“I do not know.” I told them honestly, my eyes moving back to Cursed’s hair, the lock gave a final twitch and then lay still at his waist. He had left it unbound and I was certain he had done so for my benefit. If I didn’t know better I’d swear some invisible person had been fingering his hair. I thought about it for half a second and had an unpleasant thought. I swallowed and hoped I didn’t look as sickly as I suddenly felt. “Ah, my Mother told me to go, so I suppose I need to go.” I informed no one in particular. To say my attention had slipped would have been an understatement.
“Right now?” Jace wanted to know. He didn’t look happy at the prospect, evidenced by his frown when I nodded distractedly.
“Uh huh, she was fairly specific.” I told him then waved my hand back the way we had all just come. “I should probably have already been there and gone. Except for the need to meet and greet everyone; you would have likely found us on our way back to our rooms already. Wherever there is.” I added, glancing up and down the long corridor, empty except for our group.
Gareth looked at me strangely. I guess I was acting a bit weird but then the thought that I might be the one causing Cursed’s hair to move about was unsettling me. Not knowing if my every stray thought was going to create a problem made me nervous. Of course I didn’t know for sure it was me or that my stray thought was the culprit. I could be wrong…hopefully.
“Well then, let’s not keep the Imbra Londe waiting longer than we have to.” Gareth suggested. “Let’s just hope this is a courtesy meeting and nothing…more.” He remarked under his breath, and I couldn’t help feeling a twinge of sickly anticipation at his comment.
“Have you met her?” I asked Gareth. He looked at Jace, and both shook their heads no in response.
“Never, but I’ve heard of her.” Jace admitted with a slight frown. “A bit on the eccentric side.”
“Has anyone else met her or been asked to meet with her besides me?” I asked, glancing around at each of the men in the group. All of them shook their heads except for Cursed and one of Tdem’s guards. I watched as Cursed pursed his lips together in a straight line. A slight dip of his head confirmed he had at some time, met with Imbra Londe, The Keeper. I couldn’t tell from the look on his face what the outcome had been. We stared at each other for a moment before I gave up, realizing by his stoic expression he wasn’t going to share details. Maybe he didn’t want anyone else there to know or maybe he just didn’t want to share period. It was difficult to tell with Cursed. After a minute or so when it became clear I’d get no more information from him, I continued glancing around at the group. Hoping maybe someone else may have met with this Keeper and be a bit more forthcoming with the details. My eyes skimmed the group, coming to settle on one of Tdem’s guards. Though I couldn’t see his face, something about his posture told me that he, like Cursed had received a special summons.
Tdem followed my gaze to his guard and lifted one eyebrow in question causing his man to also nod. The admission appeared to intrigue Tdem who appeared to consider his guard more closely until the man finally shifted nervously and at last spoke. “It was a very long time ago, before we came to this land.” The guard informed us, though I suspected it was more for his King’s unspoken question than for our benefit. His voice held a definite hissing sound and I couldn’t help the prickly feeling on my skin as I wondered once again what might be under his helm and armor. Perhaps it was best not to know. I thought as the guard moved his head slightly and shifted a foot where he stood. I was pretty sure he was looking at me while still facing his King.
I turned to glance back at Cursed who hesitated a moment before informing us in a rather abrupt manner. “I was ordered to present myself to the Imbra Londe the first time your music filled the Sidhe.” He admitted and beside me Amras inhaled sharply. The others glanced between Cursed and I.
“Was that before or after the Queen pronounced sentence?” Tdem demanded, his voice once again sounding annoyed. Perhaps he didn’t relish the thought that the Queen of the Seelie commanded her Nephew. Or maybe he wasn’t happy that someone had not told him of this development earlier. I was of the impression that Tdem kept careful track of Cursed and his comings and goings. I suppose in his position it would be prudent to maintain watch over any suitable rival to the throne. Not that Cursed appeared to be interested in ruling the UnSeelie Court, but one couldn’t be too careful.
