Catching Ava (Spring Training Book 3)

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Catching Ava (Spring Training Book 3) Page 12

by Becca Jameson

  As it was, there was no way Ava wasn’t hearing the shouting match downstairs. And there was little chance she was still dozing in the bed, either.

  Their relationship was tenuous at best. Whatever strides they’d made last night to repair the damage would probably suffer a hit with the arrival of Carlos. What woman wanted to date a man whose damn father kept showing up like a crazy man making irrational demands?

  “If that’s all you came here for, go back to wherever you’re staying. I have a game today. You’re interrupting my sleep and my concentration.” And my woman.

  Ignoring the request, Carlos took a seat on the sofa, crossed his hands behind his head, and put his feet up on the coffee table. “She’s a sweet girl.”

  “Who?” Xavier strode to the other side of the table, unwilling to sit. Instead, he put his hands on his hips.

  “Eliza. You’ll like her. She’s nothing like your brother. I think he must have had her snowed under long enough to get her pregnant. But she doesn’t have any place to go, nor does she have any family.”

  Xavier wasn’t even going to ask where the woman was now. He knew the answer. Carlos’s house. In Puerto Rico. His father would’ve taken her in. “Let it go.” He sighed heavily, so tired of this chat. “It’s never going to happen. No matter how many times you badger me, I have no interest in meeting Eliza.”

  Carlos stared at Xavier as if he were the one who’d lost his mind.

  “It’s fucking early. I need you to leave so I can get a few more hours of sleep.” He’d rather be in bed with Ava than anywhere in the world, and she was currently keeping his spot warm. So no, he had no interest in continuing this absurd conversation.

  Carlos pulled himself off the couch and wandered toward the door. “Don’t be like this, son. I raised you better. Family comes first.”

  “Not this time. I’m not obligated to clean up Juan’s messes.” Xavier followed his father, ready to practically shove him out the door.

  His father whipped around at the door and faced him, his face seething. “This is a baby we’re talking about, Xavier. Not a mess. A living, breathing baby. Your own flesh and blood. Stop being a dick, get your head out of your ass, clean out your closet, and pull your shit together. Are you still seeing that blonde?” He lifted his gaze to the stairs.

  For a second, Xavier worried she was actually standing behind him at the top of the steps.

  But then Carlos’s gaze lowered, and his eyes narrowed. “If you are, get rid of her. It looks bad. She couldn’t possibly mean that much to you. She’s a pretty face. Maybe she’s a hot pussy, but that’s all. Time to move on. Now.”

  That was it. Xavier slammed forward, grabbing his father by the neck and shoving him against the door.

  Carlos’s eyes widened in shock.

  Xavier had never laid a hand on him before, but then again, he’d never seen the man stoop this low, either. He gritted his teeth and spoke through them. “Don’t you ever fucking speak of her like that again. You hear? If I so much as hear a rumor that you mentioned her in a derogatory manner, I will cut you out of my life so fast you won’t know what hit you. If you don’t believe me, try me.”

  Carlos didn’t move. He couldn’t move too far with Xavier holding him.

  Adrenaline pumped through Xavier’s veins. He’d never been so angry in his life. Not once. Nor had he ever been this aggressive. “Now, you’re going to leave my home right this fucking second. Don’t contact me. Don’t come to my house. Don’t call. I need a few days to cool down before I can stand to face you again.

  “If you mention this fucked-up plan of yours one more time, I’ll cut you out of my life for good. It’s fucking asinine. And closed for discussion. So what if Juan’s girlfriend has a baby? She can raise it alone. Women do it all the time. I’m not marrying her. Are we clear?”

  Carlos nodded, but his eyes darkened in anger that radiated off him in waves. Not fear. No. He didn’t actually believe his son would hurt him. But seething ire made his face wrinkle in the corners and the vein above his left eye bulge.

  Xavier released him, jerked him away from the door by the front of his shirt, and yanked the door open. He pushed him outside and slammed the door in his face without another word.

