipples. Diltan slid his fingers against her pussy lips, wetting them so that he could fill her ass again and work it open with care. His tongue traced slow, lazy circles around her clit instead of touching it directly.

  Cissy trembled under them, her body straining for enough contact to detonate. The two men would do no more than taunt her with gentle touches and soft mouthings this time. It kept her burning but would advance no more.

  “Please,” she strangle-screamed after what felt like an eternity of their sweet torture. “I can’t. No more. I can’t.”

  “You can,” Wal whispered. The mere tip of his tongue grazed her jutting nipple.

  “You will,” Diltan confirmed. A third finger teased her anus into letting it enter.

  Put in her place, Cissy had no choice but to lie there, shaking under their demands. They were meticulous in their assault, giving her just enough to suffer but not enough for release. Cissy blazed with agonized bliss.

  They moved away at last, leaving her quaking and groaning. Rolat returned. He was naked, his cocks flushed purple and livid as the dysf moved over Cissy once more. She stared at them through a veil of tears, wishing he could continue the discipline while fucking her with those thick members.

  At some point while Rolat whipped her writhing body, Cissy’s consciousness decided it couldn’t take anymore. It floated in a dreamlike state, somehow becoming serene even as she gasped with the feeling of scattered stings. Her flesh raged with the blaze of the dysf and desperate arousal. Yet, all at once, it didn’t matter. Cissy’s thoughts shut off and she drifted in a sea of ecstasy and wondrous agony.

  “Good. She’s there.” Diltan’s resonant voice came from far away, like a god speaking from the mountain top.

  “Look at her face. Have you ever seen anything so beautiful?” Wal smiled down at her, appearing out of nowhere like an angel sent from heaven.

  Cissy descended. Or the men grew taller, becoming giants standing over her. She now lay level with their crotches. They were all naked now, their bodies as eager as hers for salvation.

  They turned her on her side. Cissy sighed to feel their warm hands on her, settling her overwrought body. Diltan and Rolat climbed onto the table to sandwich her between themselves, Diltan in front and the Nobek behind.

  Someone gripped her leg, raising it so that it draped over Diltan’s hip. Cissy smiled to feel hard, hot prods at her pussy and ass. Slick and ready, the primary cocks of the two men filled her. A cascade of delight tumbled through, making Cissy sigh with relief.

  Diltan glanced over his shoulder. “Wal, can you manage it?”

  A masculine chuckle warmed Cissy’s ears. “I’m sure as hell going to try.”

  A dark object drifted over them. The Imdiko awkwardly crouched over their heads, one foot on the floor as he brought his groin near Cissy’s face. Rolat put up a hand to steady him while Diltan gripped Wal’s cock and guided it towards Cissy’s mouth. She turned her head for a better angle, her lips parting for the gift.

  She closed her eyes as the delicious taste and smell of aroused Kalquorian filled her senses. The men all started to move, their sexes slipping in and out of her. New excitement bubbled to life. Fresh sparks caught from the earlier conflagration.

  Masculine flesh surrounded her, permeated her. Cissy moved between and beneath hard, muscular bodies, bodies she’d come to know as well as her own. She stroked over Diltan’s sensitive nipples, making them pebble as his breath caught. Her other hand reached behind to find Rolat’s secondary prick, gripping it so that it slid within her fist as he pumped his primary into her ass. She was rewarded with a drawn-out groan. Her tongue twined about Wal’s cock, flicking the tapered tip when he drew it almost all the way out to elicit a shudder.

  They knew what to do with her as well. Rolat filled his big paw with her breast, squeezing it to just shy of pain. Wal’s fingers traced over the nape of her neck, a sensitive area that made every hair stand straight up. Diltan’s fingers stroked the shaft of her clit, making things below tighten as climax gathered.

  She went first. Though Cissy’s mind remained serene, her body was too primed to delay gratification for long. She rode the storm of passion, letting it consume her in its glorious violence. When she returned, it was to Rolat’s thick groan. Heat poured into her ass. Then Diltan’s body stiffened and he added his cries to the Nobek’s.

  Wal’s climax hit just as Diltan stopped shuddering. Salty-spicy-sweetness flooded Cissy’s mouth. She had let go of Rolat, and she used her still-wet hand to milk the Imdiko of every precious drop from his straining cocks. She sensed the other two men touching him too, but she couldn’t tell what they were doing with her face buried against his groin.

  A minute or so after he had emptied, Wal stepped to the floor. He staggered a little as he grinned at the others. They grinned back. For the moment, all angst had disappeared from their lives.

  He said, “I don’t know about the rest of you, but I can barely stand up after that. We can sleep or I have stim tabs.”

