Enemy Lines

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Enemy Lines Page 7

by Mousseau, Allie Juliette

  "You know what I want - I want you! Now lower yourself onto me."

  Noah watched as his stiff member dipped inside of her heat. "Lower, Rachel - all the way down, all the way in."

  She could feel it in every nerve of her body as his shaft separated her - she sat slowly taking him in an inch at a time and her stomach fluttered with butterflies.

  She was so freakin' hot inside and her muscles wrapped so tightly around his cock - he couldn't contain himself. He gripped her hips, sinking his fingertips into her curves and thrust up inside her.

  "Noah… Oh my God." She couldn't catch her breath.

  He slowly pulled back out until only his tip remained then speared back into her while forcing her hips down. She screamed again and threw her head back, "It feels like waves inside of me… don't stop!"

  She folded into him further and he realized he must have been hitting the spot inside of her the Joined guys talked about. He held her hips, forcing them back and forth, thrusting harder and faster.

  "You feel so fucking good!" Waves ripped through his erection, as Rachel sank her fingers and nails into the muscles of his arms and pressing deeply into the crevices. He couldn't hold himself any longer. His powerful orgasm shot from the head of his cock and into every fiber of his being. He breathed her name.

  "I can feel you pulsing inside of me," She said out of breath and reached her hand out to touch the stubble that had grown on his face through the night. "You are so gorgeous."

  "I can't believe you're here with me. I hope I'm not dreaming." Noah looked full of love and fear.

  "Oh, I promise you this is no dream."

  Their lips touched while their eyes remained opened, watching the other, drinking each other in.

  She positioned herself beside him and they covered up with the second blanket and fell into a deep and peaceful sleep.

  Outside the summer air grew cooler as the sun fell out of the sky. Rachel stirred and saw the change of time through the window. They'd have to get back on the road. For just a moment she let her mind wander and pretended this was her house - her house with Noah. They were joined. Maybe he worked as an architect and built homes or important buildings. She didn't know what she could be - she had never even explored alternate options. Maybe they had a child, and she was staying home to raise the baby. She smiled at the thought. She would've liked that.

  She looked at Noah. He was still sleeping but starting to stir - somehow he must have sensed her. He was gorgeous. His hair touched by the sun, the bulk of his shoulders, the line of his jaw, the strength of his body.

  His eyes opened and searched to find hers, "Hi there."

  She felt such adoration. He had saved her life. She knew she loved him.

  "Is everything alright?" He sat up and leaned back against the wall to get a better look at her.

  Rachel wasn't sure what came over her. Maybe it was the thought of him fighting Sov soldiers to get to her. Maybe it was his ruggedly handsome physique. Maybe he was just absolutely sexy and they were all alone in this beautiful house, and she just felt like showing how much he meant to her at that very moment. Her hand glided up his leg that was bent at the knee and stopped to massage his inner thigh. Very close to his manhood that was already rising with these first minutes awake.

  "What are you doing?" he asked.

  "Just… thinking,"

  "Thinking about what?"

  "About you," Rachel's fingers tickled under his sensitive sac.

  He leaned back further to give her place. His look was one of confusion, curiosity, and delight. She could see he was growing hard and long like a steel cylinder.

  "Look at you, getting big for me already." She purred.

  He let out a breathy sigh.

  "Oh yeah, handsome, it is so my turn," She said as she brought her head down to the soft flesh his of his sac. She tickled it lightly with her tongue as her hands played across his legs. He was stunned to silence. Her tongue flicked and licked from his sac, up his shaft from the bottom base to the very tip.

  Noah, who was trying to hold his breath, let out a series of soft moans and stared at her wide-eyed. "I've never…"

  "Good," she said. "I've never done it before…" then added, "But I think I'm clever enough to figure it out." At that she enclosed her lips over the tip and plunged his entire erection into the moist heat of her mouth.

  "Oh, Rachel!" Noah gasped. Ah yes, that was the reaction she had wanted. He pushed up into her mouth. She brought her head up and down while her lips worked his shaft. She tried sucking softly at first. Gentle, not sure what would feel good to him and what wouldn't. He twisted his fingers into her hair at the sides of her head and began groaning steadily as he thrust into her throat. She knew she must have been doing something right.

