by Andrea Rose

  As he stepped aside, I realized that I’d happened upon a conference room. Old and splattered with the merriment of a beer glass too many, a thick wooden table filled the room. There had to be fifteen or twenty bikers were seated around it. More dangerous looking men were standing behind them in a row that wrapped the room, barely crowding into the private chamber.

  Close to forty pairs of eyes directed their undivided attention to me. My breath caught in my throat as I spotted that same emblem on about half the men in the room… There was another club here… One that I didn’t recognize.

  And I was staring right at their leader.

  The man seated at the very center of the table was hardened and vicious-looking. His bushy black whiskers barely masked a distinctive lip twitch, and my eyes cast quickly downward onto the mystery emblem on his chest. Even from this distance I could read the word emblazoned beneath.


  The rest of the room focused between the two of us as he rose from his seat.

  “Who the fuck is this?”

  “That’s Hunter’s girl,” one of the other bikers laughed. “Apparently, she’s come to say hello.”

  “Hunter, you say?” He turned his head further down the table and laughed. “Your new boy, Eduardo? What a surprise! I guess his pretty little bitch is loyal, eh?”

  I followed his gaze.

  Hunter was seated among his kind, his stoic face gazing towards me. Surrounded by bikers, he definitely looked like he fit in: he was just as big as anyone else around that table, with powerful arms and fresh tattoos visible from beneath his new set of club leathers.

  With careful, thoughtful eyes, he offered me a definitively wry stare. He was clearly not happy to see me. I felt my spirits collapse somewhere in my chest.

  “You shouldn’t be here,” Hunter told me loudly, addressing the rest of the club as much as myself. It was apparent that he was trying to distance himself from the interruption in front of the other bikers.

  I felt a lithe hand on my shoulder, and turned slightly. The hostess had chosen this moment to peek into the room. “I’m so sorry, gentlemen, I’ll escort our guest to the front while you continue…”

  “No need,” the mystery biker leader spoke, leaning forwards to flatten his palms across the table. “You’re very lucky that we’re done here, little girl…”

  With that, he lifted a nearby gavel, giving a quick slam to the table.

  “Boys, go get your dicks wet, yeah? Plenty of pussy in the building, after all…”

  He turned to another older biker, seated at the table with them. I instantly recognized the President of the Devil’s Dragons, Eduardo. Practically my father’s nemesis, his lips curled into a grin as he turned to face me.

  I counted myself lucky that Eduardo thought himself well above the local law enforcement. If he’d had any idea who I really was, I’d be in the shit right about now…

  “Agreed,” he growled. “Dragons, dismissed.”

  Regardless of emblem, the bikers hooted and hollered before moving out the room in cacophony. The hostess gave me one last little sour look before disappearing off with the pack, and the Presidents paused to glance at me for a moment.

  Eduardo glanced down at me as he passed by, and then turned to Hunter. “Keep your little bitch out of here, boy.”

  With that, he was gone.

  The other club president, the one with the mystery patch, stifled a chuckle as he passed by as well. “Nice legs on this one, boy. Better for wrapping around your head, eh?”

  With a surprised and indignant expression, I turned to face Hunter. He shifted in his seat, his stoic expression quickly replaced with veiled venom.

  “No need to bristle, boy,” the President laughed. “I’m telling you, though… I can see trouble a mile away. This girl here? She’s trouble. Don’t let her interrupt us again, you understand?”

  “Crystal clear,” Hunter growled.

  I squared my jaw as the President gazed in my eyes for a moment, a slick smile crossing his lips.

  Before I could muster up the courage to say anything, he was out the door, whistling his way towards the front of the strip club – eager to whet his appetite with whichever girl valued his wallet enough to meet his needs.

  “You shouldn’t be here,” Hunter repeated furiously, rising from his chair and crossing the room. He snatched me by the wrist and dragged me nearby to a small champagne room.

  “You can’t just rush into a club meeting like that! This shit is serious! Do you have any idea what these guys do to girls like you?”

