Werewulf Journals: Weddings, Bells, and a Brownie

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Werewulf Journals: Weddings, Bells, and a Brownie Page 6

by Camille Anthony

  Rising, Melody went to Hunter and took his hand, led him back to their bed. She maneuvered his body, urged him down on the mattress, and handed him the belt. “I don’t want to begin our married life with anything between us that might separate us.”

  She knew from the rumbling growl she’d said the wrong thing.

  Melody yelped when Hunter’s hands closed over her arms, yanking her against him. He’d stood faster than sight and now hulked over her, glaring down into her surprised face. “Your words tell me you still don’t get it. We are true-bond mated. Melody, you are my soul ... my beating heart. You keep me alive and sane. I wouldn’t survive your death.”

  He sucked in a sharp breath, and then let it out slowly as he fought to calm himself. “So I’ll beat this sweet ass of yours,” he growled, palming her full cheeks, “because the one thing I won’t tolerate or allow is you putting yourself in danger.”

  He sat down and hauled her over his lap, doubling the belt around his hand. Then he froze. “Damn it, Mel, you’re pregnant.”

  She twisted to look up at him, hoping he would see the love shining in her eyes. “Our pup is located nowhere near my ass, Hunter. He or she won’t feel a thing. Do what you have to and I’ll try not to cry as long as possible,” she promised, a wry smile tugging at her lips. “I gotta have something to show the ladies tomorrow as proof.”

  Smoothing one hand over her plump ass, Hunter cleared his throat and croaked, “Okay. Thanks.”

  They both knew the spanking was finished as soon as she shed one tear.

  She lasted five swats.

  * * * * *

  “Good morning, honey. You came in late last night.”

  “Yeah, I did. You were sleeping so soundly, I didn’t want to wake you.”

  Alison poured Kevin a cup of coffee and set it down in front of him. She pushed the newspaper aside and slid onto his lap, snaking her arms around his neck and leaning in for a sultry kiss. “Thank you for thinking about me, but next time wake me up. I had something ... special planned for our evening.”

  Kevin Morrison felt a jolt that had nothing to do with the caffeine in his untasted coffee. It was ever new and occurred each time Alison placed her hands on him.

  He loved her down to the depths of his soul, had ever since his first glimpse of her, holding onto Hunter’s arm as she crossed a puddle of muddy spill off from the Alameda wash.

  He’d tried to be noble, to resist the temptation of her. After all, she was his partner’s girlfriend and therefore off limits. Hunter was like a brother, closer than his own emotionally distant family. There was no way he’d try to horn in on his buddy’s good fortune.

  But every night, in his lonely bed, he’d burned for her, his cock hard as asphalt, his ball sac tight and taut as the latex stretched over a Playboy bunny’s full breasts. What he felt was more than lust, deeper than desire ... and it kept growing.

  The day Hunter told him they’d broken up was the turning point in his life. Scared of seeming callous, he’d confessed his love for Alison. He’d been overjoyed when his partner had told him the field was clear. For the first time in his playboy career, he hadn’t gone for the touchdown.

  Shocked and delirious that Alison seemed to return his love, they’d burned through the fastest engagement in history to marry three weeks later. Kevin had been so in love he couldn’t see straight. At least, until a year later, when he’d gone down to kiss his newborn twins goodnight and overheard Alison and Hunter’s revealing conversation. Then everything had become clear ...

  A sobbing Alison was in Hunter’s arms, crying as if her heart was broken.

  “I thought I could be satisfied with what I have, but I’m not! I want more!”

  “It’s not possible, Alison. It’s too late.” Hunter’s damned hands rubbed up and down her back.

  “I know, but oh, Hunter, what shall I do?”

  “Tell Kevin. He’s your mate and he loves you. He’ll understand.”

  “I can’t tell him. We must never tell him. Promise me!”

  At least he’d hesitated before finally nodding. “I promise, but this is wrong. He has a right to know.”

  She’d laid her head on his shoulder. “Oh, Hunter, thank God for you and the twins.”