  She varied her motion and intensity, to see which aroused him more: gentle and ticklish with her tongue, licking his head like a lollipop, pulsing her lips and pulling them tight as she fucked him with strong intensity. She started at the base of his shaft as far as she could go fitting his length into her mouth. He was so long and thick, she had to hold him with her hand. She squeezed her lips taut and brought her mouth back up, paying special attention to the area just below his head on the neck, squeezing her mouth into a circle around it and adding speed to her thrusts. That did it!

  "Oh, your mouth…" He was overcome with the lust. "You feel so good!"

  "You are incredible." She said with her mouth full of his cock and looked up into his eyes. She thought she nearly killed him. He lost it.

  He pushed his ready hardness deeper within her throat as he grasped onto her head, pulling her impossibly closer. "I'm going to…" He throbbed between her lips and exploded a sweet salty liquid over her tongue. Every muscle in his body became taut and tight from his toes to his shoulders.

  Oh yeah, he's all mine, Rachel thought.

  When his pulsating calmed, she smiled proudly and licked her lips.

  "You are going to have me hard again in an instant if you keep looking at me like that!" He said still breathless.

  "It was fun watching you come over the edge like that into my mouth… what a turn on." She kissed him.

  They cleaned up and dressed. While Rachel opened a couple of cans of food for breakfast, Noah made sure the bike was safe and in working order.

  Rachel saw a frustrated look cross his face. "What's wrong? Doesn't the bike work?"

  "It works. I'm wondering about the best path to take."

  "There was a map in that…" Rachel began when Noah interrupted.

  "That's not the kind of path I mean."

  "What do you mean?" Rachel sat on the floor and watched him as he tightened parts on the bike with the tools they had found.

  "Do we go to the Division in Old Detroit? Or do we cut a path up into Old Canada? There are no Selections… there is nothing there anymore, no people, no Sovs. We could do what you said, find a piece of wild country and make our own way, our own life… you and me."

  "You would really do that?" Rachel asked full of emotion and doubt.

  Noah stopped his work on the bike and put down the tool. He turned and knelt down in front of her, cupping her delicate face in his large strong hands. "I don't have a lot of experience with love, but I know it's what I feel for you."

  "How? How do you know?" Rachel breathed.

  "Because I can't imagine ever being separated from you. I could never have enough time with you - I want to learn everything there is to know about you - every thought in your head, every dream you've ever had. I want a lifetime of your laughter and I want to be the one to make you happier than you've ever been in your life." Noah's eyes never left hers.

  "If that's what love feels like, I think I love you too. And I don't have any experience in that department either - but I'd be so willing to learn with you."

  Noah kissed her hard. It wasn't romantic. The kiss was full of terror and desperation - and it also tasted like hope.

  "But we can't…" Rachel whispered when
they parted.

  "Can't what?"

  "We can't run away, not yet. I've come to know you enough that you'd live guilt ridden."

  Noah turned away with pain stricken eyes, "I have no way to find her, Rachel. I've tried."

  "The Rebels do."

  "What do you mean?"

  "We have Rebel sources and intel embedded within each Selection. Great care is taken into learning the identities and alias' of the hidden - all photographs, copies of documents, they are safe guarded." Rachel assured him.

  "You mean the Rebel's could have documentation that would lead me to her?" Noah dared to hope.

  Rachel nodded.

  A new smile lit Noah's face, "You give me so much hope!"


  Old Detroit

  Noah had been right - the motorbike did work and as they held possession of a map and night glasses, they were able to drive watchfully on back roads that followed the highway. About two a.m. they entered the inner city ruins of Old Detroit. They stopped the bike, got off and began walking.

  "I'm not familiar at all with this city," Rachel admitted looking around at the fire-consumed rubble.

  "But we are. Nice and slowly lower your weapons." Said a man's voice behind them.

  "Not a chance," Noah challenged. "Identify yourself."

