by Wasson, Sam
]–[>], [>]
on the dancing profession, [>]
and death (See death and Fosse)
description, [>], [>], [>], [>], [>]
acrobatics, [>]
American Theatre Wing, [>]–[>]
Amundsen Senior High School, [>], [>], [>]
Chicago Academy of Theater Arts, [>]–[>], [>], [>]–[>]
choreography and McCracken, [>]–[>], [>]
dance halls, [>], [>]–[>]
directing, [>], [>]
film editing, [>], [>]–[>]
film technique, [>]–[>], [>]
during military service, [>]–[>], [>]
study of Astaire, [>], [>], [>], [>], [>]–[>], [>], [>]
fame (See fame and Fosse)
impact of, and daughter as savior, [>], [>], [>]–[>]
missing day-to-day relationship, [>], [>]
pride, [>]
support for daughter’s career, [>], [>]
trip to Disneyland, [>]
and work, [>], [>], [>]–[>]
worry, [>], [>], [>]–[>]
financial management, [>]–[>]
health issues
as a child, [>]
drugs (See drug problem)
epilepsy, [>]–[>], [>]
general decline after heart attack, [>]–[>], [>], [>]
heart (See heart disease of Fosse)
hemorrhoids, [>], [>]
insomnia, [>], [>]
psychotherapy, [>]–[>], [>], [>]–[>], [>], [>], [>]–[>], [>]
sciatica, [>], [>]
smoking (See smoking by Fosse)
Laundry restaurant, [>], [>], [>]
life events, chronological
childhood, [>]–[>], [>]
adolescence, [>]–[>], [>], [>] (See also burlesque, and Fosse, rough environment and abuse)
marriage/annulment to girlfriend, [>]–[>]
young adulthood, [>]–[>]
marriage to Niles, [>]–[>]
early twenties, [>]–[>]
mid twenties, [>]–[>]
marriage to McCracken, [>]
late twenties, [>]–[>], [>]–[>]
early thirties, [>]–[>]
marriage to Verdon, [>]
road to fatherhood, [>]–[>], [>]
mid thirties, [>]–[>]
death of McCracken, [>]–[>]
death of mother, [>]–[>]
birth of daughter, [>]
late thirties, [>]–[>]
early forties, [>]–[>]
mid forties, [>]–[>], [>]–[>]
late forties, [>]–[>], [>]–[>], [>]–[>], [>]–[>]
open-heart surgery, [>]–[>]
early fifties, [>]–[>], [>]–[>], [>]–[>], [>]–[>]
death of Chayefsky, [>]–[>]
mid fifties, [>]–[>], [>]–[>], [>]–[>]
late fifties, [>]–[>], [>]–[>], [>]–[>]
sixty, [>]–[>]
last day, [>]–[>], [>]–[>], [>]
death, [>], [>]
memorial party, [>]–[>], [>]–[>], [>]
legacy, [>], [>], [>], [>], [>], [>]
management of crew (See management style of Fosse)
military service, [>]–[>], [>], [>]
ability to compartmentalize life, [>], [>]–[>], [>]
addictive and narcissistic, [>]–[>], [>], [>], [>]
attraction to talent, [>], [>], [>], [>], [>]
charm, [>], [>], [>]–[>], [>], [>]–[>], [>], [>]
cool persona, [>]
depression (See death and Fosse; depression and darkness)
hatred of bullshit, [>], [>], [>], [>], [>]
heart of gold, [>], [>]
inwardness and withdrawal, [>], [>], [>], [>], [>]
motivated by fear, [>], [>], [>], [>]–[>]
perfectionism (See perfectionism of Fosse)
pity play, [>]–[>]
studying people/the observer, [>]–[>], [>], [>]
philosophy, [>], [>], [>], [>], [>]–[>], [>]–[>], [>]–[>]
pseudonym Bert Lewis, [>]
and religion, [>]
respect for institution of marriage, [>]
scent, [>]
scholarship sponsorship, [>]
sexual abuse of, [>]–[>], [>], [>]
singing voice, limitations, [>], [>], [>]
style (See style of Fosse)
suggestions for aspiring artists, [>]–[>]
will, [>]–[>], [>]–[>]
womanizing and intimacy issues
in adolescence, [>]
basis for, [>]–[>], [>], [>]–[>], [>], [>], [>], [>]
double standard, [>], [>], [>], [>]
relationship with women in general, [>]–[>], [>], [>], [>], [>]
