Sinner Realized

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Sinner Realized Page 12

by Morgan Kelley

  He would protect her at all costs.

  “It’s not a what. Oracle is a who.”

  Okay, that intrigued him.

  “We better get going. I don’t want to sleep on the ground another night. I’m feeling edgy.”

  Yeah, because of him.

  He wouldn’t argue with her, but as she turned to walk away, his hand went to her arm, stopping her. His hand slipped up her arm, sliding into her brown hair to hold her head still. Luke wouldn’t give her a chance to look away. “I meant what I said. You can trust me.”

  In that moment, Maura wanted to weep. It wasn’t just the fear and worries, it was the tenderness of that one action.

  How did she convey that she wasn’t worried about him talking?

  Maura was scared shitless that he would die.

  Her secrets could get him killed.

  * * * C a r t e r C h r o n i c l e s * * *

  Taking a seat, Elizabeth leaned back in her chair. Watching the three in front of her, some things were blatantly obvious. Doctor Gaines was confused as hell. There were crinkles in her brow as she tried desperately to use her shrink super powers to figure it all out.

  That amused Elizabeth.

  Beside her, Callista’s husband was angry. From the way he was sitting, his wife tucked at his side, the man was ready to jump the table and attack.

  Which was fine by her. She was feeling more than ready for a little brawl. When Gabe Rothschild called them out, it pissed her off. There was nothing worse than not having control over one of your team.

  Speaking of the devil, their director stared at them. Oh, she loved torturing Nathaniel Carter. The man was smart, good at his job, but a little too curious for his own good. If there was going to be a mess, he was likely to be smack dab in the middle of it.

  She wasn’t surprised he’d ferreted out Oracle.

  Now, she needed to put a stop to it.

  “Want to do the introductions, Callista?” she asked her friend. Since Ethan’s abduction, this woman held all their secrets as she counseled them back to being whole. Even Callen was seeing her privately as he worked on his childhood. Because of that alone, she would ease up and give them time to explain. Anyone else would find themselves on a one-way bus to Timbuktu.

  “Elizabeth, this is my husband Quinn. Honey, this is my boss, Director Blackhawk.” She had no idea what was going on, but from the look on the director’s face, it wasn’t good.

  She held out her hand and shook his.

  Immediately, he glanced over at his wife with a questioning look on her face. This was her boss?

  What the hell was going on?

  “Why the secrecy, Director Blackhawk?” asked Quinton Gaines.

  She laughed. “Honestly, I wanted to kick your door in and smack the taste out of your mouth for pulling the stunt you pulled,” she began.

  When the door opened again, a man in a pricey suit walked in holding their sidearms.

  “Yes, but I wouldn’t let her. I really don’t need any more paperwork, and Tex is a one woman wrecking crew. In this case, her kicking all of your asses would be bothersome.”

  “You flatter me,” she admitted, grinning up at him.

  Callie introduced her other boss. “This is Director Ethan Blackhawk. He’s the only thing between Elizabeth and bedlam.”

  He laughed. “I am so glad someone sees that other than me. It’s a full-time job,” he said, shaking Quinn’s hand before taking a seat. When he was comfortable, he slid Nate and Quinn’s guns across the table to them.

  “You’re lucky that we’re handling this,” Ethan said to Nate. “What were you thinking?”

  The three people were all at different levels of anticipation. Quinn was irritated, Callie was much calmer, and Nate looked sick to his stomach.

  That told them all they needed to know.

  Two of the people there were clueless.

  “Why are we here?” Quinn asked once more.

  “Darlin’, untangle your undies. We’ll be discussing that. First, we’re going to go back to my office and talk there.”

  Quinton waved his arm around the room. “Was this to scare us?” he asked. “My child was threatened, and you brought us here to terrorize us.”

  Elizabeth stood without saying a word. Immediately, Nathaniel Carter and Callista Gaines both sat back in their chairs.

