Princess Miri: An Erotic Coming of Age Monster Romance Novel (Miri's Monster, The Complete Series)

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Princess Miri: An Erotic Coming of Age Monster Romance Novel (Miri's Monster, The Complete Series) Page 8

by du Lys, Cerys

  And that led to this, and this led to her standing atop the stairs that descended into the dungeons, speaking with the guard captain.

  "Is that all of them?" she asked the armored man while peering down into the deep, dark dungeon.

  "Yes, Princess," he said. "Everyone has been escorted out and freed, as per your wishes and the King's orders."

  "Alright, good," she said. "Now you don't need anyone to guard the prisons then, right?"

  He looked at her strangely, but didn't ask any bad questions. Not that she'd have him jailed for it, because she wanted the prisons empty for the time being, but she didn't have any good answers for his bad questions. It was better if he never asked them in the first place.

  "I don't suppose we do," he said, slowly. "Do you have something in mind?"

  That wasn't really a bad question, but she didn't think it was good, either. "Yes. I'm going to bring Thump down there."


  Dammit! That was a bad question! "Training," she said. It was the first thing that came to her mind.

  "Training?" the guard captain asked.

  "Yes, you know? I'm teaching him how to speak better. Also, to think for himself sometimes. He's a bit reliant on me and I'm fine with that, but I don't mind if he wants to do his own things once in awhile. We're learning history, too. It's very educational."

  "You're going to teach him lessons in the castle prisons?" the man asked. "Do I have that right?"

  She glared at him and put her hands on her hips. "It was his idea. If I want Thump to think for himself, I need to let him have ideas once in awhile, now don't I? I'm not saying it's a good idea, but everyone needs to start somewhere, you know?"

  This, she thought, was her stroke of genius for the day. Yes, she would just blame it all on Thump. How wonderful! No one could really argue with her about it. How could they? If they wanted to disagree, they could take it up with Thump, and Thump would just look at them funny, because that's what he did.

  "Sure," the guard captain said, shrugging. "Whatever suits your needs. I'm taking a vacation, then."

  Miri smiled brilliantly at him and waved extra fast as he left. "Have a wonderful break! Tell me all of the fun things you do!"

  That got her thinking. Maybe she and Thump could go on a vacation sometime. To an island! With beaches! Oh, wonderful. She could wear a bathing suit and they could play on the sand and make castles and swim in the water and eat tropical fruits. Thump was the perfect height to reach up and grab a coconut from a tree, then with his strength he could crack it in two and feed her bits of sweet coconut flesh. That sounded nice. She thought Thump would like the idea, too.

  But, later. At least not anytime soon. She needed to find him and figure out what exactly they were going to do in the dungeons. She had a few plans, but nothing set in stone. Planning everything was dull and not fun, she found. There needed to exist a possibility for surprises.

  Heading to Allysin's room, she was stopped by one of the maids. "Have you seen Allysin?" the girl asked.

  "Do I look like I've seen Allysin?" Miri said, glaring.

  "Well, I don't know, which is why I asked you."

  Miri frowned. The girl had a good point. "No, I actually haven't seen her. Is she missing?"

  "She was supposed to help me in the kitchens, but..."

  "If I see her, I'll yell at her for you," Miri said with a nod.

  "Oh, thank you, Princess!"

  Odd, that. People didn't usually thank her for offering to yell at anyone. In fact, the maid hadn't even cowered in her presence, either. She found that unsettling for a moment, but she supposed it was fine. It didn't matter that much, did it?

  Then she finished going to her room, and saw Allysin, and...

  "Allysin! My gods, what are you doing?"

  This was not supposed to happen! Not at all! Never! Miri looked on, shocked, as Thump and Allysin lay in the bed together, sweaty and sex-addled and obviously having just had sex. A couple times, from the looks of it, seeing as Allysin was completely drenched in Thump's sticky, white cream.

  "Whoa!" Allysin glanced towards the door, which Miri promptly shut so she could yell at her friend without anyone seeing. "I didn't expect you back so soon."

  Miri frowned deeply and marched up to the bed. "You didn't expect me back so soon? So you were going to keep this a secret from me, were you?"

  "Well, that was the plan," Allysin said. "I mean, I knew you'd be angry, so..."

