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Shadowwalker Page 3

by Rhonda L. Print

  It was so quiet I could hear Raven’s cell phone when it vibrated.

  “Change of plans, Leah,” Raven spoke into his phone. “She can’t ShadowWalk.” Silence. “No, I can’t put her through that again. I’ll explain later, but for now, we’ll just have to find another way.”

  “Who’s Leah?” I mouthed, but he waved away my question and continued.

  “We will find an alternate place and lay low for a few days until the security measures are in place. How about a safe house…” A frustrated rake of his hair. “Don’t ask this of me…” A slow nod and defeated sigh. “Very well.” He cast a quick look at me.

  I stopped as he hung up the phone. “I’m not taking another damn step until you tell me who the hell Leah is and where you’re taking me.”

  Raven stepped toward me, and I retreated until my back hit the trunk of a tree. He braced his hands on either side of my head. “Leah is a federal agent for SINS. She is the one who can explain all of this to you.”

  “You explain it!” I tried to duck under his arm, but he was much quicker and as immovable as the damn tree.

  “I do not know all of the details. I am sorry.”

  “If she’s a federal agent, how come she’s not here? Where are the others?” If she was a SINS agent, then she should be able to help me out of this mess.

  “This is not exactly a sanctioned assignment.”

  “What the hell does that even mean?” I croaked, and sank to the ground between his arms and dropped my head into my hands. “Why me? I don’t understand any of this.” The little glimmer of hope I felt disintegrated.

  I heard a slight vibration, and Raven muttered a curse before retrieving the phone from his pocket.

  “What?” he growled so fiercely that had it been me calling, I would have hung up. “Does Ian know?” He bit back the rest of his words as a string of curses answered his question loud enough for me to hear, then pushed a button on the phone and turned it toward me. “Leah would like a word with you.”

  Tentatively, I reached for the phone, surprised when I realized it was on video mode.

  “Hello, Zen.” A petite blonde woman filled the screen, her long hair pulled up in a high ponytail. “I’m Leah Wolfe.” She grinned widely. “Leah Nightwalker now.”

  “Uh, hi.” The name jiggled some memory. My only interest in the paranormal world was avoiding it.

  “I’m a federal agent for Supernatural Investigations of Non-Human Species.” She added. “I’m sorry you have to go through this, and I’d really hoped I would be able to speak with you in person, but I can assure you that you are in safe hands; regardless of how much Raven grumbles about it,” she added sympathetically.

  I glanced up at Raven as his eyes narrowed.

  “And I’m sure he’s glaring at me now,” Leah continued, amusement sparkling in her eyes. “Nevertheless, he will protect you.”

  “Because he has to,” I all but whispered.

  Leah laughed. “I don’t know about that. I’ve never known Raven to do anything he didn’t want to do. He was supposed to bring you here, but we hadn’t planned on others finding you so quickly, and we didn’t know if you would be a threat.”

  Nearly laughing at the absurdity of that statement, I asked, “Why would I be a threat to a vampire?” I’d spent my life fearing them, so what reason could they possibly have to fear me?

  “We didn’t know if you could ShadowWalk. Have you thought of the implications of that particular ability? To get in and out of any place that was darkened with a shadow large enough to cloak you? Military installations, private homes, wherever you were sent; you’d be a ghost, able to get in, steal, kill, or whatever, and be gone just as quickly without leaving a clue.”

  I shuddered involuntarily. I’d never really thought of what Raven’s ability would allow someone to do and briefly wondered what exactly he did with it. “I can’t ShadowWalk.”

  “Yes, we know that now. Do you remember anything of your childhood?”

  “My parents have always been wonderful.”

  “Before your parents, Zen,” she stated patiently, obviously knowing there was more.

