Relic of Empire

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Relic of Empire Page 54

by W. Michael Gear

  “Mac?” her worried voice brought him back. :’Oh, nothing. Lost in my thoughts.”

  ‘Mac, once I would have told you everything would work out all right. I’m not so naive as I once was. But I wonder if you don’t underestimate my son. He must have a great deal of sense to have survived the things you’ve told me about in such detail. Even if Ily did manipulate him for a-while, he’d be bright enough to recognize her ploy, wouldn’t he?”

  I hope so. But he’s so young-and hurting from Gretta’s death. People go a little crazy when things like that happen. If she was filtering the information he was receiving, who knows what he might believe.”

  “We all must make our own way. “ She stared up at the overpainted ceiling.

  Right, so why did I have to fall in love with a woman who will never have me? What a way to make for yourself, Mac!

  The stretching silence fractured when the comm buzzed and Rysta’s face formed. “Got a hot line to Rega. Division First Mayz wants to talk to you.”

  Mac straightened, swiveling in his seat. “Roger. Rysta, listen in if you’d like. I may want your opinion afterward. “

  Rysta gave him a skeptical squint that rearranged the patterns of wrinkles. “If you’d like. Might be classified stuff in it.”

  “Then there’s classified stuff in it. Chrysla and I

  were just talking about it. I may be a fool, but I thought you were still on our side.”

  “One of these days, Mac, you may regret your trust in me. “

  “Yeah, you might, too. Okay, run it.”

  The comm screen flickered, Rysta’s grim visage replaced by Mayz’. She looked weary, as if she hadn’t slept for a long time. Her frizzy halo of hair was highlighted by the glare from the overhead lights in a gray, featureless room that could be made out in the background.

  “Mayz, it’s good to see you. What the pustulous hell is going on down there? Where’s Sink?”

  She lifted an eyebrow, but her eyes looked oddly dull. “Settle down, Mac. Everything’s fine. Sink’s had us on a killing schedule. We’ve had to retrain the entire military, but we’re making progress. Things got a little more complicated than they should have, that’s all. It’s all under control now, but we’ve been very busy.”

  “Sinklar is all right? Why didn’t he contact us?” “Mac, he’s running this entire thing by himself. It’s not like Targa. There he only had two Divisions for the most part. Here he’s swamped. He said to wish you well and offer you his congratulations. You did marvelous things. Sassa is stunned-probably forever.”

  Mac chewed nervously at his lip. “You mentioned complications. What kind? Ily?”

  Mayz seemed to hesitate, but her gaze remained flat. “Just problems in communication. Since we control the utilities, Ily can’t do much. Sinklar has her in hand. “

  “Anything I should know?”

  “No.” She stared blankly at him, then started, saying: “I have orders for you. You and Commander Braktov are to enter standard parking orbit in the military zone and take a shuttle down to the military terminal at the Defense Ministry. Everything will be cleared for you. Sinklar will see you then.”

  Mac frowned. “You all right? Mayz, you don’t seem to be with it. Where are you?”

  “I’m tired, Mac. I’ve been up for almost three days now. You get a little groggy. Sinklar’s doing little better. You want to know where I am?” The pause again. “I’m in the Ministry of Defense. Your office is here, too. “

  “My office?”

  “Yours and Commander Braktov’s. We’re going to be changing the command structure in a couple of days. Mac, you and Commander Braktov are ordered to report here at your first opportunity, understand?”

  “Yeah, affirmative. “

  ‘Very well. I’m going to see to some things and get some sleep. Have a good trip down, Mac.”

  The screen went dead.

  Mac’s feeling of worry increased.

  Rysta didn’t waste much time following up. She didn’t look reassured either. “What do you think? You know her better than I do, MacRuder.”

  “It was Mayz, all right. She looked like Terguzzi sludge, that’s what I think.”

  “She says she hasn’t slept for days, and she looked it.” Rysta shook her head. “I’ve seen it before, Mac. So have you. Maybe that’s what it is. Sinklar didn’t fool around retraining his army. He’s driving them into the ground.”

