Prepper: A Story of the Future Collapse

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Prepper: A Story of the Future Collapse Page 9

by Franz Bates

As days go by, the maintenance peace and order in Boone became a very daunting task for Seth and Brodie alone. So in the next few days, Seth decided to train more volunteers from the town. He became exhausted in training three different groups every day but he didn’t mind because it will help him in his mission in the long run. He trained them with basic self-defense and basic weapon handling skills that they could use in case of any encounter with the convicts.

  It was late Wednesday night while Seth is having his dinner and Brodie was just about to sleep, father Alain came rushing. Seth immediately sensed something wrong by the look on his face. We have a big problem Andrews, a group of bandits sent a message that they are taking over the town of Boone. They will kill anyone that will not surrender. They sent a young man covered with blood and bruises carrying the message. They said that anyone who contradicts to their authority will suffer like the young man.They are arriving any moment now. Father Alain’s face is filled with worries. Seth almost wanted to laugh at the bandit's dreams. He knew they were serious, but do they really think he would give up Boone that easily? Seth called all the volunteers that he trained in the last few days. He gave orders to secure the church because that is where the outlaws will go. He asked Father Alain to lock all the entry doors of the church and announced to the public to stay inside their homes. And for the family of the men who volunteered can stay inside the church. After an hour of fast preparations, Seth and his group are ready for any encounter that may occur. He gave each of his best trainees pistols and revolvers that he gathered from his stocks, while he is using his favorite Super grade from Sanders. He told his group that as soon as the bandits arrive, they should all be prepared.

  After few minutes, the outlaws arrived in two sets of cars. The leader immediately fired a warning shot in the air. Seth was irritated but he tried to remain calm. He politely asked them to go back to where they came from because Seth and his group will not allow them to rule over the town. The leader must have been annoyed by what Seth declared so they started firing shots to the door of the church. Little did the bandits know that Seth was the only one at the back of the door, all the rest of the counter gun shots are coming from the second floor of the church at the left and right wing where the rest of the volunteers are. After few minutes of what seems to be a gun battle, the leader of the bandits found all of his companions dead. He was so shocked to see that none of them survived. That time Seth went out from the church, with his pistol pointed at the leader. Your people didn’t even hurt anyone from my group. Seth declared almost laughing, but his pistol is still pointed at the sole remaining opponent.

  It’s impossible, how did this happen? Where are your people? The bandit asked in shock. He still couldn’t believe everyone died if just a few minutes of exchanges.

  Did you even notice where the shots are coming from? They died because they didn’t know where the bullets are coming from. That’s what you get for coming here unprepared, thinking that your guns will protect your lives. Seth kept walking towards the bandit and even before he could pull his Super grade’s trigger, the bandit shoots himself in the head and fall on the ground. The volunteers immediately shouted in triumph. They were successful in clearing all the outlaws trying to steal the peace and order in Boone. They are hoping that this is the last group that they would face. They are good natured people and they are not used to killing with guns.

  The next few days became peaceful so far in Boone. Seth was able to focus on helping Doctor Frankel with the vaccine creation. Seth was able to identify a few survivors and he bought them to Raleigh at the doctor’s house. Since the lifting of Executive Order 23245, the mission of Seth in looking for volunteer survivors became easier. After several attempts with the new antibodies, the 7th attempt seems to be promising. According to the doctor, they would only need the third testing to make sure that the vaccine will work. Seth was thrilled to know that finally their hard work and efforts are paying off.

  I just need to run one more test to make sure that the antibodies are compatible. After this, I’ll send samples to Hillary and I’ll let her handle the distribution. I don’t trust CDC on this one. Doctor Frankel said in one of their phone conversations that afternoon.

  Seth was listening to the news to get updates about the surroundings.

  Reporter: CDC released another statement that they are finally getting the right vaccine formula for the killer virus Superpox-99. The director of CDC said that they just need one more test before they finally released the vaccine for distribution. A lot of people were happy to hear about this new hope of fighting chance.