Cursed tensed slightly but then dipped his head to Tdem and explained to him in a voice devoid of emotion. “After.” No one said anything and we continued to stand there in silence for a moment while mulling over this news. For myself I didn’t know what to think. Cursed had been released from prison the day I’d played the flute, because I’d played the flute. Apparently his having been given to me as punishment also came with a summons to the Keeper. That sounded almost ominous.
Of all the men in my group the only individuals to have met with this Keeper were a half-Elf, half-Goblin heir to the UnSeelie court and a Null whose ancestry was anyone’s guess. And now me. I had to wonder what it was exactly that caused her interest. Maybe the Keeper was only interested in those of us with mixed blood for some reason. Or maybe I was just drawing conclusions based on an astoundingly huge lack of knowledge.
“If tis true, would she nae have called fer me also?” Dane interrupted my musings to ask and I frowned slightly, realizing that Jace was still looking pained possibly because I still had my upper shield in place.
‘Or Marcus.’ I thought back at him and felt his agreement. In front of me both Jace and Gareth frowned slightly and flicked their glances at Dane. I could tell they knew he’d said something to me and neither liked being excluded from the conversation.
“Tis wondering after Marcus, she is.” Dane offered to the others and several sets of eyebrows lifted as if in question.
“Marcus who?” The King wanted to know and Jace grew thoughtful while Gareth turned to answer him.
“Another like Dane, only Red. They two share a similar birthright and purpose.” Gareth answered Tdem who couldn’t seem to decide if he should be confused or annoyed.
Gareth, like Jace appeared to be thinking things over. His eyes strayed over the men gathered around us and seemed to come to the same conclusion that Dane had. “Cursed, the King’s Guard and yourself, but not Dane.” He mused.
“Yet.” I added.
“Yet.” He agreed with a nod. “And we won’t know about Marcus until we see him or ask.”
“True,” I admitted suddenly feeling the need to fidget. “However it’s not on my agenda at this moment so it will have to wait.” Now was not the time to find Marcus, I had other things I was supposed to be doing, none of which were getting done while I was standing about procrastinating. And why was I procrastinating? I’d actually been excited at the prospect of meeting the Keeper earlier but now I just wasn’t so sure. After another moment I realized my shoes were starting to pinch and the balls of my feet to hurt. I could almost curse whoever invented high heels; they were nothing but personal torture chambers. Good only for elevating one’s height.
“An do any of ye know where to find this Keeper?” Dane finally asked while looking around at the others. “Tis sure we’ll nay have our answers till we get there.”
I glanced at Amras who shook his head. “My apologies, I will not be of assistance. The Imbra Londe’s quarters are olinima. They are ten’oio yssene dae.
“Why are her quarters hidden?” I asked.
Amras looked to Cursed as if for assistance. Cursed appeared to consider my question for a moment and finally responded, “Because Kiirar tel’ quenta does her duty to protect the past, to ensure the future.
Well that was rather cryptic I thought. How could the protecting of the past ensure the future? Wasn’t the saying, that ‘Those that forget the past are doomed to repeat it’? Why would this Keeper need to hide history away? This made no sense to me. My puzzlement must have been showing on my face and in fact it appeared I wasn’t the only one there that questioned Cu
rsed’s response. Dane too appeared confused, but maybe that was because we were the youngest here. It looked as if Amras or Gareth might respond but Kit beat them to it.
“Mistress, what would it be like to know every deed done by every person, everywhere, from forever?” Kit asked.
“But history is being made and cataloged every day.” I answered, still not quite sure what I was missing. I glanced at Dane who appeared to be mulling over Kit’s words. “I agree that there are things that some people might use to get ahead but I’m sure that happens every day.”
“Yes,” He replied, having moved closer to me so that he stood next to me. He slid his hand down my arm letting his fingers come to rest on my bracelet. My eyes followed his movement and I watched as he fingered several of the small perfectly formed dragons with his long beautiful fingers. “Consider how some might use that information. Consider the power wielded by one that knows everything about you, your every decision and action. Could they not use that information? What if Valentine held that knowledge?”
