Silent Night (Bad Boy Rockers Book 6)

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Silent Night (Bad Boy Rockers Book 6) Page 12

by Lexi Buchanan

  Smiling, I move closer, and sliding back the glass door, I step inside and press against Jace’s back.

  He gasps and moans when my breasts press into him, my nipples hardening with desire as I rub against his back.

  Jace grabs my hands and pours shower gel into them. I kiss his back and slowly work the gel into his chest. His belly quivers as I move down to his hips. He hisses when I continue to avoid his pulsing erection.

  Quickly removing my hands from his hips, I soap up my breasts before settling against him once again. My breath catches at the sensation against my nipples. My hands slip back over his hips and I finally trail a finger up from the base of him to the bulging crown.

  “That feels good,” he hisses. “So good.”

  “Mmm,” I mumble as I wrap my hand around his swollen length. Very slowly, I move my hand back and forth, and the gel on my hands makes it easier to move and tease him. I rub his sac with my fingers and delight when he gasps and pants because of my attention to his body.

  My fingers tickle along his cock and rub between the slit where pre-cum gathers.

  Jace growls, and unsteadily drops to the ledge in the shower. I smile as I look over my gorgeous husband. The hardness that reaches up toward his navel makes my core throb for him to be inside of me. His hooded eyes hold my gaze as I slowly kneel between his legs.

  My hands caress up his thighs and move up his torso as my head dips and I swirl my tongue around the pulsing crown. He twitches and swells more as I lap at him. Jace threads his fingers through my wet hair and gently massages my head while I suck him into my mouth.

  His belly trembles and his breath catches as he arches against me, panting. “Stop,” he hisses, pulling me away. “I want you to ride me.” He tugs me up so that I’m straddling his lap.

  My eyes close as a soft moan escapes when his fingers slide between the lips of my pussy. I’m really wet with arousal and so ready for him.

  “I agree.”

  My eyes widen because I hadn’t realized that I’d spoken out loud.

  “Move closer,” he says, taking hold of his thick shaft. “Slide down slowly, babe.” He pants and my moan is caught in the back of my throat at the sensation of having him stretching me, sliding deep.

  My arms hold him close around his neck while his arms wrap around my waist. I bury my face in the curve of his neck, relishing in the feel of being so close to the man who I gave my heart to many years before.

  “Grind on me,” Jace whispers. “My balls are locked and loaded.”

  I chuckle with him, which soon turns to moans as I do as he asks. I undulate my hips and the friction stimulates my clit.

  Throwing my head back, I grind down harder when Jace sucks at my breasts, his cock so hard and pulsing within me that my orgasm rushes forward.

  And then, I’m convulsing in his arms while Jace holds me down, lost in his own pleasure. But while my release continues to overtake my body, my eyes stay locked with Jace’s gaze. Witnessing his pleasure intensifies mine as I ripple along the length of his pulsing cock.

  His release fills me and when our lips meet in a hungry kiss, my body ignites all over again before it has the time to cool.

  Breaking from the kiss, Jace pushes the wet strands of my hair that have stuck to my face behind my ear, and with a soft kiss, he whispers, “I love you.”

  I cup his face, and smiling, I tell him, “You’re my heart, Jace.” Kissing each of his eyelids, I add, “I love you,” before I wrap myself around him and enjoy the feeling of him holding me close.

  I love our children with all my heart, but these moments, alone with Jace, I cherish.


  Kix is packed this afternoon for the concert, and it’s the first time that I’ve seen the dance floor covered with kids. They’re all sitting and watching with apt attention as Deception moves a few pieces of equipment around. There is a buzz of excitement and I watch as Savannah moves between the children, handing out small cups with lids, filled with lukewarm hot chocolate. Don’t want those little tongues burning.

