
Home > Other > Scandalous-nook > Page 11
Scandalous-nook Page 11

by RG Alexander

  “I’m not going to like this, am I?”

  “I doubt it. But I’ve been too easy today. He’s going to need to see some tension between us so he thinks he has something to work with. So he can help you get what you want.”

  “What would this involve?”

  Tasha smiled. “Ken Tanaka and some rope.”

  Chapter Nine

  The next day, Tasha took the stairs at a leisurely pace, lost in thought. Last night had been interesting. She’d recognized a few more of her friends, managed to sit Ken and Stephen down together for a civilized conversation, and talked to Wendi a little more about the potential Tuscany trip that she knew would never happen.

  But she could never get comfortable. Never relax. Every time she turned around, Phil Burke was watching her. Not the way she was used to men looking at her. He was studying her as if she were a lab experiment. She knew he was on his own mission this weekend, looking for something he could use to turn Senator Finn into his plaything. Still, it was unsettling.

  She hadn’t relaxed until they went to bed and she was wrapped up in Stephen’s arms. He’d been affectionate, still taking care of her after their earlier frenzy. They’d talked about Ken and his interesting history, including his mentoring programs, and because Ken had apparently mentioned it, Stephen had asked her about her classes.

  It wasn’t a big deal. She’d been teaching U.S. citizenship classes since her senior year of college. It wasn’t about politics or being patriotic—it was about her father. Tasha knew what a nightmare it could be to have families separated because the children were American citizens but the parents were not. She usually taught the bilingual classes because Spanish was her second language, and she was allowed a certain amount of latitude in the way she taught her class. She was also allowed to bring muffins and tarts for her students, which made her everyone’s favorite instructor.

  She didn’t think of it as particularly noteworthy, just something she did instead of taking a spin class, but Stephen couldn’t seem to get over it. Submissive thing that she seemed to be this week, she’d been ridiculously pleased by his admiration and pride in her. She fell asleep to his whispered words of praise and the steady beat of his heart, thinking it was something she could get used to. Something that felt familiar and right.

  But that was just the endorphins talking. It had to be.

  There would no doubt be a piper to pay at the end of this house party, but she didn’t want to think about it until she had to. There were other things that should be occupying her mind.

  Her plan was about to be set in motion. She would be a little more demanding today and Stephen would pretend to be frustrated, and by the end of the night, Burke would be rubbing his hands together like an old-school villain.

  She stopped at the bottom of the stairs to look in the mirror and adjusted her short turquoise halter dress. It definitely highlighted her curves and showed a lot of skin, but it couldn’t be helped. She’d promised Stephen she wouldn’t wear her bikini today for the sake of his blood pressure, but she was still at a kink party as a senator’s mistress and she hadn’t packed any turtlenecks.

  Tasha closed her hand over the pendant and sighed. She would have to give this back, regardless of what he’d said. It was too easy for her to pretend it meant more than he intended it to, and she didn’t want to add fuel to that fire. It would be hard enough to recover without it.

  Another sigh echoed in the foyer. Then a grunt, followed by a low, masculine groan.

  Unable to resist, she walked quietly toward the room beside the stairs. That door was usually closed, wasn’t it? She was headed to the pool party in the back yard anyway, and the door was right on her way—perhaps she should close it just to be helpful. And if she happened to catch a glimpse of whatever was going on in there…

  Tasha bit her lip, fighting a devilish smile. She was a wicked, nosy person who was probably going to hell, but it would be worth it.

  She peered around the corner of what appeared to be Burke’s study and froze with her arm halfway to the doorknob.

  Holy mother of God, yes, it would be worth it—so, so worth it.

  The beautiful, tattooed Ken stood by the desk, shirtless again, and he was kissing Brady Finn as if he were struggling to suck the last bit of oxygen from the man’s body. And Brady was letting him, though his hands were both flexing at his sides. He was clearly trying not to succumb to Ken’s lethal allure, but from the sounds he was making, it was a struggle.

  Then Ken lowered his hand to Brady’s jeans and worked the buttons with fingers that shook visibly. Brady must be one hell of a kisser to get Ken so hot and bothered.

