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Deepest 1 2nd Ed ebook EPUB Page 1

by Thomas, C. M

  Copyright© 2017 by C. M. Thomas

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and specific other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

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  Edited by: Claudette Cruz

  Cover design: Les (German creative)

  Ebook formatting: Glenn Bontrager

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or real events is purely coincidental.

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  2. Edition


  To my husband.

  This one is for you.

  We have been through so much together.

  But no matter what,

  you’ve been by my side for the last fifteen years.

  I thank you for believing in me and my dream.

  For all your support and love.

  I love you.

  Table of Contents

  Prologue: Anna

  Chapter 1: Anna - A month later

  Chapter 2: Zane

  Chapter 3: Anna

  Chapter 4: Zane

  Chapter 5: Anna

  Chapter 6: Zane

  Chapter 7: Anna

  Chapter 8: Zane

  Chapter 9: Anna

  Chapter 10: Zane

  Chapter 11: Anna

  Chapter 12: Zane

  Chapter 13: Anna

  Chapter 14: Zane

  Chapter 15: Anna

  Chapter 16: Zane

  Chapter 17: Anna

  Chapter 18: Zane

  Chapter 19: Anna

  Chapter 20: Zane

  Chapter 21: Anna

  Chapter 22: Zane

  Chapter 23: Anna

  Chapter 24: Zane

  Chapter 25: Anna

  Chapter 26: Zane

  Chapter 27: Anna

  Chapter 28: Zane

  Chapter 29: Anna

  Chapter 30: Zane

  Epilogue: Anna (six months later)




  I can still feel him, even though I have been in the shower the last half an hour. The water is no longer warm, but I don’t care, I’m trying to wash him away. How could this happen to me? I slide down onto the floor, the tears are still running down my cheeks, and the water is so cold. But I don’t do anything, I just cry.

  Thinking back on the worst night in my life; tonight. There was nothing out of the ordinary. I was with some of the girls from the office we were out celebrating Bree’s 30th birthday. Bree is the PA for the CEO of L.X. Industries. I’m her assistant. Yes, I know a PA with an assistant. I’ve worked this job while taking my bachelor’s degree in business administration at UCCS. We all went to the club called Destiny after a late dinner. Our boss had given us the opportunity to get into this very exclusive club. If you’re not a celebrity or somewhat famous, it’s almost impossible to get in. This evening was a pretty great deal for us, and the evening was fun, at least until I was on my way home.

  After saying goodnight to the girls, I decided to walk the two blocks home to my apartment. Stupid, I know. But I do this all the time, walk home alone, so I didn’t see any point of paying a cab when I’m fully capable of walking home. Tonight; I regret that decision.

  I was almost home when I felt someone walking close behind me. Thinking this was just someone drunk trying to get home like me, I walked a little faster. That didn’t help, the person behind me was now beside me. In a flash, I felt his hand on my arm, and he dragged into the alley I was just about to walk by. It happened so fast that I didn’t even have time to think. He slammed me against the cold wall. Putting a hand over my mouth so I couldn’t scream. Then he started kissing my neck, I fought his hold, but he was too strong. He didn’t smell good, almost like he hadn’t had a shower in weeks. He smelled of frying oil, beer, and sweat. Still, I don’t think he is homeless; his clothes were nice but smelly. I couldn’t see his face; it was covered with a black bandage.

  He kept kissing me along my neckline, down to my cleavage and in one fast move he ripped my blouse open, so he had access to my bra. My only thought at this point was, how do I get away from him, I was terrified. My whole body was shaking like crazy, and I was sure that it was a matter of time before I passed out. I couldn’t breathe, kept trying to catch my breath like I was running a sprint. For some reason, my body kept fighting, even though I just wanted to close my eyes and die. I was trying to fight him off me, scratching him, pushing him away. But he was too strong; I couldn’t get free of him. He pressed me into the wall and held me there with his legs and body. But I kept fighting him, it was essential instinct for sure, because I had no control over my body or the situation at that point.

  I kept struggling with him, tried to bite his hand, the one that covered my mouth, but it didn’t help. He had all the control. He took out one of my breasts and started kissing it. When he got to my nipple he bit; hard. I screamed against his hand, almost sure that I was bleeding from that bite. He kept biting me, at my neck, arm, breast, stomach, I could feel his erection against my stomach. How could he be so turned on by this? I was fighting him, kicking him. He must have known that I didn’t want him. I know some people are turned on by this kind of struggle. Why had he chosen me this night?

  Not that I wanted anyone to experience this, but I just wanted it to be anyone but me at this point. I could feel his erection getting bigger and bigger, and he groaned from deep down his throat. He, for one, was all in this. Me, the only thing I kept thinking was; god I am going to be raped if I don’t get away from him. This was a living nightmare. I just wanted to wake up in my bed, and all this would only be a cruel dream.

