Reawakening Their Bears: Hidden Realms: A Hot Paranormal Fantasy (Weres and Witches of Silver Lake Book 12)

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Reawakening Their Bears: Hidden Realms: A Hot Paranormal Fantasy (Weres and Witches of Silver Lake Book 12) Page 18

by Vella Day

  He helped her out and then grabbed a towel. Kalan took way too much time drying her, dragging the towel over her breasts and between her legs. “It is still winter, remember,” she said.

  He smirked as he noticed her erect nipples. “I’m sorry, are you chilly?” A second later his mouth latched on to first her left nipple and then the right, giving a strong suck and then a nip. “Better?”

  She wrapped her arms around his neck. “I could use a bit more warmth in some other areas as well.”

  “Warmth I got.”

  Kalan plastered his body against hers, and she instantly heated. “I appreciate that, but maybe we should snuggle in bed. Hint, hint.”

  Without letting go, he walked them backward into the bedroom and then made a big show of kissing one shoulder and then the other, smacking his lips each time. Kalan usually wasn’t this playful, but she was certainly enjoying this newly relaxed man. If Elana had known Phil’s retirement would have resulted in this, she would have bribed the man a few years ago to step down.

  As soon as her knees hit the side of the bed, Kalan swung her around, sat down, and dragged her on top of his lap. Straddling him, her pussy pressed hard against his cock, shooting lust and pleasure straight up her core.

  She cupped his rather bristled face and kissed him. Kalan leaned back onto the bed. Even with their tongues entwined, he was strong enough to drag them to the middle of the mattress using only his elbows to propel them.

  Elana ground her hips against his, causing a rush of heat and desire to pool between her thighs.

  Kalan broke the kiss and flipped them both over. “I needed more access to you.”

  “Help yourself to whatever you want.” Flirting ratcheted her lust.

  “I appreciate the invitation, but I couldn’t stop myself now even if I wanted to.”

  With that, he slid between her legs and palmed both breasts. Waves of excitement and anticipation soared through her as he dragged his fingers down to each nipple and twisted the tiny nubs. Kalan understood the exact amount of pressure to use to elicit the biggest rush.

  Elana grabbed a fistful of his thick, wavy hair and tugged. With her free hand, she latched onto his shoulder while her hips seemed to pump up and down on their own. Desire and love overwhelmed her. Even if she sat up, she’d never be able to reach his magnificent cock. It just wasn’t fair.

  As if Kalan could read her mind, he rolled to his side and flipped around so that his mouth was on her pussy, and her lips were within striking distance of his cock.

  She took hold of his swollen shaft and lowered her head until her lips surrounded the tip. Tongue flicking and fist pumping, Elana was in heaven. When Kalan went down on her, she stopped, because the onslaught of intense pleasure totally broke her concentration. Every lick and suck pushed her higher and higher.

  When he inhaled and lowered his aim, she remembered that she had a total delight in front of her too. With renewed vigor, she drew his cock deep into her mouth. Tightening her lips around his girth, she licked and sucked until a blast of cum tinged her mouth.

  She was sure Kalan hadn’t meant to go off like that, but it pleased her to know he wasn’t immune to what she was doing. Just as she lifted off of him, he slipped two fingers into her opening.

  As if he could see inside, he found her most sensitive spot and pressed on it, causing her breath to hitch. It went without saying that her nails and teeth sharpened. Kalan flipped them around again and nipped one nipple with his teeth. The result? A huge climax claimed her. He then climbed on top of her.

  His amber eyes looked down at her. Kalan sighed and then found her opening on the first try. “My mate, my beautiful sexy mate.”

  The first plunge took her to new heights. This wasn’t only sex, it was a coming together, forming a renewal commitment to each other. It was almost like the first time they had made love—only better, since she wasn’t as self-conscious as she had been back then.

  Kalan’s lips found hers. He delved in, exploring, loving, and teasing her. He dragged his hands down to her waist and hung on as he made love to her—sometimes fast and sometimes slow.

  It was just like Kalan to do the unexpected. Keeping fully inside her, he rolled them over so that she was now on top. Elana lifted up and dropped down hard, the new angle adding different sensations of pleasure and pushing her closer to yet another climax.

  Kalan clasped her hips and held her still while he thrust up into her. “Kiss me,” he demanded.

