The Billionaire Rancher's Christmas Wife

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The Billionaire Rancher's Christmas Wife Page 5

by Marian Tee

  Isla’s green eyes were glum when she looked at Sean. “Is it the same for you? Or is it just me because I’m new to all this?”

  Despite everything, Sean had to smile at her sexual naiveté. “No, sugar, it’s not just you.”

  “I know you warned me about not thinking of him, but…” She fidgeted restlessly in her seat. “He never made me feel like you do.”

  “That’s no surprise, darlin’. He’s an idiot, remember?”

  Isla tried her best to suppress her smile. Jonathan had actually topped the bar exams for his year and was widely regarded as one of San Diego’s rising attorneys. But somehow, when Sean called her ex an idiot, it did seem that way.

  “The man you’re marrying, on the other hand---”

  “You, you mean,” she said dryly.

  “Well, I don’t want to sound like I’m bragging…”

  Isla rolled her eyes at his modest tone. “But you are going to brag, aren’t you?”

  “That man’s said to be a real stud, ma’am,” Sean drawled in his best stereotype-cowboy-tone. “Hung like a horse and so good at making women cry like a mare in heat---”

  “Oh my God.” Isla quickly covered her mouth to keep her laughter from escaping, but it was no use.

  “I kid you not, sugar.” His tone was angelic.

  “I’m sure.” Hers was strained.

  “Then you’re saying yes?”

  Oh dear Lord, the things those eyes of his said, and the things his gaze promised her he would do to her as soon as they were alone –

  They were all so very debauched.

  She wetted her lips, still unaware of its impact on Sean. “I…am amenable to your suggestion.”

  Tension loosened its grip on Sean’s powerful body at Isla’s answer. “Stubborn little witch,” he murmured even as his lips twitched. “Is that your way of saying you want me to fuck you, too?”

  Isla badly wanted to kick Sean under the table as her face heated up at the way he had phrased things. “Don’t push it.”

  But this only made him chuckle as he leaned forward to reach for her. She stiffened, but it was too late, with Sean’s mouth once again covering hers.

  Passion flared in an instant, with both of them this time knowing what to expect. Need consumed them as their lips met for the second time, and her gasp blended with his growl. A moment later, Sean pulled away, both of them panting once more.

  Isla stiffened when he suddenly leaned forward, and she stiffened even more when he started to reach for her. She wondered madly if he would kiss her again, but what he ended up doing was deliciously worse.

  Sean’s gaze captured hers just as he slowly traced her upper lip with his thumb. “You have a lovely mouth, Isla Bouchard.”

  The seductive timbre of his voice made her toes curl, but oh, the way he was staring at her mouth –

  “Do you want to know what I’m thinking right now?”

  Isla quickly shook her head, thinking that whatever it was, it could only be iniquitous in a terrifyingly exquisite way.

  “That’s too bad…” But there was only mocking regret in his voice. “Since I’m going to show you anyway, and trust me sugar---”

  Her breasts grew heavy and swollen as his gaze once again returned to her mouth, and she fought hard not to give herself away even as she felt her nipples gradually pucker behind the cups of her bra.

  “Your mouth is going to love every second of it.”

  Chapter 6

  The rest of their meal flew past her in a blur, with Sean deserving a medal for the way he cleaned his plate with methodical efficiency. Although Isla would never have said a word if it had been otherwise, she was secretly glad he had not been the type to leave his plate untouched simply because his food tasted horrible. Her fifth-grade science teacher had made her class watch a documentary on global starvation once, and Isla had never quite looked at food the same way again.

  Isla froze when Sheryl came to them with the bill, but Sean only smiled at her. “I don’t mind, sugar.” He gave her an audacious wink. “I’ll remember to take care of you later.”

  Isla sputtered, but mindful of the way the other woman was grinning at them, she simply settled the bill as quickly as she could and shot him an admonishing look as soon as Sheryl left them. He was such a scoundrel, but even so she knew she wouldn’t have him any other way. Sean Northwood might be a devil, but that still made him a far better man than one who pretended to be an angel.