  But no, back to reality. “You’re mine now, finally.” That’s what he said between all the biting. Finally -this wasn’t a random attack, like wrong place at the wrong time. He was this turned on because he wanted me, not some random girl? Who is he? I had to know him, he clearly knew me. But his voice, I’m sure I’ve never heard that before. But I had to know him, right? He said I was finally his. So, he had been waiting for this moment.

  I went crazy when he got his hand down my panties, I could feel his fingers against my clit, and soon he spiked two fingers inside my folds. Luckily for me, I had a very tight pair of leather pants on, so it took him time to get them pulled down long enough for him to get his hard erection inside me. This was my last chance if I couldn’t get away from him, he was going to rape me. Noise in the alley distracted him, and in that second, he loosened the grip on me, I kicked him and ran.

  My heel broke, and I fell, this is it, he is going to come after me, and now he is angry. I could hear him behind me, I tried to get up, but I was tipsy and dizzy, so I struggled to get up. He took my arm and yanked me up against him. My back against his chest, I could feel his erection against my back. There was no way I was getting away from him now. But
then I heard a door open, and a couple walked into the alley, and I almost cried out of joy as he let me go, and this time I ran, and I didn’t stop until I was home. Struggling to get the key out of my purse I finally got inside my apartment, safe.

  So here I am, sitting in the shower still trying to get his scent of me. After I emptied my stomach content in the toilet, I stepped into the shower, where I still am. How do I ever get out of here? I should have contacted the police, but what was the point, he didn’t actually rape me, just with his fingers and of course all the bite marks all over my body. Checking them over, I can see I’m still bleeding from some of them. It will take a long time for all of them to heal. Hopefully before summertime.

  How long I sat in the shower; I don’t know. But I need to get out of here, so get up on my feet, and turn the shower off. After drying myself I walk straight to my bed and slide down under covers, and the tears come back with full force. I cry so hard; I had trouble breathing. I cry myself to sleep. Thinking; why me?

  Monday morning, I call in sick for work, I just can’t get out of my apartment, even though at some point I have to get out. I still haven’t told anyone, and I aren’t going to either. No one can do anything; I just hope he will forget about me. But my thoughts keep going back to the only words he said to me; “You’re mine now, finally.” What did that mean? Do I know him, did he keep an eye on me? Does he still keep an eye on me? So many questions, and no answers.

  When the doorbell rang, I choked, who could it be? It couldn’t possibly be him; he wouldn’t just show up here to finish what he started; would he? I don’t even walk to the door; I just sit in my bed under the covers a hope whoever is on the other side of the door will leave.

  By Wednesday morning, I decide to go to work. I have to get out of the apartment. I can’t remember how, but I got to work and spend all day working even though I was distracted. Every time the phone rang I got a chock, every time someone talked to me I didn’t listen. This isn’t good, what is happening to me. Me, Anna, who always smiled, talked and laughed with my coworkers. Bree came by my desk on her way home.

  “Are you okay Anna, you look pale?” sincere concern in her voice, I looked up from my computer,

  “I’m fine, just the flu I think.”

  She didn’t look convinced but nodded and walked over to the elevator.

  It is late before I decide to go home, this time, I spent the money on a cab, even though I’ve never done that before. When I had to go home from the office, I always walked, but not today. I get home, take my mail out of the mailbox and run up the stairs. I unlock the door and walk in my apartment. I just then realized that I’ve been holding my breath since I got out of the cab.

  This isn’t right Anna! I tell myself, something is wrong with you. Yes, you got attacked, but you are a strong woman, this shouldn’t keep bothering you. That’s when I see the black envelope; there is no text on the outside, that’s weird. I open the envelope and take the letter out. It is white with handwritten black text;

  Next time you won’t get away from me.

  - D.

  Chapter 1:

  Anna - A month later

  “Anna, you’re here,” my sister Kylie screamed when she saw me in the lobby at the hotel where she and the band were currently staying. My sister was working for one of the most popular rock bands in the world: Deep C. Some might say they were more a boy band than a rock band if you looked at their fan base. Kylie was their PA.

  I gave her a long hug. For the first time in a month, I felt safe. I felt my body relaxing. Kylie had always been my rock, and right now, I needed her. Even though I couldn’t tell her what happened to me, I still needed her support.

  “It’s really good to see you, sis,” I said while still hugging her. It had been way too long since we saw each other. Thank God for social media, Skype, and texting. My big sister was my best friend. We were always close. Our parents always worked—they were both lawyers back home in Colorado Springs—so as kids, we were always with nannies, some sweeter than others. Not that we never saw our parents—we did. But they both worked a lot. Owning one of the biggest law firms in the state required a lot of work. Our parents owned the firm along with two other partners.

  Kylie let go of me and looked at the bar. Then she looked back at me and smiled. “Let’s go get a drink, it’s been a long week.” She really did look exhausted. I followed her to the bar while the porter took my suitcases to my hotel room. I sat at a table and waited for Kylie to come back with our drinks.

