Santa's Elf

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Santa's Elf Page 10

by Qwillia Rain


  It dipped to the inside of her thigh, sliding upward. A scent drifted to her nose.


  The smell of leather. Coupled with the rough texture rubbing against her flesh…


  …and the fact she could feel each distinct finger as he stroked her.


  “A glove?”

  He chuckled. “Very good.” The glove was removed and his fingers took over teasing her clit. Stroking the damp petals of her sex as his lips suckled one breast, while his free hand kneaded the other.

  * * * * *

  She would never underestimate the potential eroticism in everyday objects again, Elf decided as she lazed on the bed beside Dayton. He’d insisted on them showering separately, but after bathing, had her return to lie on his bed. He stroked her nipples back to taut peaks and slipped the nipple chain on. His penis was hard against her hip despite his having climaxed twice; once against her belly, and the last time by sliding his thick shaft between the cheeks of her ass.

  Enjoying his soft touches, she closed her eyes and let her mind drift. It was quiet in this room. The warmth of the morning sun beat down on her through the skylight, increasing her lassitude. As her mind wandered, she recalled the dream she’d woken to this morning.

  How exciting it had been to imagine Dayton in her bed, stroking the long length of his cock while she watched. His eyes never leaving her face as he’d cupped his balls before moving upward to the base of his shaft. It excited her to watch him use his hands in tandem to squeeze the base of his cock while the other hand stroked back his foreskin and smoothed the pearly drops of precum over the plum-shaped glans.

  When she attempted to approach him in her dream, his eyes warned her away, while his gruff voice ordered. “Just watch, Elf.”

  Each stroke, every squeeze, the ragged sounds sliding past his lips fed her own growing arousal, both when she had dreamed the sight, and now as she lay beside him, her body recovering from the multiple orgasms his game had given her.

  “Show me what you do to make yourself climax, Elf,” he’d intoned in her dream.

  Caught up in her own excitement, Elf slid her fingers toward her aching flesh.

  “Show me,” he demanded again. “Lay down, so I can see that hot cunt of yours. I want to know how you touch yourself. What strokes you use.”

  “Penny for your thoughts.” His husky whisper broke the sensual spell of her fantasy.

  Elf could feel the heat flood her cheeks, streaking up from her swollen breasts. Shaking her head, she was hesitant to meet his gaze, fearful he would be able to read her sexy dream in her eyes.

  His fingertips drifted from her cheeks to the taut peaks of her breasts, stroking over her rosy skin. “Had to have been some heady stuff to create this much heat,” he murmured. His head dipped to nuzzle at the sensitive spot just where her neck met her shoulder.

  “I’d rather not” ‑‑ she croaked, swallowed, then continued ‑‑ “I’d rather not say.”

  His eyes studied her for several long minutes. Propping himself on an elbow beside her, Dayton spoke candidly. “Fantasies should be shared between lovers, Elf. If the play is restricted to only one person’s desires, then the rewards are equally one-sided.” His palm settled on her belly, ring and little fingers positioned over the curls on her mound. “You have fantasies, right?”

  She nodded, one hand tentatively reaching down to rest over his.

  “Are there things you would like me to do to please you?”

  The heat climbed her cheeks again as she shook her head. “Not…not really. I…I just…I can’t…”

  Placing a gentle kiss on her lips, he caressed her cheek, “If you don’t feel comfortable voicing your desires now, I understand, Elf. I just hope…” the hand on her belly eased up and tugged the golden rings connecting her nipples. A zing of sensation shot from the sensitive crests to the overstimulated nodule of nerves between her thighs. His chuckle vibrated against her cheek, “I just hope before you leave my bed this holiday, you’ll have overcome your reticence and divulged a few of your hot little secrets.”

  Still reeling from his touch, Elf could only nod weakly.

  From the nightstand, Dayton collected the gold and silver chains she’d brought. Holding her gaze, he clipped one end of the shorter chain to the largest ring on her nipple chain and the other end to the links around her waist.