  You and the twins ... you and the twins ... The twins ... they had to be Hunter’s, not his ... Damn Hunter. Damn him to hell ...

  “... wanna go?”

  Kevin shook himself. “I’m sorry, dear, what did you say?”

  Alison pulled back and eyed her husband with a worried gaze. “Honey, you’re pretty distracted today. What’s wrong?”

  “Not enough rest last night, I guess. I always sleep badly when I don’t get my evening kiss.”

  She cradled his face in the palms of her hands. Serious and focused, she gazed into his eyes. “Next time, wake me up.”

  He kissed her. “I will. I promise. Now, what did you ask me?”

  “We received an invitation to Hunter’s wedding this afternoon, and to the private reception following.”

  He stiffened beneath her. “Hunter didn’t issue that. He took too much pleasure taunting me with the fact that I’d miss it. The damned cur called me Social Climbing Ken!”

  Alison brought her hand up to cover her smile. She didn’t fool him. “That wasn’t nice of him. But the invitation came from Melody in the hopes that you and Hunter could reconcile your differences and return to being friends.” She waited a space. “I had your tux cleaned and prepared. I want the twins to go, Kevin. I want us all to go.”

  He couldn’t help the venom in his voice as he retorted, “Of course you want the twins to go. They can’t miss their real daddy’s wedding, can they?”

  Alison froze. A second later she was standing on her feet, halfway across the kitchen. Her face pale and pinched, she stared at him in shock. Her voice shook as she whispered, “What did you say?”

  Kevin stood, too, heart thundering now that he’d blurted out what he’d promised himself never to throw up in her face. He stretched an arm out to her and cringed when she moved out of his reach.

  “It’s all right, honey. I forgave you a long time ago. I’ve raised the twins as if they were mine, and I love them with all my heart. That’s one of the reasons I moved us away from Hunter. He’d already stolen your love from me. I didn’t want him to steal away the twins, too.”

  Alison’s mouth worked soundlessly. Several times, it looked like she would speak, but each time only a croak emerged. Finally, she got out, “Melody was right. You are a damned low-life asshole ...”


  “... and stupid, to boot!” She whirled on him, eyes blazing and hands flying. Through her tears, she screamed at him as she landed blow after blow on his face and shoulders, on the hands that flew up on instinct. “Melody told me everything. Everything! You idiot! You damn coward! How dare you accuse and try me without a trial, without giving me the chance to defend myself!”

  “I forgave you!”

  “You condemned me,” she spat. “Keep your forgiveness. I never did anything that required it!”

  Anger at her unreasonableness stiffened his resolve. “I overheard you one night, at the twins’ bedside. You told him you weren’t satisfied with what you had. He replied it was too late. You cried.”

  Alison stilled, hung in his arms. He tightened his grip and pulled her against his chest. Her precious weight sagged against him.

  “I had endometriosis, Kevin. There was a forty-sixty chance of having children if I waited and had treatments to clear my uterus. I was too scared to take that chance, because all you’d talked about was how many children you wanted. I was frightened, afraid you’d reject me if you knew I might not be able to have those children with you. So I gambled and lost. After the twins’ birth, while you were passed out in a faint, the doctor performed a hysterectomy to save my life. I swore Hunter to secrecy, and since you never went to the doctor’s with me, it was easy to keep it from you.”

  Kevin’s heart tig
htened in his chest as if an iron fist had clenched about it. The pain in her voice was real, and after all these years, he hurt for her. “Why didn’t you tell me? Why wouldn’t you share your pain with me?”

  “You were busy climbing the departmental ladder, trying to catch Hunter. You were hardly ever home those days. Postpartum depression had me thinking strange thoughts and harboring all sorts of fears.” She sighed and pushed away from him. She put space between them, not only with her body but with the bitterness in her voice as she asked, “Can you believe I thought I’d lose you?”

  “You wouldn’t have,” he murmured, wanting to take her in his arms, knowing she wouldn’t allow it. “I love you more than life. Because they’re yours, I love the twins as well.”

