Silent Night (Bad Boy Rockers Book 6)

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Silent Night (Bad Boy Rockers Book 6) Page 10

by Lexi Buchanan

  “Why the frown?” Jace asks.

  I smile and tug him into my arms for a hug. I miss having my brother close and I’m enjoying having him and his family home for the holidays. I glance over his shoulder and see Savannah being shoved into a seat beside Dahlia.

  Jace tracks my gaze and his lingers on his redheaded firecracker of a wife. He turns back to me so I ask, “Kids settled?”

  He nods. “Jamie and Maize were flat out in bed when we left Mom and Dad’s. Charlie and Tammy were making Christmas Cookies for the concert with Mom.” Jace laughs. “The kitchen looked like a bag of flour had exploded.” Jace shakes his head. “Glad to be out of it.”

  I laugh. “Liar. You love doing anything with the kids whether it’s messy or not.”

  Jace sighs. “You’re right.” He turns and watches Savannah. “I never thought I’d have the life that I have now.”

  Silence surrounds us while Jace is off somewhere in his head, and I look around my roadhouse. When I first started on this part of my life, Jace hadn’t been onboard and it had caused friction between us. At the end of the day though, he’s my brother and we’d do anything for each other.

  But in truth, all this wouldn’t mean anything to me if I didn’t have Dahlia and the girls. They give me a reason to get up every morning, and with Dahlia by my side I always feel that I can do anything.

  “Never thought,” Jace starts, “that I’d see the day when we’re wrapped around a woman’s little finger.” He chuckles. “Wouldn’t change it for anything.”

  “Me either.” I wink at Dahlia before nodding toward the door. “What’s it like out there?”

  “Snow’s deep and we wouldn’t have gotten through but for having a four wheel drive.” He shrugs. “There are only trucks in the lot so I’m guessing no one is going to be stuck out here. Although if it doesn’t let up any time soon that may change.”

  “Those were my thoughts when we arrived. The girls are with Cindy for a sleepover, so at least we don’t have to worry about getting back to them tonight,” I admit.

  “Savannah wanted to abandon tonight and stay with the kids, but Charlie was the one to persuade her that they were warm and safe.” Jace smiles. “He’s older than his years.”

  Charlie, their adopted son, has a good head on his shoulders and I know exactly what Jace means. In the beginning, I think it was Charlie who held both Jace and Savannah together. I also think my brother’s family values have rubbed off on Charlie, and that’s a good thing because there isn’t anything he wouldn’t do for them.

  I open my mouth to comment when Robin catches my eye and my heart drops to my feet. Dahlia is going to kill me when she sets her eyes on her half-sister, and Reece, well, I’m not even going to think about his reaction.

  Jace, on taking a drink, glances at her before taking another look. He chokes on his drink. “What the fuck, Ryder.” He glares at me. “Reece will kill you having Robin in that.”

  Groaning, I drop my head into my hands. “In my own defense, Robin wasn’t on staff when the dresses were ordered.”

  Jace chuckles. “Well she certainly is now and the bartender is drooling into the beer he’s serving.”

  That comment snaps my head around to see Jace is right. Leo has his eyes on Robin and his mouth hanging open.

  I clamp my jaw together and glare at Jace when he laughs. “He’s her boyfriend,” I grind out.

  “Ah, that explains the sultry looks she keeps throwing over her shoulder.”

  I close my eyes and inhale, I slowly exhale before I meet Jace’s amused gaze. “Not a word.” I shake my head. “She’s an employee and so far has been treated accordingly. So let’s leave it at that.”

  “If you say so,” Jace drawls.

  “I do.” I glare so he knows I really am done with that conversation, and ask instead, “How’s the new job?”

  His face lights up with excitement. “It’s not that new now, but it’s so much more than I expected.” Jace turns and rests his arms on the bar.

  I move behind to get myself a beer. The only one I’ll be drinking since I’m driving us home later.

  “The kids already have a lot of talent,” Jace pauses, “there’s one or two, that providing they stay on the right track, will be drafted. They’re damn good and even give me a run for the money.”

