Unexpected Chances

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Unexpected Chances Page 7

by A. M. Willard

  As I pull out a pair of new jeans and my black button up shirt, the butterflies hit me. Knocking me back a little, I’m twenty eight years old for Pete’s sake. A grown man shouldn’t get the jitters. Maybe this is what my friends have been describing when they talk about the one.

  Chapter Fourteen:


  What am I thinking? Why would I pick this place and tonight for that matter? I’m such a creature of habit.

  Driving I lean my head back against the headrest. “Shit, Tabitha. You’ve done it now. What were you thinking?” I say, to the steering wheel like it’s going to answer me.

  Just let the evening roll, not a thing you can do now. I mutter, as I walk into the restaurant.

  I spot the hostess, and she smiles over at me. I’m early, so she hasn’t put one and one together yet.

  “Party of two this evening, Sandie,” I quickly say, as she gives me a questioning look but decides to not ask.

  “Follow me, Tabitha.”

  As I trail behind her, I notice Carter off to the side already. “Sandie, I see that my party has already arrived. I’ll just head over and join him.”

  She nods her head and turns to head back up front. I’m thankful when I look around and notice that we’ll be in the back hidden by the rice paper screens.

  “Evening,” I reply, as I try to pull out my chair only to get stopped by Carter.

  “Allow me and good evening,” Carter says, as he pulls my chair out and gestures for me to sit.

  “Been here long?”

  “Long enough. Thanks for the directions,” I hear him state. This causes me to raise my menu to hide the smile that’s spread across my face.

  As I lower the menu and place it upon the table, I catch a glimpse of our normal waiter, Mitch. I knew he would spot me instantly.

  “Everything okay, Tabitha?” Carter asks.

  “Yes, everything is fine,” I respond, as I look over towards Mitch.

  “Tabitha, you’re early?” Mitch states, as he approaches our table.

  I gesture over towards Carter, “Mitch; this is Mr. Northwood, a client of SHI.”

  I watch as Mitch eyes Carter up and down, holding his hand out him, “Nice to meet you, Mitch,” Carter says.

  Mitch looks back over at me with a questioning look as he proceeds, “Business tonight?”

  “Yes. Is this your section?” I ask, as I need to move this along.

  “Oh yeah, we’re shorthanded. What can I get you two to drink this evening? Firecracker, would you like your usual?”

  Fire rises into my cheeks, “No, I’ll have water.”

  “Jack straight up and a glass of water for me,” Carter says, as he leans back into his chair taking the situation in.

  “I’ll be right back with your drinks,” Mitch states, as he leaves the table.

  Letting the air out from my lungs, “Jack straight up, huh?”

  “Only way to drink it, and for some reason I foresee that I might need that drink.”

  “Yeah, me too,” I whisper, hoping Carter didn’t hear me.

  The awkward silence has enveloped our table as we wait for Mitch to bring our drinks back. I should have ordered a martini or something to take the edge off. Figuring that I need to stay on my game, I went safe.

  Clearing my throat, “So the meeting with Angela went well from what I heard?”

  “It did. It’s a shame you couldn’t take her spot. I’m looking forward to the ideas she has. I’ll need to present to the board soon, and then we can move along.”

  “That’s great news,” I try to sound convincing, but I’d hoped he would prefer something different. I’d hate for us to lose the contract, it would mean I’d not have to deal with him any longer.

  With a raised eyebrow, “Don’t sound so thrilled.”

  “Oh, I am. It’s just you have to stop showing up,” I explain, leaning over the table to speak in a hushed tone.

  Carter leans over the table to mimic me, “Why are we whispering?”

  I straighten myself, “I’m not.”

  “You were.”

  “How long do you plan to have us contracted?” I question.

  “Long enough.”

  “That’s not the answer, Carter and you know it.”

  “It is. How long is it going to take for me to make you mine?”

  I flinch back into my seat as I notice Mitch placing my water down in front of me just as Carter finishes his sentence.