  “Listen up, Detective. The reason you were placed in here was to keep you from making a scene in our office. Our other partner has a delegation upstairs, and we didn't need you freaking them out with your outbursts. Your daughter wasn’t threatened. In fact, your in-laws are set to board in thirty minutes. When we ran your names to figure out what was going on, that flight itinerary popped up.”

  He calmed down.

  “We don’t hurt our own, even when they screw up.”

  Nate relaxed marginally.

  “Now, I suggest you stand up, follow us, and make it look like you’re taking a little tour of our fine facility. I didn't smack the shit out of you yet, so let’s see if we can single file it to the upper level. Are we clear?”

  He didn't say anything.

  “Callie, please inform your husband that I can be nice, or I can play really mean.”

  She took his hand in hers. “It’s okay, Quinn. Lyzee will explain. I’m sure there is a logical explanation for all of this.”

  Ethan stood. “We hope to get to the bottom of it. For the record, Gabriel Rothschild sent us out to get you. So, you’re very fortunate it was our Agents Madden and Seaton who brought you in. He’s more dramatic than even this. He would have transported you to Guantanamo just to scare you stupid.”

  Nate was worked up. “Let’s just get this over with,” he stated, following them out.

  “Best idea yet,” Ethan Blackhawk stated.

  “Am I fired?” he asked Elizabeth. The woman hated his guts. She was hard on him and liked to ride him like a cheap pair of boxers. She was up his ass more than a wedgie.

  “No, but you’re about to tell us everything we need to know. I suggest you disclose everything, or your fate will be in question.”

  He swallowed. Well, they did want to get help. Maybe this was a blessing in disguise.

  Nathaniel Carter could only hope.

  Before arriving in her office, they all stopped at the coffee machine. Each person made a cup before following her down the hall.

  It was hard not to be impressed. Quinn had never seen the inside of FBI West, but he knew it was fancy. His wife would tell him bits and pieces, but not too much.

  When they all passed another Native man wearing a badge, it was hard not to notice the brief touch of fingers when Elizabeth passed by. When he winked, it drew more curiosity.

  “That’s Callen Whitefox,” she stated, cluing the detective in. “He’s our partner and director of Native American affairs. He’s trying to keep the local reservation from declaring mutiny on the white man.”

  They watched the formally dressed Natives behind him. They didn't look happy.

  Nate understood how they felt. He was feeling a little off balance too.

  Once in the office, Ethan took the seat and Elizabeth perched on the corner of his desk. Immediately, she opened her blazer, revealing her baby bump.

  “How’s Charlie?” asked Callista, sipping her coffee. At that moment, she wished she could tell her friend about the life she was growing. Only, Quinn really needed to know first.

  “She’s not nearly as bad as her father. I have one mellow child growing in here,” she offered, placing her hand over her stomach. “She makes me want to be calm.”

  Ethan found that funny. Their house was chaotic, and Charlie was likely to be just as bad. When the tribe grew, so did the mayhem.

  He loved every second of it.

  Quinn checked out the pair. The male was very Native, and the woman looked more like a model than a director. He made a note to ask his wife about them later.

  He didn't think a husband and wife could run an office together.
Apparently, they could.

  “How about you tell us what the hell is going on, Nate?” Elizabeth asked, staring the man down.

  He took a deep breath. “Quinn’s sister came to us with a dilemma. Apparently, her Marines are being picked off one by one.”

  Elizabeth needed more. “Who is his sister?”

  Nathaniel Carter knew how to deliver information to his boss. He spilled everything, including what they knew about Bravo Ghost. If they were going to hope for help, they couldn’t hold that back.

  “Well, all I know is that’s above our clearance level,” Ethan said, leaning back in his chair. He knew that the military was currently handling Oracle, until the pass off could be made. If there were issues going on, that may be sooner, rather than later.

  That didn't exactly please him.

