SEALs of Honor: Mason's Wish

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SEALs of Honor: Mason's Wish Page 5

by Dale Mayer

  “And he never considered that you’d recognize it or that you’d understand what you saw?” Shadow frowned.

  “Or that she’d escape,” Dane reminded them. “If he was cocky as it seems he is, he’d assume she was never going to get a chance to tell anyone about it anyway.”

  “Not get a chance to tell anyone what?” Mason growled behind them. “No sign of anyone. They are widening the sweep but are assuming that he’s slipped their net.”

  “Agreed,” Tesla said. “So now what?”


  Mason had no answer. He wanted to find this guy in the worst way. Until he was caught there was no way he was leaving Tesla alone. “We need to tear Michelson’s life apart. There’s going to be a trail leading to Grant somewhere.”

  He studied the image Dane held up for him. “Very nondescript.”

  “Except for scars on his neck and fingers. I might be able to do a rough sketch of the basic watch,” Tesla mused, explaining what she’d seen to Mason. “If we could track that down…”

  “How long would it take?” Shadow asked. “I didn’t know you were an artist.”

  She snorted. “I’m not but that was very techno gadgety looking.” She searched the front of the truck for paper. “Can we go home? I seem to remember an image I’d saved from the Internet. If I could get a starting design, I could possibly add to it from what I saw.”

  “And the company that made the one you’re thinking about – would it have the prototype?”

  “It’s possible,” she said, smothering a yawn. “But like my phone, my battery is wearing down and needs to be recharged. I’ll nap as we drive then find the image I saved when we get home.”

  “Is it that easy?” Dane joked. “I see all kinds of stuff on the Internet but finding the same thing twice – not so much.”

  “It’s saved in my notes for later reference.” As the men brightened, she added, “But my memory could be deceiving me. It might not look like I remember.” She yawned again. “Sorry, my energy is seriously depleted. I need to close my eyes and rest in the worst way.”

  “Let’s get you home and then we’ll know,” Mason said.

  As the men separated to their vehicles, Mason hopped into the driver’s seat of Dane’s truck and Dane climbed into the back. He was fussing on his laptop.

  Mason glanced over at Tesla to see her already leaning against the passenger door and nodding off.

  Good. She needed the rest. And driving carefully, he took her home to where she belonged.

  Chapter 10

  She woke up in her bed. With a happy smile she rolled over to find the place beside her empty with the afternoon sun breaking overhead. She’d slept for at least an hour. Maybe longer. It was enough. She felt wonderful. She sat up and realized she was nude and covered with a light blanket. Mason taking care of her again. Well she’d return the favor another day.

  A quick shower was first. After that she dressed and walked downstairs. The kitchen was full with Mason and their friends, but she detoured to her computer setup. She’d forgotten for a moment that her laptop was missing. She’d have to ask Mason to check if it had shown up. An irritant but not major. She had two spares. She pulled one out of the cupboard and connected it. Once it had booted up she went to her offsite storage and studied the image of the watch she’d kept.

  It was close. It was blue not black. The rim around the edge thicker than the one she’d seen. She printed it off, grabbed up a sharp pencil and went to work. It took ten minutes for her to dredge the information from her memory. When done, she stood up, and smelling the fresh coffee she carried the image out to the men.

  “It’s the best I can do,” she announced, handing it to Mason before walking to the coffee pot.

  She turned, a full cup in her hand, and leaned her hip against the counter as the men studied the image. “It’s not much help is it?”

  “Do you know the company that sold your original watch?”

  “Goldsmith. A huge jewelry company.”

  “So they were retailing it for someone then?”

  She nodded. “The producer is listed as Merrymore, a maker of fine watches for men.”

  Dane had his phone out in his hand. “I’ll track them down.” He got up and walked into the other room.

  She took a sip of coffee. “I was thinking of GMB. They are an IT company that was bought out by Bernstein Inc. which already does IT prototypes, but they also own a lot of subsidiary companies.” She shrugged. “Maybe check them out.”

