The Scene (Dylan Hart Odyssey of the Occult Series)

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The Scene (Dylan Hart Odyssey of the Occult Series) Page 25

by Gilmore, R. M.

If my memory served me correctly, just around the side of the building should be a small tight access road where we could find those metal stairs. Embrace sat lonely on the corner, sitting a bit back from the road. I was noticing the other buildings were similar to this: old houses. This whole area was probably once a neighborhood before it was zoned for commercial use. A few of these buildings, or houses, were boarded up and posted with signs warning the impending demolition. They’ll probably be torn down and replaced by cookie-cutter stucco strip malls and parking structures. Mike and I passed under the golden streetlight that had washed over Cyrus and I the night before. I walked with purpose toward the darkened corner. Mike’s long legs struggled to not over step mine and speed past me. He was taking my lead; good boy. Around the corner, just as I’d remembered, lay the clanging metal stairs.

  “There.” I pointed at the solemn door at the top of the steps.

  “How did you know…?” He let the question trail off. Probably not really wanting to know all there was to know. Not now at least. Sometimes too much information at once clogs the brain functions.

  I made my way up the clanking steps without answering his question. He followed obediently behind. His footfalls echoed mine at twice the decibels resounding off the adjacent buildings. I balled my fist and used it to beat on the heavy door. Unlike the first time I had visited this door, it opened almost immediately.

  “My darling, Dylan.” Flashy white teeth sparkled inside a beautiful mouth.

  “Can the cheese, Cyrus, this isn’t the time.” I pushed past him into the office.

  “Detective Petersen.” The smile remained plastered on his perfect face as he addressed Mike.

  “Mr. Atossa.” Mike showed only a furrowed brow and a straight face.

  Malcolm was perched on the corner of his oversized manly desk. His shoulder length hair was pulled back into a ponytail at the nape of his neck. From this angle, he looked as if he were wearing a fox skin cap. He wore a very nicely tailored suit done all in shades of emerald and bronze. If it weren’t so obvious the suit had cost more than I made in a few months, I would have said he looked like a fancy leprechaun but apparently someone more knowledgeable than me said it was fashionable.

  “Dylan Hart, I did not expect to see you this evening.” He had the humility to look a bit embarrassed. Just a bit.

  “Mike, Detective Petersen, asked me to come tonight. I have some questions for you myself,” I said as I stepped further into the manly office.

  “No you don’t,” Mike said standing to my left now. “No she doesn’t.”

  Malcolm offered the two of us a seat in the large leather chairs placed directly in front of his desk. “Thank you, Mr. McTavish, but we’ll stand.” And we did; in the same damn spot.

  I would have taken the seat. Damn Michael.

  “How can we be of assistance to you, detective?” Malcolm was sitting behind his oversized desk in his equally oversized chair.

  Cyrus had moved to stand behind him like a good little lap dog. This office looked like a smaller version of the one he had at Sween. Oversized dark brown desk. Matching leather chairs and light brown walls. The only thing the office was missing were the suits of armor and broad swords that adorned the walls in his office at Sween.

  “First, can you tell me why there was a dead woman on your red carpet at seven this morning? We can move on from there.” Mike had whipped out his handy dandy notebook, pen poised.

  “Why would you assume I would have any knowledge of that poor girl’s death?” His face looked confused, but his voice was very terse. As if he wasn’t too happy we were there.

  “Cut the shit, Malcolm, she worked for you. You sent Cyrus all the way to Fresno to recruit her. Obviously, she meant something to you.” I had moved forward to lean my hands on the desk. Mike sighed loudly. I was fairly certain he was holding his forehead behind me.

  “She did work at one of my establishments, yes. How did you come to discover she had been requested specifically?” Malcolm adjusted himself in his chair. The leather squeaked under his weight distastefully.

  “Her coven in Fresno spilled the proverbial beans. I know everything; all I need from you is confirmation of details.” I tried hard to portray dominance.

  “Why? So you can publish your precious book? So you can exploit our kind, make money off the tragedy of these poor girls’ demise.” He said this as though it would cut deep to the core.