  Sean laid a possessive hand on the small of Isla’s back as he led her back to the hotel, and when they walked past the counter, she absently noted the way Sheryl seemed to be turning away a couple intending to dine at Alexio’s.

  “Do you think it’s because they’re closing early?” she asked Sean in a whisper, her curiosity faintly piqued.

  “Perhaps.” Sean’s tone was deliberately noncommittal, and he changed the subject swiftly after, asking Isla about her flight to Aspen. He knew it was only a matter of time before she figured out the truth about him, but even so he wanted to maintain his disguise just a little longer – and to do that, he had to keep Isla from finding out he had the whole restaurant reserved for their private use.

  It hadn’t been part of Charlotte’s outline, but then he had his first look of Isla as soon as she had stepped out of her cab, and that was it. Sean had known then and there he wouldn’t want any unnecessary interruptions during their time together. He wanted Isla completely focused on pleasuring him – and vice versa.

  The sudden ringing of her phone interrupted his thoughts, and it was easy to tell who was calling by the stricken look on her face. It couldn’t be her parents – those two had been criminally negligible towards Isla almost her entire life. Certainly, it couldn’t be her younger sister either: India Bouchard was nothing but a vain, stupid, selfish bitch, the kind who didn’t think she even owed Isla an apology.

  And so that left only one person –

  “How often does the idiot call you?” Sean asked calmly.

  “Even just once is more than he should.” Isla’s tone was curt.

  “And you want it to stop?”

  She threw him an odd look that spelled out DUH in big, bold letters.

  “How much do you want it stop?”

  Isla was perplexed. “What are you getting at? Are you doubting my word---”

  “Answer me first, sugar.”

  “I want it badly, okay?”

  “Good.” He took her still-ringing phone from her and answered it, saying pleasantly, “Fuck off.”

  Her jaw dropped.

  Sean ended the call, returned the phone to her, and took Isla’s hand, murmuring, “That should settle it.”

  And then they were walking again, at a much faster pace this time that she practically had to run to keep up with him. When they finally reached the elevator, she was already struggling to catch her breath, but as soon as the doors closed on them, Isla had another reason to be breathless.


  She forgot all about Jonathan’s call as he trapped her between the wall and his body, and upon locking her arms over her head, his mouth crushed hers in a deep, hard kiss.


  This time, she didn’t even consider putting up a struggle. This time, her lips only parted, Isla moaning in surrender as his tongue slipped inside of her mouth.

  The way her body instinctively arched him made Sean shudder. “Isla.” The doors opened just as he crushed her mouth under his, and her arms only tightened around his neck as he swept her up and carried her out of the elevator.

  She heard the faint sound of her door unlocking – it made her wonder vaguely how he knew which room she was in, much less how he came into possession of her room’s card key – but then Sean was gently lowering her to the bed, his touch gentle but possessive, and all sensible thoughts faded.

  Despite the darkness, Isla could sense his ravenous gaze, and it made her heart thunder against her chest and her body writhe involuntarily.

  “God, Isl
a.” Sean’s fingers shook slightly as he traced the gentle line of her jaw. “I want you so fucking much.”

  An agonizing, restless ache stirred inside of Isla at the passion-roughened timbre of his voice, making her body writhe against the sheets.

  Sean’s nostrils flared at the scent of her desire, and the knowledge that she was too innocent to realize it even existed only sharpened his need for her to something excruciating and undeniable –

  “Tell me you want me.”

  A moan snaked past her lips at the savage note of his voice. The penetrating, dizzying calidity of his presence had long melted her inhibitions away, but it also destroyed her ability to speak. All she could do was reach for him, hoping that Sean would sense her increasingly painful need to be close to him –

  And he did.