  “My sister-in-law is in some serious trouble,” Callie continued, “She was shot at as she raced from her home. This isn't her imagination. When she first told us, we had doubts, but the more we pull it apart, the more it looks valid.”

  “Where is she right now?” Elizabeth asked.

  “With my partner,” Nate supplied, despite the unhappy look on Quinn’s face.

  “Ah, yes, Lucas Mars,” Elizabeth stated. “I’m sorry he isn't here. I do love our time together.”

  Nate was aware of it. Luke had an irritating habit. He liked to check out Elizabeth’s ass, and bust it simultaneously.

  One day, it might get them killed.

  Instead of discussing his partner, he opted to talk about the issue at hand. “Someone is trying to kill her. We owe it to the men she lost to find them justice,” Nate said.

  “Why the search?” Elizabeth asked, needing to know how much these three knew. She was going to have to tell Gabe something, and she needed to be sure the details didn't get out. This was top-secret stuff, and she’d only found out a few weeks ago. As far as she knew, there were only a handful of people who knew about Oracle.

  “Yes, do tell,” Ethan said, steepling his fingers in front of his lips.

  Nate owned up to it. “Maura gave us a list of their missions. We weren’t sure if what was going on had something to do with it. I saw Oracle a few times in the papers and decided to search. I found nothing online or in our database.”

  “Yeah, but it saw you coming,” Elizabeth said. “What do you know about it?”


  The other two looked confused.

  Callie finally spoke, directing it at her brother, “You searched it on office equipment?” Was he crazy? “Way to go with deviating from the plan.”

  “I did. I was at the end of the information and there weren’t a whole lot of options available at that point. How was I to know that they had it flagged?”

  “Well, you know now, so forget searching it,” Ethan said. “It’s so big that it’s hardwired right into Gabe’s office. The second you finished typing it in, he was already getting an alert. Then, he was on my ass. You make waves, we go under with you.”

  Quinn wasn’t willing to give it up that easily. He wasn’t a Fed, and he didn't give a shit what they wanted him to do. If it meant tattooing it on his chest and standing in the middle of the street to protect his family, he’d do it. “What if it has something to do with all of this? What if this is what will end up getting my sister killed?”

  “It won’t,” reassured Elizabeth. “We’ll look into it. From here on out, Nathaniel and Doctor, you’re prohibited from digging in that shit pile. Am I clear?”

  They had no choice.

  The boss woman had spoken.

  She pointed at the detective. “I can’t directly make your life hell, like I can theirs, but trust me when I say I will stick my fingers so far into your life, you’ll want to bite them off.”

  He defiantly stared at her.

  “I can make sure that your captain rides your ass. How you ask? Well, let me tell you. I’ll lean on him so hard, he’ll have no choice. Play nice with the Feds, or suffer the consequences.”

  “Quinn, listen to her. Elizabeth plays fair. She’ll handle that angle. We’re good,” Callie stated.

  “Do you believe that?” he asked her.

  Callista Gaines stared at her boss. “I believe in Elizabeth. She’s trustworthy to a fault.”

  Elizabeth nodded in gratitude. At least they had a shot at containing this.

  While Quinn didn't trust the people in front of him, he did trust his wife.

  “I’m going to make two phone calls,” stated Blackhawk picking up the phone. As the phone rang, he waited for it to be answered. Once he got the desired person on the line, he told them what he wanted.

  Callie and Quinn sat there amazed.

  The man in front of them was putting their family somewhere safe. When he hung up, he glanced over. “Doctor, call your parents and tell them to go with the agents when they arrive at the gate. I’ll make sure they get shuttled somewhere safe.”

  “Why?” asked Quinn, leaning forward. “Is this to intimidate us?”

  Yeah, he really didn't like Feds.

  It was funny, since he was married to one.

  “No, Detective. When I needed your wife, she’d take calls from me at all hours of the night. She put my life back together again, helping me heal. I owe her. The best way to pay her back is to follow up on the possibility that this has something to do with your sister’s missions, and keep her family safe. If anything, I repay my debts.”

