Night Series Collection: Books 1 and 2

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Night Series Collection: Books 1 and 2 Page 34

by RS Black

  “Do you want me to stop?” His whispered breath fanned my hair.

  “Yes.” I squeezed tighter when his hands began loosening. “No.”

  He chuckled. “Can’t be both ways, little demon.”

  I moaned. “God, I hate you.”

  Planting a quick kiss on my head, he withdrew his hands from my shirt and instead laced them around my middle. For a while neither of us spoke, and I knew I should be looking for a posse of the shambling dead, but I was choosing to be selfish. Choosing a moment to myself.

  “Can I ask you one thing?” I asked when my pulse finally returned to normal.


  I smiled; I liked how willing he was to speak with me. To tell me whatever I wanted to know. Knowing that what I was about to say would expose the truest intentions of my heart, possibly giving him the ammo he needed against me, I decided to take the leap.

  Because the one argument I’d always had with Luc was that at some point we had to decide whether to deny our humanity or use the heart we were born with. I was using my heart.

  Twisting in his lap so that I was now straddling him, I locked my gaze with his and bared my insecurities. “Is it my Lust?”

  And I knew he understood the question—it had nothing at all to do with sex. Sex was just sex. Two bodies colliding for a finite moment in time, it was pleasure that soon faded and meant absolutely nothing other than temporarily satisfying an unquenchable craving.

  He didn’t move his hands from around my waist, didn’t lift them up to my face and frame it, but I swear I felt the power of his eyes move through me like a deliberate caress.

  “I first saw you six hundred and sixty-seven years and twenty-three days ago. My orders were to find you, to kill you on sight. I never questioned it, never. I was a machine, built for one purpose. To eradicate the darkness. To snuff it out.”

  I tried to focus on something other than the fact he’d just told me that he’d first seen me in 1347 AD. Luc would have flipped out if he’d known that for years a death priest had known not only my location, but the location of our family. Our band. That might have been enough for him to cast me out.

  But I wasn’t scared. I should be.

  “But when I saw you, nothing made sense. I would have killed you without a second thought if you’d been…” His hot gaze burned straight through me.

  “Screwing around?” I offered.

  When his nostrils flared, my pulse quivered with excitement, with fear. Because there was no doubt my priest was a predator, a lethal killer more than capable of taking me down. The coils of his power… his energy… was raw and magnificent as it scraped against my sensitized flesh.

  I lived around alphas, around men who barked and pissed and could rip a monster apart with just their teeth. But Asher was so much more than all of them.

  My body hummed.

  “Yes. But you weren’t doing that.” His eyes turned distant. “It was the height of the plague, and there was a little girl covered in sores. Bleeding out, close to death, and you were kneeling beside her, holding her hand, telling her it would be all right. I couldn’t make sense of you.”

  I couldn’t recall the memory. Mostly because I remembered the plague, remembered the streets littered with bodies—the smell of death and decay was everywhere. My family had refused to enter the city gates. None of us could catch human diseases, but it hadn’t mattered, because most Nephilim refused to own up to their humanity. Humans were little better than a food source, what did it matter to them if a few thousand died?

  But it had mattered to me, and every night I’d walk the streets, determined to be a friend to the abandoned ones, because no one should have to die alone. It’s not how they came in, and it wasn’t how they should go out.

  He tipped my chin up when I glanced down.

  “And that’s it? That was the catalyst to become my stalker?”

  The dimple reappeared. “Stalker.” He snorted. “You intrigued me. Confounded me. I followed you to learn you, and the more I learned, the more confused I became. The more convinced I was that your death meant something to them. A lot more than the mere fact you were Nephilim.”


  His jaw clenched.

  “Can’t?” I whispered.

  “No, I can’t. But the truth is I don’t know everything there is to know about you. About why they want you out.”

  “If you found me so easily, then how come someone else hasn’t?” I shivered with the sudden icy thought of another set of eyes bearing down on me.