  “Not exactly.” He was right, to a point. “Why was Regina left dead on your doorstep, Malcolm?” I cut to the chase.

  “If you are implying I had something to do with it, I can assure you I did not. Your friend, Tatum, was with me all night. If we could contact her, she could explain the…details.” His once modest exterior had transformed into arrogance.

  “You knew I would be here. You knew the police would be asking questions. That’s why you were so desperate to get ahold of Tatum today. You bastard. Why her? She doesn’t need to be involved in all this bullshit.” I felt bile crawl up the back of my throat as my mind flashed to the scene from my dream once again. I swallowed hard, trying to push back the disgust and fear that was trying to take over.

  “She involved herself months before any prostitute had been exsanguinated. If you were unaware of this, perhaps you should take it up with her. My sexual relations aside, is there anything else I may assist with?” He sat calmly, hands folded neatly on his desk.

  “Yeah, who is Diego?” I finally had enough of the standing crap and sat down.

  “I do not know of any Diego.” Cyrus shifted slightly behind the huge leather chair as his master denied any familiarity.

  “What about a Fredrick Wells?” Mike finally piped-up.

  “No. The name does not sound familiar. Cyrus, do you know the man they are speaking off?” Malcolm spoke over his shoulder.

  “Uh…I think Reggie had a friend named Diego, but I don’t know who he is.” He was telling the truth about as much as I’m a petite little flower.

  “So when are we gonna cut the lying shit and get to the goddamned truth, cause I don’t have all night.” I sat calmly as well, crossed my legs, and folded my hands in my lap.

  I could see Mike out of the corner of my eye; he was holding his forehead again. I would lay down a thousand dollars he was regretting asking me to join him. I could give a fuck.

  “If, perhaps, there were a member by the name of Diego, or Fredrick, what makes you assume I would have intimate knowledge of his whereabouts? And as for this Regina business, I have an alibi; there is nothing more I can do for you. As it is, your people have closed my doors for the evening costing me thousands of dollars in revenue.” The bastard had the gall to act as if his dear money was the chief concern.

  “She was killed in a very interesting manner, sir. We were hoping you would be able to provide some kind of insight as to why, or who would do this.” Mike finally took the seat next to mine leaving Cyrus the only being still standing; he looked awkward.

  “I have only the information that was released on the news this evening. Beheaded, am I correct?” Mike only nodded once. “Why would you assume I would know about beheading?” Malcolm laughed lightly.

  “It’s what was not released we’re concerned with. The young woman also had a large, sharp, wooden object lodged into her chest.”

  “Jesus, Mike, just say stake. She had a stake in her heart and her head had been lopped off. Why would someone do that to her?” I sat forward dramatically.

  “I have no idea. Honestly, this concerns me. You understand this could potentially threaten my entire coven. My clients who feel this to be a safe haven would not feel comfortable with this.” His stone face was finally showing a hint of emotion. Fear.

  “I understand, but for the time being, I need you to keep this under wraps. We can’t have this information leaking to the media, or even your people for that matter. This situation is still under investigation.” Mike flipped his book closed and jammed it into his pocket.

  “I will
not speak a word of it. Perhaps it would be best to close, temporarily, until this has been rectified.” Malcolm was finally beginning to understand the weight of the situation.

  “Scared you that much? So much you’d risk your profits. I find that hard to believe. You know Diego, and I can prove it. You were seen leaving Macabre Saturnine with him and two others last night. I came here with Cyrus looking for them when we walked in on the two of you rocking the Casbah.”

  “Ms. Hart,” he smirked and chuckled lightly under his breath, “I am not certain as to your experience with sexual encounters, but how do you imagine I made it all the way back here with your Diego and meet with Ms. Price before you entered? In my experience, that timeline is implausible to say the least.”

  “Number one, I would prefer not to imagine anything. Number two, a quickie in the office couldn’t take that long. Furthermore, I may not be the slut of the year, but if I know Tatum, she could have had you up and down and half way to happy town before you had time to introduce yourself. So yes, in my opinion, you had plenty of time.” I stared him straight in his lime green eyes.

