Sinner Realized

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Sinner Realized Page 42

by Morgan Kelley

  Yeah, now only if he could ask her and not scare the bejezuz out of her. Before he could warn her not to cheat, his cell phone rang. It was Quinn on the phone, and he put him on speaker.

  “What’s up?”

  “Are you two safe?” Quinn asked first.

  “Yes, we are. Why?” Luke replied.

  Quinn was happy that they could get out of there. “We have good news and bad news. Which do you want first?”

  “Bad,” they both said together.

  “Unfortunately, the killer struck again.”

  Maura was sickened, but not surprised. After all, she’d gotten the text from Jayson telling her he couldn’t meet the rendezvous spot. “It was Redmond, wasn’t it?”

  “Yeah, how did you know?” Quinn asked.

  She picked up her cell and turned it back on. “Jayson sent me a text. He couldn’t get to the house. He said it was compromised.”

  Quinn laughed. “Yeah, well that brings us to the good news. We know who the killer is. You two can get out of there once we find him.”

  “Who is it?” Maura asked, as Luke took her hand in his.


  “WHAT?” they both said again, together.

  Quinn began explaining everything. From the reason why he would do it, to the how it was done. He left nothing out, including how the man had set up his own attack, trying to confuse them.

  “It can’t be one of my team,” she said, sickened by the entire thing. “He’s a Marine. He’s one of us!”

  “Well, he’s crackers and the one who did all this. He drove that truck into the lake and wasn’t smart enough to know we’d figure it out.”

  “He was the best swimmer on our team,” she said. “He did all our dives.”

  “Well he was also the best killer on your team too,” Quinn stated. “You don’t have to worry though. We put out a BOLO and we’re going to find him. No one knows where you are, so you’re safe.”

  She began to panic. “Oh, shit!” she blurted. “No! We’re not safe. In his text, Jayson told me that he needed a place to hide. I gave him my location. He knows where I am!”

  Luke took the phone from her hand and read the time. It was before seven in the morning. That was eight hours ago. “We have time. We can pack up and hike out. She sent it eight hours ago. This is a one day hike on foot.”

  Quinn and Nate looked at each other.

  “How long on ATV?” Nate inquired.

  Luke did the math. The one time he came up here on a quad, using the access road not far from the river, it had taken far less time. “Maybe seven hours.”

  “You two have to go now! Leave everything behind. He took a truck and ATV from Redmond’s house. He’s going to be arriving any second.”

  Instinctually, Luke glanced around. From where he stood, he saw the glint in the glass. Stepping forward, he placed his body between the window and Maura’s smaller frame. The second he did, there was a shattering and sharp pain. It tore through his body, taking him to his knees.

  The phone skittered out of his hand, sliding across the floor.

  Already, his blood began to leak through his shirt as he looked down not in shock, but horror.

  Maura moved quickly, pulling him to the floor.

  Seeing where he was hit, she placed her hand over the wound. Before she could speak, she could hear her brother’s voice over the phone shouting their names. Only, it was drowned out by the barrage of bullets as they began tearing into the cabin.

  “Lucas, honey! We have to go. Can you crawl out of here?” she asked.

  “I think I can,” he muttered, trying to keep from letting the room waver. “Is it clear through?” he asked, rolling to his side.

  “No, and that’s going to work in our favor. You won’t lose as much blood, but I have to get you to the cliffs and safety.”

  He started crawling as Maura pulled on her boots. She was going to need them. Staying low, she crawled after Luke, making sure to grab her phone and his gun.

  It looked like they were going to be using that escape route. Maura was grateful they took the time to make a clear plan. It was going to save them. Well, it would save Luke.

  She had a job to do.

  As they crawled out the back window, she helped him toward the rocks. There was no doubt that Jayson would keep firing, hoping they were dead. He was out of his mind, and that might work for Maura. She could outwit him sane, but loopy would work in her favor.

  In the trees, she knew that Jayson would follow the blood trail. Even as she kept her hand pressed tightly against Luke’s shoulder, the blood still dropped in sick fat plops behind them as they retreated.

  That was okay. She was ready for when Jayson tracked them. Maura would use that to her favor. They would have their standoff in these trees.

  She had no choice.

  At the rocks, she pulled his belt off his pants. “Okay, Lucas. It’s just like we practiced,” she whispered, helping him lower off the cliff with his good arm. Instead of using the belt on his wounded arm, she twisted it through his belt loops. When he dropped to the outcropping below, she stared over the edge at him. “Here’s the phone,” she offered, handing it to him. “Here’s your gun. If you see anyone come over this ledge, you kill them.”

  “Wait! Where are you going?” he asked, beginning to panic. He knew he couldn’t escape off that ledge without her. The jump to the tree was too far with only one arm.

  “Be safe. I love you,” she stated. “I’ll be back for you. I have a little unfinished business to attend to.”

  “Maura! No! Wait! We can get away,” he pleaded, trying to keep his voice down. Already, the gunshots had stopped in the near distance. They didn't have much time.

  In fact, Luke didn't doubt that the lunatic was already tracking them.