  On the other news, the search and rescue operations are still in place for the missing daughter of the president. According to Michael York, head of the operations and assistant to the president, the rescuers confirmed that there is no dead body in the crash site even after their intensive search. They cannot declare the teenager as a casualty.

  Garreth and Elizabeth were also listening to the news at that very moment. Elizabeth told Garreth everything about Michael. She trusted Michael more than anyone else. Garreth said that Michael should know that apparently there are two groups looking for Elizabeth right now, aside from Michael’s group is the other team that wants the teenager dead. Elizabeth has a strong feeling that it is Kennedy’s group. He was the one secretly trying to steal the presidency and the power from her mom. Elizabeth remembered her accidental eavesdropping to Kennedy and McCrystal’s conversation while the two are having coffee on the terrace and she is on the adjacent room’s terrace too, about to take her afternoon nap.

  Without her king beside her, it shouldn’t be that hard to make Helen’s castle stumble and fall. The man on the other side of the terrace said. Judging from the grumpiness of his voice, Liz could say that he is General McCrystal, a political enemy of their family.

  So what are the foundations of the castle we ought to destroy? Another voice came on the air. It was Mr. Kennedy’s voice. She couldn’t be wrong. She has met both of them on many occasions in the White House.

  Well, a queen may fall without his king, but any remaining family member could be her strength to get back up. We should eliminate all the allies, by any means as soon as possible. It was McCrystal’s evil voice again, Liz said to herself silently.

  We should be thankful that Superpox-99 had an accidental breakout, the vice president, along with the other members of her cabinet got infected and now just figured in the rising death toll. The odds are certainly not in her favor. I think the king should be infected too real soon. Mr. Kennedy said while laughing like an evil.

  Liz knew that the two were talking in codes but it’s obvious that the queen and king that they were talking about are her parents. And the castle that they wanted to take over is no other than the White House and her presidency. She trusts that her mom knows who her opponents are and who her allies are. She will talk to Michael about this incident but he was too busy because of the virus breakout emergencies.

  Elizabeth told Garreth everything about that afternoon in the terrace. Garreth was certain that the people chasing Elizabeth were sent by Kennedy to kill her. They thought about calling Michael to inform him of their whereabouts but Garreth thinks it is very risky. Kennedy might have wiretapped Michael’s line and is secretly listening to his phone calls. When Garreth and Elizabeth came across a working telephone booth, they tried to make a call. Elizabeth knows Michael’s number by heart but it seems that phone calls to his phone are blocked. Is it because we are using a phone booth? Elizabeth asked feeling worried about the situation. She was obviously sad for not being able to contact her friend and music tutor. No, I don’t think so, In some high-end government phones, even the phone booth numbers are registered, it would even have a location information. I learned that from my son when he attended the emergency response training in Utah. I was surprised to know that he got my exact location when I called to ask for his help. Garreth said, trying to explain things to the teenager.

  Well, that sounds cool, but
I wonder why Michael’s phone cannot be reached. It’s impossible that he would change numbers. Even his local office phone is not reachable. What could be wrong? Elizabeth’s worry even got stronger. She hopes that Michael is alright. I am sure he is alright Elizabeth. I am just thinking that somebody has done something to block public phone booth lines coming to his cell phone and to his land line. The enemies knew that if ever you are really alive, in which you are; you will be contacting for help through a phone booth line. They are trying to intercept calls for Michael so they could get the information first. Now let’s get out of here because probably they may have detected this call attempt and they are on their way to get you. Garreth said hurriedly. Elizabeth’s face went pale in fear. She knew that he was right. She went inside the car and they drove away from that place. Elizabeth suggested for them to change the car if they come across an abandoned one.

  I am pretty sure they have identified this car already after their few failed attempts on getting us. We should try to find a new one in order to keep our identity hidden,.Garreth was impressed on how this young lady is thinking critically now. It must have been by the experience of being the only daughter of the president. Her mother Hillary has been the U.S president for two straight terms now. And hiding her identity in many ways could is not new to her. Garreth kept his thoughts to himself as he continued to drive away, while Elizabeth was busy searching the road for any signs of abandoned cars.

