Alien Desire: A sci-fi contemporary menage romance (Stargazers Book 2)

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Alien Desire: A sci-fi contemporary menage romance (Stargazers Book 2) Page 2

by Thalia Frost

  * * * *

  “Movie night? Sure. I'm down.” Pax was more than down. He was up...again. Just looking at Gina Forester made him hot under more than the collar.

  She grinned at him. “Great. I'll get back to work. Oh. Where is the theater?” She laughed.

  “It's on the bottom level—the basement. Just take the elevator down.”

  “Alright. 8:00 sharp. I'm bringing popcorn and some drinks.” Gina smiled and left his office.

  Pax sighed, sinking into his desk chair. He wasn't going to get any work done with that vixen around. All he wanted to do was fantasize about her and find release.

  He groaned and slapped his desk. “Get to work, Dr.”

  * * * *

  The movie was probably great, but Pax couldn't keep his mind on it. All he could think about was that Gina Forester was sleeping with his colleagues. He could tell. They weren't handsy with each other, but he didn't miss the winks and small touches that happened between the three of them.

  Dammit. I'm missing out on that, but she's obviously just a slut. It's for the best. I've had enough heartbreak like that to last me for a lifetime.

  “More popcorn?” Gina broke into his reverie as she sat beside him on the plush couch—right beside him.

  He cleared his throat. “Sure.”

  Gina handed him the bag. “Finish it up.” She smiled.

  “Thanks.” He looked back at the screen.

  “Good movie, huh?” She asked.

  All Pax could think about was her thigh so close to his own.

  “I guess so. My mind is on other things.” Pax ate a handful of popcorn, hoping he wouldn't choke from nervousness.

  “I suppose so. You're the hero of the moment with your discovery.”

  He shrugged. “We'll see what happens.”

  Pax felt deflated. He was glad he had likely found evidence for alien life, of course, and that it would possibly lead to fame, fortune, and scientific findings that no one could have ever imagined. But all he wanted right now was Dr. Gina Forester—in his bed. He had it bad.

  “Penny for your thoughts?” Gina touched his arm, and he flinched.

  “You don't want to know.” He laughed shortly, still avoiding her gaze.

  “Yeah. I actually do.” Her tone was curt now. “You're so strange. You turn it on and then off. You're nice and then short with me. I don't know what to think.”

  The credits rolled.

  “Hey, guys. The movie's over.” Ford stood, hands in his pockets, unsmiling.

  “I can see that. We're talking. Thanks.” Pax spoke shortly, aware of the other man's jealousy and enjoying it.

  “We'll close up, Ford.” Gina spoke softly, her eyes communicating something to Ford that Pax didn't understand.

  “Okay, have a good one, then.” Larch winked at them and laughed.

  Pax watched color rise in Gina's cheeks. Was this some kind of joke they had cooked up? Was the joke on him?

  The two men left. Pax turned to Gina, facing her full on. “What the hell is going on? What's the joke I'm not in on?” He was mad now—and turned on.

  “Joke?” She looked confused. “There's not one. I just wondered what your problem with me is.” Gina raised one eyebrow.

  “I don't have a problem with you, specifically. I have a problem with the mockery you, Larch, and Ford are making of this place.” He stood, wanting to go anywhere, away from her before she saw the truth in his eyes.

  “How so?”

  Her calm tone was maddening.

  “You're all sleeping together. Am I right?” He whirled around to face her.

  “Yes, you are, but I don't think we're doing anything wrong.” She spoke softly, and yearning stirred inside of him.

  “Really? You don't think sleeping with two guys at once causes all kinds of problems? Jealousy, fighting, breakups, work fuck ups?” He threw his hands up.

  “Pax.” Gina was standing now, her breath on the back of his neck.

  “What?” He didn't look at her. He couldn't. His hurt was too close to the surface. This whole situation brought back the memories of his own history.

  “Pax. Pax, look at me, please.” Gina's voice was a caress over his wound, a kind touch.

  He sighed and turned around, not speaking. “I can't.”

  “I've never done anything like this before. I swear.”