  "Of course I'm angry! He's my troll! You can't just go touching him without my permission!"

  "He touched me, too!" Allysin protested.

  Miri stared at Thump, who was looking curiously timid all of a sudden. "Thump!" she shrieked. "Did you touch her?"

  "Yah," he said, nodding his head up and down twice.

  Miri regretted teaching him how to speak. Or, she didn't really regret it, but she didn't like him speaking right now. If he'd just stayed silent she could've pretended none of this happened, or something. Maybe they'd gotten in a food fight? While unclothed, on a bed. That made perfect sense.

  "Look, Thump. You can't go touching Allysin. You don't know where she's been. She could be dirty, you know?"

  "Nope," Thump said. "Clean." To show exactly what he meant, he reached his massive hand over and placed it on Allysin's crotch. His middle finger slipped into the servant girl's slit easily, lubricated by way of the mess of his cum covering her body.

  Allysin, caught off guard, arched her back. "Fuck!" she said.

  Miri gaped. Her troll and her friend were partaking in sexual actions right in front of her! Mind, it was possibly somewhat Miri's fault, because previously she'd accidentally gotten it stuck in Thump's head that cleaning involved fingering her(or in her case, it involved jerking him off), but still.

  Thump kept at it, despite Miri's shocked expression. Allysin bucked her hips against his hand as he shoved his finger hard into her and curled it, presumably rubbing against her g-spot. Miri watched, entranced, curious. She'd never seen someone else have sex before, but she found she somewhat enjoyed it. The look on Allysin's face was delicious, like some pained ecstasy. And, really, that's what she deserved, Miri thought. If she wanted to screw around with a Princess's belongings, she better be willing to accept the punishment.

  Miri waltzed up to the side of the bed closest to Allysin and stared down at her friend while Thump kept her writhing and squirming.

  "Allysin," she said.

  The girl barely managed to open her eyes and look towards Miri. "Y-yes?"

  "You," Miri said, "are a dirty tramp and I don't like it, so I'm going to make Thump fuck you. That's your punishment."

  "Yes, yes, yes, yes," Allysin said, her words coming out almost as one. "I'm fine w-with... do it!"

  That should teach her! Miri didn't really think it'd teach her anything, but she wanted to watch. For curiosity's sake. It intrigued her, really. And aroused her. And Allysin and Thump had already gone at it quite a few times, so why not one more? Miri felt benevolent today, having freed the prisoners, so she would both punish and reward Allysin. If the girl could walk straight after this, she'd highly reprimand Thump.

  Except Thump wasn't quite up to the task at the moment. Gods, what did Allysin do to him? His cock hung there, flopped onto the bed covers, and still quite impressive but not really hard. He looked intent, though, slamming his finger into Allysin's sloppy cunt with the focus of an expert craftsman.

  Miri paused to watch for a moment, interested in the way Allysin's pussy looked quite a bit different than her own. Not entirely, of course, and it probably had something to do with having Thump's monstrous cock recently crammed in there, but it was different. Something about the labia, a slightly different color, and longer seeming, too. The girl's lower lips could almost wrap around Thump's finger as he shoved it into her.

  No time for that, though. She needed to rectify an issue. Crouching on the bed, she crawled towards Thump's cock and picked it up between her hands. It was too big by far, ne
arly as large as her forearm even though he wasn't fully erect, so she needed to put some muscle into lifting it. Thump's body jerked in alarm, hesitating from pumping his finger into Allysin so he could look at Miri for a moment, but she shooed him away and bade him go back to work.

  Miri slid her fingers up and down Thump's cock, coaxing it back to its full size. His shaft twitched in her hands, hardening a little. She leaned her head down and licked at his cockhead, tasting it. He was a little sweet, interestingly. Maybe that was from Allysin? Or, she didn't recall tasting him before, so maybe he was always like this? That theory could use testing later.

  Soon enough, through effort and hard work, Miri had him as erect as possible. Allysin had climaxed during this time, and Thump almost stopped his misguided cleaning, but Miri urged him to keep going.

  "Miri," Allysin said, bouncing on the bed as Thump finger fucked her. "I really need a rest from... from..."

