In a Broken Dream (The Broken Series Book 4)

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In a Broken Dream (The Broken Series Book 4) Page 27

by Ruff, K. S.

  Alejandro squared his shoulders and looked up again. His eyes traveled over every single person sitting at the table. “As you know, it’s been an extremely difficult week. It is by the grace of God and the selfless acts of those sitting around this table that we are here today.”

  Cenia’s eyes teared.

  Alejandro continued. “I want to thank Kadyn and Roger for risking their lives so that my wife, my daughter, and her friend might live. I am forever in your debt.”

  Kadyn and Roger glanced at one another, then slowly nodded.

  Alejandro’s chin rose a little higher. “I am very proud of Isabel, Cenia, and Kri for the way they handled this situation. Isabel found a safe place for everyone to stay so we could search for Kadyn and Roger. Cenia did a remarkable job when she spoke with the cartel and negotiated their release. Kri helped us pinpoint who had them, and she offered us a safer and more effective strategy for ensuring their release. Your courage and strength are truly humbling.”

  Tears slid silently down my cheeks.

  Kadyn squeezed my hand.

  Alejandro looked pointedly at Rafael. “Thank you for paying the mafia in San Fernando so we could solicit their help. We wouldn’t have been able to afford that payment without you. Your selflessness helped save Kadyn and Roger’s lives.”

  Rafael nodded politely.

  “I had my doubts,” Alejandro confessed, “when Kri insisted on involving these two men from Ukraine, but her faith in Maxim was unshakable. Now that I have had an opportunity to get to know Maxim and Konstantin, I can understand why. You risked your lives when you intervened on our behalf, and it is quite possible my entire family would have been targeted and killed by the cartel if you hadn’t pursued this alternative course of action. You will forever remain heroes in my eyes.”

  Konstantin looked genuinely surprised.

  Maxim’s soft brown eyes captured and held mine. His pain and sadness collided with mine. We were both thinking of the family he had lost.

  Alejandro glanced at Roger. “Roger will be my son in less than twenty-four hours, but he is not the only family we gained this week. What Kadyn sacrificed for my wife and daughter… what Rafael, Kri, Maxim, and Konstantin did to save my son, Roger… even you, Shae. You supported us during this horrific experience knowing full well it could cost you your life. Your heroic acts have earned you a permanent place in my family… and while the miles will eventually separate us, I want you to know that we are here for you. We will always be here for you, just as you were here for us… because that’s what families do. They help one another, and they protect their own.”

  Isabel lifted her glass. “To family.”

  We tapped our glasses together and repeated the toast. “To family.”

  Cenia glanced at me from across the table when everyone settled in to enjoy the food.

  “I love you,” I whispered.

  Roger leaned in and planted a kiss on her cheek.

  Cenia smiled at me. “I love you too.”

  * * * * *

  I snapped a picture of Cenia with my cell phone. The sight of my friend eating a Whataburger in her wedding dress was such a fun contradiction, I had to capture the moment. Isabel had insisted she eat before the wedding. She warned Cenia she’d be so busy talking to guests at the reception that it was unlikely she’d get to eat the plated dinner she had so carefully selected.

  Shae was helping Shelby, Trena, and me get Cenia ready for the wedding. We had spent the entire day at the spa. Our skin was polished, our nails were polished, our hair coiffed, and our makeup flawlessly applied. Cenia was wearing her hair in an elegant twist. My hair was loosely pinned with a number of curls hanging down the back.

  We had decided to book massage appointments for the men at a spa across town, so that Roger wouldn’t cross paths with Cenia before the wedding. We thought they could use a little pampering after what they’d endured in Mexico. Maxim, Konstantin, and Rafael were included. “I hope Maxim and Rafael are being civil,” I mused aloud.

  Shae glanced at me over the top of her chocolate milkshake. “Rafael looked like he wanted to punch Maxim when he kissed you yesterday. How’d you get him to calm down?”

  I chuckled softly. “Let’s just say Rafael got a whole lot more than a kiss when I thanked him last night.” I took another bite of my jalapeno cheeseburger. “Speaking of sticky situations, what’s going on with you, Konstantin, and Chance?”