  “I see. You may ask Ms. Price yourself if you require solidarity. Or, if you wish, you could view the video surveillance footage. I spent my evening here, in my office, with my female friend.” He spread his hands palms up as if he were displaying the desk.

  “I was informed that you had left with Diego and his friends last night; maybe my source was misinformed.” I continued to stare him down. I would get him to crack if my life depended on it, at this point it may.

  “Perhaps.” He sat as still as stone. I wasn’t even sure he was breathing. I stared him down as menacingly as I could. If I had my gun with me, I would have used it.

  “Mr. McTavish, I believe that is enough for this evening. Thank you for your time.” Mike stood; I stared up at him in shock.

  Why are we leaving?

  “Of course. If you need anything further, please contact Mr. Atossa to set an appointment.” Malcolm stuck his hand out to shake.

  “Oh, and if you wouldn’t mind staying put for the time being; I’d rather not have to hunt you down. You as well, Mr. Atossa. I may have further questions for the two of you. Also, if you see anything strange, or come across anything you think I should be aware of, please call me. Anytime.” Mike handed them both a business card with his cell number scribbled on the back.

  I refused to make eye contact with any of the men in the room as I made my way to the door. I could feel movement at my back as I followed Mike down the clanging stairs. I made myself look straight ahead as I descended to the bottom, before a hand clamped my shoulder.

  “I have nothing to say to you.” I turned to find Cyrus at my back as I had suspected.

  “I have plenty to say to you,” Cyrus said seriously.

  “What’s the hold up here?” Mike called from a few feet ahead.

  “Nothing. I’m fine. I’ll be around in a minute.” He stood for a moment assessing the situation before turning and disappearing around the dark corner ahead.

  “What?” I planted my hands on my hips and looked directly at his chin. I felt like an ass but avoiding his eyes was top priority.

  “Are you okay?” he said plainly.

  “Seriously? You better come up with something better than that before I call for Mike to come shoot you in the face.” I was not in the mood for anymore of his bullshit excuses.

  “I’m sorry you had to see Reggie today.”

  “Yeah, it was gross. How’d you know I was here?” I caught myself before meeting his eyes in shock.

  He had the gall to look sheepish. “I was here.”

  “Here? Where? I didn’t see you.” I backed up a step away from him.

  “Not here, in the building. Behind Malcolm’s office is a loft. When I left you last night, I came here.”

  “Why the fuck didn’t you say something earlier? What did you see? Who killed Regina?” My mind was having trouble processing this.

  “I didn’t see anything until the police arrived. I was asleep, didn’t hear a sound. I didn’t come down for fear I would be implicated in her death.”

  “Yeah. I can see why. You would have been. Did you do it?” I didn’t have time to beat around the bush.

  “Of course not.” He seemed offended.

  “Then why tell me now?”

  “I was hoping you would understand. And perhaps trade your silence for information.”

  “Probably not, but you can try me.” I was very curious as to what further information he could provide.

  “I know Diego, and his friend.” Too many revelations for one evening.

  “Friends. There were three when Regina told me about them.”

  “There were three. Now there are only two.” He said this as though I should have already known this.

  “Why would there only be two now?” It was becoming very difficult to not look him in the eyes. The light bulb finally popped on over my head. “What? No. Regina?”

  “Yes.” He was moving closer to me.

  “Why would she tell me about them in the first place if she was involved?” I stepped back once more.

  “That, I don’t know. What I can tell you is Diego is not a sane individual.”

  “Well shit, I could’ve told you that. Who’s his friend?”

  “I don’t know who he is, but he is crazier than Diego. With Regina, they were restrained, but now I assume they have gone off the deep end as they say.”

  “Are you saying Regina and her boys are the ones who are killing people?” I asked.

  “No, I don’t know. But I would look closely at them. I didn’t think they could master mind these murders until you mentioned his name. I figured if the police are suspicious, they must have been on the radar. And now with Regina dead, and the manner of death, it all points to their obsession.” His voice had dropped low. Almost whispering now.

