Unexpected Chances

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Unexpected Chances Page 15

by A. M. Willard

  Feeling like a teenage boy, I allow myself to release into the stream of water. I catch myself leaning back into the tile for a moment as I gather my thoughts.

  Once I pull myself together, I finish what I need to do. Dressed in jeans and a simple blue t-shirt, I walk out to find Tabitha gone from the bed.

  Shaking my head as if I expected her to still be laid out half naked, I pull the covers up and throw my crap into my bag.

  Bag in tow, I head out to see if I can find her. It was easy; all I had to do was follow the sound of pots clanking to the floor.

  “Need any help?” I ask, as I lean up against the kitchen doorway and watch as she spins around and drops the frying pan to the floor.

  “Shit! Shit! Shit!”

  “Was that our breakfast?” I ask, looking down to the eggs splattered on the tile floor.

  “Shut it!”

  “You aren’t a morning person are you?”

  “I am but it’s all your fault,” she pouts out, as she bends down to clean up the mess.

  “My fault? How come, I was in the shower?”

  “I know where you were and… just forget it.”

  I step closer towards her and bend down, taking her chin into my hands so she can look at me. “What’s wrong, Tabby Cat?”

  “You’re what’s wrong. I don’t understand why and how you did it, but you did.”

  Confused I ask, “What did I do? Tell me and I’ll make it better, I will fix it.”

  “You can’t fix it, it’s too late,” she answers.

  Staring into her eyes, I hear my cellphone ringing again from the other room. I’m not sure who’s been calling this morning but I have to answer. As I pull away, my heart breaks. Picking up my phone, I notice the text and missed calls from Kelly.

  Kelly: You need to return ASAP. Bethany has lost her mind. Something about calling you a cheating bastard, and she knows you’re not at a convention.

  This is what I was avoiding. The lengths that she will go to ruin not only myself but Tabitha as well, I haven’t a clue.

  Chapter Thirty One:


  Carter left once again. It seems that he’s a professional at riding in and jetting out. He seemed so off this morning when he told me bye. Almost distant. How could we share this morning and then turn into ice after the fact.

  I’ve spent the last few hours cleaning and going over everything from the last twenty-four hours. Last night, Cory handed me over to a man that I’m not sure is capable of anything more than what we have happening right now.

  And what the hell is happening?

  I skip over to my phone to text Angela and Seth. I haven’t heard from any of them this weekend. I know my best friend is going through some crap right now, I just wish I could get rid of that douche nozzle from her life. He’s your typical cheating asshole. I knew years ago this would happen and he sure proved me right.

  Now her new interest she’s fighting is dreamy and I’d love to have been the one to meet him first. I’ll settle for the one that has my eye currently and see what happens in the end. You never know what faith can bring to you.

  Angela: Have you found your replacement, yet?

  Me: No, but I will call her today.

  Angela: Okay. How was your banquet?

  Me: Interesting to say the least.

  Angela: Oh, sounds like you had fun for once at that stuffy thing.

  Me: I did and I think Cory has his eye on someone. I’ll explain tomorrow.

  Angela: Okay see you in the morning, bitch.

  Me: Later hooker.

  I’d texted my brother a while ago and still nothing. Something is off with him and I’ll get to the bottom of it soon enough.



  Just another moment is what I needed with Tabitha this morning. I’d seen my departure today a different way. I knew I couldn’t wait though. I’d texted Kelly and had her arrange for someone to ship my bike back to me, and jumped on the first plane out of here today.

  If Bethany has any idea where I was last night or where I’ve been, I’m screwed.

  She’s threatened several times before to have people eliminated from my life and I wouldn’t put it past her. The connections that her family has are unbelievable.

  Lucky to find a direct flight on such short notice, I hail a taxi from the airport and head towards my condo.

  As soon as I step into my place, the phone starts to ring. Taking a quick glance, I see it’s the wicked witch herself.

  “What can I do for you today, Bethany?”

  “Where the hell have you been?”

  “I find that to be… Oh yeah not your business,” I spit out.

  “Considering I am your wife, it is my business. I suggest you offer it up or I can tell you what I’ve found out.”

  I knew I wouldn’t be able to keep this from her.

  “If you already know, there’s no reason for me to go into it with you. I’d suggest you stay away from her, Bethany or you’ll have hell to pay,” I respond, my voice full of hatred.

  “See that’s where you’re wrong, Carter. I know what you’ve been up to. I know everything you do. Are you so stupid that you think I don’t have people keeping an eye on you?”

  “You bitch.”

  “I am a bitch and I’m protecting my name, Carter. You know I’ll never allow you to divorce me, or get rid of me. She’s a threat that needs to be dealt with. I have my ways.”

  “Bethany, look we can come up with something that doesn’t involve her.”

  “That’s what I knew you’d say, and I expected. Here’s what I’m willing to do. I’ll let you think about it, and then I’ll see you tomorrow at your office. Maybe you might want to reconsider me moving in with you and putting on that happy face that I used to love.”