  “But they’ll know the ropes,” Mac defended uncertainly. “Well, you heard the orders. I guess we put Gyton in orbit and drop down to the Ministry of Defense. That sound all right to you?”

  Rysta grunted. “Hell with how it sounds, they’re orders. “

  Mac scowled at his desk. “I don’t like it.” :’What do you want to do about it?”

  What can we? Like you said, they’re orders.” Want to drop with an entire Section ... just for security?”

  Mac considered, and finally threw it out. “No. If we hadn’t talked to Mayz, maybe, but if anything was Rotten, we’d have caught some sort of clue, some scent. Ily couldn’t muzzle everyone.”

  “No.” But Rysta didn’t look happy about it either. “But then, does she have to?”

  Mayz sat upright, her expression blank. Before her, the monitor had gone blank. Ily walked forward, placing a hand tenderly on Mayz’ shoulder.

  “You did very well, First. You read the text perfectly. As a reward for such perfect performance, you’ll be taken back to your cell now. “

  Ily stepped back and snapped her fingers. Two of her security personnel stepped in, attired in formfitting black. They began unhooking the intravenous bottles from the racks and coiling the transparent tubing. One of the young women carefully withdrew the needle from Mayz’ wrist and checked her pulse.

  “She’ll be out for at least a day,” the officer decided. “Withdrawal from the drug will leave her unfit for any further interrogation or manipulation for several more days.”

  “If I want to save her, you mean. “ Ily pointed at the bottle. “If I need her again, I can hook her up. She’ll still perform on command.”

  “That’s right, but the withdrawal that close to this session. . . . “

  Ily placed her palms together and smiled. “If things become that critical, First Mayz can be considered dispensable. Let’s just hope that Mac follows orders like a good soldier.”

  MilComCenIActing Order 15435

  5779:17:23:15:30 Hours Authorization 71165-MUR

  Subject: Command Structure Reorganization

  Attention: All personnel.

  This document is to inform all command personnel that subject to this memordandum, the following command structure will be realized: As of this moment, Division First Mykroft will assume the title of Marshal of the Empire and take immediate charge of the initiation and implementation of all military operations involving offensive and defensive actions within and without the Empire. All Fleet Commanders, Division Firsts, and their subordinates will subject themselves to Marshal Mykroft’s orders, either direct or indirect, and are ordered to comply with those orders cheerfully and with alacrity.

  By authority -of this document, Division First Sampson Henck, Division First Tie Arnson, and Division First Adam Rick, are appointed to the rank of Deputy Marshal, and shall coordinate field operations, strategy, tactical deployment, support, and logistical information with Fleet and Ground Forces, or as the Marshal of the Empire shall designate. All military personnel are hereby ordered to immediately and cheerfully comply with those orders posted by the Deputy Marshals.

  Failure to comply with this reorganization or with orders, commands, or regulations issued under the Marshal’s, or his Deputies’, authority will be punishable according to the Command Code.

  Signed, Lord Sinklar Fist

  Lord Minister of Defense Imperial Palace



  The little stud clicked under Skyla’s finger, and the crack appeared that marked the hidden compartment behind her
bed. Heart racing, Skyla clawed the cubbyhole open and ripped her weapons from the recess. How much time? She glanced anxiously over her shoulder before she sank down on the sleeping platform.

  She fumbled one of the charge packs as she pulled it from the belt. The plastic-coated pack slipped through her fingers and she grabbed wildly for it. The heavy charge thumped and bounced on the carpeting.

  “Slow down, Rot you. Easy, Skyla, keep your wits.” But Arta’s last words echoed: “This is your last chance. The next time we drop out of null singularity will be over Rega. “

  Skyla ripped open another belt pocket and lifted the pistol, slapping the charge into the gun. She shook as she reached for the vibraknife and lifted it, energizing the blade. Fear-charged, blood racing with adrenaline, she tilted her head, well aware that the cut had to be just right: deep enough to sever the thrice-cursed collar, shallow enough to keep from slicing her throat.

  She shuddered suddenly, powered by the relief that hovered just past that last stroke of the....

  The familiar feeling of her body disappearing caught her by surprise, and through glazing eyes she watched the room waver as her nerveless body crumpled.