  She also noticed Brady wasn’t doing anything to keep his pants closed or to stop Ken from pulling the erection that could have given Jeremy’s a run for its money out of the jeans and into his skilled, greedy hand.

  The sound Brady made then was so full of longing and hunger that Tasha suddenly felt like an intruder. She started to withdraw, but Brady must have seen her movement out of the corner of his eye because he broke away from Ken with a gasp.

  “Tasha, this isn’t—I was in here to—” He glanced at Ken and pressed his lips together.

  Had Brady come in to do some military-grade snooping? If so, what was Ken doing here?

  Recovering quickly, she winked at Brady. “You don’t have to say a word. I understand.” Then she smiled apologetically at Ken. “I’m really sorry, honey. I honestly didn’t know who was in here. I was just on my way outside and…well someone was noisy and I was curious.”

  Ken looked flushed and surprisingly frazzled, but he shrugged and adjusted his loose-fitting yoga pants with one last not-so-subtle glance at the hard shaft still visible through the opening of Brady’s jeans. “The door was open—why wouldn’t you take a peek?”

  Brady swore and shoved himself back into his pants, looking miserable and grumpy. “Could you leave us, Tanaka? I need to talk to Miss Rivera about security. Alone.”

  Ken smirked. “Of course. And you’re welcome. Anytime I can be of service again, be sure to let me know.”

  Tasha frowned. Why did it sound like he was talking about more than that kiss?

  Stopping on his way out, Ken bent down to kiss her forehead. “Unintentional as it was, cock blocks have consequences,” he whispered. “Tonight may just be a demonstration, but you and I now have a play date at the club.”

  Oh, dear. She nodded. “Agreed.”

  He raised his voice. “I’ll meet you outside. They have a delicious breakfast buffet and Haley is by the pool teaching anyone who’s interested in breath play. I think I saw your secret boyfriend wandering in that direction before I came in here.”

  After he’d left, Brady instantly pulled his little bug detector from his pocket and showed it to her. “Nothing. We’re good to talk. Burke’s got them practically everywhere else, along with enough hidden cameras to start his own reality show, so I’m assuming this is the inner sanctum. If he’s going to make Stephen an offer, it would probably happen in here.”

  Tasha crossed her arms and tilted her head. “Fascinating. Want to tell me what Ken was doing in here, other than practicing his own brand of breath play?”

  “Your friend was already in here when I arrived.”


  Brady’s expression was stone. “You’ll have to ask him.”

  Tasha spied a laptop on the desk and bit her lip. Was Ken really here to be a responsible mentor? Up until now, he’d never shown any more interest in Burke’s events than she had.

  What was he up to?

  Brady sent her a curious look and she shook her head, laughing. “I swear this party is turning into a kinky version of Clue. The rope master, in the study, with Mr. Hot Body.”

  He snorted. “I did imagine knocking him over the head with a candlestick.”

  Tasha moved closer and noted the pulse at Brady’s temple, the flush in his neck…the especially snug fit of his partially buttoned jeans. “You don’t have to
be embarrassed to admit you like him, Brady. Or about anything I saw. This is me you’re talking to. I’d be willing to bet I’ve witnessed more guy-on-guy action than you have.”

  “Thanks. That’s comforting.” He ran a hand over his head and squeezed the back of his neck. “It was nothing. He was just going for shock and distraction. It wasn’t…we aren’t…”

  “He’s not your type either? Man, you are as picky as he is.”

  Brady met her gaze. “Why do you think he’s picky?”

  Tasha shrugged. “I don’t think. I know. The man has serious standards, even when he plays. He says sex for the sake of sex is wasted energy. Energy he seemed more than willing to expend on you, Hot Body.”

  Brady looked uncomfortable. “Flattering as that is, this is not my scene. And Tanaka is not my type. No offense, Tasha, but your club friends make me nervous. I don’t get it. Any of it.”