  I felt my chin quiver. “I was young and have dreams that I know are memories.” I shook my head slightly. “I remember people, always with their faces hidden as they put me in a dark, cold room. They told me I could get out if I really wanted to.” Tears, hot and wet, streamed down my face, and I shook my head from side to side. “I couldn’t do it.” I snuffled and swiped at the tears on my face. “I wished like hell that I could but…” I squared my shoulders and set my chin. “I didn’t understand what they wanted. Then one day, I woke up in the Rivers’ home. I don’t really remember how I got there. Is that why those men are after me? Is that why there’s a bounty on my head? These people, they think I can ShadowWalk too.” There was no longer a question in the words.

  Leah stood and for the first time I could see that she was very pregnant. “Yes. I’m sorry, Zen. We’ve had you under observation for months now.”

  “Raven has been watching me?” I made it a question but didn’t really need to. I’d felt him all along. I don’t know how…I just did, and it certainly explained him being there to rescue me twice.

  “Yes, we needed to be sure you weren’t a threat. I also strongly advise you not to contact your parents. Don’t worry,” she added quickly, “they have received a message from your phone and don’t expect to hear from you again for a couple of weeks.”

  “So they’re safe.” My heart was in my throat.

  “They are still on the ship off the coast of Africa.” Her smile reassured me. “A very noble cause, by the way.” Sincerity shone in her expression.

  “So now what?” I drew in a shaky breath.

  Leah turned quickly and muttered a curse. “Now I must leave you in the care of Raven”.

  “Leah?” A door behind her opened, and the screen was briefly shadowed by the body of a very large man. “You are supposed to be resting.”

  “Zen, this is Ian Nightwalker, and I suspect he is here to take me back home.”

  I’d seen Ian on the news several times, and any reservations I’d had about my safety disappeared. The Marquis was known as a man, or vampire, as the case may be, of honor.

  “I thought we agreed that you would slow down,” Ian growled, but a gentle smile lit his eyes. His love for Leah was very evident, and a tiny pang of envy stabbed me. Not because Ian was gorgeous—he was—but that Leah had someone who obviously cared so much about her.

  Leah smiled and let Ian help her to a chair. “You agreed. And don’t be rude, Ian,” she chided.

  “My apologies.” He dipped in a low bow. “It is a pleasure to meet you, Zen, and I am sorry to intrude.”

  “I suspect I have to go now, Zen.” She rolled her eyes toward Ian. “Go easy on Raven.” She winked conspiratorially.

  “Where am I going? How long will I be there?” I asked. How could she leave me like this? She was supposed to be keeping people safe from vampires.

  “Raven will take care of you until we figure out who’s looking for you and what they want.” Her expression grew somber. “And we will, Zen. Make no mistake about that. You are safe.”

  “Thank you.” I had no choice now but to believe her and to put my trust in Raven. For now.

  “We’ll talk soon.” With that, the screen went blank.

  I handed the phone back to Raven through tear-streaked eyes. I was being hunted for a skill I didn’t even have. My parents may be in danger because of it. And I was trapped.

  Raven stooped in front of me and lifted my face to his. “Do. Not. Cry.”

  “Go to hell!”

  “Someday, I’m sure. But for now…” His lips took mine, gentle at first, as if he tasted the tears on my face. Then he angled his head and deepened the kiss, setting my nerves on fire. I wanted to pull away; I should have pulled away. I didn’t.

  “I’m sorry,” he muttered against my lips, and once again the darkness consumed me.

  Chapter 4

  My voice was raw from screaming through the nothingness that consumed me. I could feel Raven still holding me, but it brought no comfort. Even the knowledge that he was ShadowWalking and I was safe did nothing to alleviate the fear and anger that he put me through this again. I held onto the anger and let it give me the courage to stay alert. “You son of a bitch!” I pounded on Raven the moment the light returned. My fists battered his chest as I took my terror out on him. Only when he didn’t respond did I stop, surprised by my own anger. Raven lay still on the hardwood floor of a vast room.


  His eyes fluttered open, and he made an attempt at a smile.

  “Did I hurt you?” My hands hovered over him. I’d never been a violent person, hell, I’d never physically fought with anyone in my entire life. He laughed weakly. “You are a contradiction, Zen. One moment pummeling me with your fists, your eyes alight with fury, and the next they are filled with worry.”