  “That’s right. You’ve spent years blaming Hunter for something he never did, blaming me. Did it make you feel bigger to think how gracious and merciful you were to tolerate my shortcomings? Well, guess what, sport? We never even made love. We tried once, but Hunter was too big and he hurt me. He stopped immediately, and we spent the rest of the night cuddled together, talking. We decided to remain friends ... long before I met you.”


  “You heard me.”

  “But, that would mean ...” The twins are mine!

  “The twins are yours. Hunter is a wulf, Kevin. His ancestors came from another planet. Humans and wulves are biologically incompatible. Even if we had made love, the twins couldn’t possibly be Hunter’s.”

  It was all he could think of at first, but the glory bursting inside him dimmed as the scorn in her voice scoured his soul. He rushed to stammer an apology. “I’m so sorry, Alison ... I don’t know what to say. I misjudged you ...”

  She halted his flow of words by holding up a hand and shaking her head. “Don’t. I’m not in the mood to hear it, and I might say something I’ll regret. I’m going back to bed. Have a nice day.”

  She went down the hall, moving heavily, slowly, like a tired old woman -- head bent and shoulders slumped. He watched her until his tears distorted his vision and her figure dissolved in a wash of salty moisture.

  How could I have been so blind? Oh, God, he’d been more than blind ... he’d been criminal in his actions!

  Stunned and overwhelmed, Kevin Morrison sank onto the kitchen chair and stared into space.

  Fifteen years ... of bitterness and envy, of watching his children excel and knowing they got their charm and strength from their real father ... fifteen years of wishing they were his in reality.

  Kevin closed his eyes and groaned. He’d spent fifteen years trying to forget that day when he’d deliberately left Hunter to face the three lurking men in that alley. He’d seen them out the corner of his eye just before he’d revved the engine and sped away. Somewhere deep inside, he had hoped they’d do what he couldn’t -- kill the beast that had stolen his hope of family. He’d run away that day. He’d never stopped running.

  Squaring his shoulders, Kevin took a deep breath. He’d wronged everyone ... his wife, his friend, and his children. A wrong of such magnitude couldn’t be forgiven, but what little honor he had left demanded he make amends. He would start by talking with the twins ...

  Chapter Eleven

  “Hand me that last lead line and I’ll connect the sound system.”

  Gregori passed the required cord up to Aricles. “I’m stunned we finished in time. And stunned we haven’t gotten caught.”

  The Greek laughed at the vampire’s disgruntled tones. “What luck Indigo had that vision, huh?”

  “Are you kidding?” Gregori couldn’t believe Aricles hadn’t caught on. “She had a vision, all right. She knew exactly what we are doing. That’s why she said what she did.”

  Aricles tilted his head; his hands busy at the console. “Doesn’t matter. I always intended to confess to Hunter and the team once we returned the mosque’s sound system and the churches’ bells. There, we’re all in place and ready to go.”

  Gregori came to attention. “If you’re going to confess anyway, why all the secrecy?”

  “This is our wedding present to Melody and Hunter. What good is a present if it’s not a surprise?”

  “Oh. Good point.”

  Chapter Twelve

  “All right, me colleen ... We’ll attach the last letter and magick these sweet bairns back to their families. We’ll see if the New Year brings new changes to the parents’ behavior ...

  This precious bundle comes to you with warning good and true.

  When next we snatch this child away, ’tis coal we’ll leave with you.

  Myra read the note the brownie had dictated before handing it over. She watched through tears as her old nanny breathed on the paper, leaving behind her sparkling mark. The intricate pattern radiated heat and light, shimmered clear and cold as stardust. Perhaps that’s what it was.

  “What about this last baby, Nanna ... the quiet one?”

  “Ach, he’s not quiet, colleen. Himself is crying all the time, lonely for his forever family. Dinna fash yerself over this wee one, for he’s taken care of.”

  “But what of me, Nanna? What of me ...”

  The brownie smiled and petted her former charge. “Myra, me darling, ye have grown into a braw, fine woman. There’s blessings before ye, if ye but open yer heart to see them. I believe you can do that.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  “Don’t send me any more money.”