  Her hand on his arm burned like fire. She stood just behind him. He wanted to turn around and take her in his arms, lose himself inside of her. “I believe you.”

  And he did. She looked the picture of doctoral propriety, like so many women in the sciences he knew. They had lovers, but they were circumspect about it.

  “Would you give me—and maybe us—a chance? We can start with us. We'll only do something else if you want to.” Gina whispered the words in his ear, and he shivered.

  Pax was so tempted. He needed this woman. “I want you so much, but I've been hurt so badly. I might be too broken for you.” He sighed. “I can't believe I'm even saying this. It sounds so weak.”

  His voice shook. He hated it.

  * * * *

  Gina lay her head against his back and wrapped her arms around him, just holding him for a moment without saying anything. Tears streamed from her eyes. This man was in so much pain. No wonder he had held her at bay.

  “Are you crying?” He sounded incredulous.

  “Yes.” She wiped at her tears with one hand, loosening her hold on him, but didn't want to let Pax go.

  “Why?” He was still now, only his breathing loud in the room.

  “Because I can tell you've experienced so much pain.”

  “Who told you about me?” His voice was hard again.

  “No one...nothing other than some relationship you had didn't work out. That's all I know. I swear, but whatever happened, you wear it.” She squeezed him harder.

  “That's true, but it's a lot bigger than that. No one here knows what happened, really. I was married, in love with Allyson, and she was carrying my child. I was out here, and she left me. Just up and left without telling me about the baby. Instead, she had an abortion. If only she would have...” He trailed off and cleared his throat. “Anyway, she had found someone else, and that was that. I lost the woman I loved and my child in the blink of an eye.” His voice was flat—the way someone's is when they've agonized over a hurt for a long time.

  “Oh my goodness. I can't imagine. I am so sorry.” Her heart literally felt squeezed in her chest.

  Pax stepped forward, and she let go of him, her eyes glistening. “So you see now why I don't want a relationship with you. I'm very attracted to you, but I can't share you.” He turned to look at her.

  Gina gazed at him for a moment. “I'm not asking you to—not like you think. I'm yours, if that's what you need. That doesn't mean I won't be sleeping with Larch and Ford, too. I know it sounds strange, but I think we're all in special circumstances. But we're also adults. The rule is honesty. I'll be perfectly honest with you and with them. I would never do anything like she did to hurt you. I always take precautions, as gauche as it sounds.” She shrugged.

  He nodded. “That's good. I don't think most women would do what she did, but it burned me.”

  “I understand. I would never do that—not without talking to you, if anything ever did happen.” She cleared her throat.

  Pax's gaze shifted. “This is tough to ask, but here goes.”

  “Shoot. Anything.” Gina leaned against the bank of chairs.

  “If I'm going to do this, I need some time alone—just me and you. I can't go into some kind of foursome just like that.” He rolled his eyes. “Good Lord. I can't even believe I just said that.”

  Gina laughed softly. “It is strange, isn't it? But it's as I said. We're in a really unique circumstance. We're all lonely. We're attracted to each other, and we're willing to be adult about things. I'm fine with being with just you—alone. I want that anyway at first.” She dropped her gaze, heat rising in her cheeks.

nbsp; “Then let's go. You're all I've been thinking about since I saw you walk in to the facility your first day. And I guess even I have to trust again sometime.” He took her hand and led her from the room.

  Chapter Three: Four's a Crowd

  “I wonder what they're doing now. She could be back here with us, like I was hoping would happen all during that stupid movie,” Ford grumbled.

  “Having sex, I suspect,” Larch said. They had gone back to his place to commiserate.

  “What's up with that? Pax? Really? He's such a drip—gives off bad vibes.” Ford frowned, sipping a glass of wine.

  “Yes, Pax. I know, man. I agree.” Larch sighed, “But she's into him.” He grinned. “I guess we're not enough for her.”

  “Good Lord. I thought bringing you into this was madness, but Pax? He's a ball of insecurities and issues with women.” Ford rolled his eyes. “Not the menage type, I'd think.”

  “I doubt we'll be in on it for a while.” Larch looked glum.