  Jace is the assistant coach for a college baseball team, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen him as content in a job since he lost his lower leg as he is now. It’s good to see and makes me feel good.

  “Have you talked to Dahlia yet about extending this place to add a restaurant?” Jace asks.

  It’s been at the back of my mind for a while now, but so far I’ve yet to mention it to Dahlia. She’s not going to be happy when she learns I’ve held back from her. It hasn’t been my intention to do that, it’s just something I wanted to spend more time thinking out before I talked to her about my idea. I want my idea to be strong in my head and not a jumbled mess. Dahlia will agree, I know that, but I don’t want the idea to appear half-cocked.

  “I’m planning on talking to her in the New Year once I have more of an idea as to what my vision is.”

  “Well, that makes sense. Just don’t leave it too long or she won’t be happy,” Jace offers advice. “Trust me on that. Savannah was upset when she realized I was unhappy at the other job and I hadn’t told her. I didn’t tell her until I had the assistant coach job. She wasn’t happy, even though she tried to hide the fact so that she wouldn’t ruin my excitement at the new one.” Jace smiles softly toward his wife. “It all worked out and we celebrated, but I hated that I hurt her, you know?”

  I meet Dahlia’s eyes, and very slowly she stands and moves toward me.

  “Oh, I know that look,” Jace chuckles, and heads toward his own wife while I keep my gaze on mine.

  Before I move out from behind the bar, I rearrange my cock that aches with the need to be buried between Dahlia’s thighs. That feeling never gets old, and I hope it never does.

  “I do believe you promised me one-on-one time in your office,” Dahlia purrs as she rubs herself against me.

  “I did.” I grab hold of her hips, keeping her against me when I blink at the sight of the man walking toward us from over her shoulder.


  “Hold that thought a minute.” I wrap an arm around Dahlia and pull her to my side while facing our unexpected visitor.

  “Ryder. Dahlia,” Evan greets. “I hope you don’t mind me being here.”

  I frown but say, “You know you’re welcome here, Evan. I never had a problem with you…most of the time anyway.”

  “I know.” His gaze moves across the room.

  Something seems to be bothering Evan, and I wonder if that’s why he’s really here. “Do you need to talk?”

  “Not really.”

  I follow his stare and realize he’s watching Jessie talking to Adam. My frown deepens when Evan is obviously distracted by her. “You know Jessie?”

  “Met her the other night,” Evan says, not really paying attention to me.

  Dahlia clears her throat and Evan breaks his distracted gaze.

  “She isn’t happy with a date her mom set up the other night. He appeared then too,” Evan explains, looking worriedly at Jessie. “I don’t blame her really.” Evan offers a wry smile, and changes the subject, “I think I’m going to be here a bit longer. In fact, I think we all are.”

  Immediately I know what he’s talking about. “The snow?”

  He nods. “It’s deep. Going to take time to dig the trucks free.” He shrugs. “You might want to go check, because I’m guessing you might want to close the bar and offer folks the choice of risking it or staying here.”

  “Shit!” My heart sinks because that means it really is bad. “I guess the original forecaster was correct with the bad snow conditions, huh?”

  “And then some.” Evan glances again at Jessie and watches while she argues with Adam. “You need any help, Ryder, just give me a shout.” Evan h
eads toward Jessie and I turn, cupping my wife’s worried face in my hands.

  “We have nothing to worry about. The kids are warm and safe with Cindy. We don’t have to rush home to them because we’re not expected until tomorrow at lunch. Our friends all have family looking after their kids.” I kiss her forehead. “We’ll manage, babe. We always do.” I believe my words as I wrap my arm firmly around Dahlia so that she’s reassured everything will be fine.


  My eyes have hardly moved from Robin since she appeared in the ridiculously short Santa dress. The black stockings on her legs stop above the knee, leaving her milky cream thighs bare to disappear under her dress. Every time my eyes strain to find her, my mouth waters at the thought of getting beneath that skirt.

