Theirs to Tame: A Sci-Fi Alien Dark Romance: Tharan Warrior Menage Book 2

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Theirs to Tame: A Sci-Fi Alien Dark Romance: Tharan Warrior Menage Book 2 Page 13

by Kallista Dane

  Tharan Warrior Menage Book Two

  By Kallista Dane

  Chapter One


  Mmmm. A thick hard cock sliding back and forth over the lips of her pussy. Another, hot and insistent, nudging its way between the cheeks of her ass. A bolt of lust hit her like a lightning strike when she heard the distant rumble of thunder, followed by the steady drumming of rain on the roof. Life on Tharon couldn’t be more perfect.

  Thunderstorms always made her horny. Not being out in them. Hearing thunderstorms when she was snug in her bed. That – and waking up between two dominating warriors. Cass opened her eyes to Rhom’s wicked grin.

  “It’s about time you woke up, little human. I’ve been teasing your slit for hours. Getting it nice and wet for me.”

  She gave him a sleepy smile. “You wore me out last night.”

  Behind her, a deep voice growled in her ear. “He may have worn you out, but I haven’t even started yet.” Rhynn swept her hair aside and nipped her neck, sending a delicious shiver through her. At the same time, he rocked his hips against her bottom, spreading the seductive gyron from the tip of his cock even lower along the cleft separating her rear cheeks.

  “Ooo… uuuhh!” She shoved her bottom back. Her squeal became a hungry moan.

  “By the Sacred Ones, I love it when I hear you make that noise.” He sank his teeth into her neck again, right below her ear, and grabbed her bottom cheeks in both hands, spreading them apart.

  In front of her, Rhom frowned. He made a deep rumbling sound, seized both her wrists in one of his huge hands, and pulled her over his body, facedown.

  “All right, Rhynn. Unlike you, those of us who are true Tharan warriors pride ourselves on being fair and just. I think you cheated by biting her, but you were the first to make her moan. She’s yours this morning.”

  Rhom pulled her closer and captured her lips in a fierce kiss before shifting her body so her face was over his groin. “Get on your knees, little Mate, and stick that sweet bottom up in the air. I’m going to hold you right here and let you breathe in my gyron while my twin fucks your ass and makes you scream with pleasure. Then you can suck me until I shoot my cum down your throat.”

  “May I suck you while he’s fucking me?”

  Behind her, Rhynn gave her bottom a stern swat as Rhom answered. “Oh, no. Haven’t you learned yet that you are not in charge? We are your Masters. My brother and I love hearing the dirty things you say when we get you really hot. If my shaft is filling your mouth, you can’t beg and plead for us to do all those wicked things you secretly crave.” He tossed an arm over her back to pin her in place as Rhynn delivered more firm whacks. “Besides, I want your complete attention when you’re sucking me.”

  They acted as one, Rhynn smacking her bottom while Rhom lectured her in the stern tone that sent delicious shivers through her belly. Their ability to communicate with each other without words made them a formidable team, both in bed and on the battlefield.

  Cass hissed at the fiery sting of Rhynn’s hard palm, but she knew the pain and the burn would swirl into a savage heat as their gyron poured through her body. Tharan males gave off the potent hormone, unique in the galaxy. The seductive fragrance wafted around them, becoming even more intense when they were aroused. It acted as a powerful aphrodisiac on Tharon females, and on human females as well.

  At least on this human female. She breathed in and closed her eyes, allowing the wild rush to flow through her to her core, fusing with the fire in her bottom until she cried out, desperate with need. Rhom’s grip tightened around her waist. She shuddered, feeling the powerful muscles of his chest and abdomen ripple against her stomach, trapping her in place. Asserting his mastery over her body.

  Rhynn stopped spanking and rimmed her bottom hole with an oiled finger.

  Cass gasped as he breached the tight sphincter. His finger slid deeper. She couldn’t move. Couldn’t get away. The flicker of fear over her helplessness added fuel to the inferno building inside her. He dipped his thumb into her dripping slit then ran it over her clit. Her pussy spasmed. He made a rough noise and worked a second finger into her ass, pumping both of them in and out.