Valentine, no I can honestly say that that would not be good at all. The bloodsucker would surely use the information to his advantage.
Tdem made a scoffing noise and shook his head his actions pulling me from my train of thought. “I do not know what this Valentine is that you speak of.” He interrupted, his voice sounding impatient. He lifted his hand and made a flicking motion with his fingers and a small light appeared in the palm of his hand. The light grew into a small round shape that spun and swirled in shades of blues and browns. In just a matter of seconds the shape slowed and it became clear it was a replica of the Earth floating above Tdem’s palm. I stared at the miniature as it slowly turned on its imaginary axis. “What do you think the Humans would do if they knew the true origins of their beginnings? If they knew every detail of every mystery, or the previous actions of every being? What if they knew the true history of their God? Could they handle this knowledge or would knowing cause irrevocable damage to their species? They are, after all, so very fragile.” He asked and truthfully I didn’t know how to answer. His question was not one I had ever considered. I had been educated in the human’s histories, but I had been born after the plague and had a hard time imagining what it was like prior to that event. We still didn’t mix with other countries and their problems had little impact upon us as they continued to view the United States as a wasteland full of things that go bump in the night.
Owen frowned at Tdem’s words and was quick to respond. “Humans are fragile, but they are not the only beings that history could devastate. Many are the races that have emerged out of shadow and half-truths created to protect themselves when they crossed over into this world. Their histories too have been recorded and are protected by the Imbra Londra. Sometimes, the worst lies are those we tell ourselves. But history in all its unbiased glory, does not judge. Yet in the world, deeds are done and facts changed to suit the powers that be. History as we know it is distilled and diluted; changed from the truth into something less factual. Each man remembers an event differently and tales distort reality. But true history once recorded cannot be undone by lies and deceit, nor is it open to interpretation. It is and ever remains, the truth. When a lie has become your reality, it is the truth that destroys you.”
What Owen said was made perfect sense. In his description I could envision the potential for harm that knowing might bring. It seemed that truth itself could be the problem. And maybe Mom wasn’t so wrong, drat it all! The thought didn’t make me happy. I’d probably need to apologize next time I spoke to her. It seemed I’d been guilty of that age old joke about kids thinking their parents couldn’t possibly understand or were idiots. I’m not sure what was worse, having to admit I’d been wrong, or having to admit maybe she’d been right. Ugh! Either way it seemed I’d been a fool and was going to have to own up to it. Meanwhile, it would still be nice to know certain historical truths. In my case it was the unknowing that constantly created havoc in my life. Maybe I didn’t need to know everything, but knowing some things would be a welcomed change.
“You seem disturbed by Owen’s words.” Gareth remarked, his blue eyes searching my face.
“The fruits o’ wisdom can be a wee bit bitter I’m thinking.” Dane offered. I gave him my best glare which only seemed to amuse him. “Ah an pride can be a wee bit chewy.” He laughed while the others just looked confused.
“You’re like what, five seconds older than I am?” I demanded feeling slightly annoyed at his grin.
“Aye that I am. But tis the quality of seconds that count ye ken?” He responded with a laugh.
Giving Dane a last glare I looked around and asked, “So how exactly are we going to find the Imbra Londra if no one knows where she is?”
No one seemed to have an answer for my question. Gareth looked at Cursed and asked. “How did you find the Keeper?”
“I was escorted by the Queen’s guard, blindfolded.” Cursed responded after a tense moment when he worked to school his features. “I believe they wished to be rid of me quickly and did not intend for me to…become lost upon my way.” He added, his voice having turned just the tiniest bit bitter.
Tdem flicked his wrist and the globe disappeared. We all turned to glance at his guard who clenched the hilt of his sword tighter. “I awoke to find myself restrained within her chambers.” He hissed at his King’s unspoken question.
“Restrained?” Tdem demanded. “For what reason would you need restraining?”
