Alien Indiscretions

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Alien Indiscretions Page 47

by Tracy St. John

  At least it was a small house, compared to the clan’s suite back on Kalquor. Diltan had told her it was the smallest of the clan’s five homes.

  “Five homes? Who the hell needs five homes?” she’d yelled in disbelief. “That’s obscene!”

  Diltan gave her a withering look. “One is within a day’s travel of the main prison colony on Jegar, which Rolat sometimes has to spend time at. One is on the moon where Wal’s parent clan lives. A third is on the second continent where we enjoy skiing and winter sports for a month or two at a time. Plus some of my investment interests are located there. There are valid reasons for having a residence at each of those places.”

  “Valid, huh? Heaven forbid you stay in a hotel or with the parents. No, Dramok Diltan has to have his own house everywhere he parks his entitled ass.”

  “Speaking of asses, yours needs a spanking for being so damned impertinent. Come here.”

  Thinking of the way his hand had warmed her rear made Cissy wet in a way that had nothing to do with her recent relaxation in the spring. She hurried on her way.

  She reached the entertainment room and peeked in the doorway. It wasn’t as opulent as their entertainment room in the cliffside home on Kalquor, but it was still luxurious with fine heavy furniture of the greatest craftsmanship. The loungers and chairs were all custom made, the fabrics lavish, the cushions plush, the decorating sumptuous. Cissy had made it a point to have ground ronka cheeseburgers shipped in just so she could eat low-class fare in such surroundings. It never failed to make Diltan roll his eyes.

  Sure enough, Diltan sat in front of the vid. The sound was turned down low enough that Cissy couldn’t hear it. The exuberant sounds of the dance music she increasingly preferred to lemanthev and rimnastin throbbed merrily in the distance. Yet Cissy knew her Dramok watched the news feed coming from Kalquor.

  With the Empire managing a tremulous peace these days, the councilman was supposed to ignore current events for the duration of their honeymoon. A host of people back home had promised the worried Dramok that they would inform him immediately if any emergency broke out. Even so, Diltan couldn’t help himself. His commitment to the Empire spurred him to sneak off and check in every chance he got. Cissy had to smile at her mate’s sense of duty.

  There was no denying things were uneasy. In the aftermath of the riots following Yuder’s pardon, a third of the Royal Council had resigned in protest. The new elections held to fill those posts were decried by many as being unfair since the only people who ran were those sympathetic to keeping the Earther Mataras on Kalquor. Yet those who identified with Maf and his ilk refused to campaign for the seats. They insisted that fighting the established elite would be pointless.

  As Jessica said, anyone with a thought in his head and an eye to see would recognize how ludicrous such arguments were. She sent out a statement begging those opposed to the current politics to run for election, to offer the Empire a balanced voice in the people’s representation. For the most part, her plea was hailed. That, plus the Imperial Decree issued by Clan Clajak vetoing the council’s vote to expel the Galactic Council’s representatives, went a long way towards quieting much of the dissension. Yet Maf and his followers, now comprising a new group called The Foundation for Truth, Honor, and Freedom, kept up a volley of partisan broadcasts, seminars, and talks that lured others to their call for a pure Empire and the dissolution of the current council. They also criticized the Imperial Clan at every turn, stopping just short of demanding their ouster as well.

  Word spread that the Basma’s ranks were growing. His broadcasts continued, breaking into program feeds to exhort Kalquor to revolution, to push out the Earther infestation once and for all. Those broadcasts had increased in frequency after a few military high commanders and admirals disappeared, several of whom were among the Empire’s leading experts in encryption measures. The source of the broadcasts could never be traced.

  Meanwhile, the new Royal Council continued to push for shutting its borders to the Galactic Council of Planets and any governments not recognizing Kalquor’s right to be free of outside ‘tyranny’. Led by Councilman Terbal, it voted five times within a month to cut off all relations with the Galactic Council. Every time, the Imperial Clan blocked those votes, keeping lines of communication as well as trade open.

  Fortunately for Kalquor, the Galactic Council’s oversight board was patient. Recognizing one of their most influential members was in the midst of a major upheaval, one that could affect a large number of its affiliates, it ceased its efforts to extradite Yuder. It accepted his admission of guilt in absentia and postponed sentencing until ‘the current state of unrest in the Kalquorian Empire’ found closure.