  The savage thrill of their dominance worked its magic. She craved more. Ached to have him fill her completely. When she thrust her bottom back, he slid his fingers all the way out. She moaned, suddenly empty, then felt the head of his cock probing her tight entrance.

  “Open for me, little human. I’m going to take your ass now and you’re going to love it. As you always do.”

  His voice was deep and smooth. Seductive. Cass moaned again. He grabbed her hips, pulling her back against him, and slowly penetrated her.

  His cock was so fucking hot. So much hotter than his fingers. A drop of pre-cum from the head rubbed against the sensitive nerve endings inside her. She screamed as the gryon sizzled through her rear passage, turning the heat into a fever only he could cure.

  “Yes. Please, yes. I want your cock. Give it to me.”

  Rhynn started pumping, built up a rhythm that had her panting and rocking back against him. Her head was down, nestled between Rhom’s legs. Every breath drew more of his gyron into her lungs. It spread through her body, melded with the hormones pouring off his twin’s cock deep in her ass.

  There was no slow buildup. “Oh, yeah. Fuck my ass!” she screamed. Rhynn groaned and thrust hard. The orgasm tore through her body as she felt his hot cum spurting into her.

  Rhom grabbed her head. He brought it to his cock, already stiff, with purple-blue veins pulsing under the skin. She followed one with her tongue, starting at the base and licking all the way up. His body quivered as she circled the ridge just below the head. Starved for the taste of him, she opened her mouth and took him in.

  He muttered an oath and fisted his hands in her hair, holding her head in place. Cass ran her tongue over the slit at the tip, coaxing out a drop of pre-cum.

  It had the same shocking effect it always did. His gyron danced on her tongue, left her craving more. She sucked on the head. Ran her tongue around it then gasped for breath when he rammed his cock down her throat.

  Rhom fucked her mouth as though he hadn’t climaxed in weeks. As though he hadn’t claimed her pussy last night until both of them collapsed in ecstasy. She took him in willingly, reveling in his need for her. He threw his head back and roared as he exploded, filling her mouth with his seed.

  She swallowed, trembling uncontrollably as another orgasm rocked her body.

  She’d been stunned the first time it happened, months ago. The first time she came just from tasting their cum.

  She was still their prisoner back then, chained to the bed in her cell. Rhynn came to her one night. Alone in the dark. Naked, with a look of desperation on his face. He never said a word. Simply dragged her over his lap and spanked her bare bottom hard. When she writhed against him, she felt his erection, thick and hot, grinding into her mound. She struggled to get away, but he pushed her to her knees in front of him. He twisted her hair around his hands, holding her head, with his huge cock jutting out in front of her face. The spanking hurt, but, at the same time, it awakened a dark and dangerous hunger inside her. She hadn’t been able to resist swirling her tongue over her lips and then leaning forward to lick the tip.

  He made a raw noise, ripped from deep in his soul, and shoved his cock in her mouth. His fingers in her hair clenched into fists as he pumped in and out. When he shot cum down her throat, she climaxed instantly. Clit pulsing, pussy spasming, as though he’d been making love to her for hours, instead of forcing her to service him.

  It was their pheromones. What they called gyron. At first, she damned the quirk of nature that made her react to the twins like a bitch in heat. Now, she accepted it. Welcomed her body’s response.

  The gyron poured off their skin, permeated their sweat and their sperm. She’d thought she was going mad when she was first exposed to it the day the twins found her. Lost in the Tharan swamp, she’d stripped her flight
suit almost all the way off as she’d frantically tried to scrub away horrible stinging slugs crawling on her. She’d looked up to find a pair of gorgeous seven foot tall aliens ogling her nearly naked body.

  Thinking she was aligned with enemies who attacked their home, the twins hauled her back there to question her. Rhynn had tossed her over his shoulder, head down, with her flight suit still bunched around her knees. She’d been draped over his muscular back as he ran full-on through the swamp. Skin against skin. His with a fine sheen of sweat rubbing into her pores as she bounced against him.