  The anger was palpable on his tongue, and I shrunk inside. I’d been stupid and selfish, impulsive, and he had every right to be angry…

  What was I thinking?

  Hunter could see that his words had sunk in, and he pulled me into a deep embrace. “I’m sorry, Sarah… I’m happy to see you here. Thanks for coming, Princess”

  I nodded softly against his chest. The familiar, subtle scent of his natural body musk, mixed with the worn leather, filled my lungs. I loved the smell of him, but this new layer – the biker leathers – invaded the happy memories.

  It was a sign of how things had changed.

  “You joined the club,” I noted sadly, pressing my face deeper into his chest.

  “You know I had to,” Hunter replied softly, his fingers stroking my hair. “I gave them my word, and I abide by that.”

  “There could have been another way – something else you could have done,” I started rambling. “There must have been something, anything–”

  “It was my choice,” he reiterated firmly.

  “I… but why?”

  “My sister,” he said. “The Devil’s Dragons found her, just like they promised. They saved her before she disappeared into the sex trafficking circles down south. She’d be some rich asshole’s plaything if it wasn’t for the Dragons. I have to pay my dues…”

  “There’s got to be another way,” I pleaded. “My dad has some money… I could steal his checkbook.”

  Hunter lifted my chin with a finger. “You’re not going to do anything sweetheart… It’s not as bad as you think Sarah. Sure, they do some rough stuff, but you know that I can handle myself. They wouldn’t have accepted me if they didn’t believe I could.”

  “I believe you,” I responded quietly… But that was a lie.

  The Devil’s Dragons had a reputation:

  Living fast.

  Riding hard.

  Leaving plenty of crime in their wake.

  It was a wonder how the police hadn’t torn the club apart. Maybe they were just too powerful, or maybe they were just goddamned lucky. My father had always had a bone to pick with the Dragons, and as Sheriff of these parts, it was only a matter of time before he had the enough evidence stacked up to put an end to their freedom.

  I didn’t want Hunter caught in the crosshairs when that trigger was finally pulled.

  “Listen, Sarah,” Hunter began, his chest heavy with a deep sigh. “You know we can’t keep this up forever.”

  Wait, what?

  “Hunter…” I tentatively began.

  “No, you need to listen to me,” he replied, facing me down sadly but firmly. “This life – I don’t want you dragged into it. The last thing you need is to get swept up into this world. I chose this, but you don’t have to… you’ve got a bright future ahead of you. I can’t let you throw that away.”

  “Hunter, that’s my choice,” I insisted.

  “You say that now… but you’ll regret it.”

  I shook my head defiantly.

  “No, Sarah, I know you,” he continued. “I’ve known you for years. If you follow me down this road, you’re not going to like where it goes. Maybe not for a few months, or a few years… but eventually, you’re going to see where you went wrong, and you’re going to blame it on this decision. I’m just saving you the pain.”

  I bit back the tears.

  “No, Hunter, you don’t get it: I don’t have a choice. What
ever comes, whatever happens, it’s going to be you. It was always going to be you. Wherever you go, whatever you do… I always want to be by your side. No matter what.”

  Hunter swallowed. I could see how his jaw set, how his iron defense was beginning to rust. He didn’t want to do this, and that only encouraged me further.


  “No, you listen to me. You need me. Do you know why? Do you understand why?”

  He shook his head softly.

  “Because you’re a great, big block of ice.”

  He smiled, shaking his head again. “A block of ice, huh? What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

  I grinned back. “You have this icy wall around you, Hunter, keeping everything out – everything but me. But if you throw me away then you won’t have anything to warm you. Like a shifting glacier, you’re going to carve your way through the world… but what happens if you drift the wrong way?”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “You need me to keep you on the straight and narrow,” I told him. “You need someone like me who understands you – someone you can depend on to keep you on track.”

  “You’re not very good at metaphors,” he grinned. “You think I’ll stiffen up and descend into the world of drugs and whores, huh?”