  Protests and demonstrations by both sides continued. However, the threat of real violence only simmered now, waiting to come to a boil ... or to be taken off the burner and allowed to cool. Since it was impossible to know which way the Empire’s mood would turn, Cissy and her clanmates knew they might have only a short window of time to enjoy their new union.

  That was why she, Rolat, and Wal had extracted a promise from Diltan that he would concentrate on them and not the state of things back home. A promise he’d been incapable of keeping ... and would now pay a price for.

  Cissy burst into the room. “Aha! Caught you!”

  Diltan jumped with a little scream, having let himself get engrossed in whatever the vid had been showing. He glared at Cissy and then uttered a blistering foul curse before ordering off the vid.

  He shook a finger at her, as if she had been the one doing something naughty. Even as he told her off, his eyes widened with appreciation to see her wet and barely clothed. “Damn it woman, you deserve to have a bell around your neck. You’re as sneaky as a Nobek.”

  She folded her arms over her chest. “Your Nobek will have your hide for breaking our agreement.”

  “Indeed I will.” Rolat and Wal walked in from the room’s other door, where they had waited for Cissy’s arrival. The Nobek gave Diltan a searing look. “Watching the news vids again, my Dramok? I thought we had a clear understanding that you would not do that.”

  At his side, Wal wore his judge-ish air. “Reneging on a promise, which is the same as breaking a contract. Our leader is setting a terrible example for his clan.”

  Cissy couldn’t help joining in. “As usual, he is being arrogant and thinking himself above the law. He needs to be punished.”

  Diltan gave them his patented smirk. “Ah, but we never did come to an agreement as to what penalty my indiscretions would result in. So with no consequences—”

  Rolat offered a smirk of his own, a threatening one. “But we did come to an agreement. You just weren’t around for the discussion.”

  The Dramok’s sneer dropped off his face in an instant. He took a step back from Rolat. “What? Hey, you can’t do that.”

  “Watch us.”

  With that, Rolat jumped forward and grabbed Diltan. In an instant the two men tussled on the fur-scattered floor, rolling all over the place. Cissy laughed at the sight of two full-grown Kalquorians scuffling like boys. Diltan was outmatched, but it was obvious Rolat wasn’t looking to hurt him. While Diltan strained to triumph, Rolat’s efforts seemed half-hearted.

  Wal grinned at her. “It looks like fun. I have to get in on this.”

  He joined in on the scrap. Cissy cheered Nobek and Imdiko on and jeered at the overwhelmed Dramok. Though Rolat didn’t need it, Wal helped him overcome Diltan after a few minutes of struggle.

  It ended with Rolat sitting on Diltan’s legs, pinning them down. Wal had him by the wrists, leaning his weight to keep his arms held to the floor. Cissy fetched the soft cords they’d hidden in the room as they’d waited for Diltan to be himself.

  The Dramok yelled to see the binds in her hands as she approached. His struggles against the other two resumed to no avail. “Hey! Wait just a damned minute!”

  Rolat grabbed the ties from Cissy. He moved faster than she could watch, tying Diltan’s ankles t
ogether and then knotting the cord to the leg of the heavy table. He repeated the action with Diltan’s wrists, securing them to the leg of a chair. “Oh no,” he growled at the clan leader. “You had this coming, you sneaky bastard.”

  “This too.” Wal swept Diltan’s hair away from his face and made him face one side. The Imdiko’s fangs unhinged. As fast as a rattlesnake’s strike, he bit the shouting Diltan’s neck.

  Cissy peeled off her soaksuit, watching the action with anticipation. Little by little, Diltan’s struggles tapered off. His yells drifted into occasional moans. Rolat grinned at Cissy.

  “The effect of our venom on each other is different than the effect on Earthers. When we’re bitten, we can’t answer questions with anything but the truth, and we must obey whatever orders we’re given. It’s impossible to resist.”

  Cissy was delighted to hear that. “This is going to be so much fun.”

  Wal straightened, releasing Diltan after licking clean the small trails of blood his bite had brought on. “Dramoks despise not being in control. This is a far better punishment for Diltan than beating him black and blue.”