  Before she could say anything more, Allysin scrunched up her face and bit her lower lip. The servant girl let out a loud yelp and her body tensed hard. Was this what an orgasm looked like from an outsider's perspective? Miri watched in a trance, finding it all completely wonderful. This was really good! Fuck, she hoped she looked that sexy when she orgasmed. Or, of course she would, and probably even moreso than this.

  "Fuck!" Allysin screamed as Thump's finger plopped out of her.

  Her pet troll looked towards her, but Miri shook her head. "No more cleaning for now," she said.

  "Good gods," Allysin said, panting. "I don't think I can take any more of that. He's a beast." So that there were no misconstrued feelings, Allysin added, "In a good way, Thump. You're very skilled. I like your work."

  "Of course he's skilled!" Miri shrieked, outraged. Not really outraged, but she wanted to sound it. "I trained him. And he's mine. Also, you're not done yet. Thump, ravage her into submission and then come find me in the dungeons, alright? I expect you to do a good job, but don't take too long!"

  Miri helped Thump line his cock up with the entrance to Allysin's arousal-slick slit, then she patted him on the shoulder and left. All she could hear from the room as she walked away were the stifled cries from her friend and a few quick grunts from Thump. Miri might have felt worse if Allysin's cries consisted of something other than "Fuck!" and "Faster!" and "Right there!" but they didn't, so she thought everything was fine.


  "Did you really just take an hour?" Miri asked once Thump finally came to find her in the dungeons. She expected him to take maybe ten minutes, twenty at the most.

  "Yah," he said.

  "I think you need to learn how to ravage someone a bit faster than that. That's too long. We'll work on that later."

  "Yah," Thump said, nodding.

  "So," Miri said, taking a deep breath. "Do you like Allysin better, or me?"

  Thump stopped to think about it. This looked difficult for him. He scrunched up his face and put a thick finger into his ear, moving it around. After a few long moments, he said, "Thump like Miri."

  "Oh, good!" She grinned, thoroughly pleased. He'd thought it all for himself and she hadn't even needed to tell him what to say. His training was going wonderfully! She liked this. "Come, give me a hug, alright? Be gentle, though. I'm not as big as you."

  Thump stomped towards her and leaned down to pick her up. He was nearly twice her height, so they could never hug on even ground, but she liked hugging him a lot. He wrapped his hands around her waist and lifted her into the air, then pulled her close to him in an embrace. She returned the hug, putting her hands under his arms and squeezing him as hard as she could. His squeeze for her was dainty and soft.

  "You're a good troll, Thump." To emphasize her praise, she kissed him on the cheek. "Alright, put me down now."

  He put her on the floor as delicately as if he were dealing with a butterfly.

  "I've got us the entire dungeons. Isn't that neat? We can use it for training, and things."

  "Yah?" Thump said, but he looked confused.

  "Here, let me show you."

  They wandered the dungeons. She showed him to some of the prison cells, with metal bars rising up from the floor and digging into the ceiling. Then the guards watch area, with a few menacing chains on the walls and a table with a deck of cards in the middle. They never used the chains, and always used the cards. Not very intimidating, but the look of it seemed scary.

  And then, the best part of all, the opposite entrance(or exit) to the dungeons. This wasn't at all why Miri wanted to have the dungeons to herself, but it was a pleasant bonus. Dungeons being underground, they were similar to a good wine cellar in those regards. And in the castle, the wine cellar adjoined the dungeons at one of its entrances. Mind, the wine cellar wasn't completely connected, but if she went up the back stairway in the dungeons to get up to the castle again, but took a detour, that's where she'd find the wine.

  Thump stared at the kegs and bottles and racks. "Wat for?" he asked.

  "This," she said, "is wine. Have you drank wine before? It's an alcohol. It can get you drunk. Also, sometimes they have very nice flavors. I like some red wines, but Riesling is my favorite. Do you want to try some?"

  Thump shrugged. Well, she would forgive him that. He didn't know what it was, so obviously he wouldn't be too enthused by it, but she planned on teaching him of the wonders of a good wine. Marching over to one of the racks where she knew they kept the good Riesling, Miri scanned through them and picked out a few bottles.

  "Thump, come here," she said. When he lumbered over, she handed him four to hold, then took two more for herself.

  "Eat?" he asked, lifting one of the bottles and moving to put it in his mouth.