  Callie jumped up and rushed Elizabeth, hugging her tight. “Thank you.”

  She patted her back. “Darlin’, you don’t have to thank me. You need help, and we always help our friends.” Then, she pointed at Nate. “When they come to us before making a huge mess. Someone should learn that lesson.”

  He felt bad that he didn't trust his bosses and go there first. He knew better.

  “Now, how about we take care of this pesky serial killer situation?” she asked, glancing back at her husband before nodding. “Doctor, do you really believe that everything you have is connected to someone picking off Maura’s team?”

  She didn't have to think twice. “I would bet my professional reputation on it,” Callie admitted. “We have a problem, and there are only four more Marines on that team. Whether it’s that Oracle thing that’s causing it or not, we need to work on it.”

  “Oracle is a who, not an it,” Blackhawk said, picking up the files on his desk. His agents had confiscated them when they brought the three in. Since they already knew it existed, why not go all in on the gamble. There was a good possibility that it was connected, especially since he didn't believe in coincidences.

  They stared at him, still confused.

  “I saw your information, and I’m going to say that either the ME who did the autopsies was an idiot, or they held information back,” Elizabeth confessed.

  “Was it done by someone on the base?” Ethan asked. “You may need to stop in and ask the ME on staff some questions regarding his shoddy work.”

  Quinn didn't see how that was possible.

  “How are we going to do that? None of us are in the military, and the only one who is has to stay far away from here.”

  That was where the next call came in. Once more, Ethan picked up the phone and took care of the loose ends. When the phone was answered, Ethan began his spiel. Using his rank in the FBI, he was able to get a direct line into the base commander’s office.

  When he picked up, Ethan put it on speaker phone.

  “Director Blackhawk, I’m surprised to hear from you. It’s not every day that the FBI gets me on the horn.”

  “Colonel Swift, I appreciate you taking the time out of your busy day to talk to me. We have a problem, and it involves a few of your Marines.”

  “Bloody hell! Who got drunk and caused trouble?” Jerry Swift asked, his voice depicting his irritation. “I’ll apologize in advance. I have good men, but you know how Marines can be.”

  “Actually, no one did anything. This is a far more serious issue, and w
e’re bringing it to your attention.”

  That had him curious. “What’s going on, Director?”

  Ethan was accustomed to dealing with military men. Many times, the FBI and different branches of the armed services intersected. If anything, he knew exactly how to play this to get his people in on the bottom floor.

  “Are you familiar with the following Marines?” he asked, rattling off all eight of their names.

  “Yes, I am.”

  “Are you also aware that four of them had met untimely ends?”

  There was a pause. “I’m aware they died, if that’s what you mean. I believe there were some random accidents.”

  Elizabeth lifted a brow, but kept her mouth shut. In her experience, the shit rolled downhill, and this man could be well aware of everything. Then again, it was a big base and maybe he wasn’t.

  “Well, I have two agents who discovered some evidence that Bravo Ghost isn't having accidents. They’ve got a stalker and serial killer on their tails.”

  At the mere mention of the team name, the tone changed. “Director, they’re classified. What’s your level?”

  “My co-director and I are eights, and we know for a fact that they exist and are nines.”

  Again, there was more silence.

  “Are you sure about all of this?”

  Ethan knew they were going to get in on this one. “I am, and as a matter of fact, Major Maura Gaines had an attempt on her life yesterday. You have a filthy mess, Colonel.”

  “I’ll handle it.”

  “Yeah, that’s not going to be able to happen. My team already has some of the legwork done. Do you have any investigative units on base?”


  “Well, the FBI has helped other bases before. I’m offering up my team to do it again. I can promise you that you’ll be getting one of the best profilers and a director to handle it. We won’t be sending just anyone to deal with the situation.”

  There was a pause for consideration. “I want to meet with them. Then, I’ll see if what they have to say is valid.”


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