Prepper: A Story of the Future Collapse

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Prepper: A Story of the Future Collapse Page 3

by Franz Bates

  As Seth took a glance at the lodge, he thought about whether he could ever observe it again after today. However what he knew was that it had spared his life by keeping him far from the killer infection and for that he was appreciative. On his route gathering for more data about the virus breakout, he came across with the old blue pickup that he found the day before however it was now loaded with dark blowflies and a huge number of larvae that were caught up with eating up the decaying bodies inside. Seth knew that he bought almost ten gallons of gasoline with him but he needed those for his truck. He then unloaded the pick-up’s gasoline and he is planning to bring it as additional to his stocks.

  While on his half way in draining the gasoline, he noticed two suspicious motorcycle riders approaching to his direction. He immediately felt unsecured and his expectations were right. The two riders fired gunshots in his direction but Seth was fast enough to hide at the back of his truck. After few minutes of exchanging shots, Seth was able to kill both of the riders. He thanked enough his hours of practice with his Supergrade back then. Seth was thankful enough that he did not incur any wound or gunshot from that encounter. He checks his truck for any signs of damage but there was none. He concluded that these attackers are not frequent gun users. They might be a few of those who just escaped from the prison and now trying to make a living by stealing from innocent individuals. He carefully walked to the dead bodies and rolled them up. He picked up the pistols from both of them and Seth kept them in his truck. Seth has undergone several pieces of training for survival during his younger years in the Marshal Service. Back in the days when his father is still with them and they are still living as a family, they often one movie about phenomenon and survival.

  After carefully checking the safety of his situation, Seth took the gasoline from one of the motorcycles as well and he walked the other one off the road and inclined it behind a close-by tree in light of the fact that is extremely fuel productive and might serve a significant role if gas turned out to be rare. As he was staring at the motorcycle, he instantly remembers his best buddy, Norton Sivers, an avid gun buff and an extreme fan of motorcycles. Seth never grew up with motorcycles but when he met Norton, he was forced to discover a bit about them. He immediately wonders if his best friend is doing just fine in the middle of this crisis. He made a mental note to reach out to him as soon as he reached the town. Seth went back to his truck and rearranged his gasoline gallons. With the new cans added to his pack, he needs to make changes in the arrangement. He needs to hide some of them in the lower part of his truck’s cab so that passers-by or anyone who is trying to still will not see it. He began his journey again to the town. He drove away from that eventful scene and headed towards his journey to Boone. Starting now and into the foreseeable future, it was all about survival.

  In his long drive, he spotted several areas of the wood that are spacious and rich in resource. He takes note of them in case some relocation is needed in the near future. Nobody knows what the future holds so he better be prepared. He was too focused on his thoughts when he heard a beep. He immediately looked for his phone because he knows that sound very well. His phone is now receiving short signals from the network. He glanced around and noticed that he has never gone this far when he first traveled the day before. He saw several messages just coming in, probably from his family and friends asking if he is in a good situation. He stopped by under a large tree to check his messages. One message is from his mom:

  Mom: Have you been out in the streets for your duty? The virus is everywhere, please take care of yourself. Your sister and I are confined at home. We are thankfully saved.

  Norton Sivers: Hey Andrews, Do you need a place? I’m taking my family to Canada this weekend to stay away from the virus. Everyone in our community is starting to show symptoms and I am worried for my wife and my son. Almost all tickets going out of the United States are sold out. I’ve got one for you here but we’re book for next week. Let me know ASAP if you’re joining us!

  Seth smiled after reading his best friend’s message. He has always been that thoughtful, childlike, annoying brother that he never had. On the other hand, he is worried that he never got any text from his father. He went back to check for more messages.

  Mom: Can you go and check for your dad? I have heard the news that the prisoners in Talladega were able to escape but most of them got infected by the virus. I am extremely worried about his health and safety. Seth took a deep breath and worry and fear started to take over his body. His dad may be anywhere out there, trying to spare his life from the virus outbreak. He needs to move fast now to be with his father. While he was thinking of the next steps to do, another message came in,

  D.T.: Hey Andrews, still up there in your holy cabin? There is a huge virus outbreak here in the cities. There is no, and in my opinion, there will never be, anytime soon a developed vaccine for this. Please advise your loved ones to stay in an area with lots of plants and trees. This virus is weak when combined with oxygen in the air. There is no safe area nowhere in the streets. Better stay in Blue Ridge. Keep safe my friend!

  His face went pale and sweaty with the very last message he read.

  William Rainn:

  I am going to set your father free tonight, however, I cannot guarantee that I will live longer than 24 hours. I am infected with the Superpox-99. I will use all my remaining hours and strength to make sure he gets out of this prison cell alive. Just do all your bets too, to find him and take him under your wing. It is very dangerous in the streets now.