  He rubbed my arms, completely in tune with my emotions.

  “I didn’t find you easily. It took me almost a year to track you down. Once I did, I kept you hidden. I threw my people off your scent.”

  “Why would you do that for me? I am Nephilim, Asher. I do sex it up with anything I can. Whenever I can. I’m not good.”

  His eyes flickered and his hands tightened just slightly. “You are who you were born to be, but you’re also more, and I saw that goodness in you.”

  “Good?” I laughed. “I’ve never been called good. And since coming back from Hell, I feel more evil than ever.”

  “Pestilence.” He nodded gravely. “I tried to stop you, but I couldn’t reach you in time.”

  “I don’t know how to stop him. When I get angry, or depressed, he’s… stronger.” I shrugged and rolled my wrists.

  “Have you felt him since you’ve been with me?”

  Funny he should ask that question, because I had been very curious as to that demon’s absence. “Not really. I know he’s still in me, but he’s silent. Are you doing that?”

  “I can mute him. A little. Just enough to help you learn to tame him. He’s no different than your Lust. You just have to learn to control him.”

  “I did a piss-poor job of it in the market.”

  “What happened in the market?”

  Well, obviously he wasn’t always following me.

  “I’m not really sure.” I grimaced. “I was eating and a man bumped into me and Pestilence just poured into him.”

  “He startled you?”

  I picked at my thumbnail.

  Grabbing my fingers, he threaded his through mine. “We’ll work on that. What happened to the man?”

  I wonder if he realized he’d said we?

  “He was sick already when I found him. But then he bumped into someone else and transferred Pestilence to him, and I had to follow the other guy because he was running and had grabbed another girl and I knew a plague would spread if I didn’t stop them. The first guy was collapsed on the ground. I told everyone to stay away from him and not to touch him. I’m pretty sure they weren’t planning to anyway.”

  His eyes narrowed. “Then what?”

  “I grabbed the couple that ran off, transferred the plague back inside me, but when I returned for the first guy, he was gone. Same thing happened last night.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  The sun was suddenly obscured by clouds, blotting out the brightness and instantly cooling the interior of the cove.

  “A mom lost her child at our carnival. I looked for him, so did my family, but we never found him. When we returned to let the mom know, she was gone too. Then late last night I heard someone outside my trailer. When I went to investigate, there was a red mum on my steps. Any idea what all that means?”

  His brows were furrowed and I couldn’t help myself anymore, I brushed my fingers along the soft curls at the nape of his neck. Sighing, he leaned into my touch. I was crazy curious why his hair was brown all of a sudden and hoped he planned to solve that mystery for me at some point.

  “We’re hunting zombies—are mums significant to them?” he asked me.

  I sighed. “I don’t know. I can’t trust the Order. For all I know, this is just another one of Grace’s elaborate ruses.”

  He cleared his throat in such a way as to get me instantly suspicious.


  “This is the part
where you’re not going to like what I say.”

  My blood ran cold. My fingers stilled in his hair. “Spit it out.”

  “Pandora, I’m working with Grace. I have been for the past six months.”

  Chapter 10

  A fury like I’ve rarely known consumed me. “What?” I roared with a voice that was part demon. Shoving him off me, fangs extending, I glared at him. “You bastard!”

  “Pandora, listen to me. It’s not what you think.”

  I couldn’t sit with him. Couldn’t even look at him.

  Grace had betrayed me. Betrayed us all. Because of her machinations, I’d lost the only true friend I’d ever had.

  I knew my eyes were glowing; I’d fallen for his lies. For what I’d thought were truths. I’d shown him my soul and he’d trampled it. And as much as I wanted to end him, I needed to get away.

  Pivoting on my heel, I ran, ready to trace out of there when I was tackled violently to the ground.

  “Get off me!” I screamed, kicking and punching, lashing out at him. “You gonna kill me now? That it? There were no zombies here, you guys set me up.” I laughed, the sound hollow and empty, just like me.

