by Andrea Rose


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  “I feel like I was hit by a truck.”

  Mom was a mess. I tried to hold my laughter as she stumbled out of her room well past noon. She’d showered and was wearing a bathrobe, but she still looked dirty. That’s something you can’t just wash off. Maybe, deep down, I was a little jealous. Not that I was going to tell her that.

  “Those guys are trouble mom.”

  “The best kind of trouble.”

  No stopping it, once the bad boy worship started, my mother would see it through to the bitter end. Maybe I was a little excited though… Some twisted part of me looked forward to seeing the big bad bikers again.

  “I don’t think you should see them anymore,” I said, unconvincingly.

  “Well that’s too bad, because I invited a few of them over tonight.”

  “Mom, you have to work tomorrow.”

  “Like that’s going to stop me baby.”

  I just shook my head. Mom was on a path of self-destruction. I’d be out of this house in just another year or two, max. There was nothing to do but suck it up and let it happen.

  “Oh don’t be such a prude. At least one of us knows how to get a man. Maybe you should pay attention.”

  “That’s enough, mom.”

  I fumed inside, but she wasn’t going to put me off. I went right on working on an essay for my economics class. If I wanted a man I could get one. I’d seen the looks guys gave me around campus. Just because I was saving myself for something a little better…

  Except, I wasn’t. Truth be told the boys around college just weren’t all that attractive. Call me a product of a broken home, but I always took more interest in a more dangerous breed. I was too smart to fall for it though. The tattoos and the big scary muscles, the devil-may-cry attitude. I’d lusted after it. My smarts kept me from doing something stupid, but a whole other part of me disagreed with that decision. Maybe I could let my hair down every once in awhile, step outside my comfort zone. Meet someone like…

  Like one of the bikers from last night.

  The thought shocked me. Memories of bringing myself to orgasm thinking about that big scary man in leather washed across my mind as I chewed on my mechanical pencil. He was off limits though. That was mom’s newest conquest, and he was coming over.


  I shook the crazy thoughts out of my head, gathering up my things to get to class. Maybe I could lose myself in my books. Maybe I could forget all about the man and his motorcycle.

  Maybe not.

  The school day flew by at a pace even I was uncomfortable with. Economics and accounting both blew right on by, and I hardly heard a word the nerdy old professor was saying. I had other things on my mind as I kept right on chewing on that mechanical pencil. By the end of the afternoon, it was totally ruined.

  “Penny, would you care to give us an example of a deflationary event.”

  I shook my head, staring in a foggy stupor.

  “Excuse me?”

  “Is anyone who is paying attention willing to answer my question?”

  I turned red, sitting there with the pencil sticking out of my lips, my teeth grinding at the plastic. The class laughed. I had to get out of here. It was already getting dark as I excused myself to get some air, feigning illness with the professor. Two more evening classes were ahead of me and I wasn’t supposed to get home until almost 10:00… Slipping behind the wheel of my car I felt a naughty little streak rising up inside. Mom said she was inviting a few of them over… Maybe they would be there when I got home…

  My little car raced as I drove. I couldn’t really explain why I felt the need to get there so quickly, but there was just a hint of fascination I had to satisfy. A pair of motorcycles in the driveway confirmed their presence. Parking on the roadside I crept up, eyeballing the big bikes. They were black and chrome, no fancy paintings or tassels, these bikes were all business. The engines didn’t look normal, almost every piece on them had been replaced with something. The seat was wide up front, but toward the back it narrowed and had a surprising arch to it. I wondered about it briefly, before realizing the intended purpose. That was where I would ride, and that hard little arch would sit right between my legs, just above the big vibrating engine.

  Shuddering, I pulled myself away from the motorcycle and crept toward the house. If mom was still up I could just tell her I didn’t feel well and came home early. Sneaking in the door, I could smell the scent of leather. A pair of vests hung from a hook in the entryway. I stared at the back, a large snake encircling a skull, surrounded by just a few words. “Hells Horsemen, San Marco California”. On the closest one, I could see a single word. Conquest. Tugging at the vest, a small rectangle badge on the front came into view, proclaiming his role.