  “You tricked me.” My voice was low and raw. “That kiss was only a ruse to distract me so you could drag me into the depths of darkness once again.” Betrayal added to the fear, pain, and confusion I already felt. Not a fear of Raven but of the dark place he’d taken me to.

  Raven stood and pulled me up easily with him. “It wasn’t a ruse.” He planted a swift kiss to my forehead. “It was the fastest way here.” His voice softened. “I am sorry to put you through that.”

  “Don’t ever do that again.” I stubbornly crossed my shaking arms over my chest, partly from anger, partly to try and stop the trembling from worsening. “Stay the hell away from me, Raven.”

  “That may be difficult to do.” He swept his hand wide. “Welcome to my home.”

  Turning to study the room I was standing in proved too much for my traitorous legs, and they collapsed beneath me. I clenched my fists as every muscle in my body began to twitch uncontrollably. Yanking my arm away from Raven’s outstretched hand, I pulled my knees up to my chest and glared at him.

  “I mean it, Raven; don’t ever do that to me again,” I spat through clenched, rattling teeth.

  “C’mon. I’ll get you some water.”

  I ignored him.

  “I’m sorry, Zen. If there had been another way…”

  Something in his voice, in the sincerity of his expression, made me reach out to him. He pulled me up effortlessly, but my legs were still like rubber. He held me against his chest and I let him, breathing in the rich, woodsy scent of him. His hand was gentle yet supportive on the base of my spine, and even though reason should have told me otherwise, I felt safe.

  “It was the fastest way to get you to safety,” he breathed into my hair. “I promise to travel by more conventional means from now on.”

  “Why didn’t you just bring me here the first time?” My breath became a little steadier now.

  “The sun was rising.”

  I pulled away from him and looked up. The top of my head came just to the center of his chest. Raven was a tall man. Broad-shouldered with a narrow waist. His strong, corded arms held me as gently as a feather. Squared chin and nose, bent ever so slightly, added to the dark charm he exuded in spades. And those lips…

  “Unless you have some SPF one million on you, I’m restricted from sunlight. Even that may only help after I regained consciousness.”

  My mouth went dry. “The sun?”

  “Some vampire myths are true, Zen. Dying at dawn and burning in the sunlight are among them. The rest will have to wait until another time.” He scooped me into his arms and headed toward a wide staircase.

  “Put me down!” I protested.


  I struggled and squirmed against him. He responded by hoisting me over his shoulder, which left me a view of his ass.

  A very nice ass.

  Resigned, I let my arms dangle limply as he took the stairs two at a time and then set me gently on my feet in the doorway of a bedroom with a large, canopied, four-poster bed dominating the space. The wrought iron frame was softened by cream-colored lace curtains that could be closed for additional privacy. A long, overstuffed ottoman sat at the end of a bed that was draped with a satin spread.

  “Why?” I asked when Raven tossed me a bath towel.

  “I thought you’d like a shower.”

  “That’s not what I mean. Why are you protecting me?”

  “Can’t you just accept that I am and let it go?”

  Apparently my expression gave him my answer because he sat down on the two-seater sofa and motioned for me to join him. He gave me a long assessing gaze and then began.

  “Vampires follow a chain of command. Had you heard of Ian Nightwalker before today?”

  “I recognized him. I’ve seen him on the news; he’s like a vampire boss or something. Everyone has to do what he says, right?”

  It was the first time I’d heard Raven really laugh out loud. It was deep, throaty, and sexy as hell. “Ask him if Leah feels that way when you meet him.”

  “So,” I licked my lips, “you were ordered to protect me?”

  His eyes flew to mine. “No. I was not ordered. That’s not Ian’s style. I was asked.”

  I crossed my arms over my middle to hide the disappointment creeping into my stomach. I was a job, nothing more. What did I expect? “And how are you going to keep me safe? If what those men said was true, there will be others searching for me.”

  “No harm will come to you, Zen. You have my word on that.”