  For a minute, he set his forehead against the cool wood, trying to catch his breath. His hands were shaking. His body was stiff with anger. Sweat beaded at his temples. He took deep breaths. Several of them. Trying to slow his pulse and calm his racing heart.

  All he could hear was the ringing in his head.

  Then he flinched when soft hands landed on his back and trailed around to his front.




  Calmness seeped from her into him. She set her cheek on his back and hugged his body against hers. He didn’t know what she was wearing, but it wasn’t the shorts and tank top he’d last seen her in.

  She said nothing.

  It took a while before he could push off the door, turn around, and haul her to his front. He held her so tight it had to hurt, kissing the top of her head. As his hand trailed down to cup her ass, he realized she wore one of his T-shirts. Nothing else.

  His hand met the bare skin of her ass, and he growled, dipping his face to the crook of her neck where he inhaled her scent. His eyes drifted closed.

  He knew he held his entire world in his arms. If there had ever been a doubt, it evaporated. Ava was his universe. It might be too much for her to hear yet, so he’d keep his thoughts to himself. But she was everything.

  He lifted her off the floor by the waist. “Wrap your legs around me, hon.”

  She complied, holding his shoulders and meeting his gaze. Her expression was serious. Fear?

  He carried her back upstairs and eased her onto the bed, coming over her with his entire body. The T-shirt rose up, exposing her pussy, so he set one knee between her legs and propped his elbows at the sides of her head.

  She seemed to be trying to read him. Her dainty hands went to his face, cupping it, stroking the shadow of his beard stubble with her fingers. “Who was at the door?”

  He nearly collapsed in relief to find she hadn’t seen anything. “My father.”

  “I figured that was it. You were shouting.”

  Xavier closed his eyes a moment. “I’m so sorry. That man keeps sticking his nose in between us. It won’t happen again.”

  “You can’t guarantee that, Xavier. But don’t worry about me. I have thick skin. If you lift off me a few inches, I’ll remove your T-shirt so you can see all of it. I can assure you no one is currently between us. Not even close.” She continued to stroke his face. Soothing him.

  He breathed more normally. Then he lifted onto his knees, spread his fingers under the hem of the T-shirt, and drew it over her head. “I thought I told you not to get out of bed.”

  She smiled, tipping her face to one side. “Yeah, well, I had to use the bathroom. I really did stay put through most of the shouting and stomping around. But then the front door slammed shut, and I knew that was my cue to rescue you from yourself.”

  He couldn’t keep the grin from spreading across his face. How did she know him so well?

  “You did good.” He leaned down to kiss her nose. “Perfect timing.” He couldn’t really be too hard on her for leaving the bedroom when she did. If she hadn’t, there was a good chance he would still be standing downstairs trying to chase the anger away. As it was, Ava brushed it off with the simple touch of her skin against his.

  “He’s gone. And I’m still here. How about you show me a little of that dominant side of yours? After leaving me hot and horny all night, I think I deserve some relief.”

  He knew what she was trying to do, replace his stress and aggravation with the mind-blowing arousal of sex. And it could work. But at the moment, he was still too worked up to take her. He didn’t want to fuck her while his blood pumped this hard. She deserved better.

  She swallowed. “Don’t you shut me out, Xavier. I can
see it on your face. You’re thinking you’re too angry to have sex right now. And I’m telling you to give it to me. Let me chase away the pain.”

  He shook his head, glancing away to avoid looking at her incredibly sexy body. He never should’ve taken her shirt off. Now his cock was stiffer than ever, and his body was still tight and poised for a fight.

  Ava flattened her palms on his chest and smoothed them down his torso until they met the button of his jeans. She popped it open and lowered the zipper so fast he didn’t have time to react.

  When her fingers reached into his fly to grasp his cock, he reached between them and grabbed her hand. He pulled it to his lips and kissed her palm. “Hon, not right now. You should go back to sleep. I’m too pissed.” He lifted his knee from between her legs and eased to one side of her, tugging the sheet over her body.