  Mom hadn’t just gotten herself involved with any old bad men, she’d went right for the baddest of them all. There was nothing to do but stare in shock, imagining the consequences this would bring on our family. My hands were shaking as I let my fingertips trace over the little sewn on patch. Just to the left, was a small symbol pressed into the leather. I stared at it quizzically, lifting the vest up to inspect it closer.

  “One percent.”

  The voice startled me. It was strong and sensual, almost like an embrace. I spun at once. This wasn’t the man from last night… That one must be off with my stupid mother.

  “Where’s my mother…” I whispered.

  “She’s occupied…”

  “Why are you here?” I asked.

  “She offered to cook me dinner. And I needed somewhere quiet to think.”

  I could hear muffled sounds of fucking starting up from somewhere in the house.

  “Quiet, huh?”

  “When you run with the men I do, you get used to the sound of a woman embracing her sexuality. That patch you’re touching… You know what it means, don’t you?” he asked, stepping closer. I inhaled sharply, taking in the faint scent of whiskey and leather and oil. A familiar tingle ran up my spine. Excitement…

  “No,” I whispered demurely, trying to turn away from his piercing gaze. The deep pools of blue drew tried to draw me back in as he smiled, his wide jaw softening ever so slightly as the cheeks creased.

  “People used to say 99 percent of all bikers are upright law abiding citizens.”

  I winced as his hand wrapped around my shoulder, pulling me back to face him again. My whole world was lost in blue.

  “I’m the one percent.”

  I whimpered lightly as his other hand wrapped around my waist, pulling me close. My whole body trembled against him. He was hard chiseled with muscle rippling beneath cloth. My breasts pressed into him, my mouth angling upward in a fearful pout.

  “What’s your name, baby girl?”

  “Penny…” I whispered.

  “Do you know what the penalty is for a woman touching a rider’s colors without his permission, Penny?”

  “I’m sorry…” I whispered, glancing back at the leather vest, my fingertips still floating over the name… Conquest.

  He didn’t wait for an answer. At once his hands pressing me downward, forcing me onto my knees. I knew it was wrong, but between my thighs I was buzzing, wet with anticipation. He groaned as I ran my fingertips along his faded jeans, brushing across the long growing lump straining beneath the denim.

  “You’re a dirty little thing, aren’t you? I knew it last night when I saw you peeking out that window of yours.”


  My voice was cut off as his hand reached down and grabbed my chin, tilting it upward to capture my eyes.

  “You don’t talk.”

  The feeling of being dominated brought me right back to reality. What am I doing?

  Why is this turning me on…

  “Oh you like that don’t you? I like a girl who knows when to follow orders.”

  I nodded, not daring to say another word. The pressure of his fingers still tingling on m
y skin.

  “Go ahead, pull it out.”

  I looked down at my hands. This whole time, I hadn’t stopped stroking his shaft lightly through his jeans. I wanted to run, but he drew something out of me that was raw and his big cock demanded my attention. Deep down, I knew this was wrong. A little part of me wanted it anyway. Without even thinking, I reached for his belt.

  “That’s right baby girl.”

  The zipper was easier than the buckle, and I drew it open, tugging down as his hard cock came into view. It sprang free, angling upward proudly as I wrapped one of my delicate hands around the girth. Staring at it, my eyes went wide. It felt large inside his jeans, but out in the open air, the cock was almost frightening.

  I hesitated.

  “Just give it a little lick.”

  My tongue acted almost on it’s own accord, drawing a long slow stripe from the base of his shaft all the way to the crown. The man groaned loudly as I gave the head a quick swirl and drew back down the other side of the shaft, kissing it as I went. Inside, my brain was screaming out, but my pussy was firmly in control. I had to do this… I needed this… Drawing back up I lined the thick head up with my lips, bending forward, letting him part my lips. My mouth stretched almost to it’s maximum as he invaded. There was no hint of gentleness about the way he thrust his hips forward.