  Shae groaned. “Chance and Konstantin got into a huge fight when Konstantin spent the night. Chance said he wasn’t going to stick around and watch me self-destruct. I’m not sure he knows I’ve left town.”

  “I’m sure he knows,” I replied in an exaggerated tone. “Is Konstantin moving to Virginia?”

  Shae laughed. “He is now.”

  “Did he find a job?” Cenia asked. She knew the back story.

  “He’s going to be working in DC as Second Secretary, Assistant to the Ambassador, at the Embassy of Ukraine.” Shae glanced at me. “Maxim helped him get the job.”

  I sighed. “Maxim is a good man.”

  Trena eyed me curiously. “How will you ever choose between those men?”

  “I already have,” I replied with a secretive smile.

  “Oh! Maybe you’ll catch my bouquet,” Cenia exclaimed.

  Isabel popping her head inside the doorway. “It’s time.”

  Shelby handed Cenia a warm washcloth so she could wash her hands. Trena offered up a silver tube of lipstick and a lipstick case with a mirror. I washed my hands, swiped some lip gloss over my lips, and gathered up Cenia’s train. Isabel led the way.

  Cenia had arranged for the wedding to take place in the garden, weather permitting. The weather couldn’t have been more perfect, so that’s where we were heading. We walked down a long corridor, past the ballroom where the reception was being held. Cenia’s portrait was sitting on a tripod near the door. I studied the picture as we walked by. The photographer had selected a pose that reflected the strong, confident woman I knew, not the woman the cartels had nearly broken. I smiled.

  Alejandro met us in front of the French doors that opened onto the garden patio. Roman shades covered the glass so we couldn’t see what lie behind the doors. Isabel and Shae stepped outside so they could take their seats before the music began. Trena, Shelby, and I offered Cenia and Alejandro some privacy for their father-daughter moment. Alejandro kissed Cenia on the cheek before pulling the veil over her face.

  The wedding coordinator handed out the bouquets when the soothing strains of Pachelbel’s Canon in D sounded through the door. Cenia and Alejandro took their places in front of the door. I arranged the train on Cenia’s dress before following Shelby and Trena down the aisle.

  My eyes widened when I saw all the guests. I wondered how many knew just how close we’d come to postponing the wedding. I looked for Rafael and Maxim while slowly making my way up the aisle. I tried not to roll my eyes when I discovered they were sitting on opposite sides of the aisle.

  I fixed my eyes on Kadyn. A smile slid slowly across my face. The black tux he was wearing accentuated his broad shoulders and trim waist. Strength radiated from his posture and that stoic look on his face. The image was truly breathtaking.

  The traditional wedding march sounded when I took my place beside Trena. The guests rose and stared expectantly down the aisle. I glanced at Roger. The makeup had done wonders for the bruise along his jawline. I followed his gaze as Cenia and her father appeared in the doorway that was now open. I bit back tears. Cenia had never looked so beautiful.

  My heart swelled as I listened to Cenia exchange vows with the love of her life. The moment was made even sweeter when Roger reached for Cenia’s wedding ring. It should have been the very same ring Dante had found in the pile of bullet casings, but it wasn’t. Kadyn handed him a cherry red Ring Pop instead. Everyone laughed at the astonished look on Roger’s face.

  Cenia handed me her bouquet when the priest introduced them as husband and wife. Roger lifted her veil
before he dipped her over his arm and kissed her long and hard. Everyone applauded. Roger continued kissing her until the applause turned to cheers, whistles, and cat calls.

  Finally, one of the cousins yelled, “Get a room!”

  Roger and Cenia burst out laughing.

  I handed Cenia her bouquet. Kadyn offered me his arm as we followed them down the aisle. The guests were ushered toward the ballroom so we could return to the garden to take pictures.

  We joined the celebration an hour later. I stopped to visit with Dante and Maria before seeking out Rafael. He was talking to Alejandro. I kissed both men on the cheek before leading Rafael to our table. Cenia and Roger were already being seated at a small table for two near the center of the room. A mariachi band played while we ate dinner.

