by Andrea Rose

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  The dockside boat building was dark and nowhere near ready to house a bunch of bikers when we first arrived. It seemed like the first two days were filled with nothing but shopping and stocking the place. In first came the booze, and pretty soon after, a box truck full of the trimmings that set up a makeshift bunkhouse in what must have been an old conference room. Break and I managed to lay claim to a smaller managers office and despite the fact that our new bedroom amounted to an air mattress and some scented candles, I felt at home..

  I stared around the open space taking it all in. Off to the side of what used to be a showroom, a small line of offices were tucked into the far wall full of furniture that came right out of the 1980’s. One had been repurposed, the cubicle wall torn down and opening up the makeshift bar top. Seating was arranged near a flatscreen that was bolted straight into the wall, and most of the men were making use of it as a heated but quiet conversation raged. Bikes lined up just inside near the much smaller double-wide glass entrance doors. A young prospect was standing among the steel horses. He flashed me a little smile, holding up a wrench as I walked past. Another time, another place, maybe I would have taken some time to meet him. had a hard body and a wispy beard, his tools scattered as he worked general maintenance. A bad boy who knows how to use his hands… The Broken were hard on their rides, and the sweat on the prospect’s forehead was testament to the work he was buried in.

  As for me, I’d managed to snag an old rolling office chair, and now it was my little perch as I spun it around backward, straddled the seat, and stuck my chin on the edge to watch Break stomp around the room. I liked him like this, he was a natural leader and the men respected him like none other. His heavy boots crashed down again and again as I watched my man’s ass stretch his jeans. I’d never seen a more perfect globe of muscle.

  “Don’t get too comfortable there Cat, we’re not staying here long.”

  I looked up at Acre and smirked. He’d been told to stick next to me like glue until Break was done giving orders. By now, it felt like the only times I didn’t have Acre’s eyes on me was when I was in bed… “Last time I checked, I’m old enough to babysit myself.”

  “I’m not here to babysit, I’m here to keep you from getting your own piece of patch.”

  Something didn’t sit right with me in the way Acre was talking. His tone was usually a bit more playful and usually didn’t involve discussing my death. “I can take care of myself,” I said defiantly, but deep down, I was happy to have him nearby… “So what’s going on. The guys look restless.”

  “Don’t worry your pretty little head about it,” Acre replied, making an annoying little clicking noise with his lips. I wasn’t satisfied. Later, I’d make Break tell me everything even if it I had to drag it out of him kicking and moaning… Staring across the room I watched Break giving orders, his voice too low to understand. You could cut the tension with a knife.

  Acre didn’t try to stop me as I stepped off the chair and made my way to Break. He knew better than to get in the way. My hands slipped round his back, catching him by surprise. I let out a shocked gasp as Break jerked away and spun unexpectedly. His eyes immediately softened as he saw me, but I’d seen the flash of ferocity in that instant of movement.

  “Are you ok?” I asked hesitantly, backing away.

  “Can’t go sneaking up on me like that sweetheart…”

  I looked past him, the men waiting, eyes glaring at me. Suddenly, I felt more uncomfortable than I ever had around the Broken. Break seemed to sense it and spun round, pulling me into his side as he stared at the club.

  “You know your jobs tonight. We pull this off clean, and we pull this off quiet. No blood, no fuckups.”

  I stared up at Break’s hard face, his arm wrapped around me hard, pinning me to his chest.

  “Break, we need you on that fucking dock.”

  The voice belonged to Acre, and I could feel the tension in Break’s muscles as he turned to face him. He must have followed me across the room, and clearly he knew something I didn’t.

  “You know the score Acre.”

  “The score is we’re out there with my dick on the line while you get your dick sucked. They won’t say it, but I will. You got yourself some fresh pussy and went soft.”

  Break bristled, every sinew of his body pressing into me. My ribs ached as his muscles strained against me. Eyes bore into me from every direction.