  The other piece of jewelry he cupped in his hand, rolling the onyx beads in his right palm, warming them. “These may take some time to get used to, my Elf.” The smile on his face was provocative rather than commiserating. “Watch how you move and be careful when you sit down.” His left hand dipped between her thighs, stroking through the evidence of her arousal, before sliding inside her passage.

  Eyes at half-mast, she watched him lower the beads to his left hand. None too surprised, she felt his finger withdraw to be replaced by one of the beads. The way he manipulated the jet sphere inside her, coating it in her cream had her hands fisting in the duvet beneath her. Three times he did it, pushing a bead inside, swirling it on the shaft connecting it to the links before and after it, then plucking it free to replace it with another bead.

  Attaching the clasp to the same link connected to her nipple chain, he rolled her onto her side, and threaded the stimulator between her thighs before latching it to the back of her waist chain.

  Rising from the bed, he collected the box of lingerie from the dresser drawer. Unearthing a rose pink bra and thong set, Elf waited as he returned and eased the thong over her feet and up to her thighs.

  “I remember you mentioning having brunch with a friend,” Dayton commented as he tugged the panties into place. He took his time to make sure the thin string was nestled between the cheeks of her butt, while avoiding tangling the chain in the fabric, before letting her stand so he could slide the bra on her.

  Focusing on his statement instead of the sensations building between her thighs, Elf answered. “Yes, I’m meeting my friend, Jodi, at the Firehouse. We both like spicy food and I love their five-alarm chili.”

  He held her jeans out for her to step into, followed by her socks and sneakers. The sweatshirt was a bit trickier, but when he tugged it down around her hips, Dayton leaned forward to press a soft kiss to the corner of her mouth.

  They made small talk as he escorted her to her car in the garage, discussing meetings scheduled for the following week and the remaining shelters and homes they would visit in the few days before Christmas. Elf avoided injecting anything personal into the conversation, not wanting to deal with the wall of resistance that would slam down the instant she did.

  He leaned into the open window of her car once he’d unlocked the door and seated her inside. “Enjoy your lunch with, what was her name?”

  “Jodi Clark. I’ve known her since ninth grade and I used to work with her at Baxter Industries.”

  “Devin and Erik’s company? I didn’t realize you used to work there.”

  Elf nodded, “I was only a temp. It was just before you hired me.” Shifting in her seat, she gasped as a bead tapped against her clit, and another pressed on her back entrance.


  She shook her head.

  Leaning in the window, his fingers slid through her hair. “No matter how much you may want to, my Elf, you are not allowed to come.” His eyes held hers, the command in them firm. “The chains stay until I remove them.”

  Drawing a deep breath to fight the need winding in her belly, Elf nodded. “I understand.”

  His lips caressed hers before he released her. “Good.” Dayton stepped back and shoved his hands in his pockets. “See you at four.”

  Chapter Eleven

  The doorbell pulled Elf from her dreams before her alarm could. Rolling onto her back, she glared at the illuminated numbers, and then cursed as the doorbell echoed through her apartment again. Dragging an oversized T-shirt over her naked body, Elf stomped to
the door, and yanked it open, ready to read the riot act to whoever decided they needed to get her out of bed at five in the morning. The words never left her lips as Dayton pulled her into his arms. Stepping through the door and slamming it shut, he pressed her body between the cool metal and his own warm frame. His mouth devoured hers in a hungry kiss. Tongue stroking over hers and thrusting deep, his calloused hands drifted to the hem of her T-shirt, lifting it to stroke over her sleep-warmed flesh. Easing her thighs apart, he lifted her against the door, and settled his hard, jeans-covered cock where she desperately wanted him to bury it.

  The rasp of hard flesh behind rough fabric where she was most sensitive had Elf crying out beneath his lips. Her back arched, and she wrapped her legs around his waist, dragging him closer.

  Dayton echoed her, thrust his hips against her weeping pussy twice, before pulling away, and setting her on her feet. His lips were as reluctant to let her go, but he seemed to find the strength to set her aside, and step away. It didn’t last for long.