  Alejandro offered the first toast. He made the toast in Spanish, then repeated it in English. “A toast to my daughter. I am so proud of the strong, courageous woman you have become. And to the remarkable young man who has pledged to love and protect her. May the Lord bless you both with good health, a lifetime of love and happiness, and lots and lots of children!”

  Everyone cheered and raised their champagne flutes. Kadyn rose for the next toast. He followed Alejandro’s lead, offering the toast in Spanish, then repeating it in English. “A toast to the bride and groom.” He paused dramatically. “If you only knew what Cenia had to do to get him here.”

  Everyone laughed, assuming she’d had to strong arm him. Those of us who’d witnessed what she’d been through in Mexico fought back tears.

  Kadyn continued. “You two are more family than friends. I know your love will endure whatever life throws your way, but I also want you to know that you will never have to face another obstacle alone. You will face them together, and we will be there, right beside you, every step of the way.”

  I raised my champagne flute as a single tear slid down my cheek. I was trying to keep it together long enough to offer my own toast. Isabel nodded when our eyes met. She had agreed to translate my toast into Spanish for me.

  I took a deep breath and stood. “When I think of love, I think of a cool hand on a warm forehead. I think of kind words after a heartfelt confession. I think of a warm hug after a flood of tears.” I glanced at the friends sitting around me before fixing my eyes on Cenia and Roger. “But I also think of unbreakable friendships, unwavering commitments, and the men and women who risk their lives to save the people they love, a country gone awry, and a world that doesn’t deserve them. I see all these things and more reflected in this couple sitting before you.” I raised my champagne flute toward Cenia and Roger. “Thank you for showing me what true love is really all about.”

  There were words of agreement and murmured consent as the wedding guests raised their glasses to the bride and groom.

  Cenia and Roger stood to offer up their own toast. Roger spoke in English, pausing between each line, so Cenia could translate the words into Spanish. “We’d like to thank everyone for coming and for supporting us on this special day. We are truly blessed to be surrounded by so much love and kindness.” He turned to face Cenia. “I’d also like to thank this beautiful woman for agreeing to marry me, for changing my life in so many wonderful ways, and for saving my…”

  Cenia pressed her fingers to Roger’s lips.

  “Life,” he said. “I was going to say life!” he grumbled around her hand.

  We laughed. Cenia promptly removed her hand.

  “For saving my life on more than one occasion,” Roger continued. “I love you more than life itself.” Cenia and Roger raised their glasses toward their wedding guests, then toward one another. They linked their arms before drinking from the champagne flutes.

  Roger led Cenia to the dance floor so they could share their first dance as husband and wife. He reached for her hand when the guitar began the prelude to “When You Say Nothing at All.” Their family and friends sat spellbound by the waltz they’d perfected over the last two months.

  Alejandro waited for the applause to die down before joining Cenia and Roger on the dance floor. He bowed politely before asking Roger for his daughter’s hand. The DJ played “Butterfly Kisses” for their father-daughter dance.

  I squeezed Rafael’s hand encouragingly. I knew it was going to be difficult for him to watch me dance with Kadyn. The wedding party was supposed to dance next.

  Kadyn stood and reached for my hand as the father-daughter dance drew to an end. I’d been working behind the scenes to ensure the entire wedding party would be dancing a waltz for this song. Unbeknownst to Cenia and Roger, every single one of their bridesmaids and groomsmen had been taking dance lessons to ensure this dance was magical for them.

  Alejandro tucked Cenia inside Roger’s arms so they could dance with the wedding party. He bowed politely before leaving the dance floor.

  I gazed into Kadyn’s soft brown eyes with my chin held high, just as Katia had taught me. Still, I wanted to cry. I couldn’t stop thinking about how close I’d come to losing him. He stepped toward me as Louis Armstrong began to sing “What a Wonderful World.”

  I didn’t speak for the first half of the song. I simply savored being in my friend’s arms. “I was so scared,” I finally confessed. “I thought I’d never see you again.”

  “I was very determined to have this dance with you,” he noted teasingly.

