Relic of Empire

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Relic of Empire Page 57

by W. Michael Gear

  Dion lifted a finger. “Shik and I will handle that. We can throw up a protective cordon around the main assault based on the hunter-killer teams you used in Vespa. “

  Rysta exhaled wearily. “Now, we’re talking civilian casualties. “

  Dion’s stare hardened. “We’re talking civil war, Commander. We’re going to split the military right down the center. The Blessed Gods alone know which Divisions will come with us. It could break down to Sections going or staying, maybe even Groups turning on each other.”

  “And what about the fleet?” Mac directed his question to Rysta. “That’s another big unknown. Will Mykroft be able to call down Orbital? Will I?’

  Rysta spread her hands. “My guess, based on nothing more than gut intuition, is that most Squadron Commanders will do their best to duck the issue at first. We all know what kind of casualties will pile up if we use orbital bombardment. The Commanders will stall, claiming they need authorization, and hoping the matter is solved on the ground so they don’t have to make a decision and can side with the winning party in the end. “

  “And if it’s a prolonged fight?” Shik asked. “Then we can pretty much count on Commanders siding with the Divisions they have ties with.”

  Mac shifted uncomfortably. “All right, that’s the situation. Now, let’s get down to the fine details.” Mac glanced at the comm. “It’s 15:35 hours. I want our people in position by 05:30. Can we do that?”

  Rysta glanced at Dion who was doing some quick mental calculations, a frown lining her forehead. Finally she nodded. “Yes, barely.”

  “Then let’s get to work. I’ll take the First Targan into the Ministry of Internal Security at 06:00.”

  Shik rapped his fingers on tabletop. “I’ll have the ordnance to support that strike. First thing, I’ll punch some holes in the roof, then I’m leveling the Ministry of Defense Building. Who knows, we might get lucky and tag Mykroft in the process.”

  Dion lowered her head. “You know, when this cuts loose, we may be unleashing a disaster which will destroy us all. We could be starting something we’ll never finish. “

  Mac rubbed his hands together nervously. “But what choice do we have?”

  MilComCenIActing Order 15436

  5779:17:23:16:30 Hours Authorization M14R.223

  Subject: Military Ball in Honor of First Marshal Mykroft

  Attention: All personnel.

  Squadron Commanders, Division Firsts, and all Staff Officers, Grade First through Third, are invited to attend the First Marshal’s Ball to be held in the auditorium of the Ministry of Defense in honor of the decorated appointment and promotion of First Marshal Mykroft and Deputy Marshals: Sampson Henck, Tie Arnson, and Adam Rick to the command and control of the Regan Military.

  Formal Dress will be required as described in the Military Field Manual of Operations.

  Officers are encouraged to invite spouses or other suitable guests for this gala occasion.

  The reception line will form beginning at 17:24:18:00 hours. Gifts are encouraged, and may represent the donor’s respect and regards should he be unable to attend on such short notice. I

  Questions or requests for further information should be directed to the Staff First: Operations: Ministry of Defense. APDIQS1



  Ily tapped at her teeth as she studied the naked woman strapped into the chair in the interrogation room. Anatolia Daviura stared up at her with pliant, drugged eyes. Her pale skin prickled from the chill.

  Comm buzzed and Ily leaned over and pressed a stud on the wall comm. “Yes?”

  “It’s Arta. I’m on my way down with the Wing Commander.”

  Ily considered, feeling weary to the roots of her soul. Lyma would take a lot of time. “Bring her to interrogation and prepare her for me. I’ll wrap up here and attend to some things in my office. Meet me there when you’re done. It’s going to be a long interrogation. “

  “I look forward to it.”

  I’m sure you do. “See you then.” Ily cut the comm and turned. “Anatolia. We’ll have to continue this discussion later.”

  Ily palmed the door to the control room. Professor Adam sat hunched over his comm terminal, replaying parts of the testimony that Ily had allowed him to hear. He forced himself to look up, stating, “I still can’t believe it’s real! I need a specimen, nothing more than a skin sample. A bit of tissue. This is incredible!”

