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Reclamation Page 12

by Sophie L Osborne

  “They assumed, or, they came to the conclusion that I had schizophrenia, that I was schizophrenic. They didn’t really know what to label me as, but my symptoms fit that category best,” she said. “No, at first they suspected temporal lobe epilepsy. The tests showed otherwise, so, all in all they couldn’t prove a thing, and they’d assumed I was mentally ill and discharged me based on what they found or, what they didn’t find, medically.”

  “Hmm, I see,” he said, almost whispering. “That’s terrible,” he said.

  “Yeah, it was, but I’ve accepted that’s how it had to be. I want it to be clear, I don’t have a mental health issue,” she said.

  “And, temporal lobe epilepsy? he asked.

  “No, not even that!” she exclaimed. “You must know that these diagnoses were, false – they didn’t find anything validating their claims, nothing! That’s why when I left, it was so, hard. I knew they were dead wrong about everything and it hurt me really badly, in every aspect of my life back then. But, I also knew that I had no way to prove that they were wrong. I was screwed no matter what I tried!”

  “Sorry. That was probably a rough time for you,” he empathized.


  “Doll, I’m with you – hear you loud and clear!” Avery added.

  “You know Avery, the most frustrating thing is that we don’t know how to begin solving any of this! Who do we go to? What can we do?” she asked.

  “There are things that, we can do,” he said, leaning back against the wall with his arms folded.

  “Yeah? Like what?” she asked.

  “Well, for one, I do know my mother’s spiritual guide, Baba Yaga – the old woman who Jesse and I were talking about?”

  “Yeah, what about that – her?” she asked.

  “Although I have my doubts about what she can do, what I do know is that she may be able to guide us, somehow.” Avery proposed.

  “Ah-ha, as a matter of fact, Jessie did say he would ask your mother for, her help, but I didn’t give much credence to that, Jesse seemed to be having fun with me. He must’ve thought I was some sort of joke, but then again after what you told me, maybe not.”

  “We can go to Baba Yaga for help, but I think we should really try to dig as much and as deep as we can to get more information about this house. I don’t know why, but something’s telling me that opening that shed will be like, opening a Pandora’s Box.”

  “I know, but fear can’t hold us back!” she said.

  “Oh, fear isn’t going to, the dang rain is!” he said, matter-of-factly.

  “You’re right about that!” she said, holding the back of her neck with both hands.

  She paused for a moment, squinting her eyes and crinkling her button nose. “You said, Justin doesn’t know how the club caught fire? What if the fire is linked to all of this?”

  Avery walked over, gave her a hug, and placed his chin on her head. He took her hand that was grasping the bracelet. They studied it together once more; the crucifixes and intricately shaped trinkets between each stone, and the letters spelling the name, Alessandra. Laurie noted, the green stones glowed brighter than they did earlier.

  “Hey, check this out! There’s something inscribed on the pendant –” She held the bracelet up and carefully placed a finger under the little dark colored, metal eagle. There was the inscription, AV.

  “AV, could be anything,” he said.

  Laurie leaned her head against Avery’s chest. A loud, cracking, boom shook the house, startling the duo. “Guess you’re staying here tonight?”

  “Guess I am,” he said,

  “I’d better check on your clothes, they’re probably dry now.” No sooner had Laurie said those words, the room went pitch black.

  “Oooh, now the power’s out – sets the mood for a good ole, ghost story!” Avery teased.

  “Let me get some candles!” she said, peeling away from his arms.

  Laurie glanced at her hand that was holding the bracelet. It was now aglow – bright green. “Oh my God!! Look!” she shrieked. They both stared at the bracelet in amazement. The green stones shined like neon lights in the dark. They grew warmer, as the rays beamed brighter in Laurie’s palms.

  “My goodness, what the heck is this?” Avery exclaimed, as his nostrils flared, “Set that thing down!” he demanded.

  “Feel – it’s so hot now!” she said, walking towards him.

  “Dammit Laurie don’t bring that near me – put the freaking thing down!!” he snapped.

  “Geez, calm the heck down!” she fired back, setting it on the side table. They both stood by, watching as the green gemstones lit the room, like disco lights.

  “That’s it! I’m throwing it outside!” he said, walking towards the table. He grabbed the band from the table and hurried towards the back door. Something stopped him in his tracks. Avery suddenly found it difficult to move his body.

  “What’s wrong?” Laurie asked, frantically.

  “Laurie…I can’t move,” he said, listlessly.