  Mitch slams Carter’s tumbler down in front of him and looks over towards me.

  “We’re ready to order, Mitch,” I quickly say.

  “I’m sure you are,” he says, under his breath, but I hear his snide remark.

  Dishing out the evil eye, I look up and say “I’ll take my usual. You do remember what that is, don’t you?”

  “Considering you’ve been coming here with a group that just walked in for the past five years, yeah I think I can remember it,” he’s angry and looks over to Carter, “What can I get you?”

  “I’ll have the sushi platter with an Alaskan roll on the side.”

  “Your order will be out soon. Do you need anything else?”

  “No,” I hastily respond, as I watch him walk over to Seth and the guys.

  My eyes lock with Cory’s.

  Cory looks between us at the table with his eyes full of confusion. Cory leans down to speak to Seth, which causes him to look over towards me. The next thing I know Cory’s heading for the door.

  Wonderful, something else to listen to.

  “I take it you come here with them every week?”

  “I do and it slipped my mind when I told you to meet me here. Sorry.”

  “Don’t stress over it. Remember you said this was business, and that’s what we will play it as tonight.”


  “Yes, tonight. Tomorrow it’s a date. No backing out of it. You owe me one.”

  “I don’t owe you a thing, Carter.”

  “We’ll see.”

  Choosing to not respond, I take a quick glance over towards my brother. Seth is pissed, and it’s all over his face as I watch him talk with Mitch, Jason and Ben. Cory is most likely pacing the parking lot since I know they all rode together.

  “Excuse me for a moment, Carter. I’ll be right back.”

  I don’t wait for his response as I push my chair out to stand. With a quick nod in my brother’s direction, I head outside to fix things.

  Stepping out into the parking lot, I guessed it right. Cory’s pacing back and forth as he runs his fingers through his hair. I’m not close enough to hear him, but if I have to guess, he’s calling this situation every name in the book.


  “Not now, Firecracker. I’m not going to be nice, so you need to go back inside.”

  “Cory, please you have to talk to me. We have to find a way to work through this.”

  He stops mid stride, turning towards me. “Is that the guy from The Hill?”

  “Yes.” I answer in a shaky voice.

  “Why him? Who is he?” Cory’s moves closer to me, “I would give you everything, Tabitha. Why can’t you see that?” He says while touching my face in the sweetest gesture he’s ever made with me.

  “It’s not like that. It’s a business dinner, and I know you would do anything for me. Come on let’s go back inside, and we can schedule a lunch date this week. The two of us have to find a way to be in the same room together,” I explain as a small tear escapes, allowing Cory to wipe it away. He leans down and places a gentle kiss on the corner of my eye.

  “I’m not ready for that yet. Go back inside and let Seth know I’m calling a cab.”

  He turns to head towards the curb. The emotions have built up from within release like a volcano.

  I can’t catch my breath. I haven’t felt this kind of pain since that night in college. Cory just took my heart with him, and I’m not sure if I will ever get it back. I don’t love him in that way, but I do love him. He’s been
a part of my life for as long as I can remember.

  Glancing back towards the restaurant, I notice Seth is leaned against the wall watching.

  I’m a wreck and can’t pull myself together enough to go back inside. Managing to pull myself together long enough to remember where I parked, I head in that direction.

  I have to get out of here. I can’t face the wrath of my brother or the heated looks from Carter. I was crazy to accept his invitation to dinner and even crazier for coming here.



  I knew something was wrong with her when I watched her stroll over to the table tonight.

  Placing my napkin on the table and throwing back the rest of my drink, I stand to leave.

  “Sit,” Tabitha’s brother instructs in a growl.

  “Excuse me, but I’m pretty sure we don’t know each other, and I don’t take kindly to commands,” I let out as I stand tall ready for the pissing match that’s about to happen.

  “It’s not a command. You and I need to talk about my sister.”