  Chapter Twenty

  Are you hungry? We can stop by.Garreth offered, he feels worried that the young girl might be starving. I am not hungry sir, but we need can stop by and eat because I can even remember the last time I saw you ate something. Don’t you get weak at all? Elizabeth answered. She finally got the chance to ask the question she’d been meaning to ask. She was afraid to ask that because the man might get offended, but she feels a little close to him now. She laughed at her own thoughts. Garreth raised his brow at the girl’s antics. She was laughing at him now. Something he has never seen before. Considering the uncertainty of their situation right now, there is no harm in seeing her lighten up a beat. Garreth decided to give in. They were about to pull over at a small Pizza House along the road but they saw big pick-up trucks loaded with bandits hanging by and smoking. Garreth pulled back and continued driving forward.

  Nope, not a good sign there. They spell trouble in big letters in their foreheads. Garrett laughed. He was able to make a quick decision and he was thankful for his fast senses.

  Yeah, I saw that too, I was just too nervous to make a comment right there. Good thing you know what to do. Well, you always do. Elizabeth commented nervousness is still obvious in her voice.

  As they drive along, Elizabeth decided to pull out cans of sausages. He opened one and gave it to Garreth. Maybe they could settle eating inside a moving car for now. They couldn’t afford to get into any more trouble, especially now that they are certain about having some groups chasing after them to get her. She just wished they could make it alive to Virginia. She has no idea how many more hours to endure in this journey. Garreth originally planned to cross Charlotte Town to reach North Carolina and go directly from there to Virginia. However, all the access roads going out of Charlotte to South Carolina proper are closed due to virus infection preventive measure? Garreth has no choice but to take a longer route and take I-20 North Augusta Road passing through the I-26 intersection going to Fayetteville in I-95 wide road. From there, they could take few hours to Virginia. The whole rerouting caused them few more days, which means now is the time to change their car. She told Elizabeth about his rerouting plan and the latter agreed without question. Elizabeth knew that Garreth knows better.

  Their next move now is the hunt for a new vehicle that they could use. It was around four o’clock in the afternoon when they started searching for abandoned areas. While Garreth was driving, Elizabeth gathered all their remaining food supplies as well us clothes and cans gallons of gasoline in one big travel bag owned by Garreth. After two hours of hoping to pass by any uninhabited car, they still have no luck. It started raining at around six thirty in the evening and Garreth decided to stop by an old abandoned gym center beside Beaver Courier Service building in Burton Road as they pass by Lexington.

  They picked up all their supplies while Garreth decided to hide the car in the inner part of the building. It was a good thing that the old gym building has a large entrance, wide enough to let a car pass through and be parked inside.

  Why did you park the car here inside? I know the building is quite spacious but it would be an additional effort tomorrow when we leave. Elizabeth asked as she was again curious of his decision. It would be dangerous to leave a trace outside. Your followers have probably identified by now that this red Honda civic is our getaway car. If they see it parked outside of this building, they would know that we are here and they would kill us even before we wake up. Elizabeth cringed at the idea of being killed while asleep.

  You’re a genius, sir. Now at least we can sleep sound while waiting for the heavy rains to stop. By the looks of it, it will be raining the whole night. Wake me up when its time to leave, I’ll help you get this car out of the gym. Elizabeth said while getting under the covers and preparing to fall asleep. Garreth laughed at the teenager’s eagerness to offer a helping hand. Deep inside he knew that the young girl is doing all that she can to avoid being a liability to him. Well, she already is, but at least she wants to lighten things on his shoulders. We are not taking that car with us. I saw several vehicles parked outside. I’d wake up early tomorrow before dawn and find something that we could use moving forward. Garreth said without hesitation. He heard only a mumble from the girl. He looked at him and she was past asleep. He smiled and prepared himself to sleep too. He will wake up tomorrow early morning to continue his tasks. For now, they both deserve a good night sleep after all the eventful encounters they’ve had in the last few days of surviving. They both just wanted a happy life with their loved ones and this world seems to be throwing a lot of reasons for them not to achieve it.