  “You never loved me, Bethany. This has been a game for you from the start. Don’t act as if you really need me. I’ll see you tomorrow,” I say, as I hang up and throw my phone up against the wall.

  Thank god I didn’t break the phone.

  Dialing Jack, I pace my condo as I try to figure out what to do.

  “Carter. How are things? I see you were in town.”

  “Jack listen, I was and Bethany knows about Tabitha. I’ll pay extra if I need to, but I need her watched at all times. If you see anyone near Tabitha that you haven’t before, call me immediately,” I instruct.

  “Yeah man, no worries about the money. You think she would really do something?”

  “She wouldn’t, but that doesn’t mean a thing. I don’t trust her.”

  “Don’t worry, Carter. I’ve got this under control and I’ll let you know if I see anything out of the ordinary.”

  I make my way to my office, since I need to contact Robert. He needs to be made aware of the threats from Bethany. I’m done giving into her demands. I’ll take my chances with her, but I’m not willing to take a chance on Tabitha when it comes to the devil.

  I’ll protect her even if my life has to be taken.

  Bethany will never harm a hair on her head.

  Chapter Thirty Two:


  A few days have passed and I haven’t heard anything from, Carter. I’ve been on edge since he walked out and I want to call him, but something keeps stopping me.

  I’m in my office doing a few reports for Angela when I hear the bell above the door ding. It causes my heart to stop as I pray it’s Carter.

  I notice Seth round the corner and head towards my office.

  “Nice office, Sis,” he says, as he plops his butt into the chair in front of my desk.

  “Thanks. Where have you been?” I ask, not skipping around the point.

  “Around. You know me. I have shit to do and I’ve been busy.”

  “Too busy for T&S time? Too busy for drinks? Busy doing what?”

  “Easy, Firecracker. Don’t you worry your little curls? I’ve been fine and I’ve missed you too.”

  Crossing my arms in front of me, I
stare him down. He’s hiding something and I know it. Seth’s the one that will not tell you a thing, unless he has it figured out. He doesn’t talk about it until he knows for sure.

  “So, I hear you had a good time the other night at mom’s banquet?”

  “I did and Cory seemed to have one as well,” I state, with a wiggle of my eyebrows.

  “I know he went out on a date with Meredith the other night. We’re all shocked. What did you do to have him let you go?”

  “Nothing. He passed the torch is all I know.”

  “Speaking of that. Do you know what you’re getting yourself into?”

  “Stop worrying about me. I have no idea what I’m doing, but, I’m willing to try at least.”

  “Just be careful, okay?”


  “How about we grab some lunch?”

  “Let’s go and you’re buying,” I state, as I grab my purse and head out with my arms interlocked with my brother.

  Lunch was okay, different, but okay. It felt that the two of us were hiding something from the other. I know he suspects that I have my eyes on someone.

  I’m just not ready to explain who that is.

  Too many questions, and then the overbearing brother comes to life.

  These days I’d rather deal with the MIA brother, than the protective one.

  It’s cute and all, but I wish he would allow me to grieve. That wasn’t allowed back then and it sure the hell wouldn’t be allowed today. “Suck it up.” has been used way too often when it’s brought up. Or the one I love, “Men are asses, Tabitha. They hurt you and move on. No reason to hang onto the past. Let it go and one day if you’re lucky, someone will fall from the sky and take you away from me.”

  Just thinking back to that conversation, brings a smile to my face. We were out and doing tequila shots for my birthday. It was shortly after I’d found out that Robert was sleeping with the universe. “Well everyone but me at the time.”

  Tripping on my feet as I rush to get to my office, I brace myself and decide to call Cory. I have the perfect idea, but it will require his help.

  “Oh my God, Cory I have it.. You ready?”

  “Firecracker, I don’t like the sound of your voice. The last time you sounded this happy, you’d found a new drink and we were sick for a week.”

  I pause as I remember back to the drinking game and frilly drinks I made the boys consume. “Oh that was a good night, don’t knock it mister.”

  “It was until we almost died from your tropical whatever you made.”

  “Hush and listen to me. This is brilliant.”

  “Go on, I’m listening.”

  “Seth is being a butt and all, I don’t know weird. So you and I are going to dress up and go into stealth mode and follow him around. We can even scare him if you’d like.”

  Laughing is all I hear from other end of the line.

  “Cory! Are you paying me any attention?” I ask in a serious tone.

  “Oh, I heard you and I swear we did that once, didn’t we? I’m pretty sure I had to explain a few things to you after the last stealth mission.”

  I cringe as I flash back to Cory and I dressed in all black. We snuck out and followed Seth on a date. I was adamant he was dating a cheerleader from high school and I despised her. Cory borrowed his friend’s truck so we could stay invisible. We parked a few spots down from them in the parking lot located a mile from the pier in Santa Monica. It was dark and deserted, other than us.

  Seth was so busy making out with Kiera, he never saw it coming. We snuck over to his car and started tapping on the rear bumper. No sooner than I reached up and the door flew open, my eyes needed to be bleached.

  That was a vision I never care to see again in my life. I still mess with him about needing therapy.