  She knows exactly where my thoughts are because she’s openly teasing me—the sway of her hips, the way she bends to collect empty glasses, and the way she always glances over her shoulder at me as she walks away. Tonight she is trouble with a capital T and she’s going to kill me before it’s time for us to leave.

  It doesn’t help that the images in my mind are on replay from the previous night when she came back to my apartment with me. I’d had her naked and under me for nearly twenty-four hours. My dick should be sated but it isn’t. All I have to do is glance at Robin and I’m rock hard. Like now. My dick is trying to punch through my zipper, and in the black pants I’m wearing it’s obvious for anyone to see.


  My eyes snap to the object of my arousal.

  “We’re taking a break,” Robin whispers. “Now.” She glances at my lap, licking her lips. Her chest heaves as her eyes widen, watching my cock thicken.

  I watch David appear behind the bar from the corner of my eye. I keep my back to him because thanks to Robin, I now have a full-fledged erection that is rock hard and dripping wet with pre-cum.

  “I’m not sure I can walk,” I hiss through my teeth.

  Robin’s eyes glow with mirth. “Walk to the end of the bar and then use me as cover.” She sticks her tongue out and very slowly moistens her lips. “I want to take care of you.”


  “Move.” I quickly make my way to the exit from the bar, totally ignoring Sue and David. I can’t even think about anyone else with how worked up Robin has me.

  She’s there in front of me as we walk toward the storeroom. I’m partly embarrassed at my very public reaction, but this girl has had me by the balls since the first time I saw her.

  The only sound as we move down the back corridor is the high heels on Robin’s feet as she walks. She reaches out and opens the door, my hands immediately go to her hips as I rub up against her. Robin whimpers at my touch as I push her inside, switching the dim light on before shutting the door behind us.

  Lifting her against me, I carry her to the back corner so that we won’t be seen if anyone comes inside for something.

  The minute I place her back on her feet, Robin turns and drops to her knees. Before I can get my brain to work, she has my pants open and my throbbing dick in her hands. “Don’t make me come.” Her eyes meet mine. “I want to be inside of you when I do.”

  Her eyes widen as a secret smile appears on her lips. “I want you too much to get you off like this, but, you do realize that you’d still be inside me, right?”

  I gasp as her tongue swirls around the leaking crown, and close my eyes from the sight of her because it’s turning me on all the more. She has a wicked tongue and when she licks me like a Popsicle while rubbing my balls, my toes curl and my thighs quiver with pleasure as my dick tingles. Dear God, I pray for strength.

  My fingers tangle in her hair as she takes me inside the warmth of her mouth. She sucks and caresses my shaft, and it’s only when she deep throats me that I gently tug her away. “No more,” I gasp.

  Meeting her gaze, I breathe through the lust that has me in its clutches, but nothing works. My dick sticks straight up, glistening with the wetness her mouth created, and I know I’m not going to last.

  Grasping Robin around the wrist, I tug her up and turn her to face the wall. I crouch down and slowly slide my hands up her legs, shaking when I’m met with the bare skin as I follow it up her short dress to her bottom—her very naked bottom.

  What the hell!

  Lifting her skirt above her waist, I growl at the naked ass in my face. “No panties.” I caress the bare ass cheeks and feel ready to blow when she spreads her legs and her arousal glistens on her thighs.

  Rubbing her wet pussy she twitches, but it’s when I insert a digit inside her tight sheath that she arches and starts to ride my fingers. I smile as I tease and withdrawing them, I stand. Robin turns her head and watches me suck my fingers clean before I take hold of my cock and slowly start to slide inside of her. I’m so hard that I’m afraid I’ll hurt her, but the loud moan she releases once I’m all the way inside has my balls pulled tight.

  I wrap my hands around to her front and make quick work of the button down the front of her dress and then the front opening of her bra. Her large breasts spring free into my waiting hands. My fingers zero in on the buds of her nipples as I start to roll and pinch them. The more I play with her breasts, the wetter she gets until my own arousal goes past the point of no return.

  Pulling out, I can’t catch my breath as her muscles contract, trying to keep me inside her…and then the lights go out.