  Sean had felt her soft body tremble harder against him at his question: he correctly interpreted it as Isla’s silent acquiescence, and a growl that was all male escaped him. She was his.

  Shivers brought out by excitement rather than fear racked her body at the thoroughness in which Sean divested Isla of her clothes. He peeled them off one at a time, and he branded every layer exposed with his roaming hands – he traced the slope of her shoulders, the curve of her breasts, the length of her legs – by the time she was completely naked under him, his possessive, expert touch had reduced her into an aching, shivering mess, and when his mouth covered hers, she could only sob in relief.

  She wanted him, everything of him, so, so much.


  The sweet sound of longing in her voice had him groaning. Clasping her face, he thrust his tongue deep into her mouth, and she went wild in his arms. She sobbed as she kissed him back, Isla sucking on his tongue as her nails clawed him from behind. Her response was clumsy and untutored, but it made no difference. It was damn hot it wreaked havoc on Sean’s own senses.

  He wrenched his mouth away from her, and Isla stared up at him, heart pounding in the darkness.

  “Witch.” His voice was a snarl of lust, and her breasts grew heavy and swollen, her nipples turning painfully erect. The pouting tips scraped against his chest, and tremors shook both of their bodies.

  “Sean, please.” She didn’t know what exactly she was begging for, only that she was certain he knew what she needed – and he did.

  She moaned as his mouth moved down the length of her neck. “Oh, Sean.” She arched against him, but then he started to suck on the skin just above her collarbone, and she couldn’t help but moan anew.

  He sucked so long and hard on the tender skin that even though she had no experience at all, Isla was certain his kiss would leave a blatant brand on her body. She whimpered when his mouth finally left her neck, but then he started palming her breasts, and she had to whimper a second time. Her tender, aching flesh grew heavier at his touch, and the moment he began to knead the delicate globes, it became too much and her body arched off the bed.

  Oh God.

  She had touched her breasts a thousand times for the most innocuous reason in the past, but never had it left her breasts feeling this sensitive, this tender. He started rubbing her nipples between his fingers, and her body tensed – something was trying to take over her body. Was this what it meant to feel “hot and bothered?”

  Sean suddenly pinched her nipples, and she gasped at the stinging pleasure of it.

  “You like that, sugar?”

  Sean pinched her nipples another time, and she let out another gasp. Who would have thought something that actually hurt could also feel so good?

  “That’s just the start, darlin’,” Sean intoned in a guttural voice. “There’s so much more I want to do with your lovely tits.”

  A moan escaped her at his choice of words. She had never thought herself the type to like such talk, but oh dear God, how her body trembled when it was Sean saying them.

  “I want to fucking eat them, Isla. Can I?”

  Yes. Oh yes. And it seemed as if he had heard her silent whimpers, with Sean bending his head to take one pink bud inside his mouth.


  Her body arched again, her fingers automatically reaching up to dig deep into the smooth, hard panes of his back as he started to suck on her nipple.

  Oh God, it was so good.

  He suckled on it endlessly, taking his time torturing her nipples in turn. When he finally lifted his head, she was sobbing, her every cell throbbing. “Sean.” Her voice was a tremulous plea. He made her feel so good, so, so good that she never wanted it to end.

  “I know, darlin’.” His voice was hoarse, and his large, strong hands actually shook as they clasped the side of her hips.

  He began to pull her legs up, and her head started to toss and turn against the pillow as he then pushed her legs open until they formed an inverted V.

  She could feel him staring down at her – at the most intimate, wettest part of her – and Isla moaned.


  She felt his head start to dip, and she began to pant. “Sean, oh God---”

  A second later, his mouth came down on her creamy, pulsating core, his tongue pushing inside of her, and Isla screamed.

  Sean started to fuck her pussy with his mouth, and Isla’s back fell against the bed. She desperately covered her mouth to keep herself from making sounds, but it was a futile attempt. The way he relentlessly shoved his tongue in and out of her left Isla mindless.

