Still Obsessed

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Still Obsessed Page 1

by Deborah Bladon


  The Conclusion to

  The Obsessed Series

  By: Deborah Bladon


  First Original Edition, June 2014

  Copyright © 2014 by Deborah Bladon

  ISBN: 9780993721656

  This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is entirely coincidental. Names, characters, businesses, organizations, places, events and situations either are the product of the author's imagination or are used factiously.

  All rights reserved. No parts of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without written consent from the author.

  For Jax & Ivy, you started it all.

  Also by Deborah Bladon

  The Exposed Series

  The Pulse Series

  Coming Soon

  More Exposed

  Pulse Parts 3 & 4

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22


  Thank You

  Subscribe to Deborah’s Mailing List

  About the Author

  Chapter 1

  "You're not serious, beautiful?" He's leaning against the door to my studio, his hands tucked neatly into the pocket of his jeans. The growth of hair on his face makes him look even more stunning than he usually does. I'll never get over how absolutely handsome he is.

  "I'm dead serious, Jax." I just need him to accept the inevitable. If he can do that, my life is going to be so much easier.

  He taps his shoe against the floor as he studies his fingernails. "You think you have that much authority over me?" He's trying hard to cover the amusement in his voice but it's not working.

  I try to suppress a wide grin. I've got him in a place he never saw coming. Now all I have to do is go in for the kill and this nightmare will finally be over and done with. "I know that I do. You're wasting my time."

  "I'm wasting your time?" The question accompanies a deep chuckle. God, how I love his laugh. It's so smooth and natural. It means he's comfortable and happy. This is how I want him to always be. This is what fills me with a feeling of being utterly content.

  "Yes." I nod and look down at the silver earring I'm working on. "I have a lot to do today. You can pack up your things and leave." I can't meet his gaze again. I just need him to go before I change my mind.

  "Just like that? You're going to throw me out on the street?"

  "I called Leonard. He's waiting downstairs to drive you home." I know the reference to his driver will hit a nerve within him. Arranging to have Leonard waiting with the car downstairs means that as soon as Jax leaves the shop he'll be on his way home, not on his way back up here to persuade me to reconsider.

  "You have this all worked out." His voice deepens. "You were planning on firing me even when I was inside of you this morning and you were screaming my name."

  I feel an ache rush through me at the reminder of Jax making love to me just as I was waking up. Being pulled from a dream by the feeling of his lips coursing hot over my right nipple was the perfect way to begin any day. Living with Jax was heaven, but working with him was quickly becoming my own personal hell.

  "You can't take it personally," I say curtly. "You're the one who taught me that business is business. That’s all this is."

  "You don't think I've done a good job?" His voice is clipped. "You're firing me because I fucked up?"

  "I'm letting you go because you stalk the customers when they're just browsing the showcases." I suck in a measured breath before I continue, "I see you harassing them when they're walking out of the store without buying anything. It's bad for business."

  "It doesn't make sense to me."

  "What doesn't make sense to you?"

  "None of this makes sense." That's all he offers. He's going to make me put two and two together and decipher what he means on my own.

  "Jax, I love you." I pat the empty spot on the edge of the table I'm working on.

  He leans against the table. "I love you endlessly, Ivy. Endlessly." His hand reaches to cradle my chin. "I would do anything for you."

  "Then leave." I plead with my eyes. "Let me do this alone, please."

  "You don't think I'm helping?" A slight frown skirts over the corners of his lips.

  I stand and wrap my arms around his neck. "This is my store. I want to make it a success."

  "We've been doing that together." I shiver at the touch of his hands on my waist. Even through the heavy material of the knit dress I'm wearing, Jax's touch still makes me weak and desirous.

  "Let me do this alone. You need to do something more." This was the part of the conversation I'd been dreading for weeks. Ever since Jax sold off most of his business interests six months ago, he'd been unsettled, unhappy and there was an emptiness within him that was unmistakable.

  "I gave up everything for you, beautiful." He bounces the earring in my ear against the tip of his finger. "So you could have your dream."

  "It wasn't just about that." I cup my hands around his cheeks. "You know that."

  "I was scared." His voice is so low I have to lean in to hear each word. "I was becoming too much like my father. I was being driven by money. I almost lost you because of it."

  "You were chasing your dad's dream." I lightly brush my lips across his forehead. "You need to start thinking about what your dreams are."

  "I have been thinking about it," he offers. I'm taken back by the words. Every time I've tried to bring up the subject of Jax finding a new business focus he's quieted me by professing his undying need to be by my side twenty-four hours of each and every day.

  "You already have something in mind?" The question pains me. I've sensed for weeks that he was lost in thought and not sharing. Even though I know Jax Walker isn't one to share everything openly, it still stings knowing that he's been contemplating something as important as his next step in business without throwing any thought to my opinion.