  Shit! What he wouldn’t do to not be injured. He had to protect the woman he loved. He took the bullet for her, but that wasn’t enough. Luke needed to end this.

  “I have to stop him, Lucas. He’s killed my men, he’s shot the man I love, and he’s been a horrible Marine. It ends here and now. He’s part of my team, and I’m going to handle it.”

  He began panicking. “Please don’t leave me. I need you,” he said, trying not to be sick. There was wave after wave of dizziness. It was hard to tell if it was from the loss of blood or the fear clawing away at his belly.

  “Sweetheart, it’s been the game from the start. He’s sick, and I have to put him down. You need to trust me now. I need you to believe in me. This is what I do. Who I am. Let me be Bravo Ghost One, and take care of business.”

  She had him there.

  “I don’t just plan for the team. I’m trained for this.” Granted, so was her team and look at how that worked out. Maura could only hope she would get the jump on him.

  It was time to go.

  “Please don’t do this,” he whispered, reaching up to touch her fingertips. “I need you to be with me.”

  “I’ll be right back. I swear. I need you to be quiet, lay low, and stay awake. When I get back, we’ll get out of here. Contact my brother and tell them what happened. Give them our coordinates,” she said, pulling her watch off her arm to toss it down to him.

  “I love you, Maura,” he said, staring into her eyes. He found some strength and allowed his faith in her to take over. Lucas Mars had to believe that she could handle what was coming. Fate wouldn’t give him love and then steal it away so callously.

  Would it?

  “Be right back.”

  With that, she stood and doubled back into the bramble. It was time to set the scene, get ready, and win this one once and for all. She had men to avenge.

  It was for Marcus.







  And now Lucas.

  This was for Bravo Ghost, and all that they stood for. The game was coming to an end, and Jayson Woods wasn’t going to like the

  One Marine was walking away.

  The other was going out in a body bag. She had so much more to lose, but justice was on her side.

  One way or another, he would pay.

  And it would be brutal.

  * * * C a r t e r C h r o n i c l e s * * *

  When he entered the cabin, he expected to find her body. When he didn't, he howled in anger.

  Jayson was pissed.

  Picking up the discarded phone, he whipped it against the wall in anger. That’s when he saw the blood. It was all over. Someone was hit, and that would work to his advantage. At first, he planned on saving some bullets, just in case she got away, but then he wanted to use his knife to destroy her. He was going to gut her right before cutting out her heart.

  She wasn’t worthy of being a Marine.

  Maura Gaines was a piss poor leader.

  Walking over to the table, he found a chess set and began to laugh. “How appropriate. I love the game. This time, I’m going to find the queen and end this once and for all. It’s time to die, Major Gaines,” he sung to himself, as he flipped the table in anger, scattering the pieces everywhere.

  With the full strength of his booted foot, he crushed the white queen all the while laughing maniacally.

  This was going to be fun.

  Heading toward the only way they could have left the small cabin, he made his plan.

  “Run for your miserable life, Maura.”

  The game was on.

  * * * C a r t e r C h r o n i c l e s * * *

  Luke was frantic.

  He knew he couldn’t call for her. If he did, there was a good chance that he’d lure the killer right to him. Since he wasn’t sure what Maura’s plan entailed, Luke was going to have to sit tight.

  It wasn’t easy.

  The stone walls kept wavering as he tried to keep his hand on the wound. The blood was slowing, and he supposed that was a good thing.

  As he slid down the wall to get comfortable and wait, he picked up the gun and his phone. Unfortunately, the shot to his right shoulder had made his arm dead.

  If anyone came over the side, he was going to have to make a left-handed shot. Then again, in this close proximity, he could make a kill.

  He’d have to.

  His life would depend on it.

  Picking up the phone with his left hand, he began typing out a message. He needed the team to come in and save them. It wasn’t that he didn't trust Maura. He just knew that he was in bad shape. She was going to have a hell of a time getting him off that ledge.

  If she came back…

  Luke forced himself to stop thinking about it.

  Instead, he focused on the text. When he was finished, he hit send, hoping it went through.

  As he sat there alone, listening to the silence, he began praying.

  “Please… save the woman I love. If you have to take one of us, take me. Let her live.”

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  M aura was ready. From her location, she could see the path Jayson would take to get to the ledge. It wasn’t the ideal thing, leading him right to the cliffs, but what choice did she have? Hopefully, if she failed, Luke would be strong enough to make the shot.

  If she was really lucky, Jayson wouldn’t go after him. If she were to fail, her only hope was that he would leave the wounded man alone.

  There was always that slim chance.

  Crouching down in the bramble, she used dirt to darken up her pale skin. Her ivory flesh was now streaked with black and green. She used whatever she could find to help her blend in.

  This was a matter of life or death.

  Maura let the training all come back and became a soldier-- one who needed to survive. If worse came to worse, she would run through the woods, leading the Marine away from Luke. What Jayson didn't seem to recall, was that she knew everything about him. Maura had studied her team, learning each and every one of their weaknesses.