  The adults have a choice of eggnog, mulled wine, or the hot chocolate, which is all on the house. My brother and Dahlia, with long distance help from Savannah, have arranged this well. It’s a real family occasion and I smile when I find Charlie in the crowd of children. He has Tammie under one of his arms, and two year old Jamie on his lap. Way back when, Charlie appointed himself as Tammie’s protector and they’re very rarely apart. It’s cute to watch and it always causes my heart to clench with love for them.

  They each have their own friends back home, but their spare time is always spent together. They’re as close as Ryder and I used to be as kids. I was forever in fights protecting Ryder. I laugh to myself because to hear Ryder tell it, I’m lying.

  At the end of the day, Ryder is my brother and I’d do anything for him, and the thing about us is that I know he’d be there the minute I asked.

  I watch now as Ryder greets someone I haven’t seen around before. The man is tall with slightly overlong hair. He’s broader in the shoulders that are covered with a black leather jacket. Moving closer, I notice that the rest of him is encased in black: jeans, boots, and shirt.

  Ryder spots me approaching and indicates for me to join them, which I’d planned on regardless.

  “Jace, I’d like you to meet Ruben McKenzie, he owns Kenza, the club in Lexington where Deception used to play, and Ruben, this is my brother, Jace.”

  We get the pleasantries over with when Ruben retrieves a white envelope from his inside pocket and taps it against his fingers. “When I spoke to Jack, he mentioned about the charity concert and the reason behind it.” He pauses. “I wasn’t sure at the time if I’d be free to attend with it being Christmas Eve, but nevertheless, I always intended on making a donation.” He grins. “My wife does a lot of charity work in Lexington, so on behalf of all the McKenzies, I’d like to give you this.” Ruben passes the envelope to Ryder. “I’d rather you don’t open that until after we’ve left.” Ruben holds his hand out and an attractive redhead is pulled to his side. “My wife, Rosie,” he introduces.

  “I’m really excited that we’re here,” Rosie says. “Unfortunately, we can’t stay to the end because we need to drive home to help with the homeless dinner that we host every Christmas Eve.”

  “I’m sure the guys appreciate you being here, and especially the donation to such a good cause.”

  “They’re more than welcome,” Ruben says.

  “If you’ll excuse us, I want to introduce Ruben to someone.” Rosie tugs her husband with her, and I turn and grin at Ryder.

  “He’s a good guy, huh?” I ask Ryder.

  “He sure is. All the McKenzies are from what the guys say.” Ryder shrugs. “We need to get this thing rolling soon before the kids get too restless.”

  “Savannah’s in her element here,” I observe and smile at my excited wife as she rushes over to me.

  Her arms go around my neck as mine go around her waist and hold her tightly. “This is so much fun,” she whispers into my ear. “Five minutes.” She dashes away as quickly as she arrived.

  Ryder laughs and walks off shaking his head. “You heard the boss, five minutes,” he shouts over his shoulder.

  I leave him to it and make my way over to my parents who have my youngest, Maize, and Ryder’s youngest, Lacey, on their laps.

  “What’s happening?” I ask, sitting next to my mom.

  Straightaway, Maize holds her arms out toward me, starting to struggle.

  Mom laughs, “I think she wants her daddy.”

  Taking her into my hands, I bring her close and blow against her belly, making her legs kick up as she giggles. I love listening to the sounds she makes and the words she tries to form. Maize is just over a year old and she’s a handful. With her older siblings, she constantly tries to copy, and gets angry when they do something that she isn’t capable of.

  It isn’t too long before she’s fighting me to go down to the floor, wanting to run

  Instead, I stand with her in my arms and smile at my dad who has a sleeping Lacey in his arms. Ryder’s youngest has had a cold for the past twenty-four hours, so she’s been drinking lots of water and sleeping. She hadn’t wanted to miss tonight though, so Dahlia had given in and let her come with them. But it looks like she’s going to miss it after all.

  “You guys need anything?” I ask.

  They smile and shake their heads. “We have drinks. Go and find your wife,” Mom adds.

  Turning away, I locate the redhead making her way through the crowd.

  “Let’s go and find Mama,” I tell Maize who settles against me.