The guard hesitated a moment, clearly uncomfortable with the question. “I could not say my King.” He finally offered. Tdem’s continued gaze caused him to dip his head. It was clear he had other questions but decided that here and now might not be the best time to air them. In a less public setting, I had no doubt that he’d be getting answers to his questions. Too bad, because his guard’s response caused a few questions I would have liked answered too. My gaze strayed to Cursed who pursed his lips and stubbornly refused to meet my eyes.
The others shifted and looked amongst themselves while we considered our dilemma. I tossed up my hands and turned to Owen in desperation. “Could you please do something about these shoes?” I demanded. “My feet are killing me and if we’re just going to stand around staring at each other I’d prefer to do it in comfort!”
Owen gave me an apologetic look and immediately snapped his fingers. Instant relief accompanied the dying sound of his snap. I sighed and took a second to simply enjoy the feel of my weight on the balls of my feet cushioned as they had not been before. When I looked down I realized I was wearing the exact same shoes, they just felt completely comfortable without out the pinching and hard marble under my poor sensitive skin.
“I adjusted the fit.” Owen informed me in a contrite tone of voice. “My apologies I did not realize they were causing you such distress.”
“Thank you!” I told him happy to just be out of pain. “Well now what?” I asked. With my feet no longer barking at me I was ready to face the somewhat impossible task of finding a hidden room in the Seelie Sidhe. Not a daunting task at all. Yeah right.
A general discussion arose and several ideas were offered, yet none of them seemed plausible. No one, least of all me, seemed keen on retracing our path back to the group of men we’d just escaped from. Actually I don’t think they trusted me not to strangle a certain female should she still be present. Ah, they knew me so well.
None of us seemed to know where to look and those of us that had been to see the Keeper weren’t able to provide any assistance. From the back of the group Royal spoke rather hesitantly. “Perhaps your Majesty need only ask?” He offered.
I stared down at the peach colored veins in the cream colored marble floor beneath my feet and considered Royal’s question. It was a novel approach, but would it work? And how did one go about requesting an audience with this Keeper? If it had been Mi, I would simply have let out a mental shout for her. But Mi had practically raised me and I was pretty certain I was the only person alive
that could get away with such an action. So, should I address this Keeper directly or perhaps the Sidhe in general, it seemed to be responsive to me previously. I didn’t relish the thought of waking up in bondage within the Keeper’s domain. Being blindfolded wasn’t so bad, however I suspected the reason behind the blindfold had more to do with the guards and less to do with Cursed. Well there was nothing to it, but to try. I closed my eyes, don’t ask me why, it just seemed appropriate, anyway I closed my eyes and asked in my most polite voice, “I’d like to visit the Imbra Londra, and can you please assist me?”
Nothing…and I do mean absolutely nothing, happened. In fact it felt like the entire Sidhe went silent waiting for some kind of a response. Apparently we were all destined for disappointment. Royal gave me a shrug and an apologetic smile.
Tdem looked surprised. Apparently the non-response wasn’t the response he was expecting and caused me to inquire, “What?’
He placed his palm on his hip and looked back at me in silence. When I didn’t add anything to my question he pursed his lips and finally replied, “Odd.”
Since we were doing the one word thing I asked, “Why?”
When Tdem crinkled his forehead and looked around again I almost felt sorry for him. It seemed the King was at a loss for words.
Kit made an inpatient noise and snapped his fingers, the sound causing me to glance at him. He was wearing a smirk that slowly slid off his face when nothing happened. He raised an eyebrow and gave me a shrug. “Odd indeed.” He remarked his eyes dropping to his thumb and the huge ladybug that had landed on it. He raised his hand and we watched as the ladybug spread its wings seemed to orient in my general direction and was suddenly in flight heading directly toward me. A murmur swept my men as the little bug buzzed my head once and came to settle upon the arm I instinctively held out to it. The bright red and black bug was larger than any ladybug I’d ever seen. Though it had the normal markings it was more the size of a beetle than a bug. It was cute as it turned left then right making an almost-circle on my arm before seeming to look at me with its beady black eyes.
Dragon Envy Page 21