  Cissy was quick to answer. “Stim tabs, if everyone is in agreement. I don’t want to miss a single second of this night.”

  Diltan turned his too-beautiful face to hers and kissed her. “My thoughts exactly. I will waste not one precious moment on sleep.”

  Chapter 25

  By the time the eagerly awaited trial of Imperial Father Yuder, Councilman Rajhir, and Governor Ospar of Haven was ready to commence, two months had passed since Clan Diltan’s goodbye to Cissy. Full spring had arrived, bringing mild nigh
ts, balmy mornings, and tropical afternoons.

  Wal enjoyed little of the fair weather. For one thing, he had been bogged down in fighting off attempts by the defense and prosecution to file delay after delay. Most of the time he had the senior high judge’s support in those matters. Onziv himself would preside over the panel for the trial, and Wal had little doubt his friend understood the haste he pushed for to get the trial underway. Still, there had been a few snags, pushing back the start of the case.

  Then there was the matter of missing Cissy. Wal ached with actual physical pain over not seeing the woman his clan coveted. Though the sun shined brightly on most days, the Imdiko felt as if a darkness had fallen over him. It didn’t help that Diltan and Rolat’s tempers were testy. Every report that the trial date had been postponed left his clanmates surly. They didn’t take it out on him, knowing he did his damnedest to move things at a faster pace. However, the atmosphere of their fine home was tense most of the time.

  At last, the day to begin the proceedings arrived. Wal met it with a mixture of relief and worry. After all, the rumblings throughout the Empire were growing louder. Protests against the governing body took place nearly every week. High officials with Earther Mataras had taken to hiring security for their clans. There were reports that entire squads within the military planned to walk out. Men who had failed to clan Earther Mataras thus far had thrown in with the protestors out of jealousy. Unclanned men with little hope of winning female mates, the vast majority of them Nobeks, aligned themselves more and more with the Basma’s call for a species-pure Empire.

  The courtroom that Wal walked into was a testament to the emotional storm gripping Kalquor. The domed facility, housed at the top of the Imperial Justice Center, packed with onlookers. Wal, Onziv, and the rest of the judging panel had made it a point to advise the news vids that the first day would be taken up with the prosecution reading documents already available to the citizenry to study. Yet the people had come anyway. The public gallery on the floor could hold no more. The near silence of those gathered seemed ominous to Wal.

  The five-man judging panel made their way to their separate podiums on the raised semi-circle platform at the front of the court. Wal’s gaze immediately went to the prosecutor’s dais, since it was located in front of his side of the judging stage. He did not like what he saw.

  Sitting in the chairs directly behind the podium along with the prosecutor Dramok Chamar were Councilman Maf and his aide Dramok Sitrel. Diltan’s assertion that Maf had gone fanatic over the allegations of Imperial treason appeared to be borne out by his presence there and not in the Royal Council’s gallery. While it was common for councilmen to voice their opinions about legal matters that affected the Empire at large, it was unusual for an elected official to be taking such a partisan approach. Maf attending the High Court in obvious favor of one side of the matter was a bold and inflammatory statement.

  Wal reminded himself not to read too much into Maf’s presence. The man had a legal background, having performed as a territorial attorney general before being elected to the Royal Council. He was adept at litigation.

  Wal saw movement at the corner of his eye, and looked up to the Imperial gallery balcony on his left. The Imperial Clan filed in along with their red-formsuited Royal Guards. Nobek Emperor Bevau came in first, his handsome face composed though his eyes scanned his surroundings as if to look for enemies. Next came Empress Jessica, lovely as always, her elfin features at odds with the grimly determined look on her face. Emperors Egilka and Clajak entered together, their heads close together as they conversed. On Clajak’s heels came his ever-present aide Korkla. Then the Imperial Mother Tara came in. Her face was serene despite the fact her lover Yuder would be fighting for his freedom and perhaps his life in the next few days.

  Then the sight Wal had been starving for came into view: Cissy walked into the gallery with her sister Tasha. Though their features were identical, there was no mistaking which woman was which. Tasha bit her lip with obvious concern. Not a hair was out of place. Her lace white blouse was buttoned to the throat.

  Cissy swaggered in, her expression pleasant with an undercurrent of challenge. It said, ‘I’ll be nice to you as long as you don’t give me a reason to tear your dicks off’. Otherwise, she appeared conventional if a touch casual. Her hair was brushed and tucked behind her ears. Her pants and blouse were nicely tailored, the fabric clinging to her body in enticing ways.