  “First off, we’ve got heat and the feds have ears. The boat hits tonight and I want them looking the wrong way. I’m going to the clubhouse and that’s where they’re gonna be looking. Second, you don’t ever ever fucking call me soft.”

  Break let me go, throwing me toward a nearby chair and moving toward Acre. The two men stood tall and fearsome as the room went dead silent around them. Fear welled up in me. Break never backed down, and Acre was a beast of a man. The two came together, crashing hard as I gasped, but I watched Acre’s arms wrap around Break and give him a pat on the back. A laugh broke out between them, spreading through the men as Acre pulled away with a grin on his face.

  “We ride,” Acre said, turning to the men.

  “We ride,” the men said almost in unison.

  A crack of thunder from outside shook the building’s thin metal roof like some kind of ominous warning.

  “Be careful out there Acre. Call me when it’s done,” Break said, the sound of boots and shouting men filling the room as the bikers marched toward their mounts like soldiers heading into battle.

  ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼

  “What are we doing?” I asked as Break shut down the motorcycle and stepped off, a little bar beckoning us inside with neon lights glaring in the darkness.

  “We’ve got a job to do sweetheart. Gotta get somebody’s full attention.”

  I stared at the bar, it’s doors wide and the parking lot a sea of motorcycles. I’d never really been to a biker bar before, and my heart with racing, half because I was excited and half because I was afraid. My hands unclasped the helmet and pulled it free, thankful of the small awning Break had parked us beneath. It was cold and droplets of rain still shimmered from my chest and legs, but my body was still warm. Break had picked me up a full set of leathers during our happy couple of days up at the boat warehouse and they were certainly coming in handy tonight in keeping me dry. Lightning lit up the sky above us ominously.

  “Making a phone call?” I asked, watching Break fiddle with a cellphone. He grinned, the screen coming to life as he tucked the phone into his pocket. “No Callie, just seeing if somebody’s paying attention.”

  I didn’t have time to puzzle over his statement as he stepped off and pulled me behind him, barely giving me a chance to toss my helmet over one of the bikes’ mirrors. Inside, Break tossed some cash on the bar and shouted at the pretty little tattooed bartender.

  “Jack and coke, two at a time and keep them coming.”

  The packed bar took notice to our arrival, and as we moved toward the back, a small group of men at one of the tables stood up, leaving the seats behind without a word and nodding to Break. We sat down in the suddenly vacant space, and I shook my head, trying to make sense of it all.

  “What was that all about?” I said over the loud music and rowdy bikers.

  “Bunch of weekend warriors.” Break replied, nodding at the pierced up pixie of a waitress who dropped off a couple dark glasses on the table.

  “But why did they get up for us?”

  Break laughed, lifting up a glass and tilting it back, the whiskey disappearing down his throat. He nodded toward my glass and I followed suit, taking a long drink, hoping it would cool my nerves.

  “Look here,” Break said, grabbing my hand and pulling it to his cut. “Do you see this patch sweetheart?”

  I stared at the little sewn on piece of cloth, my fingertips running over it lightly. It was a simple thing, white against the black leather.

  “What does it mean?” I asked, staring into Break’
s eyes.

  “It means get out of my fucking way. Those guys are citizens. Doctors and layers and used car salesmen in fucking halloween costumes. They’ve got a house with a white picket fence, two kids, an economy car in the driveway and a wife they wish they could fuck. A few days a week they jump on big expensive bikes and play dress up to forget about all the bullshit in their lives. They pretend to be bad boys.”

  “And you?” I asked breathlessly. My hand was still being held against his chest, the beat of his heart softly pulsing against my fingertips.

  “I don’t have to pretend.”

  I looked down demurely as he let go of my hand, my heart racing. The stress of tonight was making me crazy, a mix of desire and fear rolling through my body. Break reached out, lifting my chin back up with a finger, the lines on his face melting me as he smiled.

  “That’s why they got out of the way sweetheart. I’m dangerous. Does that scare you Callie?”