  “You are probably right. I’m sure I can’t afford to pay for that or anything else we would witness to be erased. Or do you know anyone with one of those flasher things they point at you and erase your memory?”

  “Sorry fresh out of those today and we should leave him alone.”

  “Oh it would be fun and possibly entertaining,” I say, in my best persuasive voice.

  “Not happening. I still don’t live it down to this day. You have no idea how mad Seth was for agreeing to your crazy ideas.”

  “He just needs to suck it up. No worries I’ll figure this out, maybe.”

  “Bye, Tabitha.”

  “Later tater.”



  Bethany hasn’t shown up, which I’m not surprised in the least. I haven’t even heard from her since that call. Every little thing has me on edge. I’ve locked myself into my office, only working on my designs. It’s the only thing that keeps me going.

  Last night I couldn’t sleep, so I ended up at the office before the sun even woke up.

  I’m lost in thought as I hear a knock on my office door.

  “Come in.”

  “Hey, I just wanted to warn you that the witch is on her way up,” Kelly states.

  “Thanks. Send her in when she arrives.”

  “Do you have a meeting?” She asks, in that tell me when and I’ll escort her out for you.

  “No, not today. Thanks though.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Oh, Kelly. Hold my calls as well until she leaves.”

  With a quick nod, Kelly exits my office and I prepare myself for the wrath of my wife.

  “Carter, dear you look like shit,” Bethany states, as she barges into my office.

  “Do you knock?”

  “No need, I own this building so it’s my office as well.”

  “Excuse me? You don’t own this building.”

  “As of this morning I do. Daddy bought it for me. Something about I needed to show investment, and an interest into my husband’s work.”

  “The building wasn’t for sale, Bethany. What did you do?” I say through gritted teeth.

  “Everything and anyone is always for sale, Carter. Don’t you remember or should I remind you?”

  “No need, I remember ever damn day.”

  “Now, now. No sense in sounding bitter. You got what you requested,” she says, waving her hands around the room.

  “I was stupid to agree. I should have ran as far as I could from you and your evil family.”

  “You would’ve come back to me, Carter. You use to love me and now we have a little red-head in our way.”

  “Leave her out of this, Bethany. I swear if you touch one strand of hair on her, I’ll kill you with my bare hands.”

  “No worries of me ever touching her. I’m better than that, my dear,” she laughs, as she looks me right in the eyes.

  “What do you really need, or did you just come here to inform me that you own my building now?”

  “No I have a reason. I want to remind you of our little agreement. You know the one that says we are to have a child by the time our ten years are up.”

  I swallow the bile down my throat as I hear those words slip out of her mouth. I don’t need to respond to her, she knows that I will never grant her this wish.

  “Carter, you do remember don’t you or would you care to re-read the contract for yourself?”

  “No, I remember and it’s not happening. Ever. We are done and you’ll see something from my lawyer soon enough.”

  “Send it, because you don’t have a leg to stand on.”

  “You asked for this war, Bethany and I’m willing to fight you tooth and nail. You and your family are done owning me. I don’t care if I lose everything that I have, I will not lose my soul to you again.”

  “You think you love her? Is this what this is all about? Once she finds out how low you reached to achieve your goals, she will not have a thing to do with you. Oh, remember I do my homework and I know everything there is to know about your interest.” Bethany stops and leans over the desk to look me in the eyes. “I’ll destroy you and your company before I watch you run off with her. You’re where you d
eserve to be. Don’t forget what I did for you, what I gave up for you to have everything that you have in your life.”

  “I’ve never laid a hand on you before, but right now, Bethany I could strangle you. I suggest you leave this minute.”

  “I’ll leave and have my things delivered to your house this evening,” she says, as she slams the door behind her.

  I reach down and wipe everything from the top of my desk and watch it crumble to the ground.

  It crashes to the floor, just as my life did a moment ago.

  Chapter Thirty Three:


  It’s been over a week since I last heard from, Carter. No email, no surprise visit, nothing. I’ve been going over that morning every day since. Did I do something or say something to cause this?

  Angela has been on me to hire the new assistant, and I’ve been trying to focus on that, and getting this proposal done for Georgia’s Inc., but my mind is elsewhere. This whole time he has been popping up here and there and now nothing.

  After lunch today, I have the perfect plan but I need to see if I can pull it off without a hitch.

  Me: Jessica, we still on for lunch?

  Jess: You know it…

  Wondering around the office trying to keep myself focused. I hear Angela call out for me, “Tabitha!”

  “What’s up?” I ask, as I hop into her office.

  “Someone’s in a great mood today.”

  “No, just having a good one.”

  “Can you copy this for the Black contract?”

  “You trying to ruin my day? That machine hates me.” I whine.

  “It doesn’t hate you, it’s just not fond of you,” she chuckles at me.

  “Angela, if it spits anything at me, I will smash it and then blow it to pieces.”

  “Easy, Tiger. No need to replace the thing this week,” Angela says, with her voice laced with sarcasm. As I grab the files from her hands, I notice she has a tentative date for her return to New York. I worry about her and everything she’s going through, but then at the same time, I’m happy.


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