  "We'll talk about it soon." He lifts his head and stares into my eyes. "Right now I have to get off the premises before my former boss calls the authorities to remove me."

  "She wouldn't go that far." I grin.

  "I'm not taking my chances." His lips brush against mine in a tender kiss before he turns to leave the studio. "What about my severance package?"

  "There isn't one." I bite my bottom lip to hold in a broad smile. "You were working for free, remember?"

  "Goddammit," he teases as he breezes out the door. "Fired and kicked to the curb with nothing in return, all in one day."

  Chapter 2

  "When are you going to tell me more?" I pick at the lamb chop on my plate. I know Jax spent hours preparing our dinner after I unceremoniously threw him out of the jewelry shop, but I just don't have an appetite.

  "About what?" He picks up the goblet of red wine in front of him and takes a hearty swallow before he speaks again," You're sure you don't want wine?"

  I shake my head slightly. "About how you plan on spending your time now that you're unemployed." I want to make light of it. I want him to feel comfortable enough that he can open up and share.

  "It's not a big deal, beautiful." He nods towards my lamb chop and I sh
ake my head as he pulls it from my plate onto his. "You've barely eaten all day."

  "It is a big deal to me." I don't want to sound bitter but since we started living together I've been the one always trying to bridge the emotional gap that is still there. Unless he lets down the barrier that he's built around himself, our relationship is always going to feel as though something fundamental is missing. My life with Jax is beautiful, enriching and more than I could have ever wished for. Even with that knowledge, I still want more. I want all of him, especially the darkest parts of his heart. His secrets had torn us apart too many times. I can't allow that to happen again.

  "I was talking to my friend Hunter about investing in some the restaurants his family owns," he says through the corner of his mouth as he quickly devours the lamb chop I barely touched.

  "You have the eating part of that down." I manage a smile even though I'm feeling anxious inside.

  "You should ask the question, Ivy." His mouth thins. "I know you want to, so do it."

  The challenge is meant to push me. He wants me to be the one to acknowledge the elephant in the room. That same elephant that has been stalking us ever since Mark had been arrested for fraud.

  If I broach the subject again, the conversation we're having will grind to a halt and Jax will spend the next several hours in his home office with the door closed.

  "I'm really tired." I place the linen napkin next to my untouched plate of food. "I think I'm just going to go to bed, Jax."

  "Don't." He bites the word out. "Don’t run away from this."

  "If I don't, you will." I shoot back. "I'll bring up Intersect Investments and you'll slam your fist on the table and run into your office."

  "You bring it up at the worst times."

  "It hasn't been the right time in six months." I push myself up from the chair. "The deal to buy your shares fell through and you haven't had another offer. You still own half that company and I know part of you wants to go back to it. There. I'm done."

  "It's not that easy." His tone is harsh and clipped. "He's not going to pay the way I want him to."

  "You can't control everything, Jax." I exhale in a rush trying to temper my rising emotions. "Mark cut a plea deal. That's done. You can't change it."

  His shoulders tense as he rises from the chair. "I hate that you can't see how wrong that is."

  "I hate that you can't get past this." I straighten and turn to leave the kitchen. "You have to accept that Mark isn't going to prison. You have to accept that he was fined and that he's on probation. That's life."

  I close my eyes at the sound of his fist connecting with the table. The unmistakable ring of the silverware hitting the floor and a glass shattering cuts through the dead silence between us. I stand still as Jax breezes past me, the only other sound in the apartment, his office door as it slams shut.

  Chapter 3

  "Did your husband have a temper?" I pour a small amount of cream into the china teacup before handing it to Mrs. Adams.

  "He did, dear." She brings the cup to her mouth with trembling hands before she takes a small sip.

  "Jax has this sore spot when it comes to Mark." I take a small drink from my own cup of tea and recoil at the taste. It's too bitter. I should have added more sugar.

  "Do you think it's because you two almost married?" I wince at her words. I've tried desperately hard to block out all the lingering memories I've had of my long forgotten engagement to Mark Carleton.

  "I think he's gotten over that." I reach to offer her one of the sugar cookies I found in the cupboard in her kitchen. "This has more to do with his father's company."

  "Your friend is a proud man." She delicately takes a small bite of the cookie. "He's a good judge of character, Ivy. Mark is a loser."

  I laugh, shocked by her complete honesty. "He is a loser."

  "You need to tell your fellow that you believe in him." She pats my hand lightly. "If he thinks you're ever taking Mark's side it's going to sting more than if you hit him over the head with a frying pan."

  It's an interesting analogy and as much as I want to know why she picked that particular implement of havoc, I skip over it. "Mark's been trying to contact me. I haven't told Jax."

  "What do you mean?" She motions for me to take the teacup from her. "How so? Has he been calling?"

  "Calling, texting, emailing." I rub the back of my neck. "I haven't responded to anything. I've been deleting all the voicemails and messages without listening to them or reading anything."

