Sol Lands

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Sol Lands Page 8

by Riker Kane

  By the time I got my head up out of the water, I nearly bumped my head on the cavern ceiling.

  “Holy…” I looked to the side and saw Zafina and Lyra pointing their faces up.

  “I don’t know about you, but I think the room is flooding,” Lyra said.

  “That thing is clogging the pathway,” Rhiannon said. “We have to kill it or else we’ll all drown.”

  “Wait here,” I said. “I’ll finish it off.”

  “What are you—”

  “I can hold my breath longer than you. If I can buy you a few more seconds, that’s all you need. I can afford to drown.”

  Without thinking another moment, I dived back into the water and pumped my legs as hard as I could. I could finish this thing off. The problem was how much time the ladies had before the water filled the room entirely. Rhiannon and Zafina could use their Mana to transport themselves but I wasn’t sure Lyra could do the same. Even then, they would probably be too stubborn and wait until after it was too late.

  I summoned a Light Clone by my side and together, we fired our Radiant Beams to clear the path back toward the creature. Its giant eye was bloodied so much, I could barely see the whites of it. But if it was still there, there was work to be done.

  I floated back in front of it then let loose with everything I had. Every ounce of endurance pushed into my beam as I burned a hole through it. The tentacles around me wrapped around my ankles and neck. They tried to rip me apart and strangle me at the same time. One grabbed my wrist but I kept my other hand up, aiming it at the creature’s weakspot.

  My lungs burned either from being choked or drowning. That didn’t matter. If I didn’t finish this, all of us would be goners.

  All I had was one last chance.

  I shut my eyes, gritting my teeth as if it would make my beam do more damage. The seconds were ticking by and my lungs were on fire. My heart wanted to break through my chestplate.

  “Ahhhhh!” I screamed out my last breath of air and the bubbles from my mouth rose in front of me. But behind it, I saw the creature suddenly explode into Mana orbs.

  I had no time to celebrate as a sudden current pulled me, too strong to swim or fly away from. I braced myself and held my breath, going with the motion of the thundering wave washing over me.

  My vision blurred. My thoughts muddied. My hearing was leaving me, too. Every sense I had was getting washed away.

  A sudden hard splash around me brought back my hearing along with the rest of my senses. My lungs didn’t need me to tell them to breathe.

  I bobbed over the surface of the water and watched as Rhiannon, Zafina, and Lyra cascaded from the waterfall next to me. They splashed into the water then popped their heads up to catch their breath.

  “I think we made it,” I sighed.

  I looked toward the edge of the water and saw some of Nameno’s people staring at me, their heads turned and their brows furrowed in confusion.

  I smiled in relief then noticed something shining next to me. It wasn’t like the rest of the Mana orbs floating in the water. I reached out and grabbed the blue orb and it was solid in my hands.

  I held the orb for the ladies to see. “Not bad for an honest day’s work.”

  11: I Insist

  We stood in the center of Nameno’s village in the clearing with everybody continuing about their day. It was later in the afternoon though the townsfolk had energy like they’d only just gotten up.

  Nameno scratched the side of his goatee like he was thinking hard. His reaction after I explained to him everything that happened was hard to read. Eventually, his lips began to twitch into a smirk.

  “Ha! A cave-in. A giant tentacle monster. Nearly drowning to death several times. You are quite the storyteller! Perhaps you should stay here for my people and tell them more of your embellished exaggerations! I’m certain the younger ones would find them amusing!”

  From the corner of my eye, I could see how offended Lyra was but I put a hand up to keep her from doing anything rash.

  “Regardless of the fiction you have shared with me, you have completed the task I asked of you, Virgil. The water is flowing and my people can now rest easy.”

  Nameno clapped and rubbed his hands together in apparent amusement.

  “You have honored your word,” he continued. “Now I will honor mine. We will allow you access to the mountains.”


  “But first, you must prove your bond is true. After all, completing one mere task may be an attempt to further hide your deception.’

  “What?” Lyra exclaimed. “You can’t be serious?”

  The big man raised an eyebrow at the silver-haired girl. “Does this woman speak for you?”

  “She speaks for herself,” I said. “But she’s right. You said you’d honor your word.”

  “To further fortify our trust in one another, we must celebrate together. Penelope.” He motioned for the blond standing behind him, still keeping his eyes on me. He snatched a small leather flask from her then held it out to me. “Drink this.”

  I watched him uncork it then caught a whiff of the aroma, so sharp it stung my nostrils. “What is that?”

  “It is only sanguine.”

  “Sanguine? I’ve been to some parties back home but it didn’t smell anything like this.”

  “That is because it is my own, made from the water you recovered and blood from our latest hunt.”

  “Wait…” I scrunched my face in confusion. “Are you telling me there’s actual blood in there?”

  He moved the flask closer to me and the stench was even stronger. “Do you not trust me, Virgil? Please… I insist.”

  “Don’t do it,” Lyra muttered under her breath.

  Rhiannon and Zafina kept their opinions to themselves, though I couldn’t imagine they were eager to have me drink it.

  If this were some kind of trick, at least the Life Rune would detect it and send me back to Zion.