  “We’ll do that,” Mason said.

  Shadow studied the image in front of him and then said, “I think I have seen something like this.”

  “Where?” Tesla asked.

  Shadow shook his head. “I’m not sure.”

  Mason reached over and lifted the image out of his hand and took another look. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything like this.”

  “It’s pretty advanced,” Tesla said. “But there have been prototypes around for decades.”

  She looked over at Mason. “Do you think it’s safe to sleep here tonight?”

  “No, it’s not,” Shadow said, not giving Mason a chance to speak. “He knows who you are and where you live.” Shadow lifted the image from the table adding, “If this deal was worth a lot of money he’s coming after you.”

  “I think he’s more concerned about avoiding a murder charge,” Tesla said. “He did not sound impressed at the idea at all.”

  Dane came running into the room. “I think I got it.”

  Everyone crowded around him as soon as he was seated. “Bergman had a contest a few years back where they offered a large prize to anybody who could design the next hi-tech watch.” He pointed to a letter. The contest was called, Take it to the next level.

  “I remember that,” Mason said. “There was a lot of media hype about it. Some of the designs were beautiful.”

  “So what are you thinking? That Grant was one of the designers who submitted a design?” Tesla asked. “Or that he might be part of the company that bought one of the designs, in which case how does that help us?”

  “It helps if you can find out what happened to the top entries. Who the designers were, what company bought the winning design because they’ve obviously developed it further?”

  “Then that’s where we will start,” Mason said. “I’d love to have this guy slammed into jail before nightfall.”

  After that the men sat down at the kitchen table, each with laptops, and worked on research. Tesla returned to her office to start digging through her work to see just what Michelson had done.

  With her door open she could hear the men muttering behind her. She stared out through the office window, her mind consumed with all that she’d been through. She was still tired. She was still worried. But she was so damn glad to be home.

  She also wanted this over with. She quickly lost herself in her work and never roused until Mason laid a hand on her shoulder startling her. She bolted out of her chair and spun around, a small cry escaping.

  “Easy Tesla, it’s just me.”

  Her hand at her chest, she let out a gust of breath and just stared at Mason, wordlessly in shock.

  He opened his arms.

  She ran into them. When his arms closed tightly around her she snuggled in close. Tears burned the back of her eyelids as she tried to hold them back.

  “Easy sweetheart,” he murmured against her temple. “It’s going to be fine.”

  The warm breath from his voice drifted down on her face bathing her with soothing comfort. “I know it will be,” she whispered. “I just wish this was over.”


  He gently rubbed her back and said, “It will be soon.”

  She pulled back to look him in the face, and asked, “Will it though?” She shook her head. “What if he left the country?”

  “If he did, then chances are good he won’t return for a long time,” Mason said. “And though I like that idea, I would much prefer to have him behind bars so
he can’t come after you later.”

  “It’s the uncertainty that’s hard,” she muttered. “Waiting for something to happen.”

  “Well at least I have my truck back now so we’re mobile again.” He dropped a kiss on her forehead. “We’ll get to the bottom of this, don’t you worry.” He started to walk back to the kitchen then stopped and turned. “The guys are getting hungry. Are you?”

  She laughed. “Nice to know everything is normal there,” she said. “And yes I am, I haven’t eaten all day.”

  “We’ll fix that,” he said. As he walked through the doorway he tossed back, “I’ll let you know when it’s ready.”

  He walked back into the kitchen. “Any luck?”

  “Yeah, maybe,” Dane said. “The second runner up was an eighteen-year-old kid.” He swiveled the laptop so everyone could see him. “He has an older brother with a rap sheet.”

  “Stealing military secrets is big time. And what does this have to do with the contest?”

  “The thing is,” Dane said, “the kid is no longer a kid and is now working for one of the biggest IT companies in the world.”