  "You're the strangers, not us." Insisted a new voice.

  Noah knew they didn't sound like Sovs, but they could have easily been drifters. "I'm going to turn around. See my hands?" He held them out in a non-threatening display. "I don't have a weapon drawn. Let's just get a look at each other." Noah turned without permission.

  Rachel followed Noah's lead. Four men stood at a ready stance with guns drawn - they were dressed in Rebel uniforms.

  "I'm Lieutenant Lawton from Northeast Division. Rachel was ecstatic that they found help so quickly. .

  Ten more men who were hidden showed themselves. "Lieutenant Rachel Lawton?"

  "Yes, I am Lieutenant Rachel Lawton. We were sieged at Old Chicago…"

  "GET DOWN ON THE GROUND!" One of them shouted.

  Fourteen assault rifles were aimed at them.

  "Keep your hands where we can see them, or we'll fill your skulls with lead!"

  As they knelt reluctantly, Rachel asked "What the hell is this about?"

  "Just shut up… and big guy, you better not so much as twitch." Noah felt three rifle barrels push into his scalp.

  "Rachel you okay?" Noah asked defiantly.

  "We'll be fine - I'll get this worked out." She whispered as the soldiers zip tied their wrists behind their backs. "What is the reason for this treatment?" Rachel insisted from the men.

  "Treason and conspiracy," came the answer as black sacks were placed over their heads.

  ~ ~ ~

  "Noah?" Rachel called out softly from the darkness of the cloth still over her head. "Noah, can you hear me?" There was no reply.

  She was laying bound on a cold concrete floor. Rachel wondered if Webb could have really pulled off such a complete deception. Of course he had, or they wouldn't be in this position now. Where was Noah? And what were they doing with him?

  She tried to calm herself. She imagined a vast field with tall waving grasses. Mountains stretching boldly into the sky with trails of cold snow over there rugged stone peaks, her homeland in Old Montana when she was little. This is where she would want to bring Noah.

  She had made the worst mistake by coming here - she had given them death sentences.

  Some hours later, she heard boots stepping against the concrete as they drew closer. She listened to a key enter the lock and the door opened.

  "Please close your eyes, Ma'am." Said a voice. She did and felt the sack being removed from her head. She pressed her eyes closed harder against the intrusion of light.

  She heard the snip of the zip ties as her wrists came free. One of the men helped her to her feet. She rubbed her wrists.

  "We are very sorry Lieutenant. Too many rumors were circulating about your participation in the Old Chicago sweep. We had to verify the information - until we got down to the truth."

  Rachel blinked her eyes until they were accustomed to the light. "And what is that truth?" She asked.

  "That you succeeded in the implementation of the large scale evacuation of Old Manhattan." The soldier smiled.

  "Where is my companion?" Rachel demanded. "And what happened in Northeast?"

  "Please, let us move you to more comfortable quarters. Our Commander - John Lockport - wants discuss everything with you himself." said one of the soldiers.

  "Fine," Rachel conceded. She followed them through the hallway where they stopped at a door and knocked.

  "Enter," insisted the voice.

  The Rebel soldier opened the door and the three of them walked in.

  "Lieutenant Lawton," said the tall and lanky man. He had a handsome seasoned face and was probably in his mid-forties. A soft growth of light brown hair over his head indicated that it had been recently buzzed military style. He wore a Rebel uniform decorated with stripes, bars and medals. "I am Commander John Lockport, and you Ma'am are a hero." He smiled. "I apologize for the way you've been treated and the conditions in which you were contained, but we had to follow precautions given the circumstances."

  "What is going on, Sir?" Rachel asked, her expression stern.

  "Commander Webb - of whom I know you are familiar - sent word to all Divisions of your covert activities with the Sovereignty and had placed the blame of Old Chicago and Old Manhattan's downfall square on your shoulders.

  "What happened to Old Manhattan?" Rachel strained.

  "Don't concern yourself. Your heroics and early warning saved the citizens and soldiers of O.M." He reassured.

  "How do you know?" Rachel wanted proof.