  “Listen to me.” He shook me and I was reminded of all the times we’d been in similar positions.

  “What?” I hissed. “I’m done listening to your lies. Go ahead, Priest, break my bones, kill me. Whatever. I was stupid enough to walk into this trap. I deserve to die.”

  Jamming his face as close to mine as he could get without smashing our noses together, his face contorted into a violent mask and Lust hissed.

  The bitch still wanted him.

  “I’ve had a million opportunities to end you. What I told you back in that cave was true. You want to know why you don’t change when I look at you? Because I want you. I want to be inside you, I want to kill anyone and anything that harms you. I hate Luc. Hate that you let that bastard touch you, use you.”

  His words spurred my fury but also my lust. My legs widened as heat built between them.

  “And I swear by all that’s holy that if I ever see another prick inside you, I’ll end them. Luc. A human. A demon. You’re mine.”

  My eyes widened and my throat was dry and parched. Because he was claiming me like a demon would.

  I laughed. “You’re a fool if you think I would ever allow myself to be claimed. You don’t know me at all.”

  “Oh, I know you, little demon.” His eyes turned soft and I hated that I was whimpering like a dog in heat, thrusting my breasts up into his hard chest and asking without words that he quench my thirst. “I know who you really are. I’ve seen inside your soul.” His hands were gentle now, his touch soothing, his fingers moving like a crawling tide down the line of my flat stomach.

  I was full-on porn-star panting now. Asher and I, we weren’t of this world, we weren’t even from this time. We were drifters moving through it but always outside it. Every immortal was.

  I vividly remembered a world where women had no choices, where if a man saw her and wanted her, he took her. And I should hate that now—I had choices, I was independent. A fierce, modern warrior woman who wouldn’t be told what to do, who to take into myself. Who I’d fuck.

  But even as I told myself all this, that primal cavewoman in me couldn’t deny the attraction, the thrill of being claimed and possessed. Not owned, but taken. Marked. My body burned.

  “Why are you working with Grace?” I panted, trying so hard not to let him see the conflict burning in my brain.

  He was rubbing his cheek against mine, and the touch only enflamed me more. He sprawled out on top of me so that every bit of him was pressing against every bit of me, so that the thick ridge of his cock was right at the juncture of my thighs. I groaned and couldn’t stop myself from rocking up.

  Lust was as excited as I was, but it would be a lie to say that she was making me do this. Asher was a powder keg ready to explode. He was violent and dangerous, but so was I. I wrapped my legs around his hips and squeezed to the point that if he’d been mortal, I’d have crushed him.

  Hissing, he clenched his eyes shut and I couldn’t keep from rubbing harder, causing the friction between us to increase exponentially.

  “Because Billy needed to die.” He groaned and now he was actively thrusting against me.

  We were fully clothed—this shouldn’t be so erotic. Shouldn’t be bringing me to the threshold. But my hunger for him knew no bounds.

  “So the ring? Hell?” I clamped his shoulders as my vision began to swirl.

  “It was the only way to make them believe I’d died.”

  My mouth widened as the coiling heat tightened to the point of almost pain. He grunted, and his eyes were watching me. Studying me. Memorizing me.


  Clamping his teeth together, he shook his head. “I didn’t know he was going to be there… Grace hadn’t told me that night.”

  I narrowed my eyes because I heard the words he wasn’t saying. “But you know something about it now, don’t you?”

  His growling nod rushed through me like fire.

  The tingling rush of a pending orgasm spread through me. I tossed my head back, exposing my throat fully to him. “The recording?”

  “All. Part. Of. Her. Plan. Little demon—” He hissed. “You need to talk to her.”

  “Yes. Yes. Go, Asher. Go.”

  And then his teeth were locked on the side of my throat and that was all it took before I was fracturing into a thousand particles of bliss.

  Never in my life had I experienced an orgasm like that one. It took me a full minute to stop shuddering against him.

  His chuckle was self-satisfied as he stared between us. “I can’t believe we just did that.”