  “It’s inevitable,” I answered. “Surrounded by that, without any good little angels on your shoulder to keep you safe…”

  “And is that what you are?” He asked wistfully, gazing upon me with reflective, thoughtful eyes. “My good little angel?”

  “Something like that, yeah.”

  “You know what I think?” he said, taking a step toward me menacingly. I backed away until I felt my shoulder blades pressing against the wall. “I think you’re the addict…”

  “I don’t do drugs,” I whispered back.

  “I’m not talking about drugs,” he said, moving in closer. “You’re addicted to the things I do to you, princess… You’re willing to throw everything away to get another ride on my dick.”

  Hunter shook his head. “If you’re my angel… I’m your devil. I can’t let you join me in this life. This world isn’t for you, Sarah. I have to do this alone.”

  “Do you really believe that?” I asked, my fingers lighting across his shoulder. I could feel his warmth, even through the black leather. Hunter always put off a lot of heat.

  “The longer we speak, the less I do,” he admitted. “But I can’t let you make that kind of decision.”

  “I’m eighteen, and that means I’m old enough to make my own damn choices,” I replied, staring up into his eyes with whatever hellfire I could muster.

  “The last thing you need is a bad boy,” he murmured, his fingers under my chin again. I could see the inhuman restraint in his eyes; he was wrapping his soul in chains to keep himself from separating the layers from between us.

  “You’re wrong, Hunter” I told him, a little kinder. My eyes were still firmly locked onto his, underlining the point as strongly as I could. His restraint visibly and completely collapsed with my next six words.

  “I’ll always need a bad boy…”


  There was no gentleness in what we did then – only furious, crippling need. We were doused in kerosene, and the burning embers in our hearts were ready to set us ablaze.

  And ignite we did.

  Our clothes were an afterthought, a barrier, a feeble obstacle to our needs. His rough hands shredded, tearing fabric and spraying buttons across the floor. My needful hands stripped him of his leathers, casting the tough material to the carpet beneath us.

  Without the leather covering his chest, he was my Hunter once more – strong, defiant, and as loving as ever.

  The center of the private room was a rounded sofa that receded into the floor. Hunter pushed me down to this surface and followed with the full intensity of his lust.

  His lips found my neck – aching, tasting me, pressed against my throat with the kind of desperation only our love could muster. Hunter’s presence was equal parts hunger and compassion. He was willing to bend me, willing to bruise me, but never willing to break me.

  Rough hands clasped over my shoulders, pushing me down further. I was forced from the couch and down onto my knees as Hunter spread his ankles across the floor, still wearing his jeans and the biker boots.

  “You know what I want,” he murmured, his fingers intertwining into my hair. “Don’t keep me waiting…”

  The lust lacing his voice only pushed me onward, and I eagerly met his request. Stripped down to just my bra and panties I got comfortable on my knees, unzipping his pants and tugging the black denim down his hips.

  That familiar cock sprung to life in an instance, bouncing into view.

  Already, I could see a twinkle of precum, beaded at the tip of his scepter. My mouth watered, savoring the gift as I descended, licking it gently from the slit before engulfing his thick rod with my warm mouth.

  “Oh fuck, Sarah…” Hunter murmured with groaned passion, his fingers threading deeper into my hair. “You don’t know how bad I needed this…”

  It had been awhile since the last time I’d been able to meet up with Hunter like this. Half the police force had it out for the guy who was “corrupting” the Sheriff’s daughter, and I’d been practically on house arrest for months now…

  None of that mattered… We were together now.

  Hunter’s patience began to wear thin. I always loved teasing him, dragging my tongue slowly, gradually up his rod, flicking the sensitive glans to spur him towards the edge, but never far enough to seal the deal…

  He took over, his palms guiding me down his cock harder, faster, the fingers catching in my hair and pulling me back up with each stroke. His hips began thrusting to meet my lips, driving the force of his passion deeper into my mouth, closer towards my throat…

  I pulled myself free, stifling a gag. A trail of saliva connected my lips to the pool that dripped down his thick, huge cock. I wiped my lips with the back of my wrist, my eyes slightly teary from the force of his love, and I coughed.