  She’d escaped from space pirates, only to be taken captive by twin Tharan warriors. Cass should have been terrified. Instead, she’d found herself fantasizing. Wondering if their alien cocks were as large as the rest of their bodies.

  His seductive male scent had been her first clue. That – and a strange desire to lick the beads of sweat running down his spine.

  She’d finally figured out what was happening to her when she’d flashed back to a lecture she’d attended at the Academy. The professor had presented ground-breaking research on a new way to conquer enemies. According to him, certain scents could awaken the primitive center of the brain, causing sexual arousal, sensations of extreme pleasure, erections in males, and even orgasm in females. The aliens’ potent male pheromones made her want to fuck them instead of fight them. She wasn’t going mad after all.

  Knowing why it was happening may have relieved her mind, but it didn’t lessen the frantic hunger she’d begun to feel. Since she couldn’t overcome a biological process so strong it had survived for a million years in the human brain, she’d decided to quit fighting it.

  She’d taken advantage of his pounding gait. Let her lips brush against the sheen of pheromone-laden sweat glistening on his skin with every bounce. Inhaling deeply, she’d felt a rush as they poured through her body. Ever since, she’d been under their spell.

  They’d asked her to Mate with them. Take both of them inside her at once. Their cocks were so huge, she’d been nervous at first. But Rhynn and Rhom were skilled in the art of seduction. They teased and tormented her, building her desire until she was begging them to take her together. Hard and deep.

  Sometimes, she’d catch sight of her reflection in the wall of glass along the side of the bed. On her hands and knees on the mattress, straddling one twin while the other knelt behind her. One cock buried in her pussy as the other slowly entered her ass. She’d watch herself rocking her hips back to take him in farther.

  It still surprised her. How they could turn her into a shameless slut.

  It was another gift they had. Or maybe, unlike the biological quirk of their intoxicating gyron, this one was a skill. She’d sense them in her head. Sometimes their actual voices. Sometimes only their feelings pouring over her.

  At first all she’d felt was raw lust. Dark and intense. Sending her to a place she’d never been, where the need became frantic hunger and every climax ripped her soul from her body and sent it flying. Then, as she grew to trust them and allowed herself to open fully, she was able to sense not only their savage craving for her, but their tenderness. She felt the depth of their caring. Knew when they denied their own pleasure for the joy they took in prolonging hers to the fullest.

  She Bonded with them. Both of them. And fell hopelessly in love.


  Deep shudders racked her body, the aftermath of her powerful climax. He cradled her head against his stomach. Stroking her hair, murmuring endearments.

  Next to him, Rhynn caressed her as well. Running his hands over her back. Bringing her down gently. She sighed and snuggled between them. A powerful urge to protect her welled up inside.

  He lifted his head and met his brother’s eyes. Saw the same aching tenderness there. Like all male creatures on Tharon, they’d been born identical twins. Other twins on other worlds might sometimes share thoughts, even feelings. On their planet, the link went deeper. What Rhynn heard, saw, even tasted, Rhom did as well. Rhynn’s joy was his joy. Rhynn’s pain, his pain. Sharing not only the same genetic makeup, but what his people called their essence. There could be only one woman for them because, when one gave his heart, the heart of his twin opened as well.

  They shared Cass. With no jealousy, no argument. Each receiving pleasure when she pleasured the other. How could they not? Knowing the wild thrill of claiming her tight, hot ass then feeling her tongue swirl around the head of a throbbing cock as she sucked. But, with her, the feelings ran deeper than raw lust.

  It still amazed him that this alien being from halfway across the galaxy had been able to reach into his soul and tear down the walls he’d put up around his heart.

  She tore down the walls around both our hearts, Brother. I don’t even feel the guilt any more. This little human was destined to be our Mate. Rhynn’s voice popped into his head.