  I drop my head to her shoulder as I bury myself deeply. “Fuck! The snowstorm probably took out the electricity.”

  “Oh,” she groans, “the circuit is by the door.”

  Realization that we’re about to be interrupted has my heart beating hard in my chest. I know that I need to pull out and make us presentable, but there’s no way I’m going to be able to walk with how hard I am.

  “Fuck me quickly, Leo,” Robin hisses and squeezes around me. “Please.” She slides from me before impaling herself.

  Seconds later I’m squeezing her tits and pounding into her as though there’s no tomorrow. The pleasure is so intense that my balls pull tight and my cock thickens. Robin gets wetter and the small tugs on my dick that her muscles are doing tells me she’s as close as I am to an amazing explosion.

  The door handle rattles, Robin freezes, and then starts coming. I quickly cover her mouth and bury my face in her neck. Her pussy ripples along the length of me before I’m coming with her. Shards of pleasure rip through me as I strain on my toes so that I’m deeply buried inside her while my cock continues to release. Her pussy convulses in small aftershocks, draining me good.

  It’s damn difficult to catch my breath as I pant into her shoulder, hoping like hell whoever is in the room with us is oblivious to our presence.

  Turning my head, I make out Ryder from the light he’s using on his cell. He curses and stomps out of the room, slamming the door behind him.

  “Thank God!” I mumble.

  Robin starts laughing. “That was, um, intense, to say the least.”

  “Oh yes.” I massage her breast that is still in my hand while I slowly slide my semi-hard dick free. “Let me dress you.” Tugging my pants up and shoving my junk away, I turn Robin to face me.

  She reaches up and finding my face, cups one side and lets me nuzzle into her. “I love your beard. I love feeling it when your mouth is between my legs.”

  My hands shake as I fasten the front clasp of her bra, and then the buttons of her dress. “Don’t talk like that when we don’t have time to continue. As it is, you’re going to have my release running down your legs.”

  “Mmm.” She stretches and I struggle to control the lust for this girl from overtaking my common sense. “I don’t even have panties on.”

  I grasp her bottom. “That’s something that you’re going to have to remedy really soon because there is no way I can work out there knowing that you’re naked beneath this short dress.”

  “Don’t sweat it. They’re in my locker. I took them off before I came to announce it was time for a break.”

“Okay. I also think it’d be best to get your other clothes back on because if the electricity has gone out and Ryder can’t get the back up going then there’s going to be no heating.”

  Robin wraps her arms around my waist, so I hold her close knowing that I’m going to do everything I can to keep this girl by my side for a very long time.

  “Can’t we leave? I’m sure Ryder will be closing Kix now.”

  “I’m not sure.” I rest my chin on the top of her head. “I think the snow is bad from what I overheard Jace telling Ryder.”

  She nuzzles into my chest. “So we’re basically stuck here with no light or heating.”

  “Don’t worry, babe. I know a way of keeping us warm.”

  She chuckles. “I’m sure the others will be keeping warm the same way.”

  “Probably.” I give her a final kiss to the top of her head. “Come on. Let’s find your locker and get you into something warmer, and then I’ll change before we go and find out what’s going on.”

  Ten minutes later, I’m holding Robin’s hand as we use the flashlight on my cell to find our way back to the main part of Kix. Callie raises a brow in our direction and I’m sure if I could see Robin clearly that she’d be blushing.

  Robin wraps an arm around my waist and I wrap mine around her shoulders. “You okay?”

  “Yeah,” she whispers. “Just a bit embarrassed that everyone probably knows what we were doing.”

  “They’ve all done it,” I comment.

  “I didn’t need reminding of that,” Robin pinches my ass before she steps away. “I’m going to sit with Callie.”

  “I’ll go find Ryder.”

  Robin joins her sister-in-law while I notice the candles on the tables and along the bar. The place looks warm and cozy, but already I can feel the chill in the room.

  Shaking my head, I spot Reece by the door. He looks to be in conversation with Jace while indicating outside.

  “Is it bad?” I ask as I approach.


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