  "Retired Colonel Smith, Ma'am. You revealed your suspicions to him of Webb, Connor, and the attacks. He was able to get all the inhabitants onto the ships in the harbor and clear out of Sov range." Lockport went on. "Kain of course destroyed the subway tunnels, but the boats were sent to Old Maine, where the first above ground colony had been formed and is protected."

  "Smithy," The realization of her plan having worked spread through her in waves of relief.

  "We've sent word throughout the Divisions of Webb. He slipped by them when he was almost apprehended; he's on the run. It's only a matter of time before we find him." He assured.

  "Connor? Noah Connor, my companion?" Rachel pressed.

  "Colonel Smith informed us that Connor was in on the plot with Webb." He informed.

  "No, Connor is innocent. I expressed the allegations to Smithy, but I was mistaken. Connor played no part in the Old Chicago or Manhattan sweeps. And in fact, he saved my life and the lives of others." Rachel implored.

  "Are you verifying that Noah Connor did not work in conjunction with Webb?" A puzzled expression crossed over Lockport's face.

  "The Sov sent Connor in to aid Webb under the threat of harm to his family hidden with the Selections. However, he did not release information to Webb or other Sov officials. In fact, he came to my defense against Webb." Rachel explained.

  When she had finished, Lockport removed a radio from his hip and brought it to his lips, "Johnson… Lawton has verified that Connor was not working with Webb. Get him cleaned up and brought to my office. Let him know the charges have been dropped." He chuckled. "But I suggest you keep the zip ties in place until he has visual confirmation of Lawton's well-being. We don't need him putting any of our men in the infirmary."

  Lockport caught Rachel's concern. "He's a big boy and has been quite concerned for your safety. In fact, he took down three of our men while zip tied and head bagged. He'll be quite an asset to the Rebels."

  "Sir, Connor's sister age nine has been threatened for public execution in the event that he defects."

  "What do you want to do?"

  "Locate her and pull her out." Rachel said matter-of-fact.

  "We'll match the intel, and go forward once Co
nnor is calmed and ready for talking." Lockport agreed.

  "What do you mean by calmed?" Rachel wondered.

  "You'll see. Let's get you some food and clothes. How about a cup of coffee?"

  "How about a shot of whiskey!"

  "You've got it."

  Soon, four Rebel soldiers escorted a bound, zip tied and ankle cuffed Connor into the room.

  "Rachel, are you hurt?"

  "No, I'm not hurt - can you get him undone, please?" She said as an order. "Webb called us out."

  "Yeah, they told me in so many words." Noah was pissed.

  "What happened to your eye?" Rachel gently touched the formed bruise.

  "Forget about my eye, I'm fine." As soon as Noah was freed from the bindings he pulled Rachel in to him. Fuck protocol, he thought. "Are you sure you're okay?" He glared around the room.

  "I promise, I'm fine." She smiled up at him. She looked tired but not injured. Noah was satisfied. "This is Commander Lockport. He's going to help us find your sister."

  ~ ~ ~

  "This is Tech Sgt. Davids," Lockport introduced. Five of them - Lawton, Connor, Lockport, Johnson, and Davids were standing in a dimly lit room filled with wall-to-wall computer systems. Satellite surveillance, monitors, and information feeds from various Divisions flashed across a few of the screens.

  "While the two of you were setting up quarters, I provided Davids with the name and composites you provided." Lockport informed.

  "I've come up with a lot of information." Davids spoke in a raspy tone. His hair was short, thick and dark brown. He was a small man and wore a white lab coat with wire glasses. His eyes were intelligent and focused.

  "Davids the best," said Lockport. "If there is intel on a database, he'll find it. If he doesn't have access to it, he'll hack it."

  Davids qualified, "The young female approximately nine years old, blue eyes, blonde hair, first identified as Emily Michelle Connor was removed from her base home in Building Selection #123 and delivered to Farming Selection #19 under the alias Jenna Ladd for two years. She was sent back to Building Selection to reside with mother Sophie Connor who was fifty-two years of age. She was removed two years later and placed into various Selections for four years. In transit her mother passed away, cause of death…"


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