Pawsitively Fetching: Romance with a Canine Helper (Romantic Beginnings Book 3)

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Pawsitively Fetching: Romance with a Canine Helper (Romantic Beginnings Book 3) Page 4

by Tammy Andresen

  “Yeah, we’re hanging out.” Doug replied. “I’ll show you to the sunroom.”

  “Hang on,” Casey stopped. “I’ve got an oversized crate in my truck you can borrow. Plenty of room for mom and pup. That way they can’t chew anything while you’re gone.”

  “Thanks, man. I appreciate it.” Doug let go of her middle then but grabbed her hand, using the other one to slap Casey on the back.

  Casey spent a half an hour taking measurements, and jotting stuff down in a notebook. “I can get the wood at cost, so like seven hundred bucks, probably. I’ll do the labor for free, on one condition.” He grinned at Doug.

  “What’s that?” Doug raised an eyebrow still holding her hand.

  “You play on my softball team tomorrow night. We’re out a pitcher and we could use your help.” Casey grinned but Doug rubbed his temples again with his free hand. “Bring Sam too. We all go out for drinks after. It’ll be fun.”

  “Fine,” Doug sighed. “You’ve got a deal.”

  “Excellent,” Casey bounced on is heels. “It’ll be good to hang out with you man. It’s been too long.”

  “Yeah, you too.” Doug replied but without the same level of enthusiasm.

  “Thanks again, Casey. I don’t know what I would have done.” She gave him a big smile.

  He winked at her. “For you, sugar. Anytime.”

  Doug stiffened next to her. She gave a tiny nod to express her thanks and Casey and Doug went to get the crate. They set it up and Sam went upstairs to grab a few old blankets to use at the bottom till they could buy a pad.

  It made her smile to think that they were doing this together. As she closed the hall linen closet, Casey was behind her. “Looking for the bathroom.” He grinned.

  “Oh, right down the hall,” she pointed towards the guest bath.

  “Thanks,” he replied. He started down the hall then stopped and turned. “If ah things don’t work out with you and Doug, give me a call.”

  Her eyebrows shot up. “Casey--” she started to say but he could hear the admonishment in her tone.

  “Just sayin’. No need to answer today.” And he walked toward the bathroom.

  Her free hand shot to her hip as she shook her head in disbelief.

  “What did he say?” Doug asked, his voice super close.

  “I didn’t hear you come up.” She turned surprised.

  “Do I need to punch his face in?” Every line in his face was taut and his fingers flexed in and out of a fist.

  “Not until he fixes the sunroom,” she whispered her hand leaving her hip to stroke his cheek.

  He relaxed and smiled at her. The sort of genuine happy smile that made her absolutely melt. “This is why you’re so much smarter than me.” And he pulled her against him for a kiss. His hands were in her hair, his lips possessed hers in a way made her ache for more.

  He lifted his head again, “Promise me no matter what happens with us, you won’t date him.”

  “I would never.” She answered honestly.

  He held her close one more time. “Let’s go settle in the dogs.”

  A few hours later, everyone was ready for bed, including Clara and Snow. They snuggled in the dog and Doug held her hand as they went upstairs. Sam’s heart beat wildly. This was it. They were finally sleeping together.

  When they hit the top of the stairs, he pulled her into his arms and kissed every inch of her face. “Did you want me to stay in the guest room?” he asked.

  She shook her head, whispering, “Stay with me.”

  They made their way down the hall, kissing and petting one another till they got to the bedroom. He picked her up and her legs wrapped around his waist. She could feel his cock pressing against the seam of her jeans and it made her ache. Rolling her hips, she rubbed against him, and he groaned her name. “Sam.”

  His hands were on her ass, supporting her weight while massaging her curves. She pulled his t shirt off and then ran her hands over the rippling muscles of his chest. He felt so good. One of his hands left her ass to slide up and rub along her breast as he laid her down on the bed, his weight on top of her.

  They were grinding together, making out, when he pulled her tank top off, kissing the exposed part of her breast.

