Hawk's Way: Rebels

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Hawk's Way: Rebels Page 30

by Joan Johnston

  “Oh? What are we learning this time?”

  “How to make a baby girl,” Jewel said.

  “Sounds interesting,” Mac said. “When does class start?”

  “Right after the dinner dishes are done,” Jewel said, “and you talk to Colt and he drives Brad back to Camp Little Hawk and we get these two into bed.”

  “I’ll be there,” Mac promised with a grin. “This is a lesson I don’t want to miss.”

  Jewel laughed. “Just get it right this time, or you’re liable to find yourself with a whole football team before we’re through.”

  “I wouldn’t mind,” Mac said softly. “As long as we get at least one girl who looks just like you.”

  Before Jewel could answer, a football came flying onto the porch, and Mac and Evan abandoned her to play football with the two teenagers.

  Jewel fingered the soft curls at Dustin’s nape and brushed her hand across his baby-soft cheek. She was looking forward to Mac’s inventive lovemaking tonight. Knowing his determination to do everything to the best of his ability, it was bound to be a delightful adventure, full of fun and laughter.

  Only this time, she would have the last laugh. Jewel’s smile grew as she imagined the look on Mac’s face when she told him—after the lesson, of course—that his daughter was already on the way.

  ISBN: 978-1-4268-7907-4


  Copyright © 2011 by Harlequin Books S.A.

  The publisher acknowledges the copyright holder of the individual works as follows:


  Copyright © 1996 by Joan Mertens Johnston


  Copyright © 1997 by Joan Mertens Johnston

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