Fosse, Sadie (mother), [>]–[>], [>], [>], [>]–[>], [>], [>], [>]
“Fosse time,” [>], [>], [>]
Foutris, George, [>]
Fox. See 20th Century Fox
Foy, Eddie, [>]
Frederick, Vicki, [>]
Freed, Arthur, [>], [>]–[>], [>]
Freeman, David, [>]
Friedman, Phil, [>]–[>], [>], [>], [>], [>], [>]–[>], [>]
Frisco, Joe, [>], [>], [>], [>]
“From This Moment On” (dance), [>]–[>], [>]
Fryer, Robert
Breakfast at Tiffany’s, [>], [>]
Chicago, [>], [>]
Farmer’s Daughter, [>]
Nights of Cabiria/Hearts and Flowers, [>]–[>], [>]–[>], [>], [>]
Redhead, [>], [>], [>]
Sweet Charity, [>]
Fucci, William, [>]
Gallagher, Helen, [>], [>]
Gardner, Herb
agent, [>]
and Big Deal, [>]
at Chayefsky’s memorial, [>]
and Chicago, [>]
on Fosse, [>], [>]–[>]
and Fosse’s will, [>]–[>], [>]
friendship with Fosse
Academy Awards night, [>], [>]
Boredom, Whimsy, and Flash, [>], [>], [>]
Christmas party, [>]
hospital visits, [>]–[>], [>], [>]
at wake, [>], [>]
working together, [>], [>], [>]–[>]
The Goodbye People (movie), [>], [>], [>]–[>]
The Goodbye People (stage production), [>]
I’m Not Rappaport, [>]
and Lenny, [>], [>]
office, [>]
and Stages, [>]
Thieves (movie), [>]–[>], [>]
Thieves (play), [>]–[>]
A Thousand Clowns, [>]
writing style, [>]–[>]
Gardner, Rita, [>]
Garfield, John, [>]
Garland, Judy, [>], [>], [>], [>], [>]
Garrett, Betty, [>]
Gasper, Eddie, [>], [>]
Gay, William, [>]–[>]
Geffner, Deborah, [>], [>], [>]
Gelbart, Larry, [>], [>], [>], [>], [>], [>]
Gennaro, Peter, [>], [>]
Gere, Richard, [>], [>]
Gershwin, George, [>], [>]
Geweke, Marion “Smoochie,” [>]
Gimbel, Norman, [>], [>]
Giroux, Laurent, [>], [>], [>], [>], [>], [>]–[>]
Gittelson, Tony, [>], [>]
Glattes, Michael, [>]
Glattes, Wolfgang “Wolf”
All That Jazz, [>], [>], [>]–[>], [>]
Cabaret, [>], [>]–[>], [>], [>], [>]
on Fosse’s inner goodness, [>]
party for Fosse, [>]
on Pippin, [>]
Star [>], [>], [>], [>]
use of production boards, [>]
Glorsky, Maxine, [>], [>], [>]
Goodman, Benny, [>]
Goodrich, Frances, [>]
Gordon, Keith, [>]–[>], [>], [>]–[>]
Gore, Christopher, [>]
Gorman, Cliff, [>], [>], [>], [>]
Gottfried, Howard, [>]
Graff, Ellen, [>]–[>]
nbsp; Graham, Martha, [>]
Granger, Farley, [>]
Grant, Cary, [>]
Grass, Charlie
at Chicago Academy, [>], [>], [>], [>]
The Colgate Comedy Hour, [>]
dance acts with Fosse, [>]–[>], [>]–[>], [>]–[>], [>]
remaining in high school, [>]–[>]
Graziano, Rocky, [>]
Great Lakes Training Center, [>]
Green, Adolph, [>], [>], [>]
Green, Doug, [>]
Green, Wayne, [>], [>]
Greene, Romaine, [>]
Greenhut, Robert, [>], [>], [>]–[>], [>], [>]–[>]
Grey, Joel
at Academy Awards, [>], [>], [>]
Cabaret (movie), [>], [>], [>], [>], [>]
Cabaret (stage production), [>]
Las Vegas act, [>]–[>]
Griffith, D. W., [>]
Griffith, Robert, [>], [>], [>], [>], [>], [>], [>]–[>]
Grodin, Charles, [>], [>], [>]
Guare, John, [>]
Gypsy Rose Lee, [>], [>]
Hackett, Albert, [>]
Hackett, Buddy, [>], [>], [>]–[>], [>], [>], [>]
Hagerty, Julie, [>], [>]
Hague, Albert, [>], [>], [>]
Halliday, Buzz, [>], [>], [>], [>]
Halloran, Jack, [>]
Halston, [>], [>]
Hamill, Pete, [>], [>], [>], [>], [>], [>]
Hamlisch, Marvin, [>], [>], [>]
Hammerstein, Oscar, II, [>], [>], [>]
Haney, Carol, [>]–[>], [>], [>], [>], [>], [>]
Haney, Sonja, [>], [>], [>], [>], [>], [>], [>]
Harrell, Gordon, [>], [>]–[>], [>], [>], [>], [>]–[>]
Harris, Joseph “Joe,” [>], [>]–[>], [>], [>]
Hart, Lorenz, [>]
