Pawsitively Fetching: Romance with a Canine Helper (Romantic Beginnings Book 3)

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Pawsitively Fetching: Romance with a Canine Helper (Romantic Beginnings Book 3) Page 2

by Tammy Andresen

  Glancing over at Doug, she bit her lip as she caught his eyes raking over her again while she washed the dishes.

  “Sam, can I ask you a question?” He stuffed his hands in his pockets

  She didn’t know where this was going but she wasn’t sure she wanted to find out. Her eyes darted around for a distraction but the dogs had fallen asleep on a rug on the floor.

  “Sure,” she finally answered.

  “How come you didn’t date in high school?”

  “Oh.” She blinked. It was even worse than she thought. Gulping down a lump, she shrugged. “Well, I tried. But my dad was really strict. You know that. Guys aren’t that excited about nine o’clock curfews. And the guys I was interested in weren’t…” she paused. The last thing she needed to do was remind him of how unattractive she had been.

  “What?” he asked scooting a little closer, his voice taking on a husky quality.

  “I was a geek remember?” she tapped her own head too late realizing she had soap bubbles on them.

  “What?” he reached out and rushed them away, his fingers brushing her temple. “You were gorgeous then and you’re gorgeous now. The entire football team spent hours talking about hot you were and--”

  “Wait, the football team talked about me?” She sat up then.

  “They made a bet to see who could, you know, get you in bed. I had to beat up three guys to keep from them trying it.” His cheeks began to redden again. What a weird day.

  “You beat up guys for me?” Her eyes searched his face looking for the answers his words might not reveal. “Why did you do that?”

  He raked his hand through his hair, his eyes downcast. “I don’t know. You were my friend, our families were friends. You didn’t deserve to be an object of their…”

  She didn’t need to hear anymore. Before he could say another word, she leaned over and lightly touched her lips to his. If he got weirded out, she could just say, that it was a friendly thank you kind of thing.


  This day just kept getting stranger. It was like he’d gone to the post office and then got dropped into the Twilight Zone. He’d had a crush on Sam forever and now her lips were lightly touching his.

  He had managed to save fifty thousand dollars while playing ball. Money he was going to use for school. He was pretty sure, he would give every penny to her right now, if she would just keep kissing him.

  Those full luscious lips were pressed to his. He closed his eyes, just breathing in her scent, feeling their softness. Electricity shot thorough him like a bolt of lightning. Why hadn’t he done this years ago? He should have asked her out in high school. Why had he been so stupid?

  He knew why. He’d always known why. She was too good for him. So smart. Hell, she had just interviewed for the biggest internet company in the world. She didn’t want to go out with a second rate ball player, who made his money as a part time fireman. It was laughable.

  So many guys thought they were the shit, back in high school. Too good for every girl there. But even back then, he had seen it. She would marry some fortune five hundred guy and together, they’d rule the world.

  He hadn’t wanted to just hook up with her, he respected her. But with her lips on him like that his body was humming. Holy shit, maybe they could make an exception?

  Opening his eyes she was already looking at him. “Thank you for sticking up for me. In high school, I mean.” Then she leaned back away from him. He might have thought it was just a thank you kiss except he could see the hunger in her eyes.

  Gently, he reached out and grasped her chin and then lightly pulled her back towards him to brush his lips across her again. “You’re welcome.”

  Doug had been with his fair share of women but the way she felt, the way his insides were jumping was unlike anything he’d ever experienced. Which was crazy because it had only been a light kiss. Just a tease, really.

  Her tongue darted out to wet her lips and he nearly lost it. How was she even hotter now than she had been seven years ago?

  Dark brown eyes, with high cheekbones and full, delicious lips stared at him now. Her pert little nose, somehow softened her looks into adorably beautiful. And her body. She had always been hot but now. When he had seen her standing there in those heels, all those feeling had come flooding back. And then he touched her ankle. Light, easy, but he would have given anything to run his hands up and down her legs.