  The evidence of his arousal was stained all over the front of his jeans.

  I laughed. “Fully clothed, no less. Priest, you’re going to get me killed.”

  His thumbs traced my cheeks. “So soft,” he murmured, and the post-coital tenderness I’d never gotten with another, not even Luc, made me self-conscious and suddenly unsure.

  “Never be ashamed of what we do. For years I stood by and let you do what you had to, but this thing between us—I know you feel it.”

  He was right.

  “I need a lot of sex.”

  His grin was wolfish as he said, “I can assure you, that won’t be a problem.”

  Stomach fluttering, I snorted. “Fine, you bastard. I promise not to sex up anyone else if you vow to do the same. My demon has grown rather fond of you. I’m pretty sure she’d have no problem ripping of any hand that dares to touch you.”

  “You’ll get no arguments from me there.”

  Narrowing my eyes, I tangled my fingers in his soft hair. “Plan to ever clue me in about this?”

  I still wasn’t sure what to believe where Asher was concerned, but for now it was just nice to live in this moment.

  Propping himself up on an elbow, he lifted his brows. “When I died in Hell, my organization deactivated me.”

  He didn’t say anything else but it was easy enough to put two and two together. “So are you a natural brunette, Priest?”

  Nipping at the finger that I let linger around the corner of his mouth, he growled. “I can dye it silver if you really miss it.”

  “Nah.” I wrinkled my nose. “I think you’re kinda hot just like this.”

  But I hadn’t forgotten what he’d said; it bothered me that I’d still managed to have that orgasm even after hearing that Kemen’s death was somehow part of Grace’s master plan. Demons could never be accused of being innocents, but that’s what Kemen had always been to me—the hot, scruffy teenage brother who was a total slob but whom you couldn’t help but love.

  As if sensing my shifting mood, he cocked his head. “What’s the matter?”

  Rolling my eyes, I shrugged. “Nothing.” Confused, aggravated, I turned my head to the side, and that’s when I noticed that the ever-darkening sky wasn’t because of clouds pregnant with rain
but rather a wake of vultures. “What in the hell?”

  Asher caught what I was looking at before frowning and following my gaze. “I think we might have found our zombies.”

  Standing, he held out his hand for me. I took it and was instantly back on my feet. After dusting off my ass and taking the time to get a few twigs and some brush out of my hair, he led me toward the living black funnel.

  The vultures that were feeding on the ground scattered, but they still circled heavily in the sky.

  It was easy enough to figure out what they’d been feeding on.

  Three bodies were lined up in a neat row.

  And my heart slammed in my chest. Not because their eyeballs had been picked out or that their stomachs were open with chunks of bowel and intestines draping out.

  But because I recognized them.

  There was a man, a woman, and a small child.

  I squeezed Asher’s fingers. “I know them.”

  He turned to me. The hot breeze carried the stench of rotten meat. I started to walk closer, but Asher tugged me back.

  “They don’t smell like zombies, Ash. I’m fine.”

  His jaw set, but he reluctantly released my hand. Narrowing my eyes, I studied the face of the man I’d seen in the bar. He was also the man from the taco stand. And beside him, half her face ripped off, was Juanita. Her fingers were clutched tight to a smaller figure which I knew had to be Carlos since he was wearing a Forty-niners shirt. Kneeling, I stirred the dirt beside the small one’s body.

  The vultures hadn’t picked at him much. His body was the best preserved of the three, so it was easy enough to spot the multiple bite marks down both arms, his legs, and on his neck.

  “They slaughtered them.”

  It was a myth that a zombie bite would instantly infect the host and turn them into zombies too. That was a story born straight out of Hollyweird’s strange imagination. Zombies, the real ones, were more similar to what you see in voodoo.

  They were dead, that much was true, but they could only be brought back by a queen. Each zombie hive operated similarly to bee culture with the queen being at the epicenter, her workers keeping order within the hive, and her drones doing whatever task she handed them.


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