  “So, why are you here, Anna?” Kylie asked while sipping her drink. That was Kylie. Why make small talk when you could get right to the point? This was where we were much alike. We both went straight to the point, Kylie more than me. Maybe it was just a family thing; our parents did it too. But Kylie and I didn’t look much alike. She had brown hair, and right now, it was up in a messy bun. She was higher than me, had more curves, and her eyes were brown. She actually looked a lot like our dad, just a female version. I looked more like my mom, with my blonde hair, green eyes, and long legs.

  I hadn’t told anyone I quit my job last week. My parents wouldn’t like the fact that I chose to quit before I got another job. That was not how they raised us. But I just wanted to get away from Colorado Springs, away from “D.” The last month was terrible. After the first letter from “D,” I just lost it. How could this happen to me? What did he want from me? I’d gotten five more letters since that first one. Last week I just caved. I needed a change, so here I was.

  I didn’t call the police after I was attacked that night. I thought about it more than once, but what could they do? Would they believe me? I guessed the fear of them not believing me was why I never reported it or the letters I’d gotten since. I took a deep breath and looked at my sister.

  “I quit my job last week, Kylie…” I held my hand up, stopping her from interrupting me. “I just needed a change. I have my bachelor’s degree; I don’t want to work as the assistant to the assistant. So even though I loved my job, I just thought this was the right time.” Kylie looked at me, raising her eyebrow like she knew that was not the whole truth.

  “Are you sure that’s the only reason? You look tired and like you have lost weight.” She looked at me and reached over the table and rested her hand on mine. That little gesture was her way of telling me that she was concerned, and if she knew the truth, then she had every right to be.

  “I have lost a couple of pounds, that’s no biggie—” I said before she interrupted me.

  “I know I haven’t seen you in person since Christmas, but still, you have lost more than just a couple of pounds!” She was right, I’d lost about ten pounds since that night. And I really didn’t need to lose weight. But I didn’t have any appetite. Every time I ate, my throat closed up. I couldn’t swallow the food, so I didn’t eat much these days. With that, my stomach rumbled. I really was hungry, but I didn’t want food. I just wanted to sleep and relax.

  “Sorry, sis, but can we talk about this later? It’s been a really long day.” I hoped she would let the topic go, but I knew her better than that. She might be letting me off the hook now, but we were not done talking about this. That I knew for sure. Kylie was very determined, and if she wanted an answer, she would keep pushing until you gave it to her. She might come off as a silent type, but when you knew her, she was nothing like that. She wasn’t as social and loud as me, at least me before the attack, but if she wanted something, she didn’t quit before she had it.

  “Sure, Anna. Let’s get you to your room, I have some work to do before I call it a night.” We walked out of the bar and over to the elevator.

  “We have the entire tenth floor, so it’s only people working for the band and, of course, the band here,” Kylie said as we stepped out of the elevator and down the hall to my room. That was one of the perks of working for Deep C: nice, big hotel rooms and privacy. Which was exactly what I needed at this poi
nt. When I called Kylie two days ago, she told me I was more than welcome to join her on tour. She would make sure I had my own room, even though I told her I wouldn’t mind staying with her. But she told me that getting my own room was for the best so I could relax while she worked.

  “What time do we meet tomorrow morning?” I turned around and looked at Kylie, who stood behind me.

  “I have a meeting with the band at eight thirty, so how about we meet at nine? Then we can get some breakfast together before I head out with the band.” I nodded in agreement and took the keycard from Kylie. I really just needed to get some time alone right now.

  “See you tomorrow.” I smiled back at Kylie before entering my hotel room.

  After a quick shower, I lay down on the bed, finally relaxed. I looked around the room. It contained the queen-size bed I was currently lying on. There were two big and comfy chairs with a small table between them, and paintings on the walls. The paintings were big and powerful. The artist clearly loved color and graffiti. They were like street art converted into art. I wouldn’t mind having these on my walls at my apartment.

  I closed my eyes and relaxed. It had been a long day. But now I was here in Seattle with my sister, and of course, one of the most popular bands in the world right now: Deep C. How my sister got the job as their PA was beyond me. When she told our parents that she, instead of going to law school, was taking a job for a rock band, I thought my father would have a heart attack. Kylie was always the good sister, never rebelling like me. So maybe this was Kylie’s time to be the rebel. She had taken her pre-law degree at UCCS like me but then left to work for Deep C. That was three years ago.

  I still thought that Kylie would go to law school at some point, not like me. I had no intention of becoming like our parents. I didn’t want to work as a lawyer. I would like to work as a PA or something like that. If I were offered a job like Bree’s back in Colorado Springs, I would jump at the opportunity. I had always wanted freedom, to choose what felt right, not what would make me the most money.


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