  “Why didn’t you tell Mike, he was right there?”

  “Malcolm forbids me from talking to the police. He thinks it will only end badly for us here. Even if we have done nothing wrong, he fears a witch hunt will ensue.” He glanced back over his shoulder toward the metal door at the top of the steps. It became very apparent then that what he was telling me was a big secret that Malcolm didn’t want out.

  “Or a vampire hunt.” I chuckled. “Why did Sam tell us Malcolm brought those boys here?”

  “He was Regina’s puppet. I’m sure she told him to say that. He’s been in love with her since the second she stepped foot into Macabre. Malcolm had nothing to do with Diego. Yes, he recruited Regina, but he did not take in Diego.” His voice was steadfast. At that point, I almost believed him. Everything he was saying made perfect sense. It was the facts he was keeping from me that I questioned.

  “How long have you known this? About Regina’s boys?”

  “Long enough,” he said sorrowfully.

  No eye contact dammit. “You knew I was looking for them! You fuck! You hid this from me; all of this could have been avoided had you just told me.” My face was flushing with anger as I fumed at him.

  “Nothing could have been avoided. I can guarantee you that. I did not understand what I knew until today. I swear it. Besides, I was able to allow you a look at my existence. Did you not enjoy our time together?” He stepped closer.

  “Fuck you!” I turned to storm away. He grabbed my arm and spun me around before I made it two feet away.

  “I have offered that and you have refused.” His face was only inches from mine. Large hands clasped around my biceps refusing to release me. His voice a low growling whisper.

  “Let me go.” I let each word slide out with the fire of pure indignation.

  “Look at me, Dylan. I have done nothing to offend you this gravely. I am telling you all I know now. You must understand, I was not aware the information I knew was significant. Besides, I have to protect Malcolm’s cabal. He is Primus and I cannot allow him to fall. I am sorry, Dylan, I am.” His cool breath flit
tered across my face like an icy breeze. He was squeezing my arms as he spoke.

  “I don’t want anything to do with any of you ever again.” I stared at his chest this time. Better safe than sorry.

  “You don’t mean that.” He lowered his head to meet my height. His mouth hovered over mine, face nearly touching.

  Don’t look at him. Don’t look at him. Don’t look at him.

  His hands squeezed around my arms harder. He pressed his dense body against mine; so warm. I looked.


  At this distance, I could see yellow flecks like pure gold, splintering the solid green of his irises. His fanned lashes framed the almond eyes creating a dreamy outcome. . He looked into my eyes like he was seeing more than just eyes. It was as if he was reading a book through them. His breath fell across my lips, this time flowing into my lungs as I breathed. My heart nearly stopped.

  “You can stop this, Dylan.” He nuzzled his face against my cheek brushing the side of my mouth with the motion. I tried to breathe pulling his breath into my lungs once more. I could feel the sensation of his lips on mine.


  “Dylan!” Mike screamed from the window of his suburban.

  Cyrus recoiled instantly leaving my body cold with the sudden exposure. I shielded my eyes from the glare of Mike’s headlights. Before I knew it, Mike was before me. The door at the top of the stairs clanged shut. Cyrus was gone, again. Thanks to Mike.

  “What’s your deal?” I shot Mike a shitty look before moving past him to the car.

  “What the fuck was that all about?” He followed behind me.

  “It’s none of your business.” Once again Cyrus had left me cold and wanting.

  “The hell it wasn’t.” Mike was nearly screaming with jealousy.

  “Listen, I’m not yours anymore. I can do what I want, when I want. You got that?” My words burned as they escaped my lips.

  “Get in the fucking car.” He left me standing in the beam of his headlights like a jackass. Part of me wanted to walk away, go up the stairs, or leave all together. The other part wanted to leap into the sanctuary of the SUV and ride off into the sunset with my savior. I did neither. I got in the car, but I didn’t allow Mike to live in his fantasy world. Not for a fucking minute.


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