  “So how does the older brother fit in?” Mason asked. “Is he using his kid brother’s job to make bigger and better scores?”

  “The older brother did time for fraud, identity theft and small time petty crook stuff.” Dane studied the notes. “The last time he popped up on the radar was seven years ago. He’s been quiet and clean ever since, or managing to stay under the radar while developing better skills. The contest was…let me see…four years ago.”

  “Would he have the brains to have moved into big time crime?”

  “I would think so given the right opportunity. If he’d guided his brother’s career he’d be able to take advantage for both their sakes.”

  Shadow studied the young man’s face on the screen. “The kid might be involved or he may not have wanted to follow his brother’s life of crime but may not have had a choice.” He turned away. “The older brother could also be doing this without the other brother’s knowledge. Do we have an image of the older brother?”

  “There’s one,” Shadow said. “It’s from seven years ago.”

  Mason studied it but it meant nothing to him. He turned and called back to Tesla, “Honey, can you come here for a second, please?”

  Tesla got up from her desk and walked toward them. “What did you find?”

  “Could this be Grant?” Shadow asked. “How old would you say the man who attacked you was?”

  She stared at the image. “Early to mid-thirties.” She raised her gaze to look at Shadow. “But I can’t be sure.”

  “Understood,” Mason said. “Take another look, maybe there was some kind of identifying mark.”

  “Body type similar, not sure of his height. He has the right general look, but I never did get a good look at his face. His arm had the watch and…” She closed her eyes as if to put herself back into the scenario. “Like I said, his fingers were scarred. Not badly, but they held crisscrossed white lines as if from a machinery accident of some sort. And there were scars where his shirt ended at the neck.”

  “Interesting.” Mason pulled up police records and started searching. Tesla stood at his side, waiting and watching.

  “Could it have been scars from burns?” Mason asked, tapping his monitor. “Apparently both parents were killed in a fire when the boys were young. The kid brother was a baby and unharmed. The older brother, ten years older, was burned on a good portion of his body.”

  “It’s possible,” she said. “I didn’t get a good look at him.”

  “Kid brother is Mark and is currently living in San Diego.”

  Tesla looked at him. “That’s pretty close,” she said in surprise.

  “Older brother Greg lives…in San Diego as well.” Mason picked up his phone. “I’ll call it in.”

  Chapter 11

  There was a palpable excitement in the air as everyone realized they may actually have a viable line of inquiry to pursue.

  Tesla had to agree. That sense of movement, the actual feeling of getting somewhere even if it was a false lead, was huge right now. It built up confidence and gave a positive outlook to everything. When the doorbell rang she didn’t hesitate. She opened the door to see the delivery man carrying a large order of takeout food from the closest Chinese restaurant. It was one of her favorites. “Yum,” she said. Mason hadn’t said what he’d ordered, but knowing it was her favorite made her love him all that much more.

  The delivery guy put two carry-out bags on the floor in the hallway and asked, “Is it possible to get cash? Our machines are down.”

  “Sure,” she said. “Let me just take the bags in and see what I’ve got.” She turned to grab her purse and was grabbed from behind. She fought a hand over her mouth until she felt a sharp prick on her neck.

  She stared at him in surprise then saw the needle in the man’s scarred hands as she collapsed to her knees and fell forward onto her side. She could barely move. He leaned down and grabbed her arms to lift her. Mason called from the kitchen, “Tesla?”

  When she didn’t answer, there was a flurry of chairs being thrown back and men running toward her. She was carried down the stairs as the men thundered in her direction. The deliveryman dropped her on the cement and ran.

  “Tesla?” Mason raced to her side. “Honey, are you okay?”

  She tried to speak. No words came out. Mason’s fingers went to the sore spot on her neck and started cussing. “Shadow, grab my keys. I’m taking her to the hospital, she’s been drugged.”

  She groaned, silently wishing she could talk. The damn sneak had given her a shot of something nasty.