  “Too deep?” He chuckled.

  “I told you I can’t handle that,” I smiled faintly. “You’ve gotta let me go my own speed, Hunter…”

  “Something comes over me when you’ve got those pretty lips wrapped around my thick cock,” Hunter grinned back, giving a slight wave to his massive erection. It stood at full mast, coated in my fluids, although I expected to add to them soon enough…

  But not immediately, given how Hunter pulled me from my knees, and drew me into a heavy, fulfilling kiss.

  Before I knew what was happening, he unclipped my bra and set my breasts free. Instinctively, I lifted my wrists to cover them, but he quickly put a stop to that, lifting my arms above my head with one sturdy hand. We dropped onto the couch, falling into the soft comfortable velvet…

  I could see his pants still around his knees, and I tried to fight his grip to pull them free, but he wasn’t having any of that yet.

  Hunter’s lips descended upon a perky nipple, flicking the delicate nub with his tongue. I felt little bursts of pleasure with his touch as he suckled the nip, taking it between his teeth and tugging – somewhere between a playful pull and a sting, in just the sweet spot I loved.

  My whole body shook with desire. His teeth grew bolder as he gave into his lust, leaving bites along my chest, up to my neck, marking my skin with evidence of his hunger.

  “Not too hard, Hunter… I can’t let Dad see…”

  “Fuck that,” he murmured lustfully, tossing me down to the couch and kicking his boots and jeans free. He descended down upon me again, going straight for my neck, clamping his teeth into the soft flesh and sucking my skin with indomitable lust.

  “Oh god…” I murmured, my hands moving to push him away, only to cradle his head against my throat instead. “God, Hunter…”

  He repositioned his lips downward, sucking against my collarbone. I let him continue, peppering a trail of love bites and
hickeys across my skin, caring less and less how visible they were.

  I felt his thumbs hook between my drenched panties and my sensitive skin. As his trail of biting kisses pressed further down my body, he roughly drew them down my thighs and over my kneecaps.

  “No, don’t rip them,” I murmured as I noticed him tugging them harder. I arched my legs up to help him free me from my last layer of clothing. “I like these…”

  “If you say so,” he said softly, slipping them off of my ankles and casting them aside.

  We were completely bare, and I reached down to his shoulders to guide him. My hungry, quivering pussy was slick with need – I needed him inside, and I needed him inside now.

  Instead of following my lead, he merely pushed me back further into the circular sofa, burying a finger between my thighs.

  “Oh god,” I moaned again, one hand gripping the sofa firmly while the other clasped its fingernails into the shoulder of that arm. “Hunter… I’m ready for you…”

  “Oh, I know,” he retorted smugly, his grin widening as he watched me squirm. “But there’s no need to go straight for that, now, is there? Plenty of time to wind you up…”

  I had always loved how thick his fingers were, and how easily they contoured to my inner folds. My hips bucked lightly against his wrist, and he met my barely restrained lust by pushing a second finger inside, coiling them around to push against my inner bundle of nerves.

  I could already feel myself drenched with desire. He was trying to be tantalizingly slow, but I sense how furiously turned on he was… and I knew that two could play at this game.

  My fingers grasped at the tip of his erect cock, stroking what I could reach. He hadn’t been prepared for this counterattack, and I could feel him tense up, groaning with need.

  That’s right, Hunter.

  Don’t fight it.

  Just fuck me.

  He pulled back, burying his face between my thighs. I gasped with surprise and buried my fingers deep into his brunet hair, bucking my hips upward to ride his tongue.

  So effortlessly, he stroked my clit with the tip, toying with it, sucking it into his mouth. Hunter shouldered my thighs, his arms binding them into place around either ear. His fingernails dug into my skin, eliciting further moans from me as I rode the intensity of his face between my thighs.


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