  She was panting, as she ran her hands through his hair. Her entire body ached for his touch.

  He kissed his way back up her neck and across her jaw. His lips finding hers. “Sam,” His baritone dropped even lower, and she knew she wasn’t going to like what he was about to say.

  “Do I want to hear this?” She asked turning her face to the side.

  He kissed her cheek then. “I think so.” His thumb started massaging the base of her neck. “I’ve thought about calling you a thousand times over the past few years and I knew when I ran into you that I couldn’t let you slip away. But I don’t want to mess things up, by having sex too soon. I thought maybe I could be your casual guy until you found a mister right or got sick of me. But I can’t.”

  She turned back to him. “You thought I would find someone better?” She tried to close her mouth but it was hanging open. “I thought you just wanted a place to…” that sounded really terrible out loud.

  “You thought I was using you for a place to hang out with the dogs?” He pulled away then, looking really angry.

  In her bra, she propped up on her elbows. “Don’t get angry with me.” Her breath huffed out. “Everything has been, can I hang out with the dogs, can the dogs stay. You dated Prom Queen Caroline and Gymnast Jenny in high school Not Chess Club Sam.”

  “Caroline was a bitch and Jenny cheated on me with Casey.” He sat on the bed. “I learned a long time ago that those girls aren’t for me. I want one who is just as beautiful but way smarter and a lot more giving.” His eyes flicked over her. “It’s really hard to stay mad at you with looking like that.”

  She gave him a sly grin, quirking an eyebrow. “So don’t stay mad at me.” She reached one of her hands over and hooked it around his neck, pulling him close. “But I don’t wait much longer. The curse of being a good girl is I am terrible at casual affairs. Consequently, it’s been a really long time and I am dying over here.”

  He gave her that one sided grin. “Let it not be said, that I didn’t help a lady in need.” And she knew whatever he was planning, she was going to really like it.

  He flicked open the button of the jeans, and undid the zipper as he shimmied them off her hips and down her legs. With a flick of his wrist, her bra was undone and she was in nothing but her panties.

  His lips started down her collarbone until they reached her breasts. He licked and sucked till she was writhing underneath him.

  Then he slid further, kissing her belly, running his hands over her hips. “You’re even more stunning than I imagined.” He whispered as his fingers hooked the fabric of her underwear and gently stripped them down her legs.

  He kissed up her thigh and she truly thought she might go mad if he didn’t touch her soon. But finally he brushed the pad of his thumb across her nub and her hips bucked involuntarily. He slowly swiped the digit across again with just a touch more pressure than a third time till her finally replaced the thumb with his tongue. She let out a low moan, never had anything felt this good. Her hands were in his hair as he worked her with his mouth and his fingers. She wanted it to last forever but it had barely begun before the pressure was building and writhing underneath him begging him for more. She exploded into spasming mass of nerves.

  “Do you have a condom,” he rasped out.

  She was a mass of jelly, not a bone left, but she waved toward the nightstand and he was up and naked in second, pulling a silver wrapper from the drawer. Holding her to him, his cock slid inside her and to her complete shock, she nearly came again when he pushed into the hilt.

  “Jesus Christ,” she gasped out, clenching her legs around his waist to hold him inside her.

  “Oh Sam,” he grunted. “It’s so good, I need…” and he pulled out to slide back in. She moane
d again her head thrashing as he repeated the move, faster, harder till they were both panting and grinding together.

  Her fingers were digging into his back, she was rocketing towards an epic explosion. It was like nothing ever before and she cried out as her body clenched in orgasm.

  With a guttural moan his whole body stiffened his breathing coming out in short gasps. “Sam,” he panted her name as his body jerked from the orgasm.

  Collapsing on top of her, he rolled them both to their sides. “Sam?” he said again.

  “Yeah?” she asked trying to pick up her head.

  “That was…” he paused, lifting his head too, his eyes glazed.

  “Yeah?” she repeated a tiny flutter of nerves in her chest.

  “Absolutely unbelievable. I had no idea…” Her heart swelled. She felt the same but her experience had likely been way more limited than his.