  A surge of quiet joy as well as trepidation filled the Imdiko. The joyful part gained strength when Cissy’s gaze sought him out behind his podium. A smirk quirked the corners of her mouth and one eye slid closed in slow, sexy wink. Wal bit his lips together to keep from smiling. The little rascal. She knew he couldn’t appear to be intimate with her in any way right now. However, it delighted him to get that moment of acknowledgement. If she wasn’t still interested in him and his clan, she’d avoid his gaze instead of teasing him.

  Wal widened his eyes and looked pointedly at the Royal Council’s gallery balcony, across from the one where she was now sitting down. Diltan sat at the front with the rest of the councilmen attending this first day of the trial. The Dramok’s gaze was on Cissy, waiting for her to see him. They exchanged more frank smiles than Wal had been able to offer. Yes, she was still interested in their suit after two months of no communication. The Imdiko relaxed.

  The court official mounting the steps of the judges’ platform warned Wal that he needed to attend to his duties. The official conferred for a moment with Onziv and then turned to the courtroom.

  “This court is hereby convened. Honorable Dramok Onziv presiding as senior high judge of the panel. Let these judges, the accused, the accusers, and the citizens attending today conduct themselves with honor in the name of the Kalquorian Empire.”

  The official left the stage. Onziv raised his hands for quiet, though the room was already silent. A low tone reverberated throughout the room.

  The high judge addressed the courtroom. “The trial of the Empire of Kalquor against the accused Imperial Father Nobek Yuder, Dramok Rajhir, and Dramok Ospar will now come to order. The prosecution will present its documented evidence at this time.”

  Prosecutor Chamar rose from his chair and mounted the dais to stand behind his podium. A floating vid appeared in the air over his head, showing documents as he listed the evidence.

  For the next two hours, Chamar droned out the case against the defendants. It began with the complaints and condemnations registered by Earth against Kalquor after the Empire had requested breeding compatibility testing. From there were the communications between Emperor Zarl and an unknown person, during which the monarch had ordered clandestine tests on off-world Earther females and their abductions. Councilman Rajhir’s strange com to then-Ambassador Ospar about a rare bloom on Plasius was entered into evidence, along with the fact that within 24 hours, Earther women were claimed by Kalquorian clans, most of high rank. Sworn affidavits from various planets and space stations documented those clans stalking the women in the days prior.

  Wal fought to keep from glancing at Cissy every few seconds as time wore on. He knew every detail about Earth demanding their women returned. He’d also been privy to the details of how many Earther women had been allowed to end their regretted clanships due to a new law. That law had been backed by no less than Councilman Rajhir and Governor Ospar, now accused of being behind those clanships in the first place. Those two had also supported the law that stated coerced clanships would no longer be allowed in the Empire. Wal found it hard to attend as he should.

  Sparking a little more interest, though still not enough to keep Wal from wanting to stare at Cissy, was an announcement from Earth’s Holy Leader Browning Copeland. He’d recorded a message for Earth, which had broadcasted near the end of the war. In that recording, Copeland stated that Earth would destroy itself before they’d be taken. He’d also exhorted his people to kill their wives and daughters before allowing Kalquor to take them prisoners.

st came the final result and the sickening numbers that accompanied it. Earth’s destruction when Kalquor invaded, triggered by nuclear devices set to go off if enemy ships entered the planet’s atmosphere. Billions of innocent civilian lives ended in an instant. More dead in the aftermath as the poisoned planet lost its ability to support lives. Huge amounts of funds and resources spent in the desperate attempt to salvage as many as Earth’s inhabitants as possible. Survivors flung far and wide to try to rebuild their lives, complicating saving a race threatened by extinction.

  Though most of the prosecution’s report was already known, Wal noted how all those in attendance hung on Chamar’s every word. When he was finished, Onziv spoke into the silence.

  “We will recess for midday meal. The session resumes in two hours. This court will retire until then.”

  Wal watched as Cissy filed out with her family. She grinned at him before disappearing through the door, and then puckered her lips in a kissing face. The little minx. She needed a spanking.

  He retired to a private room with the rest of the panel where a catered meal awaited them. Realizing he was hungry, Wal filled a tray and sat down at the table with the other four men. For several minutes, they were all quiet as they ate.

  The Imdiko’s thoughts were filled with Cissy and a long way from the case when Dramok Lar interrupted his thoughts. “It has been a long time since this court has had to hear a case against a member of the Imperial Family. I do not like that it has come to this.”

  Nobek Dorl, the second oldest and longest-serving judge in the high court, scowled at his food. “At least they haven’t hauled Imperial Father Tidro before us yet. He is much too old to be sentenced to a penal colony.”


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