  You know, I think Zara would have liked her, Rhom replied. She’s small, but she’s feisty.

  Beside him, Rhynn shook with silent laughter. Lucky Zara wasn’t the one who found her. She’d have brought her home and begged us to keep her, like one of the motherless creatures she was always rescuing.

  Rhom smiled at the thought. It was good to be able to share happy memories. He didn’t feel the guilt anymore either. It had crippled them both at first. They couldn’t accept their powerful physical attraction to the human female, when their beloved Mate’s body was barely cold in the ground. They blamed her unfairly for Zara’s death, refusing to believe she, too, was a victim of the vicious pirates.

  They’d never met a human female before. So they had no idea how savagely seductive Cass’s scent would become. Their primal urges were awakened by the aroma of her pussy when it became wet with arousal – which it did every time she was exposed to their gyron. Their species and hers had evolved in similar ways to ensure life would go on. When the two worlds met, their urge to claim her was nearly irresistible.

  Conflicted and torn, they’d alternated. Treating her as their enemy by day. Making demands and punishing her for the slightest disobedience. Then they’d sneak into her room in the dark to satisfy their desperate craving for her. She’d fought them at first, unwilling to let them see how shamefully aroused she became when they took control. When she’d finally yielded, letting down her own barriers and allowing them to see into her soul, a deep emotional connection between them flickered and came to life. Stronger, more intense than raw physical need. His people called it the Bond.

  Day by day, Cass had broken down their barriers. Won them over. First, she gained their grudging approval with her knowledge and skills. Then, when she took off alone to trap the pirates and save the female hostages, her courage and strength earned their respect. And, when she and Rhynn Bonded? That could only happen where there was trust.

  Yes, Brother, she is very special.

  Rhom glanced at his twin in surprise. Rhynn normally would have responded to thoughts like that by teasing him. Telling him he was too soft to be a warrior. It wasn’t often his brother was in a sentimental mood. He seized the opportunity, saying, Shall we tell her about our surprise, now?

  Want to read the rest of this sizzling story?

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  Claimed By the Omega

  A Sci-fi Alien Warrior Romance

  Omega Warriors Book One

  by Kallista Dane

  Fate whispers to the warrior

  “You cannot withstand the storm.”

  The warrior whispers back

  “I am the storm.”

  Omega Male

  (as defined by )

  The polar opposite of the Alpha Male. Omega Males have friends and close acquaintances but prefer to accomplish things on their own. Omega Males generally do
n't belong to any “pack” and have no desire to be the leader or most outstanding of said pack.

  Omega Males have relations with people from all groups and carry a resourcefulness and cunning (sometimes strength) to get a job done with their own skill. An Omega male can have great pride without it manifesting as "ego."

  An Alpha Male MUST absolutely be perceived by his peers as the toughest, most popular, and smartest. An Omega Male cares little for this recognition...but knows that he is all those things and more.

  In Animals:

  Two Rams butt heads while the female watches. The winner who mates is the strongest and therefore the Alpha Male.

  Wait...A third ram charges out of the woods and mates with the female while the two males are fighting. THAT is the Omega male.

  In Humans:

  Alpha Male – Sports Team Captain

  Omega Male – Master of Martial Arts


  Dendros, third Moon of Anteres


  Bone chilling, nut shriveling, ass biting cold. Especially ass biting, in this cursed ritual garb she insisted he wear. Cape sewn from the sleek fur of the aurak, tied at the neck over a bare chest. Sword in its sheath, hanging from the thunder dragon belt. He swore the howling wind held a note of maniacal laughter as it swirled around the leather kilt hanging low on his hips to nip at his bare backside underneath.

  His foot slipped and he dropped. Ten feet, twenty, fifty. Flailing at the ice-covered cliff face as he plummeted, scraping his hands raw before he found a hold. Heart pounding, he risked a glance down. The roar of the river pouring through the canyon a thousand feet below was barely audible at this height. At least the adrenaline rush of narrowly escaping death got my blood pumping fast enough to provide a shot of warmth.


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