  “Drop the damn bracelet!!!” she screamed. She ran towards him, in attempt to hit the bracelet out of his hand. Avery had a blank stare and wasn’t aware of what was happening.

  Laurie grabbed the band while Avery still held on to it; her hand was glued to it. Her entire body, from head to toe, seized-up. She and Avery stood in the living room, motionless, like two statues.

  Avery groaned and with all his might, propelled one leg forward, he then lowered his arm – the bracelet slipped from his fingers, falling to the ground. He caught his breath, his legs wobbled, sending him stumbling to the ground. Laurie’s limp body collapsed on him. For a few moments, he lay on the floor, with Laurie’s lifeless body on top of him, while gaining composure.

  “Doll! Doll!! Can you hear me?” he asked, holding her face, and patting her cheeks. Laurie’s eyes opened half way, and her head fell forward. Avery pushed himself into a sitting position, as he cradled Laurie in his arms. He put his face against her nose and was relieved to feel her breath upon his skin.

  “Laurie, wake up – it’s okay! You’re okay!” he said, hoping she would open her eyes.

  “My head, gosh, it hurts!” she mumbled.

  “Sit with me for a bit, don’t try to stand so soon, you’ll pass out,”

  “Did you see what I did? Did you feel, what I felt?” she asked, gasping.

  “Yes. I did.” He said, stroking her head.

  “Gosh, who is he? I keep seeing that man!” her voice cracked.

  “Laurie. I don’t know how to tell you this but – I know precisely who he is.” Avery said, breathing heavily, as his large green eyes darted around the room.

  The band was still aglow on the living room floor. Avery and Laurie huddled together and watched it while silently plotting an alternate plan of attack to be rid of the cursed jewelry.

  “What? Who is he?” she asked, springing to life.

  He looked at her like a frightened child, afraid of speaking, for fear of punishment.

  “The one you seek – her name is Alessandra.”

  A woman’s raspy voice whispered. Immediately, the glow from the green gemstones was gone. Avery and Laurie exchanged looks of utter disbelief and shock.

  “Oh, hell naw!” he exclaimed.

  “Oh, lovely!! Why’d you have to bring this crap into my house – like I don’t have enough trouble!!” Laurie said. She fumbled to her feet, scurrying towards the kitchen. She came back armed with a dust pan and a brush in her hands, heading straight for the band. She scooped it up and darted for the back door. Avery ran behind her, unlocking the door. The opened door let in a continuous gust of rain and wind. Laurie stepped outside and slung the band into the bushes, as far as she could send it. They hurried inside, shutting the door behind them.

  “Avery, this is beginning to be, too much!” she said, panting, looking like she’d completed an obstacle course.

  He couldn’t tell if she was crying, or if it were rain drops on her face. But, he agreed, it w
as too much, and she needed to know everything, even if it terrified her and threatened his relationship with his brother.

  “Justin. The man you kept seeing in your dreams is, Justin.”


  I want to thank my boys for their overwhelming support during the long hours I’ve spent away from them working on this series. Boys, you guys are little troopers that inspire and challenge me daily; I couldn’t do it without you all. I love you all dearly.

  Thanks to my family and friends who showed interest and encouraged me to continue writing, my story; for your loyalty and support, I am ever grateful.

  Thomas, our commitment to working on this novel series while we moved our young family from state to state, and continent to continent overwhelms me with love for you. You remained by my side, believing in my writing more than I did at times. I’m glad to have you as my life partner, I love you.

  More Novels By Author, Sophie L. Osborne

  Book 1

  Laurie-Marie Gallagher and Justin Vladimir couldn’t be more different–

  The only home she knew since birth, was an orphanage. Justin, comes from a large family with generations of great wealth and privilege.

  With dedication and hard work, Laurie defies an oppressive stereotype and builds an upstanding life of her own. Justin wants desperately to be left alone to pursue his own ventures. He faces banishment and risks losing a massive inheritance from his family’s estate if he goes against what is expected of him.

  But, when relentless, mysterious forces emerge, demanding payment for a deal gone sour over a century past, no one is spared and lives are literally destroyed!

  Justin and Laurie have more in common than meets the eyes. They stand to lose everything, as ancient demons rise to reclaim their spoils.

  Book 2

  As one door closes – another opens…

  Laurie gets a business proposal of a lifetime from an unlikely partner, and meets who appears to be, the man of her dreams.

  But, just when she seems to gain control of her life once more, she experiences a mortifying encounter with an unknown entity; this time, it isn’t in her head, and it shows every intention of destroying her.