  Jayson would fall because of them. She didn't just lead Bravo Ghost because she could strategize. Maura Gaines led because she could, and would, kill at the drop of a hat.

  The wayward Marine didn't study his prey well enough. If he had, then he would know the truth.

  Maura would kill him.

  From here on out, it was all about saving Luke’s life. There was no doubt in her heart. She was willing to die for him. When someone threatened the one thing you loved, you needed to stand up and defend it.

  That was her intent.

  Jayson had killed her men.

  Her family.

  Her friends.

  Now, she was going to level the score.

  Lying in wait, she focused on one thing.

  Taking his miserable life.

  It didn't take long for him to follow the blood. From the brush, Maura could hear him stomping though the woods like a bull in a china shop. Arrogantly, all the while making a ruckus, he was taunting her.

  “Come out, bitch! The game’s over. You suck at leading and let your entire team down. If you were any kind of soldier, you would have manned up and taken care of their sins. It’s sad that I had to do it for you!” Jayson shouted into the trees.

  Maura didn't flinch. While she was responsible for the men dying, she would also be responsible for getting Luke to safety. She could have her redemption at being a soldier.

  The only way to do it was to take out the asshole stalking her. His words stung, but mostly they pissed her off, making her want to beat his young punk ass into the ground.

  ‘Keep coming’, she thought. ‘Keep telling me exactly where you are.’

  When she was done with Jayson, there was no question he wouldn’t be making it out alive. The man had killed seven really good Marines, who sacrificed their lives every day.

  Now, he’d be the sacrifice.

  If Jayson Woods wanted to play games, she was ready. In fact, she was more than willing.

  It ended now.

  With her.

  As he moved closer, she could hear him calling to her. His words made her angry.

  “You're an embarrassment to the corps. You protected them, turning a blind eye toward the sinners. They broke the rules, and you didn't stop them. That’s why I’m going to kill you, Maura.”

  He moved closer as he continued to insult her.

  “You were a shitty leader too! Right about now, I bet that the FBI agent, who was assigned this job, is wishing he never got stuck with you. In fact, he probably wishes you were dead. Then, he could go home.”

  When she didn't reply, he continued to rub salt into the wounds, “You shouldn’t be a Marine. You should be at home cooking some man his dinner. Didn't your mother teach you that a woman’s place was in the home?”

  That riled her up.

  Oh, she’d show him a woman’s place.

  “After I kill you, I’m going to take your job. Before I can do that, I need to tie up all the loose ends, starting with the man who helped you. I’m going to kill him, too, Maura. He’s a dead man. When I find him, I’m going to do to him what I did to poor Redmond. I cut off his dick, Maura.”

  She’d had enough.

  Jayson was close enough. She could see him arrogantly waving his bowie knife around. It gave her some reassurance. If he didn't have a gun, she could disarm him and have a fighting chance. When it came down to hand to hand combat, she was a stronger fighter than him.

  Oh, she knew all his weaknesses, and he knew none of hers. He was screwed.

  “Come out, bitch!”

  Obviously, the man had forgotten all that he learned in training. He strolled right past her, not even seeing her hiding place.

  Yeah, arrogance and his slip into insanity would work for her. This she could deal with.

  The playing field was now level.

  Pulling her own knife, Maura took a deep cleansing breath, as she waited for Jayson to turn his back.

  When he did, Maura did what the military had trained her to do.

  Defend her position and

  * * * C a r t e r C h r o n i c l e s * * *

  The second Nate received the first text, Quinn was at his side and reading over his shoulder. He only took a second to stop pacing before he was back at it again.

  Then again, he couldn’t blame the man, since it was his sister in danger.

  While talking to Luke and Maura, they had heard the bullets, the frantic sounds of two people in dire danger, and then the silence before the footsteps had approached.

  Then, the call went dead.

  Now, they were waiting to find out if they were safe. It was the longest twenty minutes of their lives. When the chime sounded, alerting them to the message, they were all hoping for the best, but expecting the worst.

  Cops were like that.

  Reading the message, they knew there was very little time.

  ‘I’m shot. Maura is off on her own. We need backup. Don’t have much time. Need quickest route in. Open space on the opposite side of the river. Helicopter can land there. Please hurry. Location to follow.’

  Just the tone of the message told the tale. There was no time to wait.

  “We have to get there. Who can call up a helicopter that fast?” Quinn demanded.

  “Elizabeth Blackhawk,” Callie stated, pulling out her phone. “I’ll get her to send one to the local airport. We can get out from there.”

  “Not we,” stated Quinn. “You have to stay and coordinate this. We need to send in the FBI on the ground.”

  Callie knew what he was doing, but instead of fighting, she gave in. Her husband was stressed out, worrying about his sister. Nate was no better, as he was frazzled over his partner’s words.

  This time, Callie would take one for the team.

  When Elizabeth answered the call, Callie calmly explained the situation and told her what they needed. The woman was more than happy to comply, especially when she heard that one of their agents was down. It was her job to make the impossible happen for any agent in the field.

  Hanging up, she pointed at the door. “Go! You have fifteen minutes until take off. Bring them both home!”


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