  Ily raised an eyebrow. “All in time, Professor. You’ve heard Anatolia’s testimony. In your professional opinion, would you say that Sinklar Fist is a monster?”

  “Monster? Well, I’d.... But then, he’s not exactly a normal human being. Fist defies simple categorization. Now, based upon the definition of a species, is

  he fertile? Could he produce a viable offspring? You see, with humans we have.

  “But he is an artifact?”

  “The offspring of an artifact-a constructed human being. “

  Pieces began to click into place. I have the lever I need now, Sinklar. You’re mine now. “Thank you, Professor. It seems that you’ve done the Empire a great favor and discovered an inhuman creature before it could gain control of humanity for its own perverted purposes.“

  Flushed with triumph, she turned to the comm again. “Gysell? Return Daviura to Fist’s quarters and prepare for the Wing Commander.”

  “Yes, Ily.”

  So much to do. Ily stepped into the corridor beyond and walked toward the lift that would carry her to her office. The details of government hadn’t gone away, and while she now had the means to destroy Sinklar, it would be a very long night with Lyma in the chair.

  When the door opened, Sinklar leapt to his feet. Two of the security personnel looked in, checked to see where he was, and pushed the door open wide. From the glance Sinklar got of the hallway, he could see more security as Anatolia walked forward, supported on both sides by guards who held her elbows.

  Anatolia carried her clothing, and had only a light blue blanket wrapped around her shoulders.

  Sinklar swallowed hard, stepping forward to support her. She reeled, almost falling, as he pulled her to him, demanding, “What have you done? Rot you, what did you do to her?”

  One of the guards smiled in arrogant amusement and gave Sinklar a flippant salute before he pulled the door closed with a final click.

  Anatolia shivered in his arms as he held her and ran gentle fingers through her hair. “There, it’s all right. You’re safe for the moment. What did they do? You’re freezing. “

  “They asked me questions,” she replied simply. “About what?”

  “About you. About genetics. “Who asked?”

  “Ily. “

  Sinklar lifted her chin, staring into her dilated eyes. “They used Mytol?”


  He half carried her back to the sleeping quarters. The place didn’t even have a platform, just a spongy pallet on the floor with a toilet and shower to one side-not that the shower would help warm her; it only ran cold water.

  Sinklar lowered her with care, blushing as the blanket fell away. Anatolia seemed unaware of it, lost in a drug-induced haze. Half terrified of what he’d find, Sinklar inspected her, relieved that she seemed unharmed but for the drug.

  “What are you doing?” she asked as he stood. “Going to get your clothes. You’re shivering.” He paused. “They didn’t hurt you?”


  He sighed in relief as he went for her clothes. She’d sprawled on her side by the time he returned. Sinklar shot a hate-filled glance up at the security cam that constantly monitored them. “Anatolia, you’ve got to help me. We’ve got to get you dressed and warmed up.”

  Somehow they managed to get her covered and Sinklar rolled the two of them into the blanket, pressing himself to her, using his heat to warm her.

  “What did Ily ask about? Start from the beginning.” “She asked how we met and I told her. I told her about how strange you had seemed, wanting to see your
parents and about how you’d looked at them. I told her about the sample I took, and the research I was conducting. She didn’t seem to understand that your father couldn’t have existed. I kept trying to explain that the genotype was unknown that it didn’t fit any known human pattern.”

  Tow did she react to that?”

  ‘She tried very hard to understand what it meant, but even I don’t know.

  :’What else did she ask?”

  ‘About when I was in the street. Where I went, what I did. I told her how I survived ... about Mickey chasing me into the cul-de-sac and trying to rape me. I told her about gouging his eyes out and beating him until I fractured his skull and killed him. I told her how it was to live in the darkness. About how I had to do it again with Buchman and Wheeler when her goons came after me, and about the printout.”

  :,You mean, where you left it?”

  ‘I had to tell her. It’s the Mytol, it makes-“ :’I know. What else?”

  ‘She asked about you. What you planned. I didn’t know very much about that, so I couldn’t tell her much. She asked what you thought of her and I told her.”