  Elana lowered her head and did just that. With their breaths co-mingled, her pulse soared every time he drove into her. When she was about to burst again, she broke the kiss and dragged her lips to his neck. Their lovemaking session was more sensational when they both bit each other. Elana didn’t do it often since she wanted to keep that ritual for special occasions, but if there was ever a night to celebrate, this was it.

  Kalan lifted his head and kissed her shoulder, dragging his lips upward, closer to that perfect spot on her neck that made any climax ten times more powerful.

  “I love you,” she whispered a second before she sank her teeth into his neck.

  Kalan was right behind her. While the bite pinched a bit, it caused her whole body to explode with happiness, lust, and love. Her orgasm was quickly matched by one of his own, and this time his throbbing cock stretched her even more, which heightened the wonderful experience.

  He lapped up any residue on her neck, and Elana did the same to him. More content than she had been in a long time, she placed her head on his shoulder and enjoyed being bathed in the afterglow of their lovemaking.

  She wasn’t sure how long she rested, but understandably, one of them had to move at some point. Thankfully, Kalan volunteered. He cleaned her up and then himself. “How about getting dressed,” he said.

  It wasn’t late, but she thought he’d rather stay in bed and snuggle. “Because?”

  “I have a surprise for you, and it’s in the kitchen.”

  Elana tried to remember what he’d had with him when he returned home tonight beside the bottle of champagne—which was still half full—and her bath salts. “You already gave me my present.”

  Kalan slipped out of bed and threw on his pants and shirt. “You’ll see. Come on.”

  She knew when she was defeated. “Fine.”

  Elana donned a rather modest nightgown and robe. Too often Aiden couldn’t sleep and would wander into the kitchen to scrounge for food, and she didn’t want to be in there naked.

  She followed Kalan into the kitchen. Once he located his phone, he scrolled through it and then handed it to her. “Come look. I’ve booked us a vacation,” he said.

  Okay, Kalan hadn’t uttered the word vacation in years. “A vacation?” She studied the dates. It was for the week after New Year’s. When she saw the location, her knees weakened. “We’re going to Costa Rica?”

  He grinned. “Yup, and before you give me a thousand reasons why you can’t get away from the shop, or you don’t want to leave the kids for that long, I have everything worked out. I had debated taking the kids, but then I decided for once that I want you all for myself.”

  Her mind spun. It was true that the flower shop wasn’t all that busy after the New Year. “We can’t afford it.”

  “With my raise we can.”

  “I don’t think we should ask your mother to take the kids for a week though.”

  He lifted the champagne bottle and poured them two fresh glasses. Clearly, he had this all planned out because he had the bottle and glasses on the table already.

  “I’ve made a calendar of who is taking them. Anna will have them for the first two days, and you know how well they get along with Tasha and Nate.”

  “That’s true.”

  “Ainsley insisted she take them for two days during her days off. Her twins are the same age as Ian. Jackson said he would be there too, to help supervise.”

  Elana was blown away by his thoughtfulness and thoroughness. “And the other three days?”

  “Izzy will take them for one and my mom will take them for two days.”

  Elana was sure there was something he was missing. “Can you take the time off? I mean you are going to be chief.”

  “Phil isn’t leaving until after I return. It’s not like the man is moving out of town. If I need help with anything, he assured me he would help get me settled.”

  She sipped her champagne, stunned at the new man in front of her. “Just the two of us? Really? Where are we going exactly?” Elana didn’t know much about Costa Rica.

  “To the west coast beaches. I booked us a room at a resort near the town of Playas del Coco.”

  That sounded so romantic. “I’ll need several bathing suits, a hat, and flip flops. I can’t buy them here this time of year.”

  Kalan laughed and pulled his chair around the table so he could sit next to her. “Don’t worry about a thing. But do bring a nice long dress.”

  Now he was talking nonsense. “Why is that?”

  “When we mated, we went to the courthouse for a marriage certificate.”


  Many of the shifters didn’t bother with any kind of human ceremony, but since she was human, Elana had wanted their union to be official. Her parents had just died and the half-brother she never knew existed decided he didn’t want to be part of her life at the time, so they’d opted for something simple.

  Kalan clasped her hand. “You deserve more. I thought we could face the ocean and have the howler monkeys screeching in the background while we renew our vows.”

  Her surprise and excitement made her chuckle. “I won’t be disappointed if there are no screeching monkeys, but I love the idea of vowing my love to you while standing barefoot in the warm, sun-kissed sand.”