  My hand reached out under the table, running up and over his thigh, gripping his hardening cock through denim. “I don’t scare easy,” I said, a grin widening as I flashed my teeth.

  “That’s good, because it looks like we’ve got company.”

  I followed his nod, my eyes sweeping toward the door. Outside, rain fell across the darkened parking lot, a long black sedan pulling to a stop just beyond the line of bikes that crowded near the awning covered entrance.

  “Your phone…” I whispered, looking back to Break.

  “Had a feeling they might be tracking it. Pulled the battery a few days ago. Wasn’t expecting them so soon but that just moves up our plans for the night.”

  Break nodded toward my drink again, lifting his own and polishing it off. I did my best to follow suit, choking on the whiskey. “No use wasting it, besides, it’ll calm the nerves. Time to go sweetheart,” he said, pulling me to my feet.

  “But we just got here…” I replied, still staring at the car outside.

  “Doesn’t matter. We’re leaving.”

  I followed him into the cold, lifting my helmet back off the mirror and strapping it over my head.

  What are you getting yourself into?

  My body shivered, the roar of the bike’s mighty engine vibrating through my skin. Break lifted me up and I came down behind him, the bike roaring as we burst out into the rain. It was coming down heavier now, the drops slamming against my arms as we pulled back out onto the street. A flash of light behind me made it clear that we weren’t alone.

  They’re following us…

  I tucked in hard, my hands wrapping around Break’s solid abs. Break seemed bent on getting us to the clubhouse before the sky opened up in earnest. My head turned round, catching a glimpse of the dark sedan still holding position a few cars behind us.

  Break blipped the throttle, taking us down into the more industrial part of town, closing in on the clubhouse. One last turn took us into the familiar alley, and Break reached down, pressing a button on a small grey box strapped to the underside of the handlebars. Ahead of us, the huge roll-up doors started to rise, light spilling out into the darkness. Soon enough, we were stripping off our dripping leathers as the door came down behind us. Beyond it, rain poured violently down on the asphalt.

  “It’s safe to talk,” Break said, noticing my silence. “Had Zippo and Grift sweep this place earlier today. Pulled the ears out. That’s why the boys in black were so eager to follow us. They’ll probably sit on us all night to make sure we’re not going anywhere, but don’t worry, we’re not going anywhere…”

  Break smiled at me, his hand sweeping down my side and running over the edge of my breast before dipping to my waist and pulling me in for a kiss. My body reacted, a warmth pouring over my skin as I moved willingly. Before his lips could touch mine, a question escaped them.

  “So, where’s Zippo and Grift now?” I whispered, looking around the empty space.

  “They should be…..”

  Break stopped dead, looking around with his head on a swivel, stopping as his eyes landed on the boardroom door that stood slightly ajar. His hand suddenly reached into his jacket, pulling out a cannon of a handgun. My muscles tensed and I held my breath as he looked back at me.

  “Stay behind me.”

  I’d never heard a better and yet worse idea in my life. Falling in behind Break we crept up to the door with my body trembling. He gave me a quick glance, his face fierce and angry as he kicked the door. It opened part way then stopped with a thud, something was in the way…

  A second kick to the door shoved it open enough to enter, and Break slammed through, his gun waving as he moved further into the space. I followed him through the door, pressing against it to squeeze inside, looking down only briefly as I entered.

  A hand…

  My breath caught in my throat. It wasn’t just a hand, it was a body. The further I went, the more I saw. Not one body. Two. They were gagged, but the bullets in their chest made it even clearer that somebody didn’t want them talking. The body pressed against the door as I let go, swinging it closed and giving me a full view of the carnage.

  Zippo and Grift… I thought to myself, trying to fight the urge to vomit. My heart beat out of my chest, my breath catching and choking me like a vice. I had to get out of here. I spun round reaching out wildly for the door handle, frozen in terrified motion as I heard the unmistakeable words echoing behind me.

  “Close the door, or I blow his fucking brains all over this table.”

  ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼

  Murder eyes…

  I knew them well, I’d seen them, lived with them, but rarely had he used them on me. Even in the worst times and the worst abuses there had always been some twinkle of warmth inside his gaze. Ice filled my blood as I stared across the table. Break was looking at me, standing a few steps from the door to his room. My outburst and panic must have made him spin round to look my way.

  Jude stood behind him, the barrel of his old 357 magnum pressed up against the side of Break’s head..

  “Drop the gun.”

  Break seemed like he wanted to fight back, but every single inch of Jude was curled like a snake ready to strike. He let the gun slip down, the metal clattering hard against the concrete floor. Jude kicked it away and I watched it spin to the corner, slamming into a wall.

  “On your knees,” Jude spat as I trembled, watching Break lower himself down slowly. Jude kicked the back of his leg at the knee, sending Break crashing to the floor. Jude stepped away, the gun still leveled at him as he walked casually toward the corner and picked up the other weapon.

  “You can walk away Jude. Walk away and I won’t chase you. I’ll forget this ever happened,” Break said quietly, a tremor of viciousness in his voice.

  “I said fucking move,” Jude shouted. He held up the second gun. I screamed as the gunshot exploded within the room, a bullet tearing through Break’s thigh. The cry was blood curdling.


  Break crawled, pulling himself across the floor. My ears were still ringing as Jude stomped round the table and grabbed my by the arm. I cried out as he pulled me round the far side, away from the bodies… Away from Break.

  “No fucking respect. All the goddamned things I’ve done for you and what, you go fuck the first goddamned thing that comes along?”

  I cried out as the side of the gun hit my face, Jude pressing it against my cheek.

  “You’re fucking coming with me,” Jude hissed through his teeth.

  The barrel of the gun pressed harder, my body screaming against it. Something inside me shut down, my body giving in.

  “Don’t do this. Don’t you fucking touch her.”

  My eyes latched on Break, he was pleading.

  “One more word, and I kill her. You fucking sit there. Sit there and know you can’t do a goddamned thing. You’re too fucking scared to stop me. You will watch me walk right out that fucking door.”

  Jude hit me over the head with the butt of the second gun, my body falling forward, my
face smacking the wooden table. I tilted my head, eyes staring at Break. I’d ever seen anything more terrifying. He was bleeding, every muscle trembling across his frame, a murderous rage within him that made Jude’s murder eyes look playful.

  “Stop, please…” I whispered. Jude swung a gun upward and fired again, the explosion crashing through my ears.

  “Next fucking word and you’re both dead, you fucking hear me?”

  “I’ll give you what you want… I’ll give you whatever you want…” I whimpered, turning my head. “Jude… Please… I know you need me.”

  “I don’t fucking need you. You’re lower than nothing you bitch. I’m going to give you to some real fucked up people baby. I’m going to show you what the real world is like, and you’ll be begging me to take you fucking back.”

  He reached down, pulling me up off the table and walking me toward the door.

  “Jude,” Break said, making a small move toward us.

  “I said don’t fucking move!” Jude shouted, swinging the gun round and pressing it to the side of my head. Break froze in place again.

  Jude just laughed, the gun still pressed against my cheek. I turned, my eyes catching Break’s. Tears were streaming down my face. I wanted to run away from here, to forget this ever happened. Break’s face was changing color, every muscle in his body straining. Adrenaline coursed through my veins and time seemed to slow down…

  A sound like an explosion rang out, but it wasn’t Jude’s gun. It sounded as if someone had crashed through the roll-up door in the main warehouse. My body threw itself to the right without a thought behind it. I swung myself upward against Jude’s huge forearm, hands tearing at him as I brought my teeth down viciously. Jude let out a scream as he dropped the huge revolver, his other fist slamming into my face as he pulled away.


  I listened to the muffled sound outside the board room as men shouted through the main floor of the warehouse. Jude twisted, pulling himself away as he made for the inner door to Break’s room.


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