  “Oh fuck baby girl, just like that.”

  I didn’t know I was doing right, but I did my best to accommodate as he took control. The man gripped my hair and thrust his cock deep into my willful mouth. My jaw hurt as I tried to keep it open wide enough, the thick base of his cock stretching me a bit too far for comfort. Still, there was no denying this was an incredible turn-on. This wasn’t just some blowjob. He was fucking me… He was fucking my mouth! My hand had already made its way into my shorts, sliding into the band of my panties and playing with my wet pussy as I moaned wildly around the huge shaft.

  “You can go deeper baby girl. Just relax.”

  I tried my best, my fingertip dancing on my sensitive nub as he pushed in even harder. The head of his big cock came into contact with my throat, and then he gave just the lightest of thrusts.

  “Oh yeah,” he grunted, the head of the cock popping in and then out of my throat before he threw me back, coughing and gagging as I came off his shaft.

  “See baby? You’re such a filthy little thing… I knew you could do it.”

  I stared at him in shock, nobody had ever talked to me like this! All I could think of was sucking his cock, my imagination nowhere near as good as the real thing as he reached out and grabbed my hair again, thrusting his cock back into my needful mouth. Despite my focus, I noticed that the cries of pleasure from elsewhere in the house had silenced.

  Oh God… What if I get caught like this? Where is mom?!? I thought, a certain feeling of dread overcoming me as the man invaded my tiny mouth, using me like a dirty sex doll. I didn’t even know his name… His breath was coming shallower now as I tried to look around the room, my vision bobbing wildly. No sign of my mother was readily apparent.

  “You ready for your punishment?” the man whispered, fucking my face. I surrendered, whimpering around his huge shaft.

  “Here it comes baby doll. You’d better swallow every fucking drop.”

  There was no use protesting, nowhere I could have gone. His cock was exploding in my mouth, long thick ropy streams of cum splashing my throat and tongue. I groaned, my fingertips driving me over an orgasm of my own, thighs quivering as I swallowed around his cock. My vision drew into a tunnel, his thick shaft choking me as he pressed forward, sending the final spurts straight down to my belly. Everything was going black, waves of pleasure crashing over me as the salty taste rolled across my tongue.

  I found myself falling backward, his cock popping free with a long slurping sound. The man caught me, my head woozy as he lifted me back from the floor. Every square inch of my body was in shock, unable to fathom what had just happened to me.

  “Never touch a man’s cut without his permission. Do I make myself clear.”

  I stared at him defiantly, lifting my arm, and letting it draw a slick line of wetness from my pussy along his leather vest.

  “You’re a feisty one, aren’t you baby girl?” he said, grabbing me up hard. I shook, tears streaming from my eyes as the big man drew me in close, an angry snarl on his face. Lips latched to mine, the taste of his cum still on my tongue as we locked into a passionate and devastating kiss. I melted, the whole world disappearing in his arms. I’d do anything to stay in this moment. I wrapped my legs around him, kissing harder, feeling my body move as he carried me to the bedroom. My fingers clawed at his back, grabbed at his shoulders. Beneath me, I could still feel his hard cock pressing against my shorts as we moved. My pussy quivered with anticipation.

  “Go to bed, Penny.”

  I found myself flying. My body splayed out in the air as I sailed through it unexpectedly. The bed came up from beneath me with a sudden creak of springs, bouncing me toward the headboard. The wind taken straight out of me I stared at the man as he pulled up his denim.

  “Fuck me!” I blurted out choppily, practically a squeal as he stuffed his cock back into his pants and drew the zipper closed.

  “I’ve got shit to tonight. If you know what’s good for you, keep your dirty fucking mouth shut.”

  I stared down again, unable to meet his gaze. “And what if I don’t?” I said, defiantly.