  “Me, too. I downloaded a bunch of tours we can take if you want to help me plan the trip.”

  Elana sighed. “I can’t imagine anything else I’d rather do. Having Christmas with family and then taking off for sunny Costa Rica seems too perfect.”

  He smiled. “I thought it would help prove to you how serious I am about committing myself to our family.”

  “Did I tell you how much I love you?” she asked.

  “Let me know when you are ready, and you can prove it to me all over again.”

  While her bear did seem to have sex on her mind most days, right now she was relaxed and sated. Elana heard her bear chuff in contentment. She and Kalan had reconnected, making their family time a priority, and their bears had reawakened. Elana knew they would enjoy many years filled with love and laughter, with some smoking hot sex thrown in too, and she wouldn’t have it any other way.

  I hope you enjoyed Kalan and Elana’s story. Next up is Sean and Molly’s story. Considering she is outgoing and runs a pub in town, and he is a recluse who lives in the woods, can these two ever get together? Find out here.

  Don’t forget to sign up for my newsletter to receive three free books, as well as up-to-date information on my stories. If you prefer to only receive notices regarding my releases, follow me on BookBub.


  Awakened By Flames (book 1)

  Seduced By Flames (book 2)

  Kissed By Flames (book 3)

  Destiny In Flames (book 4)

  Passionate Flames (book 5)

  Ignited By Flames (book 6)

  Touched By Flames (book 7)


  Poppy (book 1)

  Primrose (book 2)

  Acacia (book 3)

  Magnolia (book 4)

  Box Set (books 1-4)


  A Magical Shift (book 1)

  Catching Her Bear (book 2)

  Surge of Magic (book 3)

  The Bear’s Forbidden Wolf (book 4)

  Box Set (books 1-4)

  Her Reluctant Bear (book 5)

  Freeing His Tiger (book 6)

  Protecting His Wolf (book 7)

  Waking His Bear (book 8)

  Melting Her Wolf’s Heart (book 9)

  Her Wolf’s Guarded Heart (book 10)

  His Rogue Bear (book 11)

  Awakening Their Bears (book 12)

  PACK WARS (Paranormal)

  Training Their Mate (book 1)-FREE

  Claiming Their Mate (book 2)

  Rescuing Their Virgin Mate (book 3)

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  Loving Their Vixen Mate (book 4)

  Fighting For Their Mate (book 5)

  Enticing Their Mate (book 6)

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  Bare ’N Dirty (book 6)

  Hidden Hills Shifters Complete Box Set

  MONTANA PROMISES (Full length contemporary)

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  Foundations For Three (book 2)

  Montana Fire (book 3)

  Montana Promises Box Set (books 1-3)

  Hart To Hart (Book 4)

  Burning Seduction (Book 5)

  Montana Promises Complete Box Set (books 1-5)

  ROCK HARD, MONTANA (contemporary novellas)

  Montana Desire (book 1)

  Awakening Passions (book 2)

  PLEDGED TO PROTECT (contemporary romantic suspense)

  Panic and Passion (book 1)

  Danger and Desire (book 2)

  Terror and Temptation (book 3)

  Pledged To Protect Box Set (books 1-3)

  BURIED SERIES (contemporary romantic suspense)

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  The Buried Series Complete Box Set (books 1-3)

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  Black Ops and Lingerie (book 2)

  A Nash Mystery Box Set (books 1-2)

  NOTE: Some of these series are now in Kindle Unlimited but may return wide. Stay tuned.

  Author Bio

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  Not only do I love to read, write, and dream, I’m an extrovert. I enjoy being around people and am always trying to understand what makes them tick. Not only must my books have a happily ever after, I need characters I can relate to. My men are wonderful, dynamic, smart, strong, and the best lovers in the world (of course).

  I believe I am the luckiest woman. I do what I love and I have a wonderful, supportive husband, who happens to be hot!

  Fun facts about me

  (1) I’m a math nerd who loves spreadsheets. Give me numbers and I’ll find a pattern.

  (2) I love photography, so I’ll be posting pictures—especially of my Costa Rican adventure.

  (3) I also like to exercise. Yes, I know I’m odd. Not only do I lift weights, I love to hike and walk on the beach (I know it sounds like an ad for a date)

  I love hearing from readers either on FB or via email (hint, hint).

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