  Seth suddenly felt like he is running out of time now. He needs to find his father and take him to the cabin. According to his friend, the virus is weak in areas where there is an abundant supply of oxygen in the air and that is exactly in the woods where their family lodge is. He continued driving but at a faster speed now. He needs to make this seven-hour drive shorter that it used to be. His mind is confused what to do first the moment he arrives in Boone. He replied to his mother’s message that he is doing fine and is not infected. He also advised her that he will do his best to find his father and take him to the cabin. He is thankful that his phone has a better reception now. At least he can still communicate to the important people in his life and that is an essential part of surviving this virus outbreak. He turned the radio on as he was sure that it will work already by this time. He needs to gather more information about the current situation in town.

  Reporter: Breaking News, the vice president of the United States was not spread from the wrath of the virus. He died around seven A.M this morning at his residence in Washington D.C. He started showing the signs and symptoms of Superpox-99 two days ago and he was found lifeless in his bedroom just this morning. According to his wife and children, the vice president suffered blindness, blisters, and numbness of the body. He also had a hard time to breathe in his last few hours. In another news, President Hillary White declared this day a National Mourning day, for all those who have died from the virus outbreak including the vice president. The government is still hoping that CDC experts will be able to develop the vaccine for the virus soon. Seth took a deep breath and shook his head. He regretted listening to the news because it made him feel indifferent, yet he knew that it is necessary for him to be continuously updated of the happenings.

  He is continuously driving even though his thoughts are far away. If he will be honest with himself, he is lost and confused on how to proceed. He took another deep breath and tried to exhale the fear and worries in him. He needs to stay focused on his goals and mission. After all, he is Deputy Marshal Seth Andrews, a highly profiled, law enforcer and firearms expert. He has many years of experience, responding to various emergency situations.

  Seth is in the middle of conditioning his mind with the crisis he is about to face when suddenly, he passed by a fallen motorcycle. He slowed down but prepared his senses for action. His right hand positioned in his pistol and his left hand holding the steering wheel tight. When he is almost in front of the motorcycle, a coupl
e of rats sprung out of the motorcycle wheel and to his surprise he was able to shoot one rat and it died right in front of him. Seth released the air he didn’t notice he had been holding. He was thankful it was not another eventful encounter with the bad guys lurking around. He went back to his truck and continued driving. He kept the radio open in the hopes of finally getting the news that a vaccine was already created. He also thought about the message of his friend that this Superpox-99 is weak in the area with abundant oxygen. It is probably the reason as to why the polluted cities were the first areas that were affected. It means that if the people would like to survive, they need to stay near the forests and pastures, which is very rare in the United States.

  Seth continued driving and he realized he has been on the road for nearly four hours already. In some parts of his journey, the radio transmission is getting lost but it comes back every once in a while. Seth continued to listen to the news. He learned that several government officials and a group of medical representatives all got infected and died from the virus. Aside from the chaos brought about by the virus breakout, it also sprouted into many other problems in the society.

  Reporter: The airports called for help from the government. Due to the virus breakout that started in Fort Detrick, Maryland, and now continuously spreading all over the United States, people trying to leave the infected states rushed to the airports. The crowd has become uncontrollable to the point that the police cannot do anything about it. When the virus breakout reached the prison cells, the CDC advised the released of those under minimum security so that there will be enough caretakers to those who are left.

  To the government’s dismay, things didn’t go as planned and even the most notorious criminals were able to escape. Now the law enforcement agencies are out to hunt for the escapees. Then from that point, the crime rate has increased. Department stores, convenient stores, and pharmacies are being robbed. Individual killings are left and right. Robbery is rampant and growing in all states. The whole society became a battle for survival of the fittest.

  The government operations have been transferred to different headquarters. With the left and right passing of government employees being infected by the Superpox-99, some have actually left their offices and went home to take care of their own families. Even the police force is rapidly decreasing, so the enforcement plans are now hard to implement with the lack of personnel to dispatch. Seth immediately felt that he is needed by his duty. His mind battled against going to the headquarters or goes and continuously looks for his father.

  Just when he is about to turn the radio off, the voice of the U.S President came over.

  Hillary White: Good morning my people, this is your president Hillary White. It is with pain and despair that I announce to you, the three more important members of the Senate passed away today because of Superpox-99. I appeal to each and every one of you to cooperate with us in implementing emergency provisions so that we can wipe this virus away from our nation as soon as possible.

  Chapter Eight

  As Seth continued his journey to Highway – 321, he couldn’t avoid replaying the encounter of two convicts. It’s not that he is regretting that they have ended up in dust, but he is more worried of how many more convicts like those two are freely roaming around and imposing harm to the civilians. What if it was not him who has encountered those criminals? What if an innocent civilian? A lot of troublesome thoughts came to Seth’s mind and he seems to have the urge to respond to the calling. He always felt it his somehow is a responsibility to protect the community from these convicts trying to win over the peace. Seth started checking on his objectives for the drive into Boone. He ordered a rundown of provisions that he would have liked to assemble and despite the fact that he had a substantial stock of solid and dried supplies in the lodge, however gathering additional sustenance was still reasonable and also fuel. Seth’s survival instincts never failed him so far. In two years’ time, the gas in the stuck up vehicles would be unusable without some type of pre-treatment and a fuel stabilizer was in this way high on his rundown of necessities. Next on his rundown are therapeutic supplies and batteries, parts for his truck, toiletries and other essential things he needed for survival. If there is one thing that every person should be doing at this point it to start securing supplies. He will go to the town of Boone and take it into his own hands that these community people will be informed and prepared. He may not be a superhero after all these but at least, he could help even a small town.