  During those long seconds, she would have screamed with the desperate frustration of a dying animal, would have ripped her fingers bloody clawing at the bedding in utter futility. The anesthetizing grip of the collar denied her even that. Bound by the confines of her burning skull, goaded by complete sensory deprivation, she could turn her crazed anger only on herself.

  Mercifully, the decreasing radius of gray encapsulated even that as her brain starved for oxygen.

  Skyla awoke with the pounding pain of a headache

  bringing instant awareness. Memory punished her. She’d been so close, the vibraknife lifting toward the collar and freedom. That last minute hesitation to keep from cutting too deeply had condemned her.

  Better that I had cut my head completely off my body. But that chance had vanished forever, like the mellow notes of a symphony into the black vacuum of interstellar space.

  “You surprised me,” Arta noted from somewhere behind Skyla. “You came very close to winning again, you know. I took you at your word that you were going to relieve yourself. I thought I had only spurred you to desperation about your situation, not to attempt one last gamble.”

  “Leave me alone.”

  “How can I do that? It seems as if leaving you alone makes you very dangerous.” A pause. “Tell me, how many more caches of weapons do you have hidden away in bulkheads?”

  “Go suck pus.”

  Arta shifted in a rustling of fabric. “You have one last chance, Skyla, but you’ve made it much more difficult. Come to me. Beg. Give yourself to me. Surrender, and I will keep you as safe as I can.”

  Skyla levered herself up on shaking arms, hating the queasy feeling left in the wake of the collar’s activation. Blessed Gods, Skyla, don’t puke now. Don’t add to it.

  She pushed herself into a sitting position, wincing as she looked up into the light. Arta lounged on the sleeping platform, the heavy service blaster in her hand. She wore a shimmering red gown. Auburn hair hung down in gossamer curls. Fera’s striking eyes gleamed as if their translucent amber was lit from within.

  Skyla waged her last battle, imagining what it would be like to be brought before Ily Takka in the collar, wearing only milky chiffon. The Wing Commander of the Companions? Looking like nothing more than a fluffy sex kitten?

  Kill yourself, Skyla. Die first. But how? That last option had been looted as cleanly as her hope.

  Skyla lowered her chin onto her chest, resistance drained. Her stomach twisted, miserable from the aftereffects of the collar and the desolation of her soul. “I ... I won’t have to wear that ridiculous. .

  “No, Skyla. You may go in your uniform.” Is that all that’s left of me?

  “Very well, Arta. You win.”

  “Beg, Skyla. Beg me for my protection.”

  “I ... “ She barely heard the rustle of Fera’s dress as the woman sank down next to her. Strong fingers lifted Skyla’s chin.

  “Open your eyes, look at me.”

  Skyla shivered, her jaws grinding. She forced her eyes open, staring into the amber depths so close to hers.

  “Beg me, my darling Skyla. Plead with me.” Skyla’s throat had knotted and she forced a swallow. “P-Please. “

  “How delicious this is!” Arta threw her head back and laughed as the knot tightened still more in Skyla’s throat. Arta leaned forward, placing her hands on either side of Skyla’s head. She kissed her, softly at first, then more demandingly, her tongue darting into Skyla’s mouth with insistence.

  At that moment, Skyla jerked back, her stomach twisting, heaving. “No!” she tried to cry, struggling. And then her stomach voided itself.

  Fera pulled back, realized what had happened, and threw herself to one side..

  Skyla’s tortured gut spasmed and she retched again, her entire body racked. She coughed, spitting onto the intricate weave of tfie carpet. “Please,” she whispered as she dragged a sleeve across her mouth. “I didn’t mean that. Please. Don’t punish me.”

  Fera wiped at the mess that had splattered on her and stood. “I should have known. I won’t punish you. On the contrary, I’ll relish every moment I have left with you. “

  Skyla’s stomach pumped again.

  Fear had begun to leach into Sinklar’s anger. The sobering and chill hand of reality tightened its grip on his soul as he walked down the long hallway deep in the guts of the Ministry of Internal Security. Ily followed, backed by her guards. The lighted hallway might have been in any building, but here the doors were unmarked, featureless, the lock plates a bit oversized. Sinklar’s heels clicked on the polished smokecolored tiles underfoot.