  Tow did she take that?”

  ‘When I said you hated her, she didn’t seem to mind at all. “

  Sinklar winced. “Did she ask anything else about me?”

  “She asked if you loved me. I told her that I didn’t know. She asked if I knew she’d had sex with you and I said yes. She asked what I thought of that. I told her it surprised me that you hadn’t had more sense.”’ Sinklar winced. “Was that all?”

  “No. She asked if we were lovers. I told her no, that we were only friends for the moment.”

  “For the moment?”

  ‘Things could change, Sinklar. I like you a great deal. I might even come to love you with all of my heart, but I can’t trust you. I don’t know what you are ... who you are. You have the makings of greatness about you ... and a terrible tragedy. How can I allow myself to love a man like that? I don’t know

  if I’ll be alive tomorrow, let alone next week. How can I trust you when I don’t know what you are? What you will do?”

  “I don’t know, Anatolia. I don’t know.” He steeled himself. “Then what happened?”

  “Ily got a call on the monitor. The voice said that Arta Fera was on her way down with the Wing Commander and would arrive in a short time. Ily replied that she had some things to attend to in her office, that it would be a long night, more likely a couple of long days and Gysell would have to run things. Then she told me we’d talk again later and walked out.”

  “Rotted Gods. Ily, you fool.” “What?”

  “Nothing. Rest now. The Mytol will wear off soon.” Sinklar stared up at the featureless ceiling. Staffa, if you’re out there, blast this building first.

  “It’s about time,” Ily greeted as she got up from behind her office desk, walking around to embrace Arta and kiss her soundly. She pushed the woman back, inspecting her. “You look little the worse for wear. The Wing Commander is taken care of?”

  “In one of the interrogation rooms.” Arta pulled Ily close, hugging her. “I would have been in sooner, but we almost had a collision with a freighter. The proximity warning went off and I had a mad scramble to adjust the vector. We missed by a good four kilometers, but at that speed, I would have come to Rega as plasma. “

  Ily pushed back and frowned. “Orbital Control didn’t have the freighter plotted? Didn’t send you a course advisory?”

  “I didn’t know they were supposed to.”

  Ily broke away, moving to her desk. “That’s standard procedure. This freighter, wasn’t it broadcasting a position statement?”

  “Ily,” Arta reminded, “I’m new at this piloting business. “

  Ily pressed her Comm button. “Gysell, get in touch with Orbital Traffic Control. They’ve got a freighter out there in one of the traffic lanes. Tell them to clean up their act or I’ll put someone in charge who can run the agency efficiently.”

  :’Yes, Minister. Anything else?”

  ‘Is Wing Commander Lyma prepared?”

  “She’s just the way Arta left her, and as we were instructed to treat her.”

  Ily glanced at Fera, seeing a nod of confirmation. “Thank you, Gysell, that will be all.” She killed the Comm and looked up. “Generally I like my subjects stripped, cold, and very uncomfortable before I run an interrogation - “

  Fera crossed her arms. “Why don’t we talk about Skyla on the way down to her room?”

  “Very well.” Ily started for the lift. “I had an interesting report. Some of my security people claim you walked off with MacRuder, Commander Braktov, and two of my security people. Do you know anything about that? I checked. You were still in a parking orbit at the time.”

  :’You’re sure they thought it was me?”

  ‘Rotted right they were sure-at least they believed it. Let’s put it this way, Mytol doesn’t lie.”

  :’What does it mean?”

  ‘I’m not sure, but what I do know is that Mac, Rysta, and Shiksta have slipped through my net for now. I’ve tightened security around the building. I’ve also got a call in for Mykroft to contact me as soon as possible. I want him to be ready to stomp out a revolt if one flares.”

  “Do you expect one?”

  Ily lifted her hands. “I don’t know. Should I? What happened between Skyla and you? I don’t know what your game is, Arta, but she’s mine until I wring every last drop of information out of her brain.”

  Arta slapped the controls that sent them rocketing down. “I have no problem with that.”