  Something passed over his expression, not just sincerity but something darker, more resolute. It tugged at me, the way he looked so deeply into my eyes and his still manner as he patiently waited for my reply. “Okay.” I nodded slightly, my gaze dropping to the floor in resignation.

  “Good.” His voice faltered. “There is something else I should tell you.” Raven placed one hand on my arm, the other lifting my chin to meet his eyes. “I’ve been watching over you for months now.”

  My heart seized. “Stalking?” I whispered, both terrified and indignant.

  “Watching.” The firm set of his lips told me he didn’t think much of the word “stalking”. Well neither did I.

  “What’s the difference?” Jerking away from his grip, I stood. “How long have you been stalking me? How long have you hidden in the shadows, and what exactly have you seen?”

  I paced along a beautiful braided rug spread across the shining hardwood floors until Raven stepped in front of me.

  “I. Was. Not. Stalking!” He roared with an intensity that would have made a stronger man retreat.

  Except I wasn’t a man, and I wasn’t afraid of Raven. I’d trusted him with my life, and he’d saved it more than once, and while that added to the confusion of the emotions swirling within me, fear was not one of them.

  I stood toe-to-toe with him, albeit looking up. Way up.

  There was a touch of amusement in his deep eyes. “You’re beautiful when you’re angry, you know that? Stubborn chin set up ever-so-slightly, eyes sparking with fire, and cheeks pink and heated.”

  “Stalker,” I accused, but couldn’t quite sound sincere. He was told to watch me; he did his job. With Raven it seemed as simple as that.

  “If I was stalking you, I would have had no regard for your privacy. Rest assured…” His eyes danced across my body. “I was damn sure tempted. Hell, I didn’t even stop you from doing stupid shit that made me worry for your life. You know it was a full-time job just keeping you out of trouble.”

  “Trouble? Stupid shit? Like what?” I crossed my arms, stinging from the jibes.

  “Like going into that parking garage in the middle of the night with only an aging concierge to watch over you! Getting drunk in a bar where you knew no one and had no safe way of going home!”

  “Well I’m sorry to have been such a bother!” I didn’t want or need his scrutiny of my life.

  “It wasn’t a bother! I needed to do it!” He stroked the back of his neck and squeezed his eyes shut.
r />   “Because you were ordered to!” I retorted, meeting his steely gaze.

  His hand dropped to his side as his eyes flew open. “Because I wanted to!”

  His voice softened then. “I needed to know you were safe. From the first moment I saw you, I needed…” He dropped his head and sighed.

  “Needed what?” My heart seemed to stop beating in the moments I waited for an answer.

  He grasped my shoulders and bent down to me. His lips brushed mine so tenderly. I put my hands in his hair and pulled him closer. Safe. Yes, I felt safe. But more than that, I felt desired. Forgetting to think too hard about it, I let myself fall into the kiss, his embrace as his hands skimmed down my arm then tightened around my back.

  He reached behind his head and pried my fingers from his scalp. Moving his lips from me and putting his forehead against mine he said, “This isn’t right.” His fingers lingered on my hand. “Take a shower.”

  I stood there stunned as embarrassment sliced through my veins like razors.

  Raven turned from me without another word and left the room, closing the door gently behind him.

  So that was it, I thought as I paced to the floor-to-ceiling windows flanking one wall. I’m stuck with a vampire who wants me, who teases me, but something keeps stopping him. I can see it haunting him from behind his dark, dark eyes. Desire smoldering deep but a wall of pain blocking its path.

  I was stuck here being protected by this dark and complicated man. I had no doubt he’d keep me safe, but did I really want to be kept here?

  But that doesn’t change your feelings, my subconscious chimed in.

  Shit! What the hell was wrong with me? I couldn’t deny my attraction to this dark, contrary man. But that didn’t have to make me vulnerable. He wanted to tease? Well two could play that game, and perhaps it would be fun to throw this mysterious and sexy vampire off kilter for a while. He wasn’t the only one who could tempt.


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