  She wiggled free, pushed him onto his back, and straddled his waist before he knew what she was doing. Even though she was way the hell smaller than him and didn’t have the strength of a butterfly, he found himself manhandled to her will.

  She set her sweet palms on his chest and leaned forward. “So you’re gonna let him win?”

  He cringed. “Let who win? My father? Fuck no.” The guy was a dick. He wasn’t going to win anything. Xavier wasn’t sure when he’d be able to face the man again.

  “If you push me away, he wins. What does he want? Huh? For you to break up with me and marry some stranger? So, you’re gonna get that ball rolling now?”

  “Fuck no,” he repeated, grabbing her wrists to still her hands on his chest. Her hot naked pussy was pressing into the head of his cock—the only part exposed at the opening of his jeans. He inhaled deeply, probably a mistake since her scent permeated the air.

  He didn’t have the strength to fuck her without hurting her, but he needed to taste her. That was something he could easily do. So he released her wrists, grabbed her ass cheeks, and hauled her up his body until her pussy was poised over his mouth.

  She squealed as she grabbed the headboard behind him to brace herself. “Xavier. What the hell?” Her voice was high-pitched, but full of lust.

  When he had her where he wanted her, he shifted his fingers around partway until he held her thighs with his thumbs but gripped her ass cheeks with his fingers. Then he closed the distance, pulling her pussy down to his mouth.

  The first lick across her clit made her moan.

  God, he liked that sound. He would never tire of hearing it.

  He thrust his tongue into her pussy, eager to taste her, even more eager to make her scream with orgasm.

  Her body shuddered under his touch, making him harder.

  He wished he’d at least tugged his jeans down so his cock wouldn’t be constrained. But it was way too late for that. His entire focus was on the delicious, sweet woman hovering above him.

  Sucking her clit into his mouth, he tongued the tip until she writhed. Oh yeah. She was so damn hot, even hotter in this position. If he could see her face or her chest, he knew he would find her flushed with shock and embarrassment—two things he intended to chase away as the weeks went by.

  Or maybe he didn’t ever want her to be entirely relaxed. Holding back some of his tricks would keep her wondering. The spontaneity would keep things fresh and maintain some of the awe she experienced every time he took her.

  He sped up the flicking of his tongue over her swollen nub until she writhed against him, pressing her pussy against his face without realizing it.

  So raw. So pure. So his.

  When her thighs stiffened at the sides of his face, he sucked hard and bit down gently on her clit.

  She screamed.

  Her clit pulsed against his lips. So fucking hot. Before she fully came down from her orgasm, he flipped her onto her back, keeping his face against her sex. He dragged his tongue across her opening and flattened it on her sensitive clit.

  “Xavier…” Her voice was breathy. Sexy. He wanted to hear his name slip from her lips over and over.

  He lifted his chin, wiped her moisture off on his shoulder, and searched her face. “Say that again.”

  She blinked, tipping her face down to meet his. “Say what?” she drawled, so sated she wasn’t fully focused. Damn cute.

  “My name. I want to hear it again.”

  “Xavier…” She made it last several syllables, a soft word that may as well have been love the way she said it.

  He climbed up her body, licking across both nipples before hovering over her to meet her gaze. “Yeah, that worked.”

  She scrunched her forehead in confusion. “You mean your mouth on me like that? You’re right. It so worked.” She squirmed, her hands rising to grasp his biceps. “I wouldn’t have thought it possible,” she continued, still not having a clue what he really meant. “But it worked.”

  He chuckled. “Making you come? That was never in question, hon. But your pussy against my mouth…and the way you screamed…mmm…the entire package…it forced my anger to back down.”

  “I’m glad. But just so we’re clear, making me come is always in question, Xavier. You’ve just been lucky so far.”

  “Lucky?” He reached for her nipple and tweaked it. “I don’t think so. You’re bruising my ego. I prefer you to think I’m skilled.”