  "It may be important, dear. I remember you telling me his mother was ill." Her voice is soft and comforting. "Tell your fellow first and then find out what Mark wants."

  I nod before I hand her back the cup of tea. She makes it sound so easy. Little does she realize that Mark's name is a literal four-letter word to Jax.


  "Moore was here looking for you." Jax's gaze fixes on the door behind me. "I didn't realize he knows where we live."

  "I mentioned it when I was having lunch with him a couple of weeks ago." I try to play it down. Jax's jealousy over my friendship with my attorney is just another sticking spot between us. If I'm going to bring up Mark's insistent need to talk to me in the next few days, I'm going to have to first put out the fire that is my connection to Nathan Moore.

  His eyes shift to my face and I turn away, hanging my sweater up before placing my purse on the chair next the door. "It was nothing."

  "You have lunch with the man you crushed all over when you were a teenager, and it's nothing?" He cocks a brow and I swear I see a quick grin flash across his handsome face. He looks relaxed, standing next to the couch, pajama bottoms hanging low on his hips and a stark white t-shirt covering his chest.

  "You know it's nothing," I say wryly. "Did he say what it's about?"

  "Check your messages." He nods towards my smartphone. "He must have called."

  I glance down at the screen and scroll quickly through the recent missed calls. Nothing from Nathan and surprisingly nothing from Mark either. Maybe he has given up. Maybe I won’t have to explain his desire to talk to me to Jax after all. I breathe in a heavy sigh of relief at the promise of that.

  "Are you hungry, beautiful?" His hands are on my arms now. "Or did you eat with Mrs. Adams?"

  "No." I shake my head, grateful for his tender touch. "Just tea and cookies."

  "So lady like." His hands glide effortlessly to my hips. "My Ivy. So demure."

  I smile at the veiled invitation to prove otherwise. "I'm not demure, am I?"

  I rock myself against his body, feeling his cock through the thin material of the pajama bottoms. He wants me. He's already straining, hard and yearning for my body.

  "You blush when I tell you I want to fuck you. You close your eyes when you're about to come." His hands move behind me, slowly pulling the zipper of my dress down. "I'm going to take your clothes off right here and you'll tell me you want to go into the bedroom but I'm going to take you right here, against the door."

  I feel a surge of crimson rush through my face. I'm blushing, he's right. He's so direct. He's always been with me. I don't protest when he handily unclips the front of my bra pushing it from my body.

  "All that's left in my way are these pretty lace panties." His hand traces a path over the front of my cleft. "I knew you'd be wet."

  "Always for you, Jax." I bend to push the panties down, stepping out of my heels as I do. "I'm always ready for you."

  His clothes are off and he's on his knees in an instant, pulling my left leg over his shoulder as his mouth claims me. I grab for his hair to steady myself while his tongue licks and parts me, pulling the desire to the surface. My body aches for release, it aches to feel him inside of me. I can't ever get enough of him.

  "Jax, please," I moan through gritted teeth. It feels so good. It's too good.

  "Take it, beautiful." He breathes heavily into my folds as his finger finds my opening.

  I shudder at the raw intimacy of the touch. My body bucks helplessly again
st the door, trying to claim more from him. I push myself into his face, clawing at his hair, needing to come.

  "God, yes," I whisper through a veiled moan as I race to the edge. I can't temper what I feel with him. I've never been able to. I want him too much. I crave his touch endlessly.

  "Come, Ivy." The command is lost in the moment. I'm enjoying it too much. I don't want it to end.

  I lazily roll my hips towards him, pulling his hair, pulling him into me. I crave this. I want this. I try to hold on. I want to savor it. "Jax." My voice is a breathless whisper as I feel the pleasure rushing through my body. I buck my hips against the door, unable to contain the pure rawness of the desire.

  "Beautiful, please." He pulls my clit into his mouth, sucking on it while his finger hones in on my most sensitive spot.

  I feel the orgasm building. I'm so close to the edge. I want to scream his name but my body won't let me. I can't speak. It's too much. It's too good. I bite my lip as I feel the warmth course through me slowly and evenly. It's too good. It's so good.

  "My turn." He's on his feet now, his lips pressed into mine. "I have to fuck you. I've been waiting all day."

  I'm still lost in the feeling of coming so hard when he lifts my legs around his waist and carries me to our bed. His lips flutter over mine, kissing me, sharing my most intimate taste.

  I cry out as he enters me in one swift movement after tossing me on the bed. His large, muscular frame hovers above me as I feel the entire length of him within me. I grab his ass, pushing him harder, needing to feel completely and utterly connected to him. A small moan escapes my lips as he finds his rhythm.

  "You're so beautiful." He groans through gritted teeth as he surges his body forward.

  I gasp at the depth of him and grip harder to his body. He's fucking me so hard, driving his body relentlessly into mine. It feels so good. Too good. I'm close to coming again.


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