  She had never felt such pleasure, never imagined anything like this could even exist, and she had never thought it could last so, so long. It was torture, excruciating and exquisite at the same time, and it made her want to cry out a mass of conflicting things: Stop. Don’t stop. More. No more. Yes. No.

  She tried to prepare herself for a sensual onslaught, but when her orgasm finally came, she realized how impossible it was. No words could have perfectly described the piercing pleasure that rippled through her the moment her body started to climax, no words that could’ve quantified how much of herself was lost in the maelstrom of passion and desire that had every part of her straining to get closer to him.

  She clung to him as the tremors started to fade, her eyes wet with tears of wonder. She never thought it could be this good for someone boring and ordinary like her. Never. And when she felt Sean pull her up to reverse their positions – he was seated now, his back against the headboard, while she knelt between his legs – the thought of resisting didn’t even occur to her.

  All Isla knew at that moment was that her body had found its master, and when his distended cock nudged aggressively against her lips, she simply opened her mouth wide and let her instincts take over.

  Sean’s growl was low and harsh, the sound reverberating against the walls of the room as inch by inch his manhood disappeared into the snug, moist warmth of her mouth. Driving his fingers through the silky locks of her hair, he gripped her head hard as he slowly taught her how to suck his cock. He taught her how to use her tongue, where to suck, and how to relax her throat so she could swallow him whole. A part of him expected her to pull away and cry out in protest – good girls like her weren’t used to this type of foreplay, after all – but instead Isla acted the opposite. She was an eager and passionate pupil, quick to learn, and quite willing to be creative; she was able to turn the tables in so short a time, and then it was his turn to lose his mind.

  “Isla. Fuck. Yes.” The words came out deep and guttural as Isla deep-throated him, her head bobbing up and down, and her hands skillfully teasing his aching balls. When he felt something inside of him start to tighten, Sean grated out, “Let go.” But the moment he tried to pull away he felt her suck harder on his cock, and his body stiffened. “Dammit, Isla, let go if you don’t want me cumming in your mouth.” The words should have scared her, but it made her work harder on his cock instead, her head bobbing faster, and her tongue relentlessly laving the head of his cock.


  She responded by scraping her teeth deliberately against the moist slit of his


  Sean’s body convulsed all at once, and he threw his head back as he fisted her hair and spilled his cum inside of her mouth in a series of long, powerful spurts.

  Chapter 7

  Once every so often in the cold of winter, Mother Nature would put on a show, with the snow-covered mountains of Aspen serving as its stage. As soon as the sun began to set in the west, twilight would strike and turn the eastern skies into an evolving landscape of brilliant hues –the alpenglow would change from gold to violet, the earth’s shadow would transition from the faintest to the brightest of blue, while the belt of Venus would start off with the palest streak of lavender and finish off with the richest shade of purple.

  As the heavens only revealed this dance of color and light for ten minutes or so, it made for a rare and breathtaking sight. Isla knew this for a fact, but somehow she ended up finding Sean’s gorgeous profile more fascinating.

  How can this man be her lover, she found herself wondering. Even now, memories of the two hours they had spent locked in her hotel room were enough to have flurries of sexual giddiness stir in the pit of her stomach. It was as he had promised, with Sean teaching her multiple pleasurable things to do with her mouth, and with Isla loving every second of it.

  He hadn’t even taken her virginity yet, Isla thought glumly, and already he had her so obsessed with sex she was terrified she might end up tying him to her bed if nothing were to happen anytime soon.

  Sean Northwood was simply perfect, the kind of man who could have any woman he wanted. It didn’t make sense that he would be attracted to someone like her, but he was. The way he looked at her, kissed her, touched her – everything about it made his desire for her undeniable, and she found this so utterly incredulous that her arm was likely to end up bruised with how she kept pinching herself –

  “You’re gonna make me melt with the way you’re staring so hard, sugar.”


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