  "No!" Miri almost dropped her own bottles in a panic. The sharp sound of her voice made Thump wince and move the bottle away from his mouth. "You can't eat those, you'll get hurt!"

  He stared at her, dumbfounded.

  "Look, I'll show you what you do with them when we return to the dungeons, alright?"

  He nodded, but still looked very confused.

  "You're kind of a little dumb sometimes," she said. "It's alright, though. I still like you."

  At that, Thump smiled a huge, happy smile, filled with crooked teeth and drool slobbering down his lips.

  My gods, Miri thought to herself as they carried the wine back into the dungeons. He's so ugly! But adorable, too. He was not the most wonderful thing to look at, but Miri really liked him for that reason. Thump didn't care what he looked like. Honestly, Thump probably didn't care about a lot of things. If she made him walk around the castle in a loincloth all day, he was fine with it. If she yelled at him, he looked abashed for awhile, but he didn't get too upset with her. Sometimes he pouted, and she had to give in and go baby him for a bit, but that was fun, too.

  Everything with Thump was fun. If Miri didn't know any better, she might think she was falling in love with him. Except, of course the idea was asinine. Maybe if he was more human, could communicate with people and...

  Ha! Probably not.

  The guards kept clay cups in the watch room for drinking water. Not the most sophisticated drinkware, but given the circumstances it would suffice. Miri fetched two cups, told Thump to sit on the floor by the table, then found a corkscrew somewhere—they shouldn't have corkscrews down here! They must have been filching the wine—and removed the cork from one bottle of wine. Pouring Thump a full cup of the sweet spirits, she pushed it towards him and watched his reaction.

  He stared at the cup, curious, then lifted it up. The thing barely fit in his hand, so he pinched it carefully between two fingers, then upended the contents into his mouth all at once. With a huge swallow, he downed the wine in one gulp.

  "That's a bit excessive," Miri said, frowning. "You're supposed to taste it first. Get a feel for the rich tones and flavors of the wine. Every wine is different, you know?"

  Thump stared at her as if she were the daft one here. "Wat?"

  Miri sighed. She poured him another g
lass and slapped his hand away so he couldn't drink it all at once again. Doing the same for herself, minus the hand slapping, she picked up the glass and took a sip. Swishing it in her mouth to let the wine's flavors roam across her palate, she reveled in the unique taste of it. This was definitely a good bottle of Riesling. It had a nice tartness to it, and tasted slightly of pear. Content with enjoying the flavor, she allowed the smooth liquid to slip down her tongue and into her throat as she swallowed. It left a faint tingle as it trailed its way into her stomach.

  "So," Miri said, explaining, "You sip the Riesling first. Then you swish it in your mouth a little, and let the flavor set in. Once you're satisfied, you swallow. Do you understand? You can taste little differences with each wine if you do that. It's nice."

  Thump nodded. She highly doubted he understood, but she'd let him try it.

  He picked up his cup. He tossed the entire contents in his mouth. To his credit, he didn't swallow it down right away. He swished it as if he were rinsing out his mouth after brushing his teeth, letting his cheeks puff up, and then he just sat there.

  "Do you taste it?" she asked.

  Thump waited. He raised a brow. He wrinkled his nose. Then he nodded up and down fast, delighted.

  "Alright, good. You can swallow it now." Once she said it, he did just that. "Isn't it good?"

  "Yah!" he said, excited. "Thump like."

  "Good, good," Miri said, nodding idly.

  Thump stared at his cup with rapt intent. It was empty, and he looked disturbed by that fact.

  "So—" Miri said slowly. "I was thinking—you need to learn to be more fierce sometimes, you know?"

  Thump looked confused, but mostly he always looked confused so this wasn't too different.

  "The thing is, you're a troll," Miri pointed out. "And you're kind of big, right? You look dangerous, but you aren't really dangerous. But what happens if someone tries to kidnap me! Oh gods!"

  Thump jumped off the ground and stood at his full height. "Nope!"

  He looked so ridiculous that Miri burst into laughter. Falling from her chair, she rolled around on the floor. Thump stared down at her and tried to help her up, but she couldn't stop from laughing. When she finally did, she took his hand, wiped some tears from her eyes, and grinned.


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