  I’m still stunned at the turnout for this event. I knew that there would be local support, but I’m overwhelmed by the amount of people who have turned out today, and who have sent in donations toward keeping Golden Circle open.

  Karen, my friend who manages Golden Circle, made it possible for the staff and children of the home to be here today, and it feels good to see everyone again. It’s been too long since I left, and now that I’ve had more time to think about moving back here, I realize that Jace isn’t the only one to have missed this place. I have too. I want to go back to volunteering at the home, and as I watch Jace approach with Maize attached to him, I realize that I want my husband involved just like before with the softball coaching.

  “Hey, sleepyhead,” I greet our daughter who has her head resting on her father’s chest and her thumb in her mouth. Her eyes drift closed as I stroke her soft, dark hair.

  “I’m so proud of you.” Jace wraps an arm around me, kissing the top of my head. “This afternoon is going to be talked about for a long time to come.”

  I smile at Jace’s praise as I wrap my arm around his waist. I miss what Jack says, but I certainly don’t miss the first words they sing because the kids start singing along followed by the adults. Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer always gets the kids into song.

  Deception follows with some of their own songs with lots of Christmas carols in between so that the children don’t lose interest.

  The guys know how to keep everyone entertained throughout the hour long concert. There’s lots of laughter, and the minute Jack announces for everyone to quiet down so that they can listen for Santa, a hush suddenly falls over Kix. From my perch on Jace’s knee, I watch the children look around them, and then the sound of bells ringing can be heard.

  My heart fills with joy as the excitement from the children washes over me. The idea for Santa to appear had been Jace’s and I’m so glad that it could be arranged. I originally wanted to have Jace play Santa, but we figured it couldn’t be anyone who had children so that they weren’t missed while Santa gave out the presents.

  The original Santa came down sick at the last minute, so Jessie had offered to ask Evan. I hadn’t been too sure, but he’d come through for us, and was only happy to help. His donation had surprised the heck out of me, and I’d yet to tell the others.

  But watching Santa arrive from the corridor at the back of Kix, I have to smile at the Santa Dress Jessie wears. At least it’s longer than the ones Ryder bought for his female staff. Something tells me he won’t be doing that again.

  Chuckling, I spend another minute snuggled against Jace. “I need to go and keep the peace.” I kiss him and rest my forehead against his.

  “This is an amazing afternoon, Savannah.”

  I shake my head. “Ryder and Dahlia did all this, and Deception.”

  “It was your idea. Your schedule. You deserve the praise.” He quickly kisses me. “Now go and deal with Santa and his helper.” He grins.

  “Thank you,” I mouth to him as I slowly make my way through the crowd.

  Santa is sitting, looking scared, which makes me chuckle, but I raise a brow when I witness the reassuring squeeze of his hand Jessie gives him. She insisted he only helped her out the other night, but now I’m not too sure. It has nothing to do with me though, so I stand on the other side of Santa and help line up the kids.

  They’re pretty good in general and the buzz of excitement is still in the air. Charlie, our oldest son, has two-year-old Jamie on one side and his sister Tammy on the other. He’s the protective big brother, and I couldn’t be more proud of him.

  Evan makes a good Santa, and after his initial nervousness, he settles down and quickly gets through the children waiting to sit on his knee and share what they’d like for Christmas. They seem happy with the gifts that they received, which were all donated from the local toy store once they discovered why we needed so much. Jace and I had planned to pay for the items ourselves.

  Moving over to Jace, who is in deep conversation with his brother, I wrap my arm around his waist and snuggle into him. He’s my love and my comfort, which he knows. He always knows what I need, just like I know when he needs something from me. That’s what love is all about.

  Ryder smiles. “I have a donation from Ruben McKenzie, a friend of the guys. He left after the first couple of songs, so I guess it’s okay for you to open this now.” He hands me a white envelope.

  I frown wondering what’s going on as I slip the envelope open and pull out a check…a check that has my eyes blurring with tears at the sight of the figures written.