  Now he has my interest. I can’t wait to hear what he’s about to say. Sitting I cross my arms in front of me and look over to gesture him down into the seat.

  “If you have something to say, have a seat or I’m out.”

  “This won’t take long, so listen as I will only say this once.”

  “Oh, you have my full attention,” I say with a slight grin on my face. This guy has no idea that I’m done taking orders and stopped playing by the rules a while ago.

  “I don’t know what your intentions are with my sister but hear this, stay the hell away from her. She doesn’t need you complicating her life. I’ll find out who you are and when I do, make sure you are far away from her.”

  Stopping him before he can carry on, I stand and lean over the table placing both hands down firmly on top. “Last time I checked she was a grown woman who doesn’t need your approval for anything. I will have her. So you either get on board or step aside,” I say, as I grit my teeth. Standing upright I go to turn, but I’m pulled back with a jerk of the arm.

  “I’m watching you, and you see all those guys over there. She’s like a sister to each one of them as well. You don’t just have me to answer to anymore. I’d watch your back buddy.”

  “Make sure you understand that I can handle you all,” as I finish I jerk my arm out of his hold and straighten my shirt. I throw down a few bills on the table and walk away.

  I don’t have time to mess around with them; I need to find my Tabby Cat. Thankful that Jack emailed me her address already, I tap it into the GPS and head off in her direction.

  I just hope that’s where she went.

  Locating her apartment complex, I notice her car here.

  Unit 24 B is what I need. Looking around in the dark for her unit I notice it’s a townhouse and pretty nice for a single lady.

  I knock on the door as hard as I can.

  “Go away, Seth!” She yells from the other side of the metal door.

  I lean my forehead against it, hearing the pain in her voice breaks me.

  “Tabitha, open the door,” in hopes that she recognizes my voice.

  “Not you, Carter anyone else, but not you tonight. Go away.”

  “Not going to happen. I suggest you open this door and let me see that you’re okay, or I’ll bust it down.”

  I hear the latch unlock, and I brace myself within the door frame. As Tabitha opens the door, I take her in.

  Her eyes are swollen and red, with streaks of her mascara running down both sides of her face. I can tell she’s been crying ever since she left the restaurant.

  I reach out in front of me and wipe the tears and mess away.

  “You shouldn’t be crying.”

  “Why are you here? I left you in the middle of dinner, and I’m a wreck… and I can’t deal with you here right now,” she pushes it all out as she’s starting to hiccup. I shouldn’t find her even more attractive right now, but I do.

  Bethany never cries; I’m pretty sure I’ve never seen her shed a tear.

  Here standing in front of me is a person who’s been broken, and I have a need to fix her.

  In a way, she’s fixing me, and I’ve been broken for years.

  “I had to make sure that you were okay. You walked out in the middle of our dinner date.”

  A look of confusion rolls over her face as she looks at me. “You have to stop this. You have to go back home. I’m no good for you, and this can’t happen between us, ever. I’m not who you think I am.”

  “You are exactly who I think you are. Do you need me to tell you what I think and want?”

  “No,” she says, shaking her head.

  I place my hand under her chin and raise her face up, so she’s looking at me. She needs to be able to see that what I’m about the say is real, and it’s not something I’ve ever said to anyone.

  “You, Tabitha make me want to be better. From the first time I set eyes on you, I knew you were the one for me. I don’t know how to make this work. But I’ll find a way for us to be together. We both have to stop fighting this pull towards each other. I feel it too, and I pray you do as well.”

  “You need to leave, Carter.”

  “I’ll leave for now, but you will have dinner with me tomorrow night. Be ready at seven sharp. If you are not ready or here when I come for you, I will find you, do you understand?”

  She doesn’t speak, but nods instead.

  As much as I’m ready to kiss her, tonight is not a night for that. The both of us have too many emotions playing around. When I kiss her, she’ll be ready, and I won’t be able to stop with one kiss.

  Chapter Fifteen:


  Just like that he’s gone. Carter’s leaves me standing in my doorway as fast as he arrived.