  “Me either.” She snuggled into him. Suddenly more sleepy than she’d been in her entire life.

  “I could stay here forever,” he whispered.

  “Me too,” she murmured. “I was thinking about what you said earlier. You know about worrying you weren’t doing things right in your life.”

  “Yeah?” he lifted his head.

  “Doing the right thing is hard, lots of times. If it were easy, everyone would do it. You are doing the right thing, with school, the job, and the dogs. But I can help you.”

  He kissed her long and slow his fingers combing out her hair. “Things haven’t been hard with you and I know you’re right for me.”

  She thought she might burst from happiness. “You’re right for me too. But everybody deserves a break sometimes.”

  Snuggling closer, she took a deep breath, his smell surrounding her. This had to be a dream. There was no way this could actually be happening.

  Chapter 8

  Doug woke early and looked at the woman in his arms. Jesus Christ, he was in love. Bad. Like propose marriage in love.

  Now she lay, draped across him, her head on his chest,

  He’d known her since the age of eight. He’d wanted to ask her out since she was sixteen. But now, she was the most stunning woman he had ever met, inside and out. Everything in his life seemed easier, with her here.

  His hand lightly skimmed her back so that he didn’t wake her. He had been so afraid that things would end before they even started when Clara chewed up the sunroom. If he didn’t have to kill Casey, he’d have to thank him.

  Sam’s alarm went off and he grimaced. He didn’t want her to go. But, at least he’d have a few hours to hang with the dogs before he went to class.

  She lifted her head and gave him a sleepy smile before hitting the snooze button. His heart constricted. She looked so damn sexy with her bedroom eyes and her mussed hair. Curves all over him. His cock was hard in a second.

  Her hand ran down his chest. “Sorry it’s so early. I usually run on Friday mornings.”

  “Hong long do you run for?”

  “Thirty minutes.” Her hand was dangerously close to his cock which was now twitching at full mast.

  “So we have thirty minutes till you actually have to be in the shower?” He grinned rolling her onto her back and peppering neck and ear with his lips.

  “Only if you can think of another workout we can do.” He felt her chest rumble with laughter.

  “I might be able to come up with something.” He grinned too.

  But instead of going quick, he went slow. Clock management was his thing. He’d get her in th shower on time but this was meant to show her how much he cared. He needed her to feel… loved.

  He couldn’t say it yet, it was too soon. But he could show her. He touched her like she was precious, the most precious person in the world.

  By the time he was inside her, she was humming with need. She practically vibrated around him in a way that was so hot, he could barely focus his eyes. Then he couldn’t be slow anymore. They climaxed together in a way that made him weak.

  They lay in each other’s arms until he finally peeled her off the bed and carried her to the shower.

  Turning on the water, he waited till it was warm. Then he helped her inside. “I was thinking about it, do you need to tell your mom and dad about the dogs? I’ll take the blame.”

  He heard her laugh. “They’ve always loved you and Casey is fixing it so, no big. But I probably will tell them you’re hangin’ out. And they’ll love that Casey fixed it. They remember him from all the time he spent at your house.”

  “I’m glad they love me. Glad someone’s parents do.” He was a giant disappointment to his. His parents had huge careers, that was how they could afford the lifestyle that they did. He ended up being a washed up ball player and therapist wasn’t exactly what they’d had in mind.”

  “Are you not getting along with parents?”

  “Oh you know, I don’t have a big career like you. But I’m doing better than Casey and his parents. They stopped speaking.” Doug shrugged.

  “Not happy Casey went into a trade. Isn’t Casey’s dad a big hardware guy? He could smell her shampoo. Soft and lightly floral, he loved the smell already.

  “Yeah, you know, they both build things, they both have giant egos. You’d think they’d understand each other better.” He shrugged. “Speaking of. If you don’t want to go to the game with me tonight, you don’t have to. It’s going to be a who’s who of the high school kids who didn’t go very far.” And he’d be there star pitcher. The guy who almost made it but was right back here.