  “Doug,” her voice was husky, sexy, her eyes sparkled with mischief. “Have you ever thought about you know… me and you?”

  He should say that he hadn’t ever considered it. He should leave her here for her fortune five hundred guy. Instead of answering, he pulled her lips back to his. This wasn’t a gentle brush. This time he pressed harder and as the kiss deepened and lengthened, his tongue gently probed into her mouth to touch to hers. They melded together, tongues tangling as one of his hands came to her cheek to touch her soft skin, as his arm wrapped around her waist to hold her close.

  Her hands, which had been resting on his chest, slid up around his neck and tangled into his hair. Jesus, it felt so good. Better than he’d imagined. He tightened his grip around her waist erasing any space between them, as her curves fit against him perfectly.

  Sliding his hand down her neck, he skimmed it across her collarbone and along the ballet neck of her t-shirt. His fingers itched to dip under the soft cotton but he resisted. She was not a woman to tumble into bed. She was like a wine, best when savored and cherished.

  A soft whining came from his right. Slowly, he ended the kiss, tasting her several more times before he lifted his head. Her eyes were drowsy and unfocused as she blinked up at him. The sort of bedroom eyes, that made his already rock hard body, tighten further.

  Her lips were swollen from his kiss and he had to dip down and taste them one more time. Clara whined again and with a sigh he lifted his head. “I need to take her outside. Have you got a shovel?”

  “Shovel?” she asked that seductive haze still giving her bedroom eyes.

  He hated to ruin that look with what he was about to say. “In case I need to clean up poop.”

  Chapter 4

  Sam blinked twice, trying to make her brain work properly. All she could think about was how his long hard body still pressed perfectly to hers. And the kiss. She was going to have to change her panties again. Unless, he wanted to just remove them all together.

  But instead, he was heading outside to clean up… poop. “Ah sure. In the shed. I’ll get Snow if you want me to help you.”

  “That would be great. Thanks.” He grabbed the leash and then turned back to her. “Is the yard still fenced?”

  “Yep, actually my parents had it redone right before they moved. Should be perfect.” Their dog growing up, Chase, had gnawed several holes in the boards in his attempts to escape.

  “Chase killed it?” He chuckled.

  “Yep. And it was just old.” She picked up the puppy, snuggling it to her nose. She kissed her chin and Sam couldn’t help but smile.

  Doug grinned too and opened the back door in the kitchen to take Clara out. “I’ve missed this neighborhood,” he said as he held the door for her.

  She wrinkled her nose. “Spend a little time, it might cure you.”

  “Aw, come one. This was a great place to grow up.” He unhooked Clara and she set Snow down. The two dogs trotted off, Snow nipping playfully at her mother.

  “I guess it was.” She kicked at a clump of dirt. Her time here hadn’t been nearly as successful as his and she was still here. Stuck in some loop of nerdiness and juvenile insecurity.

  “Tell me about your apartment?” Her hair was still pinned back from her interview but a few strands had fallen loose and his fingers reached to tuck the hair behind her ear, his fingers stroking it as he did so.

  It was an intimate gesture that spoke more of affection and less of lust and she held her breath, enjoying the moment. Doug was not looking to start a relationship with her. He was way out of her league… p
un intended. But she could dream for a little while. “It was great. Right in Mission Hill. It was only a one bed but it was mine, you know. And so close to the action, I felt hip for once.”

  His fingers slid from her ear down her neck. “This isn’t the high school thing again is it?”

  She shrugged. “Maybe.”

  “Do you know what most of those kids are doing, now?”

  Her and her best friend, Alyssa, made it a point to not know. “I haven’t kept up with it.”

  “You should because it would make you feel a whole lot better.” His breath was tickling her ear and she tingled everywhere. This might actually happen. God it was hot.

  “I’ll keep that in mind,” she whispered.

  “Listen, I have to work the overnight shift and then I have class tomorrow.” He took a breath. “I have a giant favor to ask, one you can say no to.”