  Shutting and locking the door, I turn around and slide down to the floor.

  It all hits me again, the pain from watching Cory walk away, the past, and being alone.

  I wish someone could give me a rule book on how to heal and trust again.

  Knowing that I could never move into the next stage with Cory, is the worst pain that I’ve felt since that dreadful night years ago.

  But as I looked into Carter’s eyes tonight, I saw a man who could love me the way I am; broken. He could be the one to heal me.

  That terrifies me to no return. What if I let him in and he breaks me? How will I survive the next heartache?

  As I pull my legs into my chest to cradle them, banging vibrates through my back.

  “Tabitha Jean open this door right now or I’m using the key.”

  “Screw you Seth!” I yell back at my brother. I’m in no shape to deal with him tonight.

  “1… 2…”

  I don’t let him get to the count of three. Jumping up I unlock the door and walk away.

  “You had to start counting?” I ask, heading towards the kitchen.

  “I knew you’d open the door. What the hell was that stunt tonight?”

  Spinning on my heels, I raise my finger at him and start shaking it. “Do not come in here and start your shit with me tonight, big brother.”

  “Oh, I’m going to start it. You need to pull your head out of your ass.”

  “My head is not in my ass. Do you not remember the oath we took? You want me to screw up your friendship with Cory? When was the last time you stood up and opened your heart?”

  I’m so mad at my brother; I’m shaking, and pretty sure smoke is coming from my ears.

  “I’ve been trying. If you’d stop long enough to notice, you’d see it.”

  I cock my head at him, confused. “What are you talking about?”

  “Have you not noticed me disappearing? How I’ve been changing?”

  Now that he says something, he has been MIA more here the last few weeks.

  “Who is she?”

  “No, you don’t get that information. What you get tonight is an ass chewing. When are you going to get over what that
douche Robert did to you?”

  Just the mention of his name has me crying again, “Don’t you ever say his name in this house. You have no right.” I say in between crying.

  All of a sudden Seth’s arms engulf me into his chest.

  “Shh… I’m sorry, okay. I know it hurts, but you have to find a way to let that anger go. You’ve got to let people in.”

  “Yoga doesn’t work,” I cry into his chest.

  “No yoga doesn’t work. Why don’t you join me at the gym tomorrow?”

  “Why? What are you going to make me do?”

  “I’ll show you. Now take your crazy ass to bed and text me in the morning. You want to hit it up after work?”

  “Okay,” I say, in my baby sister voice.

  Seth kisses the top of my head as he tells me bye. Following him to the door, I watch as he leaves, and I lock up behind him.

  “What have I just agreed to?” I ask, the surrounding air.

  I push off and head into my room.

  Sleep will come easy tonight.

  I’ll give Seth’s idea a try to let some of the frustration and pain out.

  I’m not sure it’ll work, but it’s worth a shot.



  I’m so screwed right now. I have no idea what to do. Pacing the already worn carpet in my hotel room. I stop and throw my hands upon my head and look at the ceiling.

  A mess is waiting for me back home, and I have this broken angel here that I need. Watching her tonight, broke me in more ways than I knew were possible.

  Knowing that I need to stop what I’m doing until I’m free of Bethany, I can’t. I’ll do what I have to so Tabitha never finds out about Bethany. I’ll explain things are complicated with work and such, but the fact that I have an arranged marriage out of blackmail, that doesn’t need to be disclosed.

  I’ll leave the day after tomorrow.

  On a mission when I return to Seattle. It’s time to play hardball. The Edward’s family has been doing it for years, why can’t I?

  Tomorrow is a new day, where I plan to sweep Tabitha off her feet. Show her exactly how she needs to be treated.

  Chapter Sixteen


  I’ve been in my own world today. My best friend called first thing in a frenzy over a slip up. I have a date tonight with Carter, which I’ve tried to back out of, but was reminded that he would bust the door down.


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