  “Oh? What do you mean?” Ford didn't like the sound of that at all.

  “I mean, she's going to have to seduce him solo. There won't be group anything for a while with him. I mean, you know how he's been since his wife left him.” Larch swigged his beer.

  “Yes, like a whipped, pissed off puppy. I know.” Ford closed his eyes. “Dammit. I miss her already. I hope she talks him into this thing soon, or I'll have to intervene.”

  Larch gave him the eye. “Don't you dare. If you do, it will all blow up. We have to give her time and respect if it takes her away more than we'd like. That's what she wants.”

  “Oh, really? So, you're the expert?” Ford plunked his drink down, glowering.

  “I actually talked to her, and that's what she told me.” Larch met his gaze, unwavering.

  “I see.” Ford felt like gum on someone's shoe.

  She deserves time and so much more.

  “Well, I guess we'll just have to wait.” Ford stood, stretching. “But I'm not going to enjoy it.”

  “I won't either.” Larch shrugged. “I do have an idea, though. Do you have some nice stationery?”

  “Of course.” Ford grinned.

  “It's love letter time, bro.” Larch winked at him.

  * * * *

  “I'm sorry it's messy,” Pax said as he let Gina in to his apartment.

  It wasn't messy at all.

  “It's fine. Honestly, it's really neat.”

  “You think so?” He raised an eyebrow.

  “I do. Maybe you have a touch of OCD.” She laughed.

  “That's very likely. It comes with the territory of what we do, I think. Glass of wine?” He smiled and walked over to the kitchen area.

  “Sure...white if you have it.” Gina sat down on his couch, feeling a bit nervous. Maybe this was the wrong thing to do. She still couldn't believe herself—how forward she was acting but also how intuitive she had been about Pax.

  He needs to love again. I know I can help him find out how to trust and enjoy being with a woman again.

  “Penny for your thoughts?” Pax broke into her reverie as he set down her wine glass on the living room table.

  “Just admiring your place.”

  “Thanks. It's sparse, but that's how I like it. I spend the most time inside my head, so I don't care much about anything beyond clean and functional décor.” He sat next to her with a glass of whiskey.

  “I understand.”

  He cleared his throat. “So, now I feel awkward. I hope you know what you're getting into.” Pax took a long swig of whiskey.

  “Keep drinking, and you won't feel that way. I do know what I'm getting into, by the way. I'm happy about it.” Gina laughed softly, drinking a sip of her wine.

  Pax walked over to a record player and turned on some soft jazz. The seductive notes filled the air, though Gina couldn't have named the artists.

  “Jazz? Really?” Gina grinned.

  “Yes, my favorite. Is this okay for you?”

  “It's great. Just being here is wonderful. You can be yourself, Pax. I like you, just as you are, especially now that you've let a little of your wall down. You need people, you know?” She touched his knee.

  “I know.” He drank the rest of his whiskey. “I've been thinking about you all day. It's driving me crazy.”

  “Oh, really?” She arched a brow. “I guess you would have just gone nuts, then, if I hadn't made the first move.”

  He sighed. “Probably so.”

  “But I guess we'll never know now.” Gina put her wine glass down with a decided thunk. She reached for his tumbler and took it, too.

  Without another word, she reached for him, pressing her mouth against his.

  * * * *

  Pax groaned at the taste of her—sweetness and a little salt from earlier. He wanted to be inside of her, to never come up for breath. He traced her tongue with his, holding her tighter. He wasn't sure how long he could wait to have her.

  “Hey...” she pulled away and smiled at him.

  “Yes?” His voice was hoarse with need.

  “What do you want to do? What's your fantasy?” Gina stared at him, unflinching.

  His pulse thrummed. “Just to be with you.”

  She shook her head. “I won't let you put me off. What do you want to do, like to do?” Gina ran her fingers through his hair, and he closed his eyes.

  He unzipped his pants, feeling flushed. “I've been thinking about this—about you going down on me in my office, specifically. I can hardly get any work done.” Pax let his cock spring free from his boxer shorts.