  Eyes half open, Elf watched him watching her. Face flushed with need and nipples pressing against her thin T-shirt, she must have been too tempting for him to ignore, because Dayton swept her off her feet and demanded. “Bedroom.”

  Still trying to wake up, let alone reason out what had brought him here, she motioned toward the hall. “Second door on the left.”

  He made short work of the distance, pushing the door open, and spent even less time stripping her out of her nightshirt, before laying her upon the rumpled sheets of her bed. He’d settled himself between her spread thighs, and braced the majority of his weight on his bent forearms when he returned to kissing her.

  The musky smell of his flesh, the heat of his body, and the pulse of his hips against her tender pussy, had Elf clutching at his back. Her nails scored the soft flannel-covered muscles.

  With a throaty growl, Dayton nibbled his way down from her lips to her neck, stopping for just a moment at the collar she wore even when she slept. “Very good, my Elf,” he praised her, his fingers stroking over the gold and silver links, while his eyes held hers. “I see you understand the importance of my collar.”

  Nodding, Elf responded, “You’re the only one who can remove it.”

  “Until our connection is severed,” he added.

  Elf fought the protest that hovered on her lips. She prayed her expression hadn’t betrayed the pain she felt at the thought of severing their relationship. And, despite his denials, what was between them was a relationship.

  The nip of his teeth against the taut tendons had Elf arching into him. Her thighs eased open, allowing his body to settle in the notch provided. The sting of his teeth warned Elf she would probably need to apply some makeup to cover the love bite on her throat.

  At her breasts, he again paused to suckle and tease the hardened peaks. His calloused fingers circled and kneaded the swollen mounds. He lifted each to receive attention, then tugged at the taut nipple before moving to the other breast. He worked the crests before moving further south, dipping his tongue into her belly button, and stroking her spread thighs even wider.

  Elf’s fingers were threaded through his silver gray hair, flexing in time with the attentions he showed her body. They clenched, pulling him closer, the instant his tongue stroked her pussy. Her breathe shuddered from her lungs and her thighs tensed.

  Her body arched beneath his first stroke, both terrified and enamored of his attentions. Even as she enjoyed the sensual concentration he paid her flesh, Elf worried about what would happen when Dayton turned away from her. She freely admitted her addiction to his touch. When it was gone, would she be able to function on a day-to-day basis with him in the room next to her? Hearing his voice, seeing him, imagining him in her bed would be painful. Most hurtful, though, would be seeing him with another woman.

  Before she could dwell too long on her thoughts, Dayton’s tongue thrust deep within her. At the same time, his fingers tugged on her nipples, and then his teeth scraped over her clit. Climax exploded inside her, radiating out from between her thighs to wash up through her belly and chest, and down her legs.

  Long minutes later, her breathing slowed, Dayton lay over her, his erection pressed into her through the confines of his jeans. “Christmas Eve seems like years, Elf, not just four days.”

  His lips and beard were damp with her body’s secretions as he nuzzled her lips.

  “We could…” she began to offer, her pussy clenching at the thought of his rock-hard length stretching it. Filling her.

  “Not a bad idea, Elf,” he chuckled pulling away, and lifting her from the bed, at the same time, “but I have plans.”

  Elf groaned, submitting to his redressing her in the T-shirt he’d yanked off.

  As she stood swaying beside the bed, she watched him pull a mesh bag from beneath his shirt and drop it on the bed. Through the holes, she could see flesh-toned lace.

  Dragging her out to the living room again, Dayton steadied her wobbly steps. “I would dress you myself, but I know you’ll want to shower before you take my gift. Knowing, though, that the undergarments you’re wearing were chosen by me, and warmed against my body before you put them on, will keep me hard all day.”

  He pulled an envelope from his back pocket and held it out to her. “Come to me when it’s time to go to the shelter. Not before, or we’ll never get the presents to the kids.” Leaning forward for one last, brusque kiss, he yanked open her door, and escaped.

  Sliding down the wall to the floor, Elf tried to regain her equilibrium by breathing slowly. Tearing the envelope open, she nearly dropped the small appointment card enclosed with his note.