  “Then why didn’t you prepare her? I’ve been waiting for a long time to take her apart-an old grudge. You haven’t developed a soft spot, have you?”

  “I think you’ll find she’s been masterfully prepared - “ Arta led the way out of the lift as it opened on a subbasement hallway. “She’s resigned to her fate, Ily. You’ll have little trouble with her. And in answer to your question, I want her when you’re done with her. I want her in one piece, whole, and with her mind intact. “

  Ily shot her a curious glance. “Why?”

  “Because she fascinates me. We fought, she and 1, each plotting, battling, matching wits. She almost won, Ily. She came very close within fractions of a second of beating me time and again. I want to see how long she can keep it up. “

  “She may be completely broken by the time I’m done with her,” Ily reminded. “I’ve seen them just give up, become dead meat. Any spark whatsoever gone, an extinguished personality.”

  “That is a risk Skyla must take.” Arta frowned. “But I’ll wager you she hangs on.”

  They walked down a long hallway, arms linked. Ily asked, “Do you love her?”

  “Yes. But it’s different than the way I love you. I love Skyla as a challenge. I love you as a partner. She’s a powerful woman, perhaps more powerful than you are. “

  Ily examined Fera closely, then warned, “Be careful, Arta. “

  At the door to the interrogation room, Arta turned, excitement in her eyes. “Ily, ask yourself, do you really want me to fawn and tremble in your presence like all the rest do? Or has the power gone to your head until you think of yourself in the same manner the Sassan God thinks of himself? We’ve had this discussion before. You and 1, we have different goals in life. Yours is to control and govern. Mine is for a different challenge, that of excitement. Prudence isn’t in my personality. How do you want me?”

  Ily nodded, reassured. “I’ve missed you, Arta. Very well, keep your Skyla.” If she lives through this. Ily palmed the lock plate and stepped inside. She glanced up at the monitors in the control room where they recorded Skyla’s nervous pacing about the solitary chair in the center of the featureless gray concrete room.

  The technicians sat at the monitors waiting, their instruments dead until the subject could be hooked up.

  Ily gestured to Arta. “Stay here. This is better done between me and her.”

  co”You’ll need this.” A
rta handed Ily the collar ntrol.

  Ily took a moment to strap it to her wrist, running through the calitifation process as the device coded her brain waves. Then Ily stepped into the room. Skyla spun, a wild fear in her eyes as she dropped to a combat stance.

  Ily gazed levelly at her and said, “It’s been a long time since Itreata.”

  Skyla’s every movement indicated that she bordered on losing control. “I should have killed you when I had the chance.”

  Ily nodded. “We all make mistakes, Wing Commander. It seems this is my night for interrogations. I just pried the most fascinating information out of Sinklar Fist’s girlfriend. And now I have you. Arta treated you well, I see. Curious, you’ve earned her respect-a feat not many could have accomplished.” “You can still let me go ... save yourself.”

  Ily laughed, delighted that so much spirit remained. “Indeed? Save myself from what?”

  “Staffa-and the Companions.”

  Ily walked around to take a position opposite Skyla. “Things have changed in Free Space while you’ve been in transit. Sinklar broke the back of the Sassan Empire with one fell blow. Staffa will have a choice. He can deal with me, or I’ll destroy him. I’ve got the means now, a strategy that will work.”

  Skyla’s lips twitched. “You seem pretty sure of yourself.”

  The memory of Staffa’s burning gray eyes haunted Ily. “Yes, and I’ll be even more sure when I’ve finished my little discussion with you.”

  “He’ll kill you, Ily. You’ll be a ruler, all right. Your empire will consist of rubble, radiation, and corpses.” “That is exactly what we shall see.” Ily smiled.

  “Now, you have a choice to make. My instruments can’t read your involuntary responses through armor. You may undress, or I’ll use the collar and have my technicians strip you while you’re senseless.”

  Skyla tensed. Ily lifted an eyebrow in anticipation of triggering the collar, of bringing her enemy low. Then, slowly, Skyla reached up, undoing the armor

  snap by snap. With fastidious care, she peeled the material off, kicking it into the corner.


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