Hassett, Karen, [>], [>]
Hastings, Bill, [>], [>], [>]
Hauser, Marion, [>], [>], [>]
Hayes, Bill, [>]
heart disease of Fosse
angina, [>], [>]–[>], [>]
blockage, [>], [>]
cardiac bypass, [>]–[>]
chest pains, [>]–[>], [>], [>]
events leading up to cardiac bypass, [>]–[>]
heart attack and death, [>]
strained by Dexamyl, [>]
Heatherton, Joey, [>]
Heckart, Eileen, [>]–[>], [>]
Hefner, Hugh “Hef,” [>], [>], [>]–[>], [>], [>]
Heifner, Jack, [>]
Heim, Alan
Academy Award, [>]
All That Jazz, [>], [>], [>]–[>], [>], [>], [>], [>]
on Big Deal opening night, [>]
caregiving Fosse, [>]
death of mother, [>]
Fosse’s girlfriend working for, [>]
on Fosse’s social skills, [>]
at Fosse’s wake, [>]
Lenny, [>], [>]–[>], [>]–[>], [>]–[>], [>], [>]
Liza with a Z, [>], [>], [>]
Star [>], [>]–[>], [>], [>]
Heller, Joseph, [>]
Hemingway, Ernest, [>]
Hemingway, Mariel, [>]–[>], [>]–[>], [>], [>], [>], [>]–[>], [>]
Henaghan, James, [>]–[>], [>]
Henaghan, Jim, Jr. “Jimmy,” [>], [>], [>], [>]–[>], [>]
Hepburn, Audrey, [>]
Herman, Allen, [>], [>], [>], [>]
Herman, Woody, [>]
Herr, Michael, [>]–[>], [>]
Hershey Chocolate Company, [>], [>]
Hewes, Jim, [>]
Hirsch, Judd, [>]
Hirson, Roger, [>], [>], [>], [>], [>], [>]
historical events
AIDS epidemic, [>]–[>]
assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr., [>], [>]
assassination of Robert F. Kennedy, [>], [>]
Cold War, [>]
Cuban Missile Crisis, [>]
cultural shift of the late 1960s-1970s, [>]–[>], [>], [>]–[>]
Kent State, [>]
McCarthyism, [>], [>], [>]
Vietnam War, [>], [>]
Watergate, [>], [>], [>]
World War II, [>], [>]–[>]
Hocker, David, [>]
Hoffman, Dustin
and All That Jazz, [>]
on Fosse, [>]–[>], [>]
gift for Fosse, [>]
gift for Marr, [>]
Lenny, [>]–[>], [>]–[>], [>]–[>], [>], [>], [>], [>]–[>]
as a perfectionist, [>]
piano skills, [>]
Holland, Anthony, [>]
Hollywood, CA, [>], [>], [>], [>], [>]
Horney, Karen, [>]
Horvath, James, [>]
Hudson, Rock, [>]
Hunter, Ross, [>], [>]
“The Hunter” (short story; Doctorow), [>]
Huston, John, [>], [>]
ICM, [>], [>], [>], [>]
Inge, William, [>], [>]
insurance issues, [>], [>], [>]–[>], [>], [>]
“I Wanna Be a Dancin’ Man” (dance), [>]–[>]
Jackson, Michael, [>], [>], [>]–[>], [>]
Jackson, Patty Ann, [>], [>]
Jacobs, Bernie, [>], [>]–[>], [>], [>]
Jacobs, Craig, [>], [>]
Jaffe, Jerry, [>]
Jaffe, Norman, [>]
Jagger, Mick, [>]
Joffrey Ballet, [>], [>]–[>], [>], [>], [>], [>]–[>]
Jolson, Al
influence on Fosse, [>], [>], [>], [>], [>]–[>], [>]
vaudeville, [>], [>], [>]
Kael, Pauline, [>], [>], [>]–[>], [>]
Kandell, Sherri, [>]
Kander, John “Johnny”
Cabaret, [>], [>], [>]
brainstorming, [>]
on the lack of joy, [>], [>], [>]
songwriting with Ebb, [>], [>]–[>], [>], [>], [>]–[>]
on Fosse’s work methods, [>]
Liza with a Z, [>], [>]
party for Fosse, [>]
Kanin, Garson, [>]
Katz, Mickey, [>]
Kaufman, George S., [>]
Kazan, Elia, [>], [>]–[>], [>], [>], [>], [>]
Keaton, Buster, [>]
Kellough, Beth, [>], [>], [>], [>]
Kelly, Gene
appearance and style, [>], [>]
Brigadoon, [>]
and Give a Girl a Break, [>]
influence on Fosse, [>], [>], [>], [>], [>], [>]
Invitation to the Dance, [>]
movie musicals, [>], [>], [>], [>]
Pal Joey, [>], [>]
Kelly, Kevin, [>]–[>]
Kelly, Paula, [>]
Kennedy, Jacqueline, [>]
Kennedy, Pres. John F., [>]
Kennedy, Sen. Robert F., [>], [>]
Kerr, Walter, [>], [>], [>], [>], [>], [>], [>]
Kidd, Michael, [>], [>], [>