  My Elf,

  This day has been set aside for you. Indulge yourself. Let me pamper you in a way you deserve while allowing myself just one small request.

  Your taste is exquisite. The flavor indescribable and the sight of your soft pink flesh more arousing than the most intimate touch of another. I only wonder if your pussy would taste as sweet without the sight of your pretty chestnut curls.

  Yours, ever hopefully,


  The appointment card listed her expected time for today at nine. The spa was an exclusive one, nearly an hour outside of San Diablo, and usually requiring an appointment be made weeks in advance. This meant, Elf decided as she pulled her wobbly legs beneath her and stood up, that Dayton had been planning his seduction as long as she’d been trying to get his attention.

  * * * * *

  The sound of their footsteps echoed in the quiet of the parking garage. Abandon tugged at the leash he’d wrangled onto it hours earlier when Elf had sauntered into his office. Her arrival, minutes before they had to leave for the shelter, precluded his anticipated explorations. The smile on her lips, and the teasing glint in her jade colored eyes, assured Dayton his lover suspected his plans. Her tardiness had been timed to circumvent play.

  At the shelter, he’d watched Elf as she wandered from group to group, talking with parents and playing games with the kids. His imagination, working overtime, wondered if she’d honored his request to have her sex waxed. Several times she glanced over at him, drawing out the moment for them to leave and be alone.

  Now, as the elevator doors slid open on his living room, Dayton’s fingers itched to slide her dress off. Every time he’d caressed her thigh during the ride to and from the party, Elf had halted his fingers at the hem. The flesh-toned stockings she wore matched the bra and panties he’d left with her when he’d delivered her gift.

  Dressed in nothing but the flesh-toned lace, there would be no leaving things to his imagination. The dark rose of her nipples would be visible behind the delicate fabric. The soft red-brown curls over her sex would peek through the lace of her thong.

  If the curls were still there, he wondered if he’d be disappointed. It surprised him that he’d even think about reacting. He’d made similar requests of past lovers. Some had agreed and found the sensitivity of their denuded pussy invigorating, while others ha
d merely refused. He’d never been invested enough emotionally in the relationship to care one way or the other. Those who refused were simply missing out, in his estimation.

  But the thought his Elf would refuse the request gave him pause. He halted in the middle of the dimly lit living room. Watching her unwrap one of the mints in the dish on the coffee table and pop it in her mouth, he wondered at the urge to punish her if she didn’t fulfill his command.

  Punishment was reserved for a partner, for those relationships reaching beyond the superficial. He’d not had one of those in nearly a decade.

  The image formed without his conscious thought. Elf bent over the overstuffed ottoman, buttocks bared. The ivory turning a vibrant pink as his palm cracked against the rounded curves. Whimpers, slipping from her lips, were those of arousal and not pain. Her thighs wet with her juices, as her pussy wept for attention. His cock strained at the red velvet encasing it. Four more days he reminded himself, as he watched the sway of Elf’s hips as she sidled into his bedroom.

  In the doorway she stopped. Looking over her shoulder at him, he could read the hesitation in her eyes. Despite her confident pose and the self-assured tilt of her head, Elf was uneasy. Nervous. The wrong word would have her bolting for the exit. Dayton could see it in her eyes.

  Unsticking his feet, he smiled at her. The wary look faded. Ushering her ahead of him into his bedroom, Dayton eased the buckle of his broad black leather belt free. “Strip.” He gave the order just as he had every night they’d returned from a shelter or home.

  This time, though, Elf ignored him.

  Stepping forward, she helped ease his velvet coat off. Curious to see what she was doing, Dayton simply watched her. Ivory fingertips stroked the colorful embroidery on the wide suspenders holding his red velvet pants up. Sliding the straps off his shoulders, Elf settled into a kneeling position at his feet. From inside her blouse, she drew out a small cream colored rectangle.

  Dayton’s heart stopped, and then began pounding in his ears as he took the card from her fingertips.


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