  “What’s the point in all this, Ily? I don’t understand. You’ve just cut your own throat.”

  “How so?”

  ‘I don’t see what you can gain out of all this. You can’t just make me chug Mytol to tell you strategy. Part of military success deals with being on the scene, sensing the enemy’s weakness, and exploiting it. Maybe Sassa is reeling, but Staffa isn’t. You won’t catch him off-guard.”

  “What about that plan of yours9 The strike against Ryklos? You said you could draw him out, use three waves of attack to cripple his fleet.”

  He shrugged. How long was this thrice-cursed corridor, anyway? “You need to orchestrate very carefully. So who do you expect to replace me with? Mac? Ayms? Kap?”

  “They’re all under arrest, Sinklar-just like you.” His heart skipped. “Sure. You’re trying to tell me that you neatly picked us off, one by one, without even a peep?”

  Ily chuckled, the sound sinister. “That’s exactly what I did, Sinklar. Is that so surprising? Isn’t that a variation of the same strategy you used against Rysta’s five Divisions on Targa? I’ve utilized-with as much success as you did, and nowhere near the casualtiesa duplicate of your strategy. Mykroft, Henck, Rick, and Arnson will step in as the high command.”

  Sinklar craned his neck to see over his shoulder. “Mykroft? The man’s a dolt! He single-handedly destroyed any hope of peace on Targa-and lost eighty percent of his command in the process!”

  “But he’s learned,” Ily said coolly. “Just who do you think has been commanding the other side in the training exercises? Haven’t you wondered why the Regulars were fighting so well?”

  “It would take someone. . . .”

  “In Comm Central, yes. And I’ve had just such a person there for several weeks. Just as people I control have been integrated into the Power Authority and all the other utilities. Poor Rokard Neru, he was much too taken with the idea of running the utility for the people. Engineer Serra, on the other hand, knows exactly who keeps him and his family safe and prosperous.”

  “You’re a reptile, Ily.”

  “True, but I’m a very effective one. Here. This room.” Ily reached past to palm the lock plate. Feeling ill, he stepped into the room. Was
I really that stupid? He stopped short when the other occupant of the room stood up. Anatolia’s expression brightened, then dropped when she noticed who accompanied Sinklar.

  The room measured ten by fifteen meters. Couches lined two walls and a table with comm modules in the middle stood in the center. A single door filled the far wall. The entire place had been painted featureless gray and square light panels illuminated it. A nondescript chrome dispenser gleamed on one wall.

  Anatolia stood with a defiant look on her face as she stared at Ily. Her clothing looked mussed, and, if Sink wasn’t mistaken, the rusty brown stains were caused by blood.

  “Please, be seated,” Ily pointed to one of the couches as she crossed the room and punched a button on the dispenser. Sinklar shot Anatolia a warning look, then winked to reassure her-a circumstance he wished he could be sure of.

  “ You all right?” he asked as he took her hand and brought her to sit beside him.

  “Scared,” she whispered.

  “Something will break. My Divisions are still out there. “ Cup in hand, Ily strode to the table and leaned against it. Only two of her security officers remained, taking up positions on either side of the door.

  “Good day, Anatolia,” Ily began. “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you-awake, that is.”

  Anatolia sat stoically.

  “You can speak, can’t you?” ,’Quite well, thank you. “

  Ily sipped from her cup. “Good. Now, will you please tell me the purpose of your study at the Criminal Anatomical Research Laboratory?”

  “Genetics. I’m not sure you’d understand the nuances of structure on the DNA molecule.”

  Sinklar stiffened ever so slightly.

  Ily cocked her head, silky black hair tumbling along her shoulder. “You can tell me now, Anatolia. Freely. If you give me enough, you, won’t have to undergo thorough interrogation. I believe, from your work at the Labs, that you’re familiar with the extent to which interrogation can be carried.”

  Anatolia closed her eyes and nodded. “I was working on the comparisons of DNA specimens from two Seddi assassins and a hypothetical genetic structure.” “Hypothetical?”


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