  Chase glanced down at Andrea through the concealing lens of his sunglasses. “Why not? I thought all young ladies liked money.”

  Andrea shrugged. “Sure I like it, but Mom only lets me have a little bit. The rest she socks away in a savings account for me. What good is getting a present if you can’t do what you want with it?”

  Chase looked at his present, dressed in a slim cream sheath that made her look older than her years. Her scent -- a blend of innocence and seduction -- had him hard and yearning, his arousal so advanced he was forced to hide his glowing eyes behind dark glasses. He shifted, moving his leg to lessen the jut of his cock. He didn’t want her to notice his helpless reaction to her. She might be his mate, but she was still too young for him to approach her as such.

  “Your birthday is coming soon.”

  “Yeah, it’s on March 15.”

  “The Ides of March ... that’s a very auspicious date. May I attend your Quinceañera?”

  Andrea shrugged. “Sure. Mom is already driving me nuts planning it.”

  Her gamin face took on a sly expression and Chase bit back a laugh. He knew his mercenary little fiancée had just thought up something. “What would you like me to bring you?”

  She flashed her dimples at him. “I want a new car.”

  He lifted an eyebrow. “I don’t know about that ...”

  “Aw, come on, Chase. I’ll get my permit on my birthday and I can take the test as soon as I turn fifteen and a half. I won’t drive it until I’m legal ... promise!”

  The hopeful look in her bright brown eyes tugged at his heart. He could tell he’d never be able to deny her anything. “We’ll see.”

  “Oh, thank you, Chase!”

  She flung herself into his arms, hers going around his neck and squeezing. His hands came up to pull her away, but they changed directions when she planted a smacking kiss on his mouth. He gripped her tight, breathing gone thready, pulse erratic.

  “Oh, my gosh --!”

  Her shocked, whispered cry as she noticed the state of his body made him cringe. Chase cursed under his breath, releasing her abruptly. He set her away out of temptation’s reach, just as Hunter came up to them, a knowing gleam in his watchful eye.

  “They’re waiting for you, Andrea. Scoot along to the war-room before your mom sends Fortrayn to collect you.”

  She nodded in response to Hunter’s order, face flushed and eyes looking anywhere but at the two wulves.

  They watched her go. When she’d turned the corner and disappeared, Chase turned to Hunter and growled, “Three years is a fucking lon
g time!”

  Giving his cousin a commiserating slap on the shoulder, Hunter smiled. “Wait until it’s three days ... that’s when it’ll really seem like forever.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  “The weddings went off without a hitch, didn’t they?”

  “They did, indeed, darling.” Hunter paused in changing his clothes to give his wife of five hours a husbandly kiss. “I must admit it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be.”

  “Oh, ho! Damned with faint praise.” Melody laughed, giving Hunter a big smacking kiss before turning her back to him. “Undo this thing for me, please. And you know it was better than you ever could have imagined.”

  His hands made quick work of her fastenings, and he dropped a kiss on the nape of her neck before swatting her on her bottom. “Done.”

  She danced away from him, humming the song, Tonight, I Celebrate My Love for You. The bells had pealed out the melody as they entered the church for the ceremony, just like she’d dreamed. “Oh, honey, what Aricles and Gregori did for me was so sweet! I’ll treasure the memory forever.”

  Glancing over at Hunter, Mel frowned. “Are they going to get into trouble for it? I mean ... they did return the bells and sound system, and no one saw them either time. Only we know who did it. Do we have to turn them in?”

  “On what charge?” Hunter chuckled. “None of the parties involved feel like suing ... not with the huge donations I promised to make in honor of the new Mrs. Hunter McCallum. Like the commissioner said, they only borrowed the bells and equipment.”

  Melody sat down abruptly on the side of the bed, her arms holding down the hoops of her slip that threatened to fly up about her shoulders. Tears burned in her eyes as her heart expanded. “I never would have believed Kevin Morrison would have the courage to ask your permission to give the bride away.”

  She had to pause to clear her throat. “When I gave the invitation to Alison, I only hoped he’d allow the twins to come. This was so much better.”


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