  Diltan drew a breath and his upper lip wrinkled back in a snarl. “You are all going to pay for this shit.”

  Cissy grinned to see him helpless and fuming about it. “Promise?”

  He looked at her as she stepped close to stand naked over him. The fury in his expression died to see her naked. Blatant desire filled his face. His shorts did an impression of a tent as his cocks swelled. The pungent cinnamon-like scent of Kalquorian desire filled Cissy’s nose.

  Seeing him like that, aroused for her, made Cissy’s nipples peak and her pussy twitch with anticipation. She couldn’t wait to have him, her demanding and assured and delicious Dramok.

  Wal chuckled to see all the fight flee from his clanmate. With a Diltan-like smirk he told him, “My beautiful Dramok, you will let us enjoy you as we wish. If you behave—”

  “For a change,” Cissy interrupted.

  “—we might even allow you to come.”

  Diltan dragged his gaze from Cissy to look with desperate appeal to his Imdiko. He jerked on the cords keeping his gorgeous body stretched long. “Isn’t tying me up overkill, my clanmates? I’m bitten, so I have no choice but to obey you.”

  Rolat snorted as he stroked trailing fingers over Diltan’s chest. “You are also stubborn and tend to throw off intoxication quicker than most. The binds stay. Now lay there and take what you are given.”

  Wal looked up and winked at Cissy. “Your pleasure, my Matara?”

  Cissy put her hands on her hips, feeling like the Queen of the Universe. The mighty Dramok Diltan had fallen, and she was going to enjoy every second of his subordination.

  “Get those clothes off him. I want to see our prize.”

  With a hearty laugh, Rolat grabbed the gasping man’s shirt collar in both fists. He tore it apart, baring the muscled torso. Diltan groaned at the violence, writhing in response. The Nobek then turned his attention to Diltan’s shorts, quickly making confetti out of the fabric to display his rigid cocks. Cissy licked her lips at the sight of the thick, glistening lengths. Diltan shuddered under the weight of her gaze, his eyes filled with want.

  They did not treat him with kindness. Soft, feather-tipped fronds were sent over his straining body, teasing him with light touches that heightened swiftly growing need. They whispered threats telling him they would not let him climax, that perhaps they would keep him helpless and hard for the entire honeymoon, using him to placate their own desires.

  “Don’t, my clanmates,” Diltan whimpered. “Please, don’t be cruel.”

  “We can keep biting you too,” Rolat said, smiling evilly as he tugged on one of the Dramok’s nipples. “You’ll submit to us in every way, all the time.”

  Wal gave the clan leader’s hip a couple of stinging swats. “No means of control. Your will lost to complete surrender.”

  Cissy dragged her tongue from the base of Diltan’s cock to its weeping tip where Wal’s frond circled round and round. “Our pretty plaything, our handsome fuck-toy.”

  She left off tasting his cock to kiss her way up his body, letting hands and mouth roam all over the swells and dips of his perfectly cut abdomen and chest. His skin was hot as if with a fever, thrilling her as she dragged her lips, tongue, and breasts over its surface. Diltan’s breath came quickly, making his flesh rise and fall beneath her.

  Cissy suckled on his hard-tipped nipple as Rolat and Wal turned their attention to her. Calloused hands cupped her breasts, squeezing the supple mounds. A gentle touch caressed her pussy, fingertips dipping into the folds to collect the moisture there. They spread her juices to her ass, wetting her for the inflatable buttplug the men often used to prepare her for love.

  Cissy kissed her way across Diltan’s heaving chest as the plug pressed inside, spreading her open only a little to start with. A thrill transmitted through her loins as it nestled within, a sweet pressure adding to her pleasure.

  She flicked the hard button of the Dramok’s nipple with her tongue, enjoying his moan of reaction. Fingers plucked at one of her nipples, drawing it into a point. A moment later, there came a hard pinch and a tightening. Cissy shivered as the clamp Rolat placed on her nipple sent slivers of delicious pain and excitement zapping straight to her clit where Wal played.