  He was so close, she was practically turning to putty in his arms. “Okay.”

  “Can the dogs hang out here while I’m in school? I can close them in the sunroom.”

  It was like a bucket of cold water had been dumped over her head. Not that she minded the dogs. But it occurred to her that he might be here for them. “I have to work, I only took today off for the interview…” she started.

  “I know, I mean I figured. I’ll close them off, put pee pads down, a bowl of food. I can’t miss class again and I can’t leave them at my place. I’m sorry to ask, I’m just really in a tight spot.”

  She gulped down the lump that was in her throat then gave a nod of ascension. “Okay, they can stay.”

  He kissed her cheek. “Thank you. I don’t get off until seven. What time do you head in?”

  “Um, usually six. I try to beat the traffic.” She wouldn’t even be here to see him when he dropped the dogs off.

  “Is the spare key still in the same place?” he asked giving her a grin.

  She tried not to frown. Somehow the fact that it was made her feel worse. “Yes.”

  “Perfect.” This time he kissed her lips. “I finish class at four. Maybe we could do dinner?”

  The kiss and his words had her melting again. “I don’t get home till six.”

  “That’s alright. We’ll be here whenever you get home. I’ll take care of dinner.” He gave her a wicked grin. The kind that pulled one side of his mouth up and spoke of naughty promises that made her heart beat quicken.

  She searched her mind for something cool to say. A one liner that made her sound hip and parlayed his sexy grin. But all that came out was, “Sounds great.”

  “It’s a date then.” He gave her one more squeeze and then called the dogs.

  “It’s a date.”

  Alyssa gasped on the phone. “So his dogs are hanging at your house?”

  “Yep,” Sam replied. It sounded even worse when Alyssa said it.

  “Do you remember junior year when Kyle Asterman strung Susie along while she tutored him though trig?” Alyssa’s voice was hesitant.

  “Yeah,” she asked her voice rising at the end though she wasn’t actually sure she wanted to here this.

  “Just be careful this thing with Doug isn’t that.” Alyssa rushed through her words and then continued on. “I mean Doug always seemed to legit care about you. But still, just watch out.”

  “I will,” she replied. But truthfully, she wasn’t sure she was going to be careful. Her libido was taking over and honestly, she was considering making the trade. If the kiss was any indication, sex was going to be amazing. So what if it wasn’t a relationship? She pushed back the niggling doubt about being used for dog sitting. She’d be using him for sex. Really good, really hot sex. Maybe it would get her confidence back up.

  “Okay, hon, I’ve got to go. I’ve a call with India in ten minutes.” Alyssa answered, sounding distracted.

  Sam could hear her rifling through papers. “It’s eight o’clock at night.”

  “But it’s 8:30 am there tomorrow. They are starting the work day and I need to give them they’re marching orders.”

  “Good luck, talk soon.” Sam said by way of goodbye.

  “We’re still on for Saturday night, right?” Alyssa suddenly snapped back into the conversation.

  “Of course. We’ll chat on Friday.” Sam hung up and sighed.

  She’d been sitting in the sunroom, but headed towards the family room in the back of the house. Her steps echoed, as she passed through the kitchen.

  That was another thing she missed about her apartment. This house was huge and lonely for one person where as her apartment had felt just right.

  She supposed that would be one benefit to having the dogs around. Maybe they’d fill the space. Maybe she should get a dog. A companion to fill the time.

  She’d hesitated because she worked so much but, she could hire a dog walker. With no rent and a good job, she had some money to spare.

  Maybe she could adopt Snow. That thought filled her with warm fuzzy feelings. And it seemed like Doug needed help. She could get to know Snow and see how it went. The best part was that it didn’t feel so much like she was doing Doug a favor, he might be doing her one.

  With that thought, she headed up to her room. She wasn’t so nerdy that she went to bed at eight. But her room was cozy and all her own, unlike the rest of the house. She’d hang out up there till it was time for bed.