  He was upon me before I could take another breath, his hand viciously pinning my own as he smacked me again even harder than before. I winced and cried out against the pain, my pussy singing at the proximity of his cock. I fell silent, our bodies panting against each other.

  “You’ll learn how to obey me when I give an order. Look at me when I’m talking to you.”

  His hand gripped my jaw, unmercifully turning it to face him. I stared into the blue pools for what I knew might be the last time of the night, tears pouring down my cheeks and running my mascara.

  “Next time I see you, I’ll make this mine,” he said, his hand falling to the mound between my thighs and pressing hard against it. “Now be a doll, and be quiet.”

  He drew off, my lips moving but no words escaping them. Every square inch of me trembled. This was the most terrifying man I’d ever met, the strongest, the most powerful, and without question, the sexiest.

  “What’s your name?” I whispered, overcome with emotion.

  “Conquest… Leader of the Horsemen.”

  “No… What’s your real name?” I asked, watching his face.

  “It’s Conquest.”

  My breathing was still heavy heavy as he walked out, slamming the door behind him.


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  Fucking stupid.

  I straddled my bike, my cock still aching. I didn’t know if I was angry for what I’d done, or what I hadn’t done. Either way, I was fucking stupid.

  Penny was Jenna’s daughter. Jenna belonged to War. Nothing good was going to come of this. You don’t shit where you eat, and you don’t go shoving your dick down a girl’s throat without pissing off her mother.

  But if you’re going to do it anyway, you damn sure don’t leave the hot little finny when she’s ass up and face down, begging for you to fuck her. If you’re already in too deep, what the fuck is wrong with going a little deeper?

  Fucking STUPID.

  I needed to think, and that meant getting my ass to the bar. Maybe I could get some bitch to follow me into the back and make me forget all about the tight little pussy peeking down at me from her room. Maybe I could walk away from all of this and she wouldn’t say anything.

  I kicked the bike over, riding out. One way or the other, War was on his own till morning.

  The bar was about the same as it always was, the throbbing music pulsing out the double doors. I parked under the neon glow of the Dirty Dog sign, taking in a deep breath before kicking down the stand and stepping off my ride. Already, some of t
he people inside had taken notice. Despite the packed room, a table was clear for me before I even reached the door.

  “Conquest… I thought maybe you were helping break in War’s new girl,” Famine shouted, laughing as he caught my arm on my way inside. He gave me a hard pat on the back before I shoved him away, shaking my head. “Jenna belongs to War now.”

  “You never seemed to mind sharing,” Famine said, laughing hard.

  “War isn’t so open-minded.”

  “Well you’re the one walking in here with a just-fucked look on your face. If it wasn’t War’s chick, when do I meet this one?”

  Now it was my turn to laugh. I just shook my head at him and walked on by. Famine was like a brother to me, but I wasn’t about to tell him about Penny. If I could help it, I’d never see that girl again. I didn’t want to think about her pretty eyes, or those pouty soft lips, or the way her back arches when…

  “Hey Conquest… You look lonely.”

  I hadn’t even made it to my table, but it didn’t matter. Yvette had met me mid stride and her silky soft voice caught me like a fish on a hook.

  “I’ve got a lot on my mind Yvette.”

  I looked her over, admiring the vision of sex that she was. Curves for miles, breasts that seemed to defy gravity even without the silicon so many of the ladies were turning to these days. Usually I never dipped into the club girls, but tonight I might have to make an exception. Penny was still running through my mind and I was almost wiling to do anything to get her out.

  “I can see that…” she replied, staring down at the bulge still running along one of my thighs. I hadn’t been able to will it away ever since little Penny had begged me to fuck her. “Maybe I can help you?” she whispered, pulling in close and pressing her body against me. I inhaled against her neck, breathing in the scent of lilacs. I knew the scent, it was her little trademark. You always knew when one of the Horsemen had been with pretty little Yvette when they came into a board meeting smelling like fucking flowers. She practically bathed in the shit.


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