  The Imdiko had the sensitive nub trapped between two fingers, his hand clamped against her pussy. He rubbed back and forth, massaging her folds. Her clit moved within his grip, the friction heady. His other hand delivered the occasional slap to her buttocks when he wasn’t reaming her backside with the slowly swelling plug. Her senses swirled with bliss.

  Cissy’s hand was busy too, pumping Diltan’s slickened cocks in turn to make him cry out with frustrated need. Her moans were a counterpoint to his pleas for mercy as Rolat attached a clamp to her other tit. She nipped the Dramok’s flesh to pay him back for some of the gorgeous torment the other two visited on her. He jerked beneath her.

  “Would you like to put this on him?” Rolat asked. “It will keep him hard and unable to come for as long as we like.”

  Cissy straightened to see the rubbery figure-eight shaped device he held out to her. She recognized the double cock ring that the men had occasionally used on themselves to make their encounters last longer. She’d never considered the option of turning it on any of them.

  Over Diltan’s desperately repeated ‘no’, she accepted the ring. “After all the times he’s made me hold out? Hell yes, I want it on him.”

  Cissy crawled backwards over the trembling body, letting her breasts drag over the suffering Dramok. It brought searing consciousness to her clamped nipples, but the pain was worth it to see the agonized lust on Diltan’s face. Making him pay granted big dividends.

  She was being made to suffer along with him in ways not of her making. Wal never missed a beat when it came to his handling of her throbbing pussy. The plug continued to glide through increasingly relaxing muscles, opening her more and more for the cocks that would soon claim their rights to her. Cissy found it harder with each passing second to concentrate on Diltan’s punishment.

  She ended up straddling his corded thighs, her face hovering over his thickly veined cocks. Cissy let her breath waft over them, enjoying how his face twisted in reaction. He hurt, all right. He would hurt more long before they were done with him.

  Cissy was grateful for the copious lubrication his penises emitted. It made it easy to slide the tight double cockring to the bases of his erections. The helpless Dramok watched her with wide, almost terrified eyes.

  “Yummy,” Cissy said and set to work.

  She trusted Rolat to make sure Diltan didn’t hurt himself as his head thudded a rapid rhythm against the thick fur between it and the floor. She busied herself with sucking and masturbating his trapped cocks. Hands and mouth delivered torment to the man she had fallen in love with despite herself. Cissy licked Diltan clean of his spicy wetness, swallowing with pleasure. Th
e sweet saltiness of pre-cum was added delight to her tongue. His overwrought cocks quickly replaced everything she devoured, feeding her hungry desire to consume him.

  Meanwhile, Diltan had stopped trying to dent the floor with his hard skull. Now his head tossed from side to side, a sign of how hard his body fought for release. “Please,” sprang from his lips every few seconds.

  Rolat busied himself attaching a metal-link chain to the clamps on her nipples. Had it been a necklace she wore about her neck, Cissy would have never remarked on the weight. However, it felt profound on her breasts, renewing the stinging burn to make her moan around her mouthful of Diltan.

  Also making her moan was Wal’s wicked tongue teasing her clit as three of his fingers dove in and out of her pussy. Her ass felt swollen with the butt plug, increasing the pressure of the finger-fucking. She thought she’d go cross-eyed from bliss.

  Then Rolat gave her breasts a break to concentrate on her vulnerable ass. His huge paddle-sized hands delivered quick smacks to both cheeks in rapid succession. None of the spanks on its own were particularly hard, but taken together, Cissy’s backside soon sizzled. Even more compelling was where Rolat struck – on the meatiest part of her ass, on either side of her anus. The movement jostled the plug, setting off enthralling sensations throughout her core.

  She managed only a few seconds of that before she was nearly out of her skull with arousal. She released Diltan’s jerking primary cock with a gasp. “Let me fuck him now.”

  Wal withdrew his fingers from her clutching pussy, and Rolat eased the plug out as well. A second later, Cissy squatted over Diltan’s livid cocks, ready to take her pleasure.

  She looked down at her prisoner. Diltan’s strain showed. Strands of sweat-slick hair clung to his face. His arms, stretched and bound over his head, trembled. His face showed none of the smug expression Cissy had once despised. He looked at her with pleading, with lust, with hopeless love. Seeing the adoration there, as naked and raw as emotion ever got, made Cissy’s breath catch.


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