  She laid on her bed, propping herself up on her pillows, and clicked on her TV. It was background noise as she pulled out her phone to flip through Facebook. Maybe it was time to see what everyone from high school was up to.

  She’d barely had time to send a few friend requests when her phone rang. She didn’t recognize the number and didn’t pick up. But as soon as it stopped ringing, it started again. Grimacing, she hit the accept button. “Hello?” she asked a little more hesitant than normal. The big lonely house was creeping her out. Add the unknown call and she was spooked.

  “Hey,” Doug’s deep voice spoke on the other end. “I thought I’d call so you’d have my number.”

  “Oh,” she said in another brilliant verbal move. She’d given him hers before he’d left. She’d just assumed he’d text her with his like everyone else did. “Great.”

  “It’s quiet here tonight so I thought I’d call. Needed a study break any way. What are you up to?”

  Shit, she thought. Say something cooler than I’m watching TV in bed alone, as usual. “You know, just hangin’ out.”

  “Yeah? Got a few?” He asked, sounding so good. Calm, collected. So Doug.

  “Sure,” she responded. A whining came through from the other end of the phone. She heard rustling.

  “Snow misses you, I think,” he said by way of explanation.

  “Awww,” she smiled relaxing. “I miss her too.”

  “I realized I never asked what you like to eat.” He murmured.

  Leaning back on her pillows, she answered, “It doesn’t matter. Whatever you get will be great.”

  “I make a mean chicken parm, if you’re interested.”

  She giggled, “You’re cooking? This is getting interesting.”

  They chatted for another hour. It was easy and fun. He talked about his studies, “I’m in my second year of a three year program. The classes are getting tougher but, I feel like I’m on the downhill slope with half of it behind me.”

  She chatted about her job and hopes for the future. “I know San Francisco is crazy expensive but I’ve been saving every penny and I feel like I could buy a place of my own, you know?”

  By nine thirty she knew she should hang up and get ready for bed, but she just didn’t want this call to end. If she were honest, it didn’t feel like Doug was just trying to get something out of her. It seemed as though he were legitimately interested. “I’m so proud of you, Saminator.” He used his old nickname for her. “You’re tearing it up.”

  “Thanks, Dougy.” She used his childhood nickname that his parents had called him.

  Laughing, his voice dropped. “You’ve got me th

  “Hey, Romeo,” a male voice called from the background. “Are you ever getting off that phone?”

  “Who’s that?” she asked laughing too.

  “Steve. Don’t pay any attention to him. He’s old and grumpy. Especially when he hasn’t eaten.”

  “Got it. I should probably go anyway.” She sighed. “I’ve got early meetings on Wednesdays.”

  “Okay. I’ll see you tomorrow.” He actually sounded disappointed.

  “Tomorrow,” she repeated, not sure what to say.

  “Goodnight, Sam.”

  “Goodnight.” She hung up the phone and attempted to ignore the disappointment she felt at not hearing his voice.

  Chapter 5

  It was a grueling day, made worse by the fact that she kept checking her messages to see if she’d heard anything about the interview. Of course she hadn’t and she knew she likely wouldn’t.

  When she wasn’t checking for interviews, or attending one of a thousand meetings, she was looking to see if Doug called. He didn’t. And stalking people from highshool on Facebook.

  The amazing thing about it was that some of them still seemed like they were trying really hard to be cool, but lots of them had settled into jobs, were engaged, a few even had kids. Totally normal stuff.

  She had been a size eight in high school. She knew it wasn’t bad but she’d felt huge compared to all the tiny size two girls that paraded up and down the halls.

  Sam had lost a little weight in college and was now a size six. Occasionally a four. The other girls seemed to have all caught up to her. And they looked great.

  That was the thing. At work, she was the new Sam. The one who was smart and sexy, and men gave sidelong glances too. But around Doug, and others from high school, she turned back into that girl who joined the chess club and wore baggy sweatshirts to hide her boobs.


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