  “Right to the point, eh? I think I can handle that, and we'll do it in your office soon enough. I want to make you feel good right here and now.”

  Her voice was a purr, and his erection was painful with the want of her. Gina's hands around his cock were cool and soft. He sucked in a breath. It had been ages since a woman had touched him this way, and he couldn't remember the last time he had wanted any woman more than Gina.

  She took his cock into her mouth, just the tip, sucking.

  “Oh, dammit.”

  “You like that?” Gina whispered, swallowing him down to the root.

  “Yes. Please don't stop.” Every nerve ending in his cock was screaming as Gina moved up and down on him with her mouth, massaging his balls with one hand as she gripped the base of his cock hard in her right hand.

  “Don't worry. I won't. I want you to come on my face.”

  He whimpered at the sizzle of passion that went through him at her words. “I don't know--”

  “Shh. I do. I want you to own me—to put your mark on me.” Gina worked his cock like an expert—like neither Allyson nor any other woman ever had. He knew he was going to blow, even though he wanted to hold back. Pax didn't want to seem selfish or like he couldn't hold out, but this time, he couldn't.

  “Give in. Come for me. I want your hot cum all over my face, baby,” Gina whispered and whimpered.

  “Dammit. I'm trying to hold out.” He fought the rising tide of his orgasm, but it was no use when he gazed into her green eyes.

  Pax couldn't hold out any longer. His orgasm overtook him. Gina sucked hard and then let him go. He watched as he spurted hot fluid all over her face—her gorgeous mouth and cheeks thick with it.

  “Shit.” He didn't know what else to say. Pax was completely overwhelmed by Gina's passion and want of him. No woman had ever made herself that vulnerable to him...on what wasn't even a first date.

  Gina stared into his eyes and slowly licked the cum that was around her mouth.

  “I'll get something to clean you off with.” Pax stumbled up, feeling like an oaf.

  “It's okay. I like it. I like you.” Gina grinned at him when he returned with a warm, wet cloth. She wiped her face, somehow making even that motion seem sensuous. Then, she stood, slowly stripping off each article of her clothing.

  Pax's erection stirred again. He would be ready to go again very soon. Gina had that effect on him. “You're so gorgeous, G
ina.” And she was. Everything about her was perfection—curvy and delicious.

  “Thank you. You're not too bad yourself.” She stepped out of her panties, completely naked.

  He wanted to make her feel as good as she had just made him feel. Pax knelt down in front of her and pulled her thighs apart gently. Without a word, he parted the lips of her labia and set his tongue to work, tasting and exploring her.

  “That feels good.” She moaned, gripping his head with her hands and arching against his mouth.

  He continued to lick and stroke her clit with his tongue, working in a rhythm. The sound of her breath quickening made his own erection return. “Come for me, Gina. You're so beautiful. I love the way you taste—so sweet.”

  “I am. Oh, that feels amazing.”

  He twirled his tongue around her clit and pushed two fingers inside of her. “Now, baby.”

  At his command, Gina exploded from the inside out, bucking against his mouth and gripping his head tightly. “Oh, wow. Oh my god.” She panted.

  Pax smiled and stood. He took her into his arms and held her, reveling in the sweetness of her body against his.

  “That...was something else,” Gina whispered.

  He stroked her hair, worry already filling him in spite of his contentment.

  I hope I won't regret this.

  Chapter Four: Save It Till the Morning After

  Pax rolled over in bed, studying her with a careful eye. She was gorgeous, even sleeping with no makeup. In fact, he thought she was most beautiful that way. “It's time to get up, sleepy head,” he whispered, kissing her forehead.

  She moaned. “Umm. It can't be.”

  “It is. It's Thursday, and we need to get in to work before everyone is talking.”

  Gina laughed and stretched. “Everyone already is, I'm sure, since we left together last night.

  A twinge of worry ran through Pax. He hoped Ford and Larch would be cool with this situation. He still wasn't ready to share Gina either...

  “Penny for your thoughts?” Gina asked, sitting up, a smile playing at her full lips.

  “Nothing. Just thinking about the work.”


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