  I snatched the flask from Nameno and took a sip. The bitter taste hit my throat and I nearly gagged all of it back. But I held my lips tight to hold it down with a swallow. It was warm and bitter, like someone accidentally made a smoothie with too much salt then left it out in the sun.

  “That is not enough,” Nameno ordered. “Drink!”

  I shrugged and took a deep breath before putting the flask down my lips. I chugged and chugged. As strong as it was, at least there weren’t any chunks I had to worry about swallowing. I gulped the entire offering down, some of it dripping out the corners of my mouth.

  As soon as I was done, I tossed the empty flask back at the big man. “There.”

  “Ah!” Nameno nodded in approval. “The stranger speaks in truth. I almost believe your battle in the cave was not an exaggeration.” He wrapped an arm around my shoulder and chuckled. He was big enough, just the vibration of him laughing shook me like an earthquake. I laughed back at him, unsure if I liked how good of a mood he was in.

  “Now, there is something I must show you. Your companions will stay here.”

  “Now what?” Lyra threw her hands into the air. “How many hoops do we have to jump through?”

  “It’s okay,” I said to her. “We’ll get to the mountains.”

  “Why don’t you three take in the village?” Nameno said. “If your tale was true, I am certain you are quite famished. We live in abundance. Three dainty women will not put a dent in our stocks.”

  They seemed to be in agreement, most likely because there wasn’t much else they could do. As Zafina, Rhiannon, and Lyra left to explore the town, I walked with Nameno around his hut. He didn’t have to point out what he wanted to show me.

  I walked up to the orb resting on a podium then placed my hand on it.

  “You are aware of what this is?” Nameno said. “I sensed that you did.”

  “It’s a Mana Point,” I said. “It allows us to transfer our essence from one point to another without draining our endurance.”

  “Yes… Perhaps you w
ill need to travel here again.” Nameno’s proud smile left him, his face becoming as stern as I remembered it. “Others might not believe but I do.”

  “So then you do think I killed a giant squid?”

  “No. I believe you are trying to fight off a greater evil. When the other world destroyed Qashia, I knew they would follow us here. To possess the strength to end an entire civilization, it would only make sense for them to continue.”

  “And why do you say that?”

  He leaned forward slightly to make sure I was staring back at him. “Because I would do the same if I possessed that kind of power.”

  Yep. I wasn’t sure if this was a guy I wanted to be friends with.

  But he broke into a smile and leaned back. “I know my limitations though. I am a man. Destroying a world is not in my interest. I merely wish to govern over those around me and do it well. I have considered the proposal of that fool Balec and his golden idiots.”

  “And you’ll form an alliance with him?”

  “I will not ally with that fool. But he has my word that my people will not take from him what they can so easily. Until you accomplish your task, you will have no issue with me.”

  “That’s good to hear. Now if I can just convince the other raiders.”

  “The other raiders are inferior. If I heed your call, then they will fall in line eventually.”

  “I hope you’re right.”

  A moment of awkward silence came between us. The big man crossed his arms as he stared down at me. Even now, I couldn’t tell if he wanted to punch my head off.

  “Thanks for everything,” I said as I patted him on the arm. “Now, I should gather the others and we should get going—”

  “Nonsense. You are here. It is not often a stranger from another land comes to visit. You have many days to complete the journey into the mountains. And if what you are telling me was true, then you need your rest. Let your female companions enjoy the amenities of my village. There is something else I must ask of you.”

  I kept my thoughts to myself, again wondering if this was the last chore he wanted me to finish for him.

  Nameno led me inside of his hut. The sprawling space was lit by a small fire at the center, not unlike Joris’s back at Haven. The biggest differences were the bear and tiger skin rugs that were splayed out on the ground. That and Penelope, who was on her back, enjoying the softness of the fur.

  “Nice place,” I said. “Maybe I’ll get one for myself.”

  “For the time being, this is your place,” Nameno said.

  “What’s that now?”

  The big man put a paw on my shoulder then squeezed me like a vise. “You are strong. And a strong warrior deserves a warrior’s reward. I offer you Penelope.”

  The blond sat up straight, her brown eyes narrowed seductively. Now two of them were in on the joke.

  “Um…” I searched my head for a response but nothing came to me.

  “Is there another woman you would like in my village instead?” Nameno asked.

  “No, it’s not that.”

  “Ah. I see.” Nameno chuckled. His chuckle turned into a laugh. Then his laugh turned into a full-on roar, complete with his stomach heaving with heavy breaths. Even Penelope was giggling softly to herself.

  I didn’t think I could be more confused than before, yet here I was. “Uh… Am I missing something?”

  Nameno squeezed his hand around my shoulder again. “Your female companions. You don’t want to offend them. I never understood the notion of a man lying with only one woman. If he is strong enough, he should have multiple women with him, as you do…” He wiped the tears of laughter from his eyes. “But Penelope will satisfy you. If only for a brief respite to clear your head.”

  Penelope crawled toward me.

  “No, thanks,” I said. “I should probably—”

  Nameno shook me and looked hard into my eyes. “I insist.”