  He continued driving and stopped by every abandoned store and cars to collect for supplies. He is thankful enough how big his truck is to carry such items.

  After driving two long miles he happened to come across a service station, which connected on one side was a little accommodation store and on the opposite side was a repairman's shop that had been somewhat worn out. There was no indication of life in that place aside from a withering dog. Beside the big dog was a woman’s dead body to which Seth suspects is the dog’s owner. At first he simply thought of ending the misery of the giant Rottweiler, however, he sees that the dog is attempting to survive. After few seconds of contemplating, Seth decided to carry the pleading dog to his truck so he could take him under his care. While he is feeding the hungry dog and petting him, two cars stopped by and Seth was immediately alarmed. Seth reached out for his pistol as the group of three people approached him. Seth recognized that these people are not harmful.

  Hi there, you looked alarmed. Don’t worry we are not enemies. My name is Dominick Costner and this is my brother Evan, his wife Jules and their 10-year old daughter named Casey. The man introduced himself and his companions. Only then Seth remained calm and introduced himself too.

  Hi, my name is Seth Andrews, a Marshal. I’m sorry for offending you; I just encountered two convicts in the last hours. I am still somehow in the height of it. Seth explained as he apologized.

  It is understood, Seth. We actually stopped by to see if there are any supplies we can recover from here. We are heading to Tucson, Arizona and it’s going to be a long ride. It was Evan who spoke this time. Seth gestured for them to check out the gasoline tanks. He pointed out that fuel may not be available for the next few miles because of the situation.

  You can check the tanks if they are filled. You should carry as many as you can, as I can foresee that any gas stations may be closed in the next few stops. I’ve heard the news that several groups of escapees are targeting gas stations for robbery. Seth advised her new found friends. Seth also learned that Dominic and Evan’s parents just recently died from virus infection. They weren’t lucky enough to see them alive. They were both working in as Professors in the University of Arizona when their parents called and told them that they got infected. Even before they reached Manhattan in their old house, their parents died. Law enforcers have taken the bodies as per mandated by the emergency policy of the government to recover all the dead bodies of the Superpox-99 victims and be buried in a designated place. The Cosner brother appealed to retrieve their parents’ remains but the officials did not agree. So here they are, left with no choice but to head back to Arizona and continue with their lives. Seth instantly felt sympathetic of the two brothers. As they continued their small talk, Seth gave them several survival tips because he knows that they may encounter few more challenges before they reach Arizona safely. Seth gave them three sets of medical masks that he retrieved from one of the convenience stores on his way.

  Before they separate ways, Seth’s new found friends convinced him to come with them because it is safer in Arizona, but he declined. He explained that he needs to go and find his father and take care of the people in Boone. Seth came back to his truck feeling a little better after meeting good hearted people. He noticed that his newly adopted dog is still in the same condition as he left it. He fed him more in the hopes of seeing his condition improve. He thought of naming him Brodie; from the name of a famous frontiersman and a hero of Alamo. After eating and drinking, Brodie seems to be a little b
etter, so Seth continued his journey with his new companion in Brodie. Seth thought to himself that this journey should not be that lonely and boring at all. Despite the situation getting worse because of the virus, there are still few things in life that he can be thankful for, just like the arrival of Brodie in his life. Seth decided that it’s time to head back to his cabin to drop off some supplies he has collected. He checked his location, it going to be a six-mile track to the cabin. He helped Brodie get a comfortable position for the long travel ahead.

  After about an hour of straight driving, he saw a car in an opposite track of the road. Even though the car was not in a hurry, Seth still alarmed Brodie in any case of emergency. The car stopped in his opposite lane. A man whom, according to Seth’s calculation is in his mid-40’s hopped off the car and approached him. Seth is fully convinced that this man does not impose any harm so he touched Brodie’s head to calm him down. The man politely introduced himself as Father Alain.

  I’m taking my chances here since you came from that direction, can you tell if I’m going to be in trouble if I continued this track? I have to visit the group of community volunteers in Oro Valley. Some of them got infected with the virus and they are asking for pray over. Father Alain’s face laced with sadness.

  Seth could only hope he can do something to help the volunteers. He gave Father Alain extra can of gasoline for his long ride. He also gave him safety tips and a piece of pocket knife for his protection. He cannot give him one his pistols because he might get into trouble for not being licensed to carry firearms. In return, Father Alain gave him a blessed rosary; he also gave one to Brodie and tied it safely around the dog’s neck. Seth wore it as an anklet. Seth also learned that Father Alain was originally assigned in Boone, but he got transferred when the residing priest in South Dakota died from the virus infection. Father Alained mentioned that he lost his phone along the way, so Seth gave him his spare radio with the manual transmitter. He convinced Father Alain to take it because he can use it at some point where there is a strong transmission to listen to the news. They even tested it and tried listening to the news.


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