  I just shook my head. “I’m so thankful you’re okay. I would have never forgiven myself…”

  Kadyn shot me a scathing look. “Roger and I are alive because of you. If you hadn’t recruited Maxim and Konstantin to help, I doubt we’d be standing here today. And Rafael paying all that money…” He shook his head. “I don’t even know how to begin thanking him.”

  “I couldn’t bear to lose you,” I whispered tearfully.

  “You will never lose me,” Kadyn stated emphatically. “I will always be here for you… to support and protect you… regardless of where your relationship with Rafael takes you.”

  I offered him a tremulous smile as the song drew to an end. “God sure knew what he was doing when he brought you into my life.”

  Kadyn nodded, just once, before lowering me in a dramatic dip. He lifted me to his chest when everyone applauded. He gazed into my eyes before resting his forehead against mine. “Thank you,” he whispered.

  I brushed a kiss against his cheek before pressing my lips to his ear. “It is I who should be thanking you, Kadyn. You have saved me in more ways than you know. You are my most cherished friend.”

  We stopped to talk to Cenia and Roger before returning to the table. I glanced around the room, looking for Rafael. I excused myself from the table and joined him at the bar.

  Rafael handed me a glass of wine. “I’d like to be added to your dance card,” he noted with a smile. The bartender handed him a second glass of wine.

  “And I’d like to be added to yours,” I replied. We stopped by our table to set the wine glasses down. The song the DJ was playing was about to end, so we waited a few seconds before walking out onto the dance floor.

  My eyes widened when I heard the next song. “Did you request this song from the DJ?” I asked.

  Rafael smiled as we began to dance. “Why do you ask?”

  I gaped at him. The DJ was playing Adele’s “Make You Feel My Love.” “Because this is the same song you asked that young man to sing to me when I was crying on the park bench outside the Senate.”

  “Really?” he asked in far too innocent a tone.

  I laughed. “Do you have any idea how much I love you?”

  He grinned. “Yes… No… Maybe.”

  It was my turn to smile. “I’m going to show you every day for the rest of your life.”

  He sighed contentedly.

  I rested my head on his chest, closed my eyes, and savored the song that so miraculously defined our relationship.

  We continued dancing into the next song. The DJ was playing “Everything I do, I do it for You” by Bryan Adams.

  “May I have this d
ance?” Maxim inquired.

  Rafael’s jaw clenched, but he offered Maxim my hand.

  Maxim nodded politely before he pulled me into his arms. “I did not think I would have an opportunity to dance with you again.”

  I smiled. “You never know. Our lives have taken us in some rather unexpected directions.”

  He spun me in his arms. “I will bring Oni to Virginia at the end of December. Maybe we will dance then.”

  “Maybe,” I murmured distractedly. I wondered who was watching over Oni now.

  Maxim’s eyes softened. “Lev is watching over Oni.”

  My eyebrows furrowed. “How did you know what I was thinking?”

  He laughed. “You are very easy to read.”

  “I heard Konstantin will be working at the Ukrainian Embassy in DC,” I remarked. “How do you feel about him moving to the United States?”

  Maxim looked thoughtful. “I think I envy him.”

  “Do you think he will be happy here?” I asked curiously.

  He nodded. “I think he will be very happy in the United States.”

  “Maybe you should think about moving here,” I encouraged softly. I hated the thought of him returning to such a violent place.

  He stared at me intently. “I am needed in Ukraine.”

  I sighed. “I know. I just wish…” I trailed off uncertainly.

  “I know what you wish,” he replied, “but wishing is not enough. The situation in Ukraine will not improve without hard work and sacrifice. I cannot ask others to do something that I myself am not willing to do.”

  He glanced toward the table where we had been sitting. “There are things I wish too, but they have proven equally difficult to change.”

  “I know. I just wish things weren’t so complicated,” I admitted sadly

  He drew me to his chest as the song came to an end. “I am glad you asked me to come, Kristine. This trip has proven very enlightening.” He cradled my face in his hands. “Do not hesitate to call me if you need me again.”

  “I won’t,” I replied tearfully. “Thank you for being here.”


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