  She giggled, the sound going straight to his cock. “Oh, Xavier, you’re skilled.” She squeezed his arms, rubbing her palms up and down as if to warm him from a chill he certainly didn’t feel.

  When she arched her chest off the bed because he pinched her nipple and tugged it outward, he thought he had surely died. The vision of her full white breasts swaying with the movement, combined with her mouth falling open and her eyes fluttering shut… Damn.

  He lowered his face to her chest and sucked one nipple into his mouth, toying with the other one between his fingers.

  He really needed to get his jeans off before he hurt himself against the zipper. But when he pressed his thigh between her legs and elicited a sharp inhale as the denim rubbed against her pussy, he thought maybe it was worth it.

  “Xavier,” she breathed again.

  That was it. He pushed off her, rolling to his back at her side, shrugged out of his jeans, and then climbed back over her before she managed to move a muscle.

  She reached for him, wrapping her small hands around his forearms and raking her nails up to his biceps in desperation.

  He grabbed her wrists and hauled them over her head, clasping both of them in one of his hands.

  She moaned, arching her chest toward him.

  Oh yeah. The restraint made her hotter. She squirmed, tugging her arms to test his resolve. It was sexy as hell. Her mouth fell open as her eyes widened. He could smell her arousal. “Xavier?” The one word was barely audible.

  He brushed a lock of hair off her forehead and kissed her lips gently. “Trust me?”

  She bit her top lip and nodded. “Implicitly.”

  “Let me restrain you,” he whispered.

  She gave another tug of her hand. “It would seem you already are.”

  “With cuffs.”

  She swallowed, her face turning a darker shade of red. “Why?”

  “Because it will make you hornier than you ever thought possible.”

  She chewed on her lip again, thinking while she held his gaze.

  “If you don’t like it, I’ll release you. But I promise there’s a whole world of experiences you’re going to love…if you trust me to take you there.”

  “I’m not sure I’m ready for this, Xavier. It’s intense. I mean, I’ve read about it. I’m not a prude. But reading and doing are two different things.”

  “When you read erotic romance, does it make you squirm?”

  “Yes…” That one breathy word was all he needed to hear.

  “I’m not asking you to flip over and let me flog you, hon. Just cuffs…for now.” He wanted her to be open to experiencing other things, but he also knew it would take time to introduce her.

  “Is it a
deal breaker?” Her lip quivered.

  “Hell no.” He leaned closer to her, let her nipples brush against his chest. Then he rubbed his nose against hers. “Never.”

  “Do you need to dominate me to feel satisfied, Xavier? Because I don’t know if I can give you that.”

  He smiled slowly. “You misunderstand, hon.” His voice was lower. He heard the sexual timbre in his own head. There was no way to keep it at bay. “I’m not the one who needs this, Ava.”

  Her eyes widened. “Me? What makes you think I need it?”

  “You submit to me every time we have sex. It’s in your nature. I’m telling you it will feel so much better if you let me dominate you.”

  “It couldn’t possibly feel better.”

  “Is that a challenge?” He lifted one brow, smirking.

  “You’ve said that before.” Her voice was gravelly now too. She was aroused by the idea. Slowly loosening up.

  He knew she needed this. But was it too soon? Was he pushing her too far too fast?


  He flinched. “Okay?”

  “It’s just handcuffs, right? If I don’t like it, you’ll take them off?”

  “Absolutely. Every time.”

  She licked her lips. “How about we start with just this one time and see how it goes? I’m not convinced.”

  He kissed the tip of her nose and scrambled off the bed to reach for the black bag he’d set underneath. Careful to pull out only the soft Velcro cuffs, he pushed the bag back out of sight, not that she could see anything from where she lay anyway.

  Her eyes widened. “You were prepared.”

  He wiggled his brows, reached for one of her hands, and pulled it to his lips to kiss her knuckles. “Hopeful.”

  The tear of the Velcro as he opened the first cuff made her flinch. Her hand was shaking as he secured her wrist and then attached it to the rung above her head.

  He straddled her to treat the other wrist the same way.


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