  That night, Garreth thought about his family and how he misses them. He wasn’t expecting this situation when William helped him escape the prison. He wonders if there is a cure already for this virus. He wonders if his family is safe and if his friends back in correctional prison were virus free. Life has been teasing him so far. He has been set free from his cell, but here he is again, running away from something that is not even his battle, to begin with. He knew that he is the only remaining hope of this teenager to get back to her mother alive. He just hopes that they would not encounter any of her kidnappers or killers anymore. It would be another set of action-filled adventure for them. He thought about ways on how they could get help from Elizabeth’s trusted allies but every possible he could think of is way too risky. Emails, phone calls, police stations are all cannot be trusted nowadays. They do not know who they are up against with, and the only people they can trust at this point are themselves. He closed his eyes and tried to sleep. He could feel intense tiredness probably from the few consecutive days of nonstop moving in the road. He adjusted his position and was finally able to find the best relaxed posture. They didn’t have any sleep covers and blankets so they are both sleeping in piles of clothes that they have recovered from several abandoned areas they passed by.

  The next morning, Garreth stayed true to his promised and woke up early. He walked the streets and searched for the vehicles that he saw the night before. He could remember seeing a white minivan with doors opened and supplies spilled over from the jump seat. He knew that this van was probably left by its owner in hurry of escaping from any virus infection. After few minutes of walking, he finally saw it parked at the entrance of a cargo truck nearby. The van was obviously unmanaged for several days now. He checked for the contents of the can and almost all of them are packages of plastic cups. It must be the vehicle for delivery. He saw no keys in the ignition. He removed all the cartons inside and searched the floor area. He finally saw t
he set of keys and he was hoping that one of them could be the ignition for this van. When he found the right key, he immediately started the car engine and drove it to the front of the gym. He has not walked far away from the gym building so in few minutes time he was back there. He saw Elizabeth packing the things they needed for another set of long rides.

  Is that our new journey buddy? It looks new. How did you find this? Elizabeth asked excitedly. There is a cargo building across the street. This one is open and the contents are spilled over. The driver must have left and run away. I heard some people in this town got infected with the Superpox-99. There must have been a public panic that caused them to leave immediately from this place. Garreth explained. As he walked the streets a while ago, he overheard some locals of this town talk about the superpox-99. He also had the chance to listen to the radio when he woke up and it’s too early to go outside for a walk. Then we must leave this place as soon as possible. I prepared the breakfast. It’s not too much since we have no cooking materials, but it’s certainly better than the previous days.Garreth laughed at Elizabeth and her long attempt of explanation. Yes, you are right. I’ll finish the breakfast while you get yourself refreshed. You may want to change clothes now since it will be another set of days on the road. There is a small bathroom at the right wing of this gym. Garreth ordered as he grabs a bite from the sandwich menu of the teenager. Hey, this is a really good sandwich! Thank you for making one for me! Garreth shouted so he could be heard by Elizabeth who is currently changing her clothes at the washroom. He did not hear any response but after a few minutes, Elizabeth came out with newly worn men’s clothes. The shirt is way too big and the pants are tied up to her waist with the belt. Thank you for the compliment. Elizabeth replied referring to the sandwich comment of Garreth.

  I figured I should wear more comfy clothes so that I could move or run faster. Elizabeth explained again even without being asked. Well, that is a good idea, but I was hoping that we won’t have to do that again. I prayed for a safer and peaceful travel last night. We could reach Virginia faster if that wish is granted. Garreth positioned himself in the driver seat and turned the car engine on. Elizabeth wondered how Garreth was able to put all their supplies at the back part of the van in just a few minutes. Or did she really spend too much time in the washroom? Her thoughts were taken away when she heard Garreth blowing the horn, signaling for her to hurry up.


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