  I wondered how I would explain this to anybody who asked about what happened. Seeing as how I didn’t want to offend anybody…

  “I will return when you are finished,” Nameno said.

  He left me in the hut. And not a second had gone by when Penelope was already clawing at my pants. “Come. Lay with me. I will satisfy you.” She took my hand and brought me down on the bearskin rug.

  “Hmm… This is a lot softer than it looks,” I said.

  Penelope giggled as she tugged my pants down. A few moments ago, Nameno was glaring a hole through me. Now I was as stiff as a board with a blond locking her stare on me. Brown eyes narrowed as she licked the side of my shaft to make me twitch.

  “Lay back… It is an honor for me to pleasure someone so strong.”

  The blond didn’t hold back as she took me into her mouth. My whole body tightened up from the pleasure before a deep sigh escaped me. I closed my eyes and sank into the soft fur, listening to her mouth wetting my taut length.

  Penelope worked with even greater fervor, sucking on me like she was desperate. After nearly drowning in a cavern and exhausting my endurance, I had to admit, this was something a lot more enjoyable.

  I put my hands behind my head then looked down to enjoy the sight of her working her head up and down. She kept going so fast that there was no way I would be able to hold back.


  “Yes,” she took a moment to speak. “I can taste it… Let me taste more…”

  She was back on me, moving her face rapidly to the point nothing could stop me.

  I clenched my jaw and my entire body seized as I released everything I had. The waves of pleasure made me jerk. I emptied deep throb after deep throb into the blond’s mouth.

  The sounds of her mouth wetting my shaft were joined by loud gulps as she took everything. She continued to take everything before slowly pulling her mouth off me. She didn’t stop there though, taking the time to polish me clean with her tongue.

  “Oh!” A sudden voice near the entrance to the tent got my attention.

  I turned to see Zafina standing there. Her eyes widened in surprise before they narrowed. She smiled before covering her mouth slightly to hide her giggle.

  “Nameno said he wanted me to see you,” she said.

  “Yeah,” I sighed. “He thought you might be jealous.” I looked over at Penelope as she tugged my pants back on me. “You know, for an intimidating guy, Nameno’s got one sense of humor on him.”

  Penelope smiled back at me and winked. “There is a reason he has so many followers in this village. His decisions are the correct ones for all of us.”

  “No kidding.” I looked back over at Zafina. “What do you think?”

  The Mana Seer bowed her head. “If Nameno insists we enjoy his hospitality, it would be wise to accept it. Perhaps this is the first step toward the reconciliation Lyra desired among the raiders and perhaps all of those from Qashia.”

  Penelope crawled up my body then rested her head on my chest.

  “Ultima knows no rest,” I sighed.

  12: All The Same

  After nearly drowning and battling a giant one-eyed sea monster, the rest of my endurance was spent enjoying the company of Nameno’s people. Even if Penelope hadn’t displayed her affections for me, more of Nameno’s ‘sanguine’ had my belly bloated and a grogginess coming over me.

  We used the Mana Point to return to Haven later in the day. The peaceful surroundings were a stark contrast to the crowded village we’d just left.

  I sighed a deep breath of relief. “I don’t suppose you have some Alka Seltzer around here. Who would’ve thought a god could get indigestion?”

  The fit middle-aged man Joris stood before me just outside of his hut, his face wrinkling as he smiled softly. “Perhaps one of my people can concoct something for your relief.”

  “He will be fine.” Zafina put a hand on my arm and cast a healing spell. The green glow surrounding my body cooled me, giving me another temporary bit of peace.

  “Your walls,” Rhiannon said as she looked u
p toward the hills. “Are they secure?”

  “They are high enough to keep out any would-be predators,” Joris said. “If the larger raider groups wanted to attack, they would have done so.”

  “I will speak to the guards to make certain outside threats remain minimal.”

  Rhiannon left me with Joris and Zafina, the older man widening his eyes in curiosity.

  “You have been gone all day,” he said. “I take it you have been busy.”

  “We got a lot accomplished,” I replied. “But we only just made it to the foot of the mountains.”

  “If what you say about Nameno and his raiders is true, then you have indeed accomplished something significant. He is in charge of the largest raider group on the plains. There is yet hope the rest will fall in line.”

  “I know how important it is to reunite your people but those resources—”

  “Those resources in the mountains will be there for you. They will not go anywhere. Please. Take this time to rest and recover. Haven shall be your new home for the time being. We welcome you with open arms. If there is anything you need, you need only ask for it.”

  Joris was as kind as any man I’d ever met. I didn’t need any more motivation to do what I was doing. But things were always a little easier when someone was grateful for your help.

  I put a hand on his shoulder and nodded. “Thanks, Joris. For now, all I need is a place to put my head down.”

  “As you wish.” He bowed his head and shuffled his way back into his hut.

  It was a peaceful night in Haven. Small fires burned to keep the people warm, though the weather wouldn’t have been objectionable without them. The villagers relaxed underneath the stars, drifting off to sleep as their long days finally took a toll on them.

  “This reminds me of when I first saw the people of Navica after we escaped from Blackhart,” I said to Zafina. “It seems like such a long time since then. Now Navica is thriving more than I ever thought it would.”


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