  The men had scattered. But she’d heard the squealing tires of the delivery car pulling away so she knew he’d escaped – again.

  “Tesla, was that the same man?”

  She stared up at Mason helplessly. But in her mind she tried to fit the low ball cap and sunglasses on Grant’s face. The same general build yes, but she’d seen what she was supposed to see – a delivery person – nothing else. And of course she’d seen his scarred fingers – too late to help. Tears collected in her eyes yet again as she tried to get Mason the answer he requested.

  “It’s okay. We’re getting you help. Hold on.” Within minutes she was being carried through to the emergency room in the hospital.

  She really hated hospitals. She was checked over and blood work was done to determine what she’d been given. It was something paralyzing obviously, but as no other symptoms other than fatigue had showed up, she assumed it wasn’t lethal.

  So Grant still wanted her alive.


  Maybe he wasn’t the buyer after all. Maybe he was the middle man and had used Michelson to get to her and her program. But now with Michelson gone and the program not working, he needed her. Or he was in trouble if he didn’t deliver a working program – or her. Too bad for him …she wouldn’t be able to help anyone.


  Shadow tiptoed into the hospital room, his gaze on the bed. “Mason, how is she?”

  “She’ll be fine,” Mason said with a smile, glad to be able to say that. “The doctors have admitted her until the effects of the drug wears off. She’s sleeping which helps.” Mason studied Shadow. “What did you find out?”

  “The regular Chinese food delivery guy was found behind your house.” At Mason’s hardened gaze, he added, “He’s okay. Got a headache only.” Shadow leaned against the wall. “Unfortunately he couldn’t tell us anything as he was hit from behind as he got out of the vehicle and came to trussed up like a Thanksgiving turkey.”

  “Somehow he knew we ordered the meal. How?”

  “We discussed it outside your house. We were talking about it when we got out of the vehicles and walked up to the front door so if this person was actually there he could’ve heard us talking,” Shadow said. “Or it could have been as simple as him watching the house and taking advantage of the opportunity when it present
ed itself.”

  “It also means he’s going to keep trying until he gets her,” Mason said in a hard voice. “But he must be desperate to try so soon. And it was not well thought out.”

  “Maybe it’s because of something Michelson said. Or Farrow had done. Or maybe even because the police are now investigating and we gave them his and his brother’s name. Maybe they called and tipped him off.”

  “That’s possible.” Mason pondered that information. “It’s hard to say anything at this point for sure.”

  “Then this attack is a good thing. He’s feeling the heat. We need to step up the investigation into the two brothers. Get confirmation they are the ones involved.”

  Just then the hospital door pushed open and Hawk entered. His gaze went straight to the bed where Tesla slept. “How is she?”

  Mason answered the same as he had when Shadow asked. “She’s fine. The doctors don’t think there will be any lingering issues, but they need her to sleep it off to be sure.”

  “Do you have new information?” Shadow asked.

  Hawk nodded. “Maybe.” He walked over and grabbed the spare chair on the far side of the bed and brought it close to Mason. Plunking it down, he took a seat. “The police have interviewed the younger brother.”

  Shadow immediately asked, “When?”

  “I only just heard about it but they were there approximately two hours ago.”

  “It would be tight but the timing could still work.” Shadow turned to look at Hawk. “We were wondering if he tipped off the older brother, forcing him into this next attack.”

  “That would fit the timeline.” Hawk stood up and walked over to the door. “I’ll make a couple of calls and see what I can find out.”

  “Wait, what did the police find out?” Mason called after him.

  Hawk turned. “The big brother turned to a life of crime at an early age. He got caught several times but has since straightened out – supposedly. The younger brother appears to have chosen the straight path. The design contest landed him his current job, even though it wasn’t the winning entry. His brother works for the same company, but in a different department – foreign sales. The identity fraud charges were bogus the kid says, and yes because his brother said he was innocent. There’s still some idolization there but not much at this point. Mark is in his early twenties and still on fire for the world.”


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