  My hands shake as I pass the check to Jace who stares at it and then whistles. He shows Ryder, who starts laughing.

  “I think Golden Circle is going to stay open for a long time to come,” Ryder announces and walks off to capture his wife in his arms.

  Turning to Jace, he tugs me into his arms and holds me close.

  “I told you this would be a Christmas to remember.”



  I’m hot and sweaty after being in the Santa suit for a couple of hours, and even now that I’ve switched back to my jeans and shirt, I still feel overheated. I shake my head and focus on the girl standing close beside me. She’s the reason why I can’t catch my breath or cool down. Jessie Kincaid, who hasn’t left my side this afternoon.

  We’d spent the night together on the floor of Kix, thanks to getting snowed in. We’d talked and I’d probably been more honest with her than I have been since my sister died. She was a taboo subject within my family and it felt good to be able to talk about her freely. It had been seven years since she’d died, and although she’d plotted and schemed even from her hospital bed at home, she had still been my sister.

  Jessie had listened to me and held me against her when my tears had gotten the better of me. I’d felt like an ass breaking down all over her, but enough was enough. It felt good to have the relief, and I’ll always thank her for that. But that’s all we can ever have because she’s too young for me at twenty.

  Just at this moment, Jessie glances at me and our eyes hold. I know what I want, no matter how wrong it is, and the look she’s giving me tells me she wants me just as much.

  I know this is the last time I’ll be around Kix, and Jessie, so I interlace our fingers and tug her into an office at the back of the roadhouse.

  She turns to me and wraps her arms around my neck as I pull her into me. “Only this once,” I whisper, “and only one kiss.”

  Tears hover on her lashes, but she nods her head. I pause, wondering about the wisdom of what I’m about to do, but do it anyway.

  My lips caress along Jessie’s and my heart races with longing for the beautiful girl in my arms. Her tongue snakes out and captures mine, pulling it into the warmth of her mouth. All thoughts of walking away from her briefly leave my mind as our kiss deepens and very slowly grows heated.

  My hands slide to her bottom and lift her against my throbbing cock. I growl at the feel of her rubbing against it, and when she moans, what I’m doing and about to do, suddenly washes over me.

  My body, and heart, craves the girl I’ve only recently met because she’s like no one before her. It’s impossible though.

  Jessie slowly realizes that I’m backing away from her and her eyes fill with tears as
I physically move away.

  “This is wrong, Jessie,” I say.

  “There’s nothing wrong with what we were doing or about to do. I want you, Evan.” Jessie takes a step closer.

  I move around the desk. “You won’t see me again.”

  The tears fall down her beautiful, young face as I caress her with my eyes, making sure I don’t forget anything about her. My memories of her will have to keep me going, because although there are only fourteen years between us, I feel so much older—too old for my Jessie.

  “You can really walk away from me?” she whispers.

  I’m too damn soft as I quickly stand in front of her with her face cupped between my palms. “I want you Jessie…I may have lost direction in my life right now…but I refuse to take advantage of you.” I rest my forehead against hers. “No matter how much I want to.” I close my eyes and tugging her back into my arms, I kiss her with not only my lips, but my heart as well.

  The minute our lips separate, I dash out of the room and quickly make my way outside into the snow. At my truck, I catch my breath and turn back to look at Kix.

  “She means something to you?” Ryder questions.

  I’d been so lost in my own anguish to realize he was around.

  I don’t meet his gaze nor do I directly answer his question. “Make sure she’s okay.”

  Jessie and Evan’s story is only just beginning.

  Look out for the first book in the Kincaid Sisters Series, coming 2017.

  Family Tree

  Jack/Phoenix Saunders ~ Thalia Roberts

  Leigh – Aged 5

  Winter – Aged 2

  Reece Kincaid ~ Callie Riordan

  Ben – Aged 4

  Emily – New Born

  Donovan Fletcher ~ Mara Kincaid

  Kyra – New Born

  Kieran – New Born

  Ryder Stone ~ Dahlia


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