  As supernatural forces converge, her worst nightmares come to pass when she is confronted with the same problems, all over again. Laurie fears losing what she has built and relentlessly seeks answers to her predicament.

  When she signals her distress, will her newfound romantic interest believe her story, or will he flee, just as Matt and the others did?

  The DuBois: Family Ties

  Meet The DuBois…

  Real estate mogul, Mr. Tashnid DuBois Sr. wants to retire, but is driven by an insatiable need to acquire land and build more properties.

  Mrs. Patricia DuBois is sharp witted, and a pillar of support to her children and husband; she often sees the need to keep the latter in check. After forty-five years of marriage, six children, and two grandchildren, they find themselves at odds more than ever.

  Dr. Tashnid DuBois, a well-regarded psychiatrist and their eldest child, struggles to cope after tragically losing his wife and newborn son. He moves back in with his parents a year after his loss and is haunted by something he finds in their attic.

  Taylore-Anne DuBois, the last of five children, is stunning, smart, and unapologetically spoiled. When she graduates from university, a grand party that reunites the entire DuBois clan and a few close friends, is held on her behalf.

  But, trouble ensues when their second son, Major General, Tayyip DuBois hires an assistant who innocently sets off a firestorm in his marriage and shakes up the entire dynamics of the family.

  To My Readers,

  Thank you for joining Laurie on her adrenaline inducing adventure – wouldn’t want to be in her shoes!

  While I was writing the Reclamation series, I had so much fun creating the characters and bringing together different elements, for you the reader, to get totally immersed in. Laurie-Marie, is a good-hearted woman who tends to get the shorter end of the sick in life, so to speak, but, she shows resilience each time when faced with the unknown.

  This series is very symbolic and can be used in reading groups – there are so many elements that are up for discussion, it makes the Reclamation series an exciting read!

  I thought about making these books smaller because they’ll be a quicker read, making the storyline more enjoyable – not to mention, smaller books are, easier to carry around – they fit perfectly into any hand bag! Better yet, if you’re all about traveling light, the e-versions of all my novels are available on, Kobo, and Barnes & Noble.

  Find out what happens next! Get all three books – they’re available right now! I’ve had so many people ask about when these books were going to be completed, and I’m so glad that they’re finally finished!

  Please visit me on Facebook@ Sophie L. Osborne, on Instagram @ Sophie.L.Osborne, and on my website: to sign up for updates on my upcoming novels and podcasts! I have so many wonderful projects in the works, it’s exciting!

  If you’ve enjoyed this book, please head over to where you’ve purchased it and spread the word about this new, cool series you’ve found!


  Sophie L. Osborne

  Reading Group Discussion Questions

  What is the significance of the Kapok, or Ceiba Pentandra, tree in the novel?

  What struggles do the main characters have in common?

  Throughout the novel, Laurie fights and tries hard to shut out “voices” that interrupt her thoughts in an insolent manner, almost always chiding her whenever she is about to make a major personal decision. What or, who is this voice? What is the significance of her hearing these voices?

  Laurie is a driven professional who wants the best for her business, Petro-Val. When she meets Avery, Vice-President of Oil-Corps, a major oil supplier, is her ultimate intention, finding a mate or pushing her company ahead? Why do you make this conclusion?

  Why do you believe Laurie and Avery meet again for a second time in their lives? Can Avery be trusted? Why do you believe this?

  Why is Justin Vladimir also hearing voices and facing the same challenges as Laurie although they have never met before? How might he be tied to Laurie?

  Although the Vladimirs are a close knitted, extended family, how would you say, Anya, Avery, Caroline, Justin and Laurie view marriage and family in particular?

  Do you believe Laurie suffers from some form of mental illness? Why do you believe so?

  Do you believe that we as humans pay for the sins of our fore-fathers? Why do you take this stance?

  In the novel, Anya is not portrayed as a, “happy” or contended person. How would you describe her, and why do you believe that she takes the stance she does?

  Symbolism is used throughout the novel. What is your favorite example of symbolism that is used, and why is it your favorite?

  Why is the spirit of Marie-Claire haunting Laurie and Avery? Why has it been haunting Avery longer than Laurie?

  What is the Lagahoo and La Diablesse? Why did the author use these two characters in her story?

  Why do you think the author chose to center the story in a fictitious town in, Louisiana and not in another state?

  Was Justin ‘imagining things’ when he saw what he described as, ‘half-man half-toad’? Or was this real, and a sign of what troubles are about to haunt him?




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