  “You don’t want me to go?” There was a quietness to her voice that made him wince.

  “Of course I want you to go. I just know how you feel about high school and I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable.” He was lying. He didn’t want Casey hitting on her.

  “Oh, okay,” there was no tone to her voice. Which had him really worried.

  She turned off the shower and he grabbed a towel, handing it to her. “Hey, this isn’t me trying to not spend time with you.” But he could see it on her face that she didn’t believe him.

  “Sure, yeah. No big. I don’t need to go.” She wrapped the towel around herself and stepped out of the tub. “You can have the bathroom in a few. I need to get my hair dry and stuff.”

  “Sam,” he started. “I can see you upset. I don’t want you to think--”

  “We’ll talk later, okay? I’ve got to get ready.

  With a nod, he left the bathroom but he knew he had messed this up big time.


  There is no crying. She told herself. You knew he only wanted a hookup and you said you were a big enough girl to handle it. So he doesn’t want everyone in high school to know he was dating her.

  She dried out her hair and twisted it back then added a light dusting of makeup. Stepping out in her towel, he was not in her room, which caused her to breathe a sigh of relief.

  She dressed in one of her cutest work outfits, a light three quarter length silky sweater with a charcoal pencil skirt and to die for heals. If she was getting her heart broken, she was going to look good while it happened.

  Stepping into the hall, she heard Clara and Snow tapping around the kitchen and the smell of coffee hit her nose.

  Walking down the stairs, she found Doug flipping eggs, with a full coffee pot next to him. He was wearing nothing but his jeans and suddenly, she wasn’t sure she cared if he was just using he. He looked damn good. “Made you breakfast.”

  “Thanks,” she gave a small smile. Eggs might actually soften the blow.

  “How long till your bus?” He glanced over his shoulder.

  “Ah, fifteen minutes.” She checked the clock on the microwave.

  He gave a low whistle. “You know, I’ve never asked how many men work at your company.”

  Her smile tugged just a little wider. “Five hundred or so.”

  “Five hundred,” he grimaced. “I have to confess to something.”

  “What?” she started packing her bag with keys, wallet, work
folders, and other miscellaneous items.

  “I can be a little jealous.” He grabbed the tinfoil out and laid toast on it, filling it with the eggs and then wrapping it up. “I didn’t want you to go to the game because I didn’t want Casey to hit on you again.”

  In all the scenarios she had run through in her mind, that hadn’t even cracked the top ten. “You’re not serious?”

  “Sam,” he handed her the sandwich then filled a to go mug with coffee. “Look at you sweetheart. I’m trying not to lose my shit and tell you I’m crazy about you but you come down in outfits like that to go off to your amazing job and let my dogs destroy your house and…”

  She leaned over and kissed him. “I’m crazy about you too.”

  He pulled her against him. “So you’ll come to my game tonight so everyone can see my super hot and successful girlfriend?”

  “I’m your girlfriend?” she gave him a grin.

  “Yes, and don’t forget it when you’re at your office with five hundred men.”

  Excitement bubbled up inside her. She was dating, Doug McCabe.

  Chapter 9

  Watching Doug pitch was the highlight of the week as she sat on a blanket, drinking a beer with Snow and Clara. She said hey to several of the people she knew in high school but to her complete amazement, she didn’t care about any of them or what they thought of her.

  Knowing Doug really cared was enough. Snow climbed up on her and she snuggled her in. Casey trotted over to her. “How’d the dogs do last night?”

  “Good,” she said giving him a tentative smile.

  “Do they stay over often?” His eyebrows shot up.

  “Were you always so nosy?” She wrinkled her own nose.

  He rubbed the back of his neck, giving a self-conscience smile. “I guess so.”

  Doug trotted over. His body language couldn’t have been more clear. His arms were crossed, back straight, glaring at Casey.

  “Ready to play,” he asked, flexing his shoulders.

  “Sure,” Casey shrugged. I was just going to tell Sam that I had the wood and could start replacing the sills tomorrow.


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