  She chuckled. “You’re an apple pie guy, Brady. I’m not surprised. Too bad though. I hear he’s more skilled in that particular area than he is with rope. And that man is a god with rope. You’ll see tonight. Did you talk to Stephen?”

  He nodded, grateful for the change of subject. “I did. Are you sure you’re up for that? You two seem to be enjoying yourselves. More than that. I’ve never seen him like this. He’s usually so coolheaded.”

  “We only have two nights left, and Stephen wants this to be done. He’s willing to do whatever he has to, and you and I are here to help make that happen and keep him safe.”

  The look he sent her was dubious. He knew there was more going on between them. He’d have to be blind not to. “And when it’s done?”

  “I get to sleep in on Saturdays again and you decide what it is you want to do with the rest of your life.”

  They shared a moment of commiseration, neither of them looking forward to the prospect.

  “He’s one hell of a kisser,” Brady offered softly.

  Her lips parted. “Ken?”

  “I’ll deny it to my grave, but it took a lot of willpower to keep my legs from buckling. I think the rumors of his skill are justified.”

  Wow. “Too bad he’s not your type.”

  Brady nodded. “And you’re in love with him.”

  “With Ken?” She gaped at him. “Why would you think—”

  “With Stephen. I thought if I told you something true, you’d reciprocate by admitting how you feel.”


  Tasha forced a smile. She’d spent all her adult life in denial about her feelings for one particular Finn—two days of sex and intrigue weren’t going to be enough to tear down that wall. “One problem at a time, Hot Body. Now come on. We need to make an appearance. I think I’ll try and talk Stephen into Haley’s breath play tutorial. Learning can be fun.”

  “God, save me from this party.”

  “You’ll be fine,” she said, sliding her arm through his. “I’ll ask Ken to guide me through one of his stretching exercises and you can see how bendy he is. It’s riveting. Trust me, you’ll like it.”

  Brady grumbled but followed her without resistance.

  He’d be more than impressed. Ken was mesmerizing when he moved. Hopefully getting Brady’s attention on him would win her back a few points with the rope master. Maybe enough that he’d tell her what he was looking for in Burke’s laptop.


  Dinner was lavish, just as Stephen had predicted when they were getting dressed. The long table was covered in the finest linen, crystal glasses twinkled by the light of an elegant chandelier and, though Stephen and Phil Burke were both wearing suits befitting the occasion, most of the other guests were dressed in their finest fetish gear. Latex and leather all around. Tasha wouldn’t be surprised to discover they were all extras in a Lady Gaga video.

  She covered her mouth with a napkin so people wouldn’t see her laugh. They were being their beautiful selves—it was the situation that was surreal.

  Rich people threw strange parties.

  Tasha had decided to meet them in the middle. Her classic black dress seemed tame, but on closer inspection, the narrow strips of sheer black fabric gave tantalizing glimpses of her bare skin from the neckline to hem. This time, for Stephen’s sake and her scheduled scene with Ken, she’d worn a pair of black lace boy shorts and a matching bra.

  When Stephen’s hand slipped between her thighs under the table, she startled and froze in her seat. He’d been discussing something about estate tax with their host and she’d tuned out and let her mind wander.

  It wasn’t wandering now, but his hand was. She instinctively opened for him when he found his way inside her underwear, his middle finger dipping teasingly into her sex.

  He’d been like this all afternoon. Getting ready for dinner had taken twice as long because he couldn’t seem to stop touching her. He’d come into the shower with a condom and a determined grin. Then he’d bent her over the bathroom counter while she was putting on her makeup and buried his face between her legs until she came.

  After yesterday, it didn’t take much to drive her over the edge. Her clit still felt swollen and sensitive, and every time she caught his scent or he touched her, she was instantly aroused.

  Now she was going to come right here, sitting at a table full of people, if he didn’t stop what he was doing. She dropped her hand into her lap and pinched the skin at his wrist. It wasn’t a gentle pinch, and it got her point across.

  The breath she took when he removed his hand was one of relief, she told herself. Not disappointment. This wasn’t why they were here.

  Wendi chose that moment to lean across the table and catch her attention. “We should exchange numbers and make plans to go out to lunch sometime. Or maybe the theatre. Do you like plays?”

  That was it. Wendi couldn’t have given her a better opening.

  Tasha pressed her hands to her heart. “Love them. There’s a new musical opening downtown next month that I’ve been begging Stephen to take me to. Maybe you and your husband could convince him to agree.”

  Phil Burke leaned an elbow on the table. “What about it, Senator? I know the one she’s talking about and I have a private box you’re more than welcome to share.”

  Stephen frowned, glancing at Tasha and shifting uncomfortably in his seat. He gave every impression of being guilty.

  Definitely could have been a soap opera star.

  “I’d love to, but I’m afraid I’ve already discussed this with Natasha. The next few months are some of my busiest. We have important bills coming to the floor, not to mention my duties as co-chair for the annual charity gala. I won’t have time for anything but work.”

  Tasha let her fork clatter to the table. “You always say that.” She kept her voice low enough for it to seem that she didn’t want anyone else to hear. “You never have time for anything else, unless you’re escorting other women to openings or attending fundraisers with your family. I thought asking me to come with you this week meant the excuses were over.”

  Stephen obviously wasn’t enjoying himself, but he played his part well. Gripping her arm in warning, he said, “We’re here because Mr. Burke is a man of discretion. You know the next election cycle is about to start up. I can’t just show up at a presser and introduce you right now. I’ve explained this. An election is supposed to be about the issues, but the instant they find out we’re dating, our love life is all they’ll want to know about.”

  Wendi was glaring at Stephen, obviously insulted on her behalf.

  Burke, meanwhile, was hiding a smirk behind his look of concern. “He has a point Miss Rivera. Politics is a fickle mistress. The Senator’s devotion to his duty is one we must nourish and endeavor to aid him with however we can. He has a big future, our man Finn. Surely we can make plans to go out in the world and celebrate together after he wins his third term. Would you like that, Miss Rivera? Senator?”

  Stephen sent him a grateful glance. “That sounds good to me.”

  Resisting the urge to shove her coconut shrimp appetiz
er down Burke’s pants, Tasha pushed her plate away and stood up. “If you’ll excuse me, I’m not very hungry anymore. I have to go get ready for Ken.”

  Burke’s average face showed genuine surprise. “You’re doing the rope scene with Tanaka tonight?”

  There was no reason to lie. “We know each other from the club. I’ve worked with him on suspension bondage demos before.”

  Burke glanced at Stephen with interest and Tasha followed his gaze. Stephen’s hands were fists on the table, his whole body tense. “I’m so glad Stephen gave us permission last night—Ken can do magical things with his ropes.”

  “So I’ve heard,” Burke murmured. “His reputation precedes him. We’re fortunate you both accepted my invitation this time so you can show us how well you work together.”

  Was he insinuating she and Ken were more than friends? All the better for her, but the man needed to do his homework.

  Tasha simply nodded and smiled in excitement, letting her gaze wander to Wendi. “I can’t wait for you to see this. For Stephen to see it. I think he might enjoy learning how to tie me down.”

  “God knows you deserve it,” Stephen muttered, earning a boisterous laugh from Burke.

  He waved her away. “Get ready, Miss Rivera. We’ll have dinner cleared away and adjourn to the living room for dessert and a show.”

  Ken stood as she passed him at the long table and followed her out. When they reached the middle of the empty room, where the titanium steel ring was already attached to a hook in the ceiling by a well-knotted rope, Ken reached for her hand.

  “Tasha? I adore you, but I’m very close to dragging you out of this pervert’s mansion and starting an intervention. Senator Finn is obviously not worth your time.”

  She widened her eyes and pressed her finger over her mouth. “Don’t…don’t say things like that Ken. I’m in love.” She pointed to her ear, trying to mime “We’re being bugged” without much success. “I don’t want him to hear you talk that way.”

  Ken bent his head until he could look directly into her eyes. “I disabled all Burke’s recording devices this morning